
    Removes scheduled downtime by device, user or time
    Pop pop
    #Puts the device named "CORP-DC01" in Scheduled Downtime for the next 3 hours
    Add-lmSdt -Type Device -Name CORP-DC01 -StartTime (Get-Date) -EndTime ((Get-Date).AddHours(3)) -Comment "DC is acting up, rebooting and running some diagnostics"
    #Puts a device in SDT by id for 3 hours at midnight the first of next month.
    Add-lmSdt -Type Device -Id 966 -StartTime (Get-Date -day 1 -Hour 0 -minute 0 -second 0).AddMonths(1) -EndTime (Get-Date -day 1 -Hour 3 -minute 0 -second 0).AddMonths(1)
    LogicMonitor cares about capitalization, if it really matters, use ID.

function Get-lmSdt {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'name')]
    Param (
        Filter using LogicMonitors filter spec:
        Uses wild card char "*"
        where operator is one of:
            Greater than or equals: >:
            Less than or equals: <:
            Greater than: >
            Less than: <
            Does not equal: !:
            Equals: :
            Includes: ~
            Does not include: :

        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
        # Sort by a property (+property or -property)
        # Limit the returned fields

        #Number of items to retrieve per call (for rate limiting)
        $ItemLimit = 500
    process {

        $QueryParm = @{size = $ItemLimit}
        if (@($Filter).Count -gt 0) {
            $FilterString = $Filter -join ','
            $QueryParm['filter'] = $FilterString
        if ($Sort.Length -gt 0) {
            $QueryParm['sort'] = $Sort
        if (@($Field).Count -gt 0) {
            $FieldString = $Field -join ','
            $QueryParm['fields'] = $FieldString
        $toReturn = Invoke-LMApi -Resource sdt/sdts -Query $QueryParm
        $items = $
        while ($ -gt @($items).Count) {
                $QueryParm['searchid'] = $toReturn.searchid
            $QueryParm['offset'] = $items.count
            $toReturn = Invoke-LMApi -Resource sdt/sdts -Query $QueryParm
            $items += $