
   Creates a local user account in the Targeted computername
   Creates a local user account in the Targeted computername
   NEW-Localuser -Name TestUser1 -Computername RemotePC1 -Password 'password123' -Description 'A new User'

function New-LocalUser

        [string[]]$Computername = "$Env:computername",

        [ValidateScript({$_.GetType().Name -eq 'SecureString'})]

        [string[]]$Description=' '


    $cred=New-Object -TypeName System.management.automation.pscredential -ArgumentList "null",$Password[0]
    $computer = [ADSI]"WinNT://$($ComputerName[0]),computer"
    $user = $computer.Create("User", "$($Name[0])")
   Creates a local group in the Targeted computername
   Creates a local group in the Targeted computername
   NEW-Localgroup -name TestUser1 -Computername RemotePC1 -Description 'A new group'

function New-LocalGroup

        [string[]]$Computername = "$Env:computername",



    $computer = [ADSI]"WinNT://$($ComputerName[0]),computer"
    $group = $computer.Create("Group", $name[0])
   Gets a list of local users in the Targeted computername
   Gets a list of local users in the Targeted computername
   Get a list of all user accounts on computer remotepc1
   Get-Localuser -computername remotepc1
    Get a local user called 'john' from the localhost
    Get-localuser -name john

function Get-LocalUser


        [string[]]$Computername = "$Env:computername"


    if ($name) 
            If ($User.Name -eq $NULL) 
            $computer = [ADSI]"WinNT://$($ComputerName[0]),computer"
            $user=$computer.psbase.Children | where { $_.psbase.schemaclassname -match 'user' }
            $user | Select-Object -property `
            @{Name='Name';Expression= { $_.name }},`
            @{Name='Fullname';Expression= { $_.Fullname }},`
            @{Name='Description';Expression= { $_.Description }},`
            @{Name='AutoUnlockInterval';Expression= { $_.AutoUnlockInterval }},`
            @{Name='BadPasswordAttempts';Expression= { $_.BadPasswordAttempts }},`
            @{Name='HomeDirDrive';Expression= { $_.HomeDirDrive }},`
            @{Name='HomeDirectory';Expression= { $_.HomeDirectory }},`
            @{Name='LastLogin';Expression= { $_.LastLogin }},`
            @{Name='LockoutObservationInterval';Expression= { $_.LockoutObservationInterval }},`
            @{Name='LoginHours';Expression= { $_.LoginHours }},`
            @{Name='LoginScript';Expression= { $_.LoginScript }},`
            @{Name='MaxBadPasswordsAllowed';Expression= { $_.MaxBadPasswordsAllowed }},`
            @{Name='MaxPasswordAge';Expression= { $_.MaxPasswordAge }},`
            @{Name='MaxStorage';Expression= { $_.MaxStorage }},`
            @{Name='MinPasswordAge';Expression= { $_.MinPasswordAge }},`
            @{Name='MinPasswordLength';Expression= { $_.MinPasswordLength }},`
            @{Name='objectSid';Expression= { $_.objectSid }},`
            @{Name='Parameters';Expression= { $_.Parameters }},`
            @{Name='PasswordAge';Expression= { $_.PasswordAge }},`
            @{Name='PasswordExpired';Expression= { $_.PasswordExpired }},`
            @{Name='PasswordHistoryLength';Expression= { $_.PasswordHistoryLength }},`
            @{Name='PrimaryGroupID';Expression= { $_.PrimaryGroupID }},`
            @{Name='Profile';Expression= { $_.Profile }},`
            @{Name='UserFlags';Expression= { $_.UserFlags }}
   Gets a list of local groups in the Targeted computername
   Gets a list of local groups in the Targeted computername
   Get-Localuser -computername remotepc1

function Get-LocalGroup

        [string[]]$Computername = "$Env:computername"


    if ($name) 
            If ($group.Name -eq $NULL) 
    $computer = [ADSI]"WinNT://$($ComputerName[0]),computer"
    $Group=$computer.psbase.Children | where { $_.psbase.schemaclassname -match 'group' }
    $Group | Select-Object -property `
    @{Name='Name';Expression= { $_.name }},`
    @{Name='Description';Expression= { $_.Description }},`
    @{Name='objectSid';Expression= { $_.objectSid }}
   Remove a local group in the Targeted computername
   Remove a local group in the Targeted computername
   Remove-Localgroup -name TestGroup -Computername RemotePC1

