function Set-WeatherAPIKey { param ( [string]$APIKey ) $moduleRoot = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent #Change the API key $ = $APIKey #Save the change to disk $checking = $true $positiveResponses = [ValidateSet]::new("y","yes","yeah","yep") $negativeResponses = [ValidateSet]::new("n","no","nah","nope") while ($checking) { switch (Read-Host "Are you sure you'd like to permanently change your API key to ${APIKey}? (y/n)") { {$positiveResponses.ValidValues.Contains($_)} { Write-Host "Saving API key to disk for later sessions" -ForegroundColor Green $Global:WEATHER_SETTINGS.Save((Join-Path $moduleRoot "settings.xml")) $checking = $false break } {$negativeResponses.ValidValues.Contains($_)} { Write-Warning "API key change will only be in effect for this session" $checking = $false break } default { Write-Host "Invalid response. Please enter 'y' or 'n'" } } } } |