
function func_DownloadPackage($Path, $tempFolder, $Filename, $Joblist)
    function Write-Status($Text) {
        Write-Output $Text.trim()
        $new = [Environment]::NewLine
        Write-Output $new
    function Module-Install() {
     Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Scope CurrentUser -Confirm:$false -Force | Out-Null

     $Modulpath = -join([System.Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments"), '\WindowsPowerShell\Modules')
     If (!(Test-Path -Path $Modulpath)) {New-Item -Path $Modulpath -ItemType Directory | out-null}
      If (!(Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.Graph -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
         Write-Status -Text 'Microsoft.Graph Module installation...'
         Save-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph -Path $Modulpath
     Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Users | Out-Null
     Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Groups | Out-Null
     If (!(Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.Graph.Intune -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
         Write-Status -Text 'Microsoft.Graph.Intune Module installation...'
         Save-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Intune -Path $Modulpath
     Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Intune -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
     If (!(Get-InstalledModule ImportExcel -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
         Write-Status -Text 'ImportExcel Module installation...'
         Save-Module -Name ImportExcel -Path $Modulpath
     Import-Module ImportExcel | Out-Null
    function Cleoni-Download($Path, $Joblist) {
        function Download-ClientApp($Path) {
            [string]$ApiVersion = "Beta"    
            # Create folder if not exists
            if (-not (Test-Path "$Path\Client Apps")) {
                $null = New-Item -Path "$Path\Client Apps" -ItemType Directory
            # Set the Microsoft Graph API endpoint
            if (-not ((Get-MSGraphEnvironment).SchemaVersion -eq $apiVersion)) {
                Update-MSGraphEnvironment -SchemaVersion $apiVersion -Quiet
                Connect-MSGraph -ForceNonInteractive -Quiet
            # Get all Client Apps
            $clientApps = Get-DeviceAppManagement_MobileApps | Get-MSGraphAllPages
            foreach ($clientApp in $clientApps) {
                $clientAppType = $clientApp.'@odata.type'.split('.')[-1]
                $fileName = ($[IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_'
                $clientAppDetails = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod GET -Url "deviceAppManagement/mobileApps/$($"
                $clientAppDetails | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -LiteralPath "$path\Client Apps\$fileName.json"
        function Download-ClientAppAssignment($Path) {
            [string]$ApiVersion = "Beta"
            # Create folder if not exists
            if (-not (Test-Path "$Path\Client Apps\Assignments")) {
                $null = New-Item -Path "$Path\Client Apps\Assignments" -ItemType Directory
            # Set the Microsoft Graph API endpoint
            if (-not ((Get-MSGraphEnvironment).SchemaVersion -eq $apiVersion)) {
                Update-MSGraphEnvironment -SchemaVersion $apiVersion -Quiet
                Connect-MSGraph -ForceNonInteractive -Quiet
            # Get all assignments from all policies
            $clientApps = Get-DeviceAppManagement_MobileApps | Get-MSGraphAllPages
            foreach ($clientApp in $clientApps) {
                $assignments = Get-DeviceAppManagement_MobileApps_Assignments -MobileAppId $
                $assignments | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DisplayName' -Value $clientApp.displayName -Force
                if ($assignments) {
                    $fileName = ($[IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_'
                    $assignments | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3 | Out-File -LiteralPath "$path\Client Apps\Assignments\$fileName.json"
        function Download-DeviceCompliancePolicy($Path) {
            [string]$ApiVersion = "Beta"
            # Create folder if not exists
            if (-not (Test-Path "$Path\Device Compliance Policies")) {
                $null = New-Item -Path "$Path\Device Compliance Policies" -ItemType Directory
            # Set the Microsoft Graph API endpoint
            if (-not ((Get-MSGraphEnvironment).SchemaVersion -eq $apiVersion)) {
                Update-MSGraphEnvironment -SchemaVersion $apiVersion -Quiet
                Connect-MSGraph -ForceNonInteractive -Quiet
            # Get all Device Compliance Policies
            $deviceCompliancePolicies = Get-DeviceManagement_DeviceCompliancePolicies | Get-MSGraphAllPages
            foreach ($deviceCompliancePolicy in $deviceCompliancePolicies) {
                $fileName = ($[IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_'
                $deviceCompliancePolicy | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -LiteralPath "$path\Device Compliance Policies\$fileName.json"
        function Download-DeviceCompliancePolicyAssignment($Path) {
            [string]$ApiVersion = "Beta"
            # Create folder if not exists
            if (-not (Test-Path "$Path\Device Compliance Policies\Assignments")) {
                $null = New-Item -Path "$Path\Device Compliance Policies\Assignments" -ItemType Directory
            # Set the Microsoft Graph API endpoint
            if (-not ((Get-MSGraphEnvironment).SchemaVersion -eq $apiVersion)) {
                Update-MSGraphEnvironment -SchemaVersion $apiVersion -Quiet
                Connect-MSGraph -ForceNonInteractive -Quiet
            # Get all assignments from all policies
            $deviceCompliancePolicies = Get-DeviceManagement_DeviceCompliancePolicies | Get-MSGraphAllPages
            foreach ($deviceCompliancePolicy in $deviceCompliancePolicies) {
                $assignments = Get-DeviceManagement_DeviceCompliancePolicies_Assignments -DeviceCompliancePolicyId $
                $assignments | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DisplayName' -Value $deviceCompliancePolicy.displayName -Force
                if ($assignments) {
                    $fileName = ($[IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_'