function Remove-LocalGroup
       [string[]]$Computername = "$Env:computername"

    if ($PSCmdlet.Shouldprocess("$name Removed from $($computername[0])") )
         $computer = [ADSI]"WinNT://$($ComputerName[0]),computer"
   Remove a local user in the Targeted computername
   Creates a local user in the Targeted computername
   Remove-Localuser -name TestUser1 -Computername RemotePC1

function Remove-LocalUser
       [string[]]$Computername = "$Env:computername"

    if ($PSCmdlet.Shouldprocess("$Name Removed from $computername") )
         $computer = [ADSI]"WinNT://$($ComputerName[0]),computer"
   Rename a local user in the Targeted computername
   Rename a local user in the Targeted computername
   Rename-localuser -name TestUser1 -newname TestUserName -computername remotepc1

function Rename-LocalUser



    $user = [ADSI]"WinNT://$($computername[0])/$($name[0]),user" 
   Rename a local group in the Targeted computername
   Rename a local group in the Targeted computername
   Rename-localgroup -name TestGroup -newname TestGroupName -computername remotepc1

function Rename-LocalGroup



    $group = [ADSI]"WinNT://$($computername[0])/$($name[0]),group" 
function Disable-LocalUser


    if ($PSCmdlet.Shouldprocess("$Name Disabled on $computername") )
         $user = [ADSI]"WinNT://$($computername[0])/$($Name[0]),user" 
         $status = $user.userflags
         $Disable=[int]$Status.tostring() -bxor 512 -bor 2
   Enable a local user in the Targeted computername
   Enable a local user in the Targeted computername
   Enable-localuser -name TestUser1 -computername remotepc1

function Enable-LocalUser


    $user = [ADSI]"WinNT://$($computername[0])/$($Name[0]),user" 
    $status = $user.userflags
    $Enable=[int]$Status.tostring() -bxor 2 -bor 512
   Add a local user to a local group in the Targeted computername
   Add a local user to a local group in the Targeted computername
   Add-LocalGroupMember -name TestUser1 -groupname Testgroup -computername remotepc1

function Add-LocalGroupMember
        [string[]]$Computername = "$Env:computername",



    $group = [ADSI]"WinNT://$($computername[0])/$($groupname[0]),group" 
   Remove a local user to a local group in the Targeted computername
   Remove a local user to a local group in the Targeted computername
   Remove-LocalGroupMember -name TestUser1 -groupname Testgroup -computername remotepc1

function Remove-LocalGroupMember
        [string[]]$Computername = "$Env:computername",



    if ($PSCmdlet.Shouldprocess("$($Name[0]) Removed from $($groupname[0]) on $computername") )
         $group = [ADSI]"WinNT://$($computername[0])/$($groupname[0]),group" 
   Show members of a local group in the Targeted computername
Show members of a local group in the Targeted computername
   Get-LocalGroupMember -name TestGroup -computername remotepc1

function Get-LocalGroupMember


    # Code for decoding group membership provided
    # Courtesy of Francois-Xaver Cat
    # Windows PowerShell MVP
    # Thanks Dude!
    $group = [ADSI]"WinNT://$($computername[0])/$($Name[0]),group" 
    $member | ForEach-Object {([ADSI]$_).InvokeGet("Name")}
   Updates a local user account in the Targeted computername
   Updates a local user account in the Targeted computername
   Set-Localuser -Name TestUser1 -Computername RemotePC1 -Password 'password123' -Description 'A new User'

function Set-LocalUser

        [string[]]$Computername = "$Env:computername",

        [ValidateScript({$_.GetType().Name -eq 'SecureString'})]




    $user = [ADSI]"WinNT://$($ComputerName[0])/$($Name[0]),user"
    if ($Description) 
            $User.Description = $Description 
    if ($Fullname) 
            $User.Fullname = $Fullname 
    if ($Password) 
        $cred=New-Object -TypeName System.management.automation.pscredential -ArgumentList "null",$Password[0]


Export-ModuleMember -Function *