
Import-Module kenger.SQLData.psm1
#specify SQL credentials (non windows account)
$user = "sa"
$pass = "secret4sa" | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($user,$pass)
# create a new connection object, to be reused
$conn = New-SQLConn -server -database TestDB -sqlCredentials $cred
# read SQL data
Read-SQLData -query "SELECT * FROM Table1" -conn $conn
id Name Age Data1
-- ---- --- -----
 1 aaa 33 ccc
 2 xxxx 33 abcd
 3 kege 33 xxx
# Write to db, simple insert statement (manual)
Write-SQLData -query "INSERT INTO Table1 (Name,Age,Data1) VALUES ('admin',66,'yyyy')" -conn $conn
# read SQL data again, new rows shows up.
Read-SQLData -query "SELECT * FROM Table1" -conn $conn
id Name Age Data1
-- ---- --- --------
 1 aaa 33 ccc
 2 xxxx 26 new data
 3 kege 33 xxx
 4 admin 66 yyyy
# create a new object, with properties named as table columns
$obj = "" | select Name, Age, Data1
$obj.Name = 'testa'
$obj.Age = 99
$obj.Data1 = "xxx"
# write the object to the sql db, SQL is generated by module
Write-SQLObject -object $obj -table Table1 -conn $conn
# read SQL data again, now record created with data from the object
Read-SQLData -query "SELECT * FROM Table1" -conn $conn
id Name Age Data1
-- ---- --- -----
 1 aaa 33 ccc
 2 xxxx 33 abcd
 3 kege 33 xxx
 4 admin 66 yyyy
 5 testa 99 xxx
# read SQL data to object (datatable)
$data = Read-SQLData -query "SELECT * FROM Table1" -conn $conn
# assign row[1] as new object, and change some of its properties
$record = $data[1]
$record.Age = 26
$record.Data1 = "new data"
# send the changed object back to the module -mode Update, tells the module to generate a update statement.
Write-SQLObject -object $obj1 -table Table1 -conn $conn -mode Update -objectKeys name -IgnoreColumns id
# row have been updated
Read-SQLData -query "SELECT * FROM Table1" -conn $conn
id Name Age Data1
-- ---- --- -----
 1 aaa 33 ccc
 2 xxxx 26 new data
 3 kege 33 xxx
 4 admin 66 yyyy
 5 testa 99 xxx
# create a new object, data1 set to Get-Date.
$obj1 = "" | select Name, Age, Data1
$obj1.Name = "hugo"
$obj1.Age = 12
$obj1.Data1 = (get-date).ToString()
# use mode InsertOrUpdate to insert the object into the database, the module will check a row with the name 'hugo' exists and update it, or if not, insert a new record.
# the module wraps the insert and update in a TSQL IF statement, so its up to the SQL server to do the check.
Write-SQLObject -object $obj1 -conn $conn -table Table1 -mode InsertOrUpdate -objectKeys Name
# new record inserted
Read-SQLData -query "SELECT * FROM Table1" -conn $conn
id Name Age Data1
-- ---- --- -----
 1 aaa 33 ccc
 2 xxxx 26 new data
 3 kege 33 xxx
 4 admin 66 yyyy
 5 testa 99 xxx
 6 hugo 12 20-10-2016 13:00:44
# update the Data1 with a new Get-Date, updated time stamp.
$obj1.Data1 = (get-date).ToString()
# use same command as before
Write-SQLObject -object $obj1 -conn $conn -table Table1 -mode InsertOrUpdate -objectKeys Name
# now a Name = 'hugo' was found, and updated with the new data in the data1 property
Read-SQLData -query "SELECT * FROM Table1" -conn $conn
id Name Age Data1
-- ---- --- -----
 1 aaa 33 ccc
 2 xxxx 26 new data
 3 kege 33 xxx
 4 admin 66 yyyy
 5 testa 99 xxx
 6 hugo 12 20-10-2016 13:03:43
# Get records again
$data = Read-SQLData -query "SELECT * FROM Table1" -conn $conn
# select the records we want to delete
$toDelete = $data | where Data1 -eq 'xxx'
# delete the records by their id
Write-SQLObject -object $del -conn $conn -table Table1 -mode Delete -objectKeys id
# records are deleted
Read-SQLData -query "SELECT * FROM Table1" -conn $conn
id Name Age Data1
-- ---- --- -----
 1 aaa 33 ccc
 2 xxxx 26 new data
 4 admin 66 yyyy
 6 hugo 12 20-10-2016 13:03:43
# SQL in Powershell, made easy :)