                    $assignments | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -LiteralPath "$path\Device Compliance Policies\Assignments\$fileName.json"
        function Download-DeviceConfiguration($Path) {
            [string]$ApiVersion = "Beta"
            # Create folder if not exists
            if (-not (Test-Path "$Path\Device Configurations")) {
                $null = New-Item -Path "$Path\Device Configurations" -ItemType Directory
            # Set the Microsoft Graph API endpoint
            if (-not ((Get-MSGraphEnvironment).SchemaVersion -eq $apiVersion)) {
                Update-MSGraphEnvironment -SchemaVersion $apiVersion -Quiet
                Connect-MSGraph -ForceNonInteractive -Quiet
            # Get all device configurations
            $deviceConfigurations = Get-DeviceManagement_DeviceConfigurations | Get-MSGraphAllPages
            foreach ($deviceConfiguration in $deviceConfigurations) {
                $fileName = ($[IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_'
                # If it's a custom configuration, check if the device configuration contains encrypted OMA settings, then decrypt the OmaSettings to a Plain Text Value (required for import)
                if (($deviceConfiguration.'@odata.type' -eq '#microsoft.graph.windows10CustomConfiguration') -and ($deviceConfiguration.omaSettings | Where-Object { $_.isEncrypted -contains $true } )) {
                    # Create an empty array for the unencrypted OMA settings.
                    $newOmaSettings = @()
                    foreach ($omaSetting in $deviceConfiguration.omaSettings) {
                        # Check if this particular setting is encrypted, and get the plaintext only if necessary
                        if ($omaSetting.isEncrypted) {
                            $omaSettingValue = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod GET -Url "deviceManagement/deviceConfigurations/$($'$($omaSetting.secretReferenceValueId)')" | Get-MSGraphAllPages
                        # Define a new 'unencrypted' OMA Setting
                        $newOmaSetting = @{}
                        $newOmaSetting.'@odata.type' = $omaSetting.'@odata.type'
                        $newOmaSetting.displayName = $omaSetting.displayName
                        $newOmaSetting.description = $omaSetting.description
                        $newOmaSetting.omaUri = $omaSetting.omaUri
                        $newOmaSetting.value = $omaSettingValue
                        $newOmaSetting.isEncrypted = $false
                        $newOmaSetting.secretReferenceValueId = $null
                        # Add the unencrypted OMA Setting to the Array
                        $newOmaSettings += $newOmaSetting
                    # Remove all encrypted OMA Settings from the Device Configuration
                    $deviceConfiguration.omaSettings = @()
                    # Add the unencrypted OMA Settings from the Device Configuration
                    $deviceConfiguration.omaSettings += $newOmaSettings
                # Export the Device Configuration Profile
                $deviceConfiguration | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -LiteralPath "$path\Device Configurations\$fileName.json"
        function Download-DeviceConfigurationAssignment($Path) {
            [string]$ApiVersion = "Beta"
            # Set the Microsoft Graph API endpoint
            if (-not ((Get-MSGraphEnvironment).SchemaVersion -eq $apiVersion)) {
                Update-MSGraphEnvironment -SchemaVersion $apiVersion -Quiet
                Connect-MSGraph -ForceNonInteractive -Quiet
            # Create folder if not exists
            if (-not (Test-Path "$Path\Device Configurations\Assignments")) {
                $null = New-Item -Path "$Path\Device Configurations\Assignments" -ItemType Directory
            # Get all assignments from all policies
            $deviceConfigurations = Get-DeviceManagement_DeviceConfigurations | Get-MSGraphAllPages
            foreach ($deviceConfiguration in $deviceConfigurations) {
                $assignments = Get-DeviceManagement_DeviceConfigurations_Assignments -DeviceConfigurationId $
                $assignments | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DisplayName' -Value $deviceConfiguration.displayName -Force
                if ($assignments) {
                    $fileName = ($[IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_'
                    $assignments | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -LiteralPath "$path\Device Configurations\Assignments\$fileName.json"
        function Download-CatalogSettings($Path) {      
            [string]$ApiVersion = "Beta"
            # Set the Microsoft Graph API endpoint
            if (-not ((Get-MSGraphEnvironment).SchemaVersion -eq $apiVersion)) {
                Update-MSGraphEnvironment -SchemaVersion $apiVersion -Quiet
                Connect-MSGraph -ForceNonInteractive -Quiet
            # Create folder if not exists
            if (-not (Test-Path "$Path\Settings Catalog")) {
                $null = New-Item -Path "$Path\Settings Catalog" -ItemType Directory
            # Get all Setting Catalogs Policies
            $configurationPolicies = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod GET -Url "deviceManagement/configurationPolicies" | Get-MSGraphAllPages
            foreach ($configurationPolicy in $configurationPolicies) {
                $configurationPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'settings' -Value @() -Force
                $settings = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod GET -Url "deviceManagement/configurationPolicies/$($" | Get-MSGraphAllPages
                if ($settings -isnot [System.Array]) {
                    $configurationPolicy.Settings = @($settings)
                else {
                    $configurationPolicy.Settings = $settings
                $fileName = ($[IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_'
                $configurationPolicy | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -LiteralPath "$path\Settings Catalog\$fileName.json"
                    "Action" = "Backup"
                    "Type"   = "Settings Catalog"
                    "Name"   = $
                    "Path"   = "Settings Catalog\$fileName.json"

        function Download-CatalogSettingsAssignment($Path) {
            [string]$ApiVersion = "Beta"
            # Set the Microsoft Graph API endpoint
            if (-not ((Get-MSGraphEnvironment).SchemaVersion -eq $apiVersion)) {
                Update-MSGraphEnvironment -SchemaVersion $apiVersion -Quiet
                Connect-MSGraph -ForceNonInteractive -Quiet
            # Create folder if not exists
            if (-not (Test-Path "$Path\Settings Catalog\Assignments")) {
                $null = New-Item -Path "$Path\Settings Catalog\Assignments" -ItemType Directory
            # Get all Setting Catalogs Policies
            $configurationPolicies = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod GET -Url "deviceManagement/configurationPolicies" | Get-MSGraphAllPages
            foreach ($configurationPolicy in $configurationPolicies) {
                $configurationPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'target' -Value @() -Force
                $configurationPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DisplayName' -Value $ -Force
                $settings = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod GET -Url "deviceManagement/configurationPolicies/$($" | Get-MSGraphAllPages
                if ($settings -isnot [System.Array]) {
                    $ += @($
                else {
                    $ += $

                $fileName = ($[IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_'
                $configurationPolicy | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -LiteralPath "$path\Settings Catalog\Assignments\$fileName.json"


        function Download-EndpointSecurity($Path) {
            [string]$ApiVersion = "Beta"
            # Create folder if not exists
            if (-not (Test-Path "$Path\EndpointSecurity")) {
                $null = New-Item -Path "$Path\EndpointSecurity" -ItemType Directory
            # Set the Microsoft Graph API endpoint
            if (-not ((Get-MSGraphEnvironment).SchemaVersion -eq $apiVersion)) {
                Update-MSGraphEnvironment -SchemaVersion $apiVersion -Quiet
                Connect-MSGraph -ForceNonInteractive -Quiet
            $intents = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod GET -Url "deviceManagement/intents" | Get-MSGraphAllPages
            foreach ($intent in $intents) {
                # Get the corresponding Device Management Template
                $template = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod GET -Url "deviceManagement/templates/$($intent.templateId)"
                $templateDisplayName = ($template.displayName).Split([IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_'
                if (-not (Test-Path "$Path\EndpointSecurity\$templateDisplayName")) {
                    $null = New-Item -Path "$Path\EndpointSecurity\$templateDisplayName" -ItemType Directory
                # Get all setting categories in the Device Management Template
                $templateCategories = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod GET -Url "deviceManagement/templates/$($intent.templateId)/categories" | Get-MSGraphAllPages
                $intentSettingsDelta = @()
                foreach ($templateCategory in $templateCategories) {
                    # Get all configured values for the template categories
                    $intentSettingsDelta += (Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod GET -Url "deviceManagement/intents/$($$($").value
                $intentBackupValue = @{
                    "displayName"     = $intent.displayName
                    "description"     = $intent.description
                    "settingsDelta"   = $intentSettingsDelta
                    "roleScopeTagIds" = $intent.roleScopeTagIds
                $deviceManagementIntentFileName = $($[IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_'
                $intentBackupValue | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -LiteralPath "$path\EndpointSecurity\$templateDisplayName\$deviceManagementIntentFileName.json"
        function Download-DeviceManagementScript($path) {
            [string]$ApiVersion = "Beta"
            # Create folder if not exists
            if (-not (Test-Path "$Path\Device Management Scripts\Script Content")) {
                $null = New-Item -Path "$Path\Device Management Scripts\Script Content" -ItemType Directory
            # Set the Microsoft Graph API endpoint
            if (-not ((Get-MSGraphEnvironment).SchemaVersion -eq $apiVersion)) {
                Update-MSGraphEnvironment -SchemaVersion $apiVersion -Quiet
                Connect-MSGraph -ForceNonInteractive -Quiet
            # Get all device management scripts
            $deviceManagementScripts = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod GET -Url "deviceManagement/deviceManagementScripts" | Get-MSGraphAllPages
            foreach ($deviceManagementScript in $deviceManagementScripts) {
                # ScriptContent returns null, so we have to query Microsoft Graph for each script
                $deviceManagementScriptObject = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod GET -Url "deviceManagement/deviceManagementScripts/$($deviceManagementScript.Id)"
                $deviceManagementScriptFileName = ($[IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_'

                $deviceManagementScriptObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DisplayName' -Value $deviceManagementScriptObject.displayName -Force
                $deviceManagementScriptObject | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -LiteralPath "$path\Device Management Scripts\$deviceManagementScriptFileName.json"
        function Download-DeviceManagementScriptAssignment($Path) {
            [string]$ApiVersion = "Beta"
            # Create folder if not exists
            if (-not (Test-Path "$Path\Device Management Scripts\Assignments")) {
                $null = New-Item -Path "$Path\Device Management Scripts\Assignments" -ItemType Directory
            # Set the Microsoft Graph API endpoint
            if (-not ((Get-MSGraphEnvironment).SchemaVersion -eq $apiVersion)) {
                Update-MSGraphEnvironment -SchemaVersion $apiVersion -Quiet
                Connect-MSGraph -ForceNonInteractive -Quiet
            # Get all assignments from all policies
            $deviceManagementScripts = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod GET -Url "deviceManagement/deviceManagementScripts" | Get-MSGraphAllPages
            foreach ($deviceManagementScript in $deviceManagementScripts) {
                $assignments = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod GET -Url "deviceManagement/deviceManagementScripts/$($" | Get-MSGraphAllPages
                if ($assignments) {
                    $assignments | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DisplayName' -Value $deviceManagementScript.displayName -Force
                    $fileName = ($deviceManagementScript.displayName).Split([IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_'
                    $assignments | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -LiteralPath "$path\Device Management Scripts\Assignments\$fileName.json"
        function Download-DeviceEnrollmentStatusPage($Path) {
            [string]$ApiVersion = "Beta"    
            # Create folder if not exists
            if (-not (Test-Path "$Path\DeviceEnrollment")) {
                $null = New-Item -Path "$Path\DeviceEnrollment" -ItemType Directory
            # Set the Microsoft Graph API endpoint
            if (-not ((Get-MSGraphEnvironment).SchemaVersion -eq $apiVersion)) {
                Update-MSGraphEnvironment -SchemaVersion $apiVersion -Quiet
                Connect-MSGraph -ForceNonInteractive -Quiet
            # Get all Status Pages
            $StatusPages = Get-DeviceManagement_DeviceEnrollmentConfigurations | Get-MSGraphAllPages
            foreach ($StatusPage in $StatusPages) {
                $StatusPage | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DisplayName' -Value $StatusPage.displayName -Force
                $fileName = ($[IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_'
                $StatusPage | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -LiteralPath "$Path\DeviceEnrollment\$fileName.json"

        function Download-DeploymentProfiles($Path) {
            [string]$ApiVersion = "Beta"
            # Set the Microsoft Graph API endpoint
            if (-not ((Get-MSGraphEnvironment).SchemaVersion -eq $apiVersion)) {
                Update-MSGraphEnvironment -SchemaVersion $apiVersion -Quiet
                Connect-MSGraph -ForceNonInteractive -Quiet
            # Create folder if not exists
            if (-not (Test-Path "$Path\DeploymentsProfiles")) {
                $null = New-Item -Path "$Path\DeploymentProfiles" -ItemType Directory
            # Get all DeploymentProfiles
            $DeviceProfiles = Get-GraphWindowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile | Get-MSGraphAllPages
            foreach ($DeviceProfile in $DeviceProfiles) {
                $DeviceProfile | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'DisplayName' -Value $DeviceProfile.displayName -Force
                $fileName = ($[IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_'
                $DeviceProfile | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -LiteralPath "$Path\DeploymentProfiles\$fileName.json"
        #Download Client Apps
        If ($Joblist.chk_Apps -eq $true) {
            try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Apps downloading...'
                Download-ClientApp $Path | Out-Null
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'App ERROR...' }
        #Download Client Apps Assignments
        If ($Joblist.chk_AppAssignment -eq $true) {
            try {
                Write-Status -Text 'App Assignments downloading...'
                Download-ClientAppAssignment $Path | Out-Null
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'App Assignments ERROR...' }

        #Download Deployment Profiles
        If ($Joblist.chk_Deployment -eq $true) {
            try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Deployment Profiles downloading...'
                Download-DeploymentProfiles $Path | Out-Null
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'Deployment Profiles ERROR...' }

        #Download Device Compliance Policies
        If ($Joblist.chk_DeviceCompliancePolicies -eq $true) {
            try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Device Compliancepolicies downloading...'
                Download-DeviceCompliancePolicy $Path | Out-Null
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'Device Compliancepolicies ERROR...' }

        #Download Device Compliance Policy Assignment
        If ($Joblist.chk_DeviceCompliancePolicyAssignment -eq $true) {
            try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Device Compliancepolicy Assignments downloading...'
                Download-DeviceCompliancePolicyAssignment $Path | Out-Null
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'Device Compliancepolicy Assignments ERROR...' }

        #Download Device Configurations
        If ($Joblist.chk_DeviceConfigurations -eq $true) {
            try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Device Configuration downloading...'
                Download-DeviceConfiguration $Path | Out-Null
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'Device Configurations ERROR...' }

        #Download Settings Catalog
        If ($Joblist.chk_SettingsCatalog -eq $true) {
            try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Settings Catalog downloading...'
                Download-CatalogSettings $Path | Out-Null
                Download-CatalogSettingsAssignment $Path | Out-Null
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'Settings Catalog ERROR...' }

        #Download Settings Catalog Assignments
        If ($Joblist.chk_SettingsCatalogAssignment -eq $true) {
            try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Settings Catalog Assignments downloading...'
                Download-CatalogSettingsAssignment $Path | Out-Null
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'Settings Catalog Assignments ERROR...' }

        #Download Device Configuration Assignments
        If ($Joblist.chk_DeviceConfigurationAssignments -eq $true) {
            try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Device Configuration Assignments downloading...'
                Download-DeviceConfigurationAssignment $Path | Out-Null
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'Device Configuration Assignments ERROR...' }

        #Download Device Enrollment Status Page
        If ($Joblist.chk_DeviceEnrollmentStatusPage -eq $true) {
            try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Enrollment Status Pages downloading...'
                Download-DeviceEnrollmentStatusPage $Path | Out-Null
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'Enrollment Status Pages ERROR...' }

        #Download Device Management Scripts
        If ($Joblist.chk_DeviceManagementScripts -eq $true) {
            try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Device Management Scripts downloading...'
                Download-DeviceManagementScript $Path | Out-Null
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'Device Management Script ERROR...' }

        #Download Device Management Script Assignments
        If ($Joblist.chk_DeviceManagementScriptAssignments -eq $true) {
            try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Device Management Script Assignments downloading...'
                Download-DeviceManagementScriptAssignment $Path | Out-Null
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'Device Management Script Assignments ERROR...' }

        #Download Endpoint Security
        If ($Joblist.chk_EndpointSecurity -eq $true) {            
            try {
                Write-Status -Text 'EndpointSecurity downloading...'
                Download-EndpointSecurity $Path | Out-Null
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'EndpointSecurity ERROR...' }

        Write-Status -Text 'Download completed !'
    function Cleoni-Convert($Path, $Joblist) {
        function New-Hash([string]$text) {
            $md5 = [Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider]::new()
            $utf8 = [Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8
            $bytes = $md5.ComputeHash($utf8.GetBytes($text))
            $hash = [string]::Concat($bytes.foreach{ $_.ToString("x2") }) 
            return $hash
        function Convert-Assignments($Command, $Source, $Destination) {
            function Join-String {
                    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string[]]$StringArray, 
                    $Separator = ",",
                    [switch]$DoubleQuote = $false
                BEGIN {
                    $joinArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
                PROCESS {
                    foreach ($astring in $StringArray) {
                        $joinArray.Add($astring) | Out-Null
                END {
                    $Object = [PSCustomObject]@{}
                    $count = 0;
                    foreach ($aString in $joinArray) {

                        $name = "ieo_$($count)"
                        $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $name -Value $aString;
                        $count = $count + 1;
                    $ObjectCsv = $Object | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter $separator
                    $result = $ObjectCsv[1]
                    if (-not $DoubleQuote) {
                        $result = $result.Replace('","', ",").TrimStart('"').TrimEnd('"')
                    return $result
            function func_ReadAssignments($value) {
                [array]$assignments = $null
                $Line = '' | Select Mode, Assign
                Foreach ($valuetarget in $ {
                    If ($valuetarget."@odata.type" -eq "#microsoft.graph.allDevicesAssignmentTarget") {
                        $assignments += 'All Devices'
                        $Line.Mode = 'Included'
                    elseIf ($valuetarget."@odata.type" -eq "#microsoft.graph.allLicensedUsersAssignmentTarget") {
                        $assignments += 'All Users'
                        $Line.Mode = 'Included'
                    elseif ($valuetarget."@odata.type" -eq "#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget") {
                        $assignments += Get-MgGroup | Where-Object {$_.ID -eq $valuetarget.groupId} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DisplayName
                        $Line.Mode = 'Included'
                    elseif ($valuetarget."@odata.type" -eq "#microsoft.graph.exclusionGroupAssignmentTarget") {
                        $assignments += Get-MgGroup | Where-Object {$_.ID -eq $valuetarget.groupId} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DisplayName
                        $Line.Mode = 'Excluded'
                $Line.Assign = $assignments
                return $Line
            $List = @()
            Foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem $Source -File) {
                $values = Get-Content -Path $file.Fullname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ConvertFrom-Json
                $all_intents = $values.intent | Sort-Object -Unique
                $all_modes = $"@odata.type" | Sort-Object -Unique

                if ($all_intents) {

                    Foreach ($intent in $all_intents) {  
                        Foreach ($mode in $all_modes) {
                            $filter_value = $values | Where-Object { $"@odata.type" -eq $mode -and $_.intent -eq $intent}
                            try { $result = func_ReadAssignments -value $filter_value }catch {}
                            If ($result.assign) {
                                $Line = '' | Select Name, ObjectID, Intent, Mode, Assignment, Hash
                                $Line.Name = $values[0].Displayname
                                $Line.ObjectID = $values[0].$Command
                                $Line.Intent = $intent
                                $Line.Mode = $result.mode
                                $Line.Assignment = If ($result.assign -gt 1) { $result.assign | Join-String -Separator ',' }else { $result.assign }
                                $Line.Hash = New-Hash -text "$(-join($Line.Name, $Line.ObjectID, $Line.Intent, $Line.Mode))"
                                $List += $Line
                else {
                    Foreach ($mode in $all_modes) {     
                        $filter_value = $values | Where-Object { $"@odata.type" -eq $mode }
                        try{ $result = func_ReadAssignments -value $filter_value } catch{}
                        If ($result.assign) {
                            $Line = '' | Select Name, ObjectID, Mode, Assignment, Hash
                            $Line.Name = $values[0].Displayname
                            $Line.ObjectID = $values[0].$Command
                            $Line.Mode = $result.mode
                            $Line.Assignment = If ($result.assign -gt 1) { $result.assign | Join-String -Separator ',' }else { $result.assign }
                            $Line.Hash = New-Hash -text "$(-join($Line.Name, $Line.ObjectID, $Line.Mode))"
                            $List += $Line
            $List | Export-Csv -Path $Destination -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ';' -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue          
        function Convert-Apps($Source, $Destination) {
            $AppConfigs_Path = $Source
            $results = @()
            Foreach ($entry in Get-ChildItem -Path $AppConfigs_Path) {
                $App = Get-Content -Path $entry.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ConvertFrom-Json  | Select-Object DisplayName, ID, publisher, createdDateTime, lastModifiedDateTime, fileName, size, installcommandLine, uninstallcommandline, applicableArchitectures, setupFilePath, detectionRules, minimumSupportedWindowsRelease
                If ($App.detectionRules) {
                    $Members = $App.detectionRules | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
                    [string]$DetectionList = @()
                    $maxMembers = $Members.Count
                    $NrMember = 1
                    Foreach ($Member in $Members) {
                        If ($NrMember -eq $maxMembers) { $LastMember = '' }else { $LastMember = ', ' }
                        If ($Member -eq 'scriptContent') {
                            $DetectionList += -join ($Member, ' = ', 'yes', $LastMember)
                        else { $DetectionList += -join ($Member, ' = ', [string]$($App.detectionRules.$Member), $LastMember) }
                        $NrMember += 1
                    $properties = [ordered]@{
                        displayName                    = $App.'displayName'
                        ID                             = $App.'id'
                        publisher                      = $App.'publisher'
                        createdDateTime                = $App.'createdDateTime'
                        lastModifiedDateTime           = $App.'lastModifiedDateTime'
                        fileName                       = $App.'fileName'
                        size                           = $App.'size'
                        installCommandLine             = $App.'installCommandLine'
                        uninstallCommandLine           = $App.'uninstallCommandLine'
                        applicableArchitectures        = $App.'applicableArchitectures'
                        setupFilePath                  = $App.'setupFilePath'
                        detectionRules                 = $($DetectionList -join ',')
                        minimumSupportedWindowsRelease = $App.'minimumSupportedWindowsRelease'
                        Hash                           = New-Hash -text "$(-join($App.ID, $App.DisplayName))"
                    $results += New-Object psobject -Property $properties
            $results | Export-Csv -Path $Destination -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ';' -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        function Convert-DeviceCompliancePolicy($Source, $Destination) {
            $AppConfigs_Path = $Source
            $AppList = @()
            Foreach ($entry in Get-ChildItem -Path $AppConfigs_Path) {
                $Line = Get-Content -Path $entry.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object DisplayName,

                $NewHash = New-Hash -text "$(-join($Line.ID, $Line.DisplayName))"
                $Line | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Hash' -Value $NewHash -Force
                $AppList += $Line
            $AppList | Export-Csv -Path $Destination -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ';' -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        function Convert-DeviceConfigurations($Source, $Destination) {
            $AppConfigs_Path = $Source
            $AppList = @()
            Foreach ($entry in Get-ChildItem -Path $AppConfigs_Path) {
                $FirstLine = Get-Content -Path $entry.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object '@odata.type', Displayname, ID, CreatedDateTime, LastModifiedDateTime
                $LastLine = Get-Content -Path $entry.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty '@odata.type', Displayname, ID, CreatedDateTime, LastModifiedDateTime
                $LastLineMembers = @()
                If ($LastLine) {
                    $LastLineMembers = Get-Member -InputObject $LastLine -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

                    Foreach ($LastLineMember in $LastLineMembers) {
                        If ($LastLine."$LastLineMember" -ne 'System.Object[]' -and $LastLineMember -ne '@odata.type') {
                            $Line = '' | Select Type, Displayname, ID, CreatedDateTime, LastModifiedDateTime, Property, Value, Hash 
                            $Line.Type = $FirstLine.'@odata.type'
                            $Line.Displayname = $FirstLine.displayName
                            $Line.ID = $
                            $Line.CreatedDateTime = $FirstLine.createdDateTime
                            $Line.LastModifiedDateTime = $FirstLine.lastModifiedDateTime
                            $Line.Property = $LastLineMember
                            $Line.Value = $LastLine."$LastLineMember"
                            $Line.Hash = New-Hash -text "$(-join($FirstLine.ID, $LastLineMember))"
                            $AppList += $Line


            $AppList | Export-Csv -Path $Destination -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ';' -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        function Convert-ConfigurationPolicy($Source, $Destination) {
            $AppConfigs_Path = $Source
            $AppList = @()
            Foreach ($entry in Get-ChildItem -Path $AppConfigs_Path) {
             $Line = Get-Content -Path $entry.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ConvertFrom-Json

             $NewHash = New-Hash -text "$(-join($Line.ID, $Line.DisplayName))"
             $Line | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Hash' -Value $NewHash -Force
             $AppList += $Line

            $NewHash = New-Hash -text "$(-join($AppList.ID, $AppList.DisplayName))"
            $AppList | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Hash' -Value $NewHash -Force
            $AppList | Export-Csv -Path $Destination -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ';' -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        function Convert-EndpointSecurity($Source, $Destination) {
            $AppConfigs_Path = $Source
            $AppList = @()
            Foreach ($Security in Get-ChildItem -Path $Source) {
                Foreach ($Config in Get-ChildItem -Path $Security.Fullname) {
                    $Contents = Get-Content -Path $Config.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ConvertFrom-Json
                    Foreach ($Content in $Contents.settingsDelta) {
                        $line = '' | Select Name, description, ObjectID, Config, Value, Hash
                        $line.Name = $Contents.displayName
                        $line.description = $Contents.description
                        $line.ObjectID = $ | Out-String
                        $line.Config = try { $Content.definitionId.split('_')[1] }catch { '' }
                        $line.Value = $Content.value | Out-String
                        $Line.Hash = New-Hash -text "$(-join($Line.Name, $Line.ObjectID, $line.Config))"
                        $AppList += $line
                $Securityfilename = -join ($Destination, '\EndpointSecurity - ', $Security.Name, '.csv')
                $AppList | Export-Csv -Path $Securityfilename -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ';' -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        function Convert-DeviceManagementScript($Source, $Destination) {
            $AppConfigs_Path = $Source
            $AppList = @()
            Foreach ($entry in Get-ChildItem -Path $AppConfigs_Path) {
                $Line = Get-Content -Path $entry.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object displayname, id, description, createdDateTime, lastModifiedDateTime, runAsAccount, fileName
                $NewHash = New-Hash -text "$(-join($AppList.ID, $AppList.DisplayName))"
                $Line | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Hash' -Value $NewHash -Force

                $AppList += $Line
            $AppList | Export-Csv -Path $Destination -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ';' -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        function Convert-DeviceEnrollmentStatusPage($Source, $Destination) {
            $AppConfigs_Path = $Source
            $AppList = @()
            Foreach ($entry in Get-ChildItem -Path $AppConfigs_Path) {

                $result = Get-Content -Path $entry.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object priority,
                $AppIDs = $result.selectedMobileAppIds
                $MaxIDs = $AppIDs.Count
                $NrID = 1
                $AssignedApps = @()
                Foreach ($AppID in $AppIDs) {
                    $FoundedApp = $(Get-DeviceAppManagement_MobileApps | Get-MSGraphAllPages | Where-Object { $_.ID -eq $AppID }).displayName
                    If ($NrID -eq 1) { $AssignedApps = -join ($FoundedApp, ', ') }
                    elseif ($NrID -eq $MaxIDs) { $AssignedApps = -join ($AssignedApps, $FoundedApp, '') }
                    else {
                        $AssignedApps = -join ($AssignedApps, $FoundedApp, ', ')
                    $NrID += 1
                $properties = [ordered]@{
                    displayName                             = $result.'displayname'
                    ID                                      = $result.'id'
                    description                             = $result.'description'
                    deviceEnrollmentConfigurationType       = $result.'deviceEnrollmentConfigurationType'
                    createdDateTime                         = $result.'createdDateTime'
                    lastModifiedDateTime                    = $result.'lastModifiedDateTime'
                    showInstallationProgress                = $result.'showInstallationProgress'
                    blockDeviceSetupRetryByUser             = $result.'blockDeviceSetupRetryByUser'
                    allowDeviceResetOnInstallFailure        = $result.'allowDeviceResetOnInstallFailure'
                    allowLogCollectionOnInstallFailure      = $result.'allowLogCollectionOnInstallFailure'
                    customErrorMessage                      = $result.'customErrorMessage'
                    installProgressTimeoutInMinutes         = $result.'installProgressTimeoutInMinutes'
                    minimumSupportedWindowsRelease          = $result.'minimumSupportedWindowsRelease'                                          
                    selectedMobileAppIds                    = If ($AssignedApps) { $AssignedApps }else { '' }
                    allowDeviceUseOnInstallFailure          = $result.'allowDeviceUseOnInstallFailure'
                    trackInstallProgressForAutopilotOnly    = $result.'trackInstallProgressForAutopilotOnly'
                    disableUserStatusTrackingAfterFirstUser = $result.'disableUserStatusTrackingAfterFirstUser'
                    Hash                                    = New-Hash -text "$(-join($result.ID, $result.DisplayName))"

                $AppList += New-Object psobject -Property $properties
            $AppList | Export-Csv -Path $Destination -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ';' -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        function Convert-DeploymentProfiles($Source, $Destination) {
            $AppConfigs_Path = $Source
            $AppList = @()
            Foreach ($entry in Get-ChildItem -Path $AppConfigs_Path) {
                $Line = Get-Content -Path $entry.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object displayname, 

                $NewHash = New-Hash -text "$(-join($AppList.ID, $AppList.DisplayName))"
                $Line | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Hash' -Value $NewHash -Force
                $AppList += $Line

            $AppList | Export-Csv -Path $Destination -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ';' -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        function Convert-CatalogSettings($Source, $Destination) {
            function func_PropertyFilter($Property) {
                function func_Deepsearchpropertyfilter($Property) {
                    $List = @()
                    $Members = ($Property | Get-Member).Name
                    If ($Members -match 'choiceSettingValue') {
                        $line = '' | Select Name, Value
                        $line.Name = $Property.settingDefinitionId
                        If (($Property.choiceSettingValue.value.GetType()).Name -eq 'Int32') {
                            $line.Value = $Property.choiceSettingValue.value
                        Elseif ($Property.choiceSettingValue.value.Substring($Property.choiceSettingValue.value.Length - 2) -eq '_1') {
                            $line.Value = 'true'
                        Elseif ($Property.choiceSettingValue.value.Substring($Property.choiceSettingValue.value.Length - 2) -eq '_0') {
                            $line.Value = 'false'
                        Else { $line.Value = $Property.choiceSettingValue.value }
                        $List += $line
                    If ($Members -match 'simpleSettingValue') {
                        $line = '' | Select Name, Value
                        $line.Name = $Property.settingDefinitionId
                        If (($Property.simpleSettingValue.value.GetType()).Name -eq 'Int32') {
                            $line.Value = $Property.simpleSettingValue.value
                        ElseIf ($Property.simpleSettingValue.value.Substring($Property.simpleSettingValue.value.Length - 2) -eq '_1') {
                            $line.Value = 'true'
                        Elseif ($Property.simpleSettingValue.value.Substring($Property.simpleSettingValue.value.Length - 2) -eq '_0') {
                            $line.Value = 'false'
                        Else {
                            $line.Value = $Property.simpleSettingValue.value
                        $List += $line
                    return $List
                $MasterList = @()
                If ($Property.choiceSettingValue.children) {
                    func_PropertyFilter -Property $Property.choiceSettingValue.children
                else { 
                    If ($Property.settingDefinitionId.Count -ge 2) {
                        Foreach ($entry in $Property) {
                            $MasterList += func_Deepsearchpropertyfilter -Property $entry
                    else { $MasterList += func_Deepsearchpropertyfilter -Property $Property }
                return $MasterList
            $AppList = @()
            Foreach ($entry in Get-ChildItem -Path $Source) {
                $SettingList = @()
                $SettingList = Get-Content -Path $entry.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ConvertFrom-Json
                $ConfigSettingList = @()
                Foreach ($Setting in $SettingList) {
                    $ConfigSettingList += func_PropertyFilter -Property $Setting.settings.settingInstance
                    Foreach ($ConfigSettinEntry in $ConfigSettingList) {
                        $Line = '' | Select Name, ID, CreatedDateTime, LastModifiedDateTime, Property, Value, Hash
                        $Line.Name = $
                        $Line.ID = $
                        $Line.CreatedDateTime = $Setting.createdDateTime
                        $Line.LastModifiedDateTime = $Setting.lastModifiedDateTime
                        $Line.Property = $ConfigSettinEntry.Name
                        $Line.Value = $ConfigSettinEntry.Value
                        $Line.Hash = New-Hash -text "$(-join($Setting.ID, $ConfigSettinEntry.Name))"

                        $AppList += $Line
            $AppList | Export-Csv -Path $Destination -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ';' -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        If ($Joblist.chk_Apps -eq $true) {
            Try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Apps converting...'
                Convert-Apps -Source "$Path\Client Apps" -Destination "$Path\Apps.csv"
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'Apps converting ERROR' }

        #App Assignment
        If ($Joblist.chk_AppAssignment -eq $true) {
            Try {
                Write-Status -Text 'App Assignments converting...'
                $Command = 'mobileAppId'
                Convert-Assignments -Source "$Path\Client Apps\Assignments" -Command $Command -Destination "$Path\AppsAssignment.csv"
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'App Assignments converting ERROR' }

        #Deployment Profiles
        If ($Joblist.chk_Deployment -eq $true) {
            Try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Deployment Profiles converting...'
                Convert-DeploymentProfiles -Source "$Path\DeploymentProfiles" -Destination "$Path\DeploymentProfiles.csv"
            Catch { Write-Status -Text 'Deployment Profiles converting ERROR' }
        #Device Compliance Policies
        If ($Joblist.chk_DeviceCompliancePolicies -eq $true) {
            Try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Device Compliance Policies converting...'
                Convert-DeviceCompliancePolicy -Source "$Path\Device Compliance Policies" -Destination "$Path\DeviceCompliancePolicy.csv"
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'Device Compliance Policies converting ERROR' }
        #Device Compliance Policies Assignments
        If ($Joblist.chk_DeviceCompliancePolicyAssignment -eq $true) {
            Try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Device Compliance Policies Assignments converting...'
                $Command = 'deviceCompliancePolicyId'
                Convert-Assignments -Source "$path\Device Compliance Policies\Assignments" -Command $Command -Destination "$Path\deviceCompliancePolicyAssignment.csv"
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'Device Compliance Policies Assignments converting ERROR' }

        #Download Settings Catalog
        If ($Joblist.chk_SettingsCatalog -eq $true) {
            Try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Settings Catalog converting...'
                Convert-CatalogSettings -Source "$Path\Settings Catalog" -Destination "$Path\SettingsCatalog.csv"
            Catch { Write-Status -Text 'Settings Catalog converting ERROR' }

        #Download Settings Catalog Assignments
        If ($Joblist.chk_SettingsCatalogAssignment -eq $true) {
            Try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Settings Catalog Assignments converting...'
                $Command = 'id'
                Convert-Assignments -Source "$Path\Settings Catalog\Assignments" -Command $Command -Destination "$Path\SettingsCatalogAssignment.csv"
            Catch { Write-Status -Text 'Settings Catalog Assignments converting ERROR' }

        #Device Configurations
        If ($Joblist.chk_DeviceConfigurations -eq $true) {
            Try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Device Configurations converting...'
                Convert-DeviceConfigurations -Source "$Path\Device Configurations" -Destination "$Path\DeviceConfigurations.csv"
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'Device Configurations converting ERROR' }

        #Device Configurations Assignments
        If ($Joblist.chk_DeviceConfigurationAssignments -eq $true) {
            Try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Device Configurations Assignments converting...'
                $Command = 'deviceConfigurationId'
                Convert-Assignments -Source "$Path\Device Configurations\Assignments" -Command $Command -Destination "$Path\DeviceConfigurationsAssignments.csv"
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'Device Configurations Assignments converting ERROR' }

        #Device Enrollment Status Page
        If ($Joblist.chk_DeviceEnrollmentStatusPage -eq $true) {
            Try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Device Enrollment Status Page converting...'
                Convert-DeviceEnrollmentStatusPage -Source "$Path\DeviceEnrollment" -Destination "$Path\DeviceEnrollmentStatusPage.csv"
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'Device Enrollment Status Page converting ERROR' }
        #Device Management Scripts
        If ($Joblist.chk_DeviceManagementScripts -eq $true) {
            Try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Device Management Scripts converting...'
                Convert-DeviceManagementScript -Source "$Path\Device Management Scripts" -Destination "$Path\DeviceManagementScripts.csv"
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'Device Management Scripts converting ERROR' }

        #Device Management Scripts Assignments
        If ($Joblist.chk_DeviceManagementScriptAssignments -eq $true) {
            Try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Device Configurations Assignments converting...'
                $Command = 'id'
                Convert-Assignments -Source "$Path\Device Management Scripts\Assignments" -Command $Command -Destination "$Path\DeviceManagementScriptsAssignments.csv"
            catch { Write-Status -Text 'Device Configurations Assignments converting ERROR' }

        #Endpoint Security
        If ($Joblist.chk_EndpointSecurity -eq $true) {
            Try {
                Write-Status -Text 'Endpoint Security converting...'
                Convert-EndpointSecurity -Source "$Path\EndpointSecurity" -Destination "$Path"
            Catch { Write-Status -Text 'Endpoint Security converting ERROR' }

        Write-Status -Text 'Convert completed !'

    function Cleoni-Merge($Path, $tempFolder, $Filename) {
        Write-Status -Text 'CSV to XLSX converting...'

        $csvs = Get-ChildItem -Path "$Path\$tempFolder\*.csv"

        Foreach ($csv in $csvs) {
            $ConvertCSVName = $(($csv.Name).replace('.csv', '').replace('EndpointSecurity', 'ES'))
            If ($ConvertCSVName.length -gt 30) { $ConvertCSVName = $ConvertCSVName.Substring(0, 30) }
            $ConvertCSVName = $ConvertCSVName.trim()
            Import-csv -Path $csv.FullName -Delimiter ';' | Export-Excel -Path "$Path\$Filename" -WorksheetName $ConvertCSVName -Append -AutoSize

        Write-Status -Text 'Convert to XLSX complete !'
    function Cleoni-Clear($Path) {
        Remove-Item -Path $Path -Confirm:$false -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
        Remove-Item -Path $Path -Confirm:$false -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null

    Write-Status -Text $( -join ('Process-ID: ', $PID)).Trim()
    $PID_Path = "$Path\$tempFolder"
    If (!(Test-Path -Path $PID_Path)) { New-Item -Path $PID_Path -ItemType Directory | out-null }
    $PID | Out-File -FilePath "$PID_Path\PID.txt" -Encoding utf8 -Force | out-null
    Write-Status -Text 'Modules checking...'
    $MaximumFunctionCount = 10000
    Write-Status -Text 'MSGraph Login...'
    $Conn = Connect-MSGraph

    #Verbindung prüfen und Skript starten
    try {
        If ($Conn.UPN) {
            Disconnect-MgGraph | Out-Null
            Connect-MgGraph –Scopes “User.Read.All”,”Group.Read.All” | Out-Null

            Cleoni-Download -Path "$Path\$tempFolder" -Joblist $Joblist
            Cleoni-Convert -Path "$Path\$tempFolder" -Joblist $Joblist
            Cleoni-Merge -Path $Path -tempFolder $tempFolder -Filename $Filename
            Cleoni-Clear -Path "$Path\$tempFolder"
    catch [Microsoft.Open.Azure.AD.CommonLibrary.AadNeedAuthenticationException] { }