
function Edit-MBSUserAccount {
    Edit MBS user account.
    The cmdlet edits MBS user account by specifying MBS user credentials or with simple Windows authentication mode.
    MBS User account name
    .PARAMETER Password
    MBS User account password
    Use SSL for user backup storages.
    .PARAMETER WindowsAuth
    Use Windows authorization
    .PARAMETER DomainOnly
    Don't use Windows Auth if user is not in the domain
    .PARAMETER WindowsAuthDirectMode
    Use Windows authorization (direct mode)
    .PARAMETER ADBridgeEndpoint
    Active Directory Bridge endpoint
    .PARAMETER MasterPassword
    Master password. Should be specified if configuration is protected by master password. Use -MasterPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -string "Your_Password" -AsPlainText -Force)
    PS C:\> Edit-MBSUserAccount -User backupuser -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -string 'My_Password' -AsPlainText -Force)
    Edit MBS backup user credentials.
    PS C:\> Edit-MBSUserAccount -User backupuser -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -string 'My_Password' -AsPlainText -Force) -SSL $false
    Edit MBS backup user account and disable using SSL for backup storages.
    PS C:\> Edit-MBSUserAccount -WindowsAuth -ADBridgeEndpoint http://ADBRIDGE-PC:8900/ADGateway/Service/
    Login using Windows authentication.
    PS C:\> Edit-MBSUserAccount -WindowsAuthD
    Login using Windows authentication in direct mode.
        Author: Ivan Skorin

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="MBS User account name", ParameterSetName='MBSUser')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="MBS User account password. Use -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -string ""Your_Password"" -AsPlainText -Force)", ParameterSetName='MBSUser')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Use SSL.", ParameterSetName='MBSUser')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Use Windows authorization", ParameterSetName='WindowsAuth')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Don't use Windows Auth if user is not in the domain", ParameterSetName='WindowsAuth')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Use Windows authorization (direct mode)", ParameterSetName='WindowsAuthDirectMode')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Active Directory Bridge endpoint", ParameterSetName='WindowsAuth')]
        # Parameter - Master password
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Specify Master password. Use -MasterPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -string ""Your_Password"" -AsPlainText -Force)")]
    begin {
        if (-not($CBB = Get-MBSAgent)) {
        try {
            if ((Get-MBSAgentSetting -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).MasterPassword -ne "" -and $null -ne (Get-MBSAgentSetting -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).MasterPassword -and -not $MasterPassword) {
                $MasterPassword = Read-Host Master Password -AsSecureString
        catch {
    process {
        function Set-Argument {
            if ($User){$Argument += " -e $User"}
            if ($Password){$Argument += " -p """+([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Password)))+""""}
            if ($WindowsAuth){$Argument += " -winauth"}
            if ($DomainOnly){$Argument += " -domainOnly"}
            if ($null -ne $SSL){
                if ($SLL) {
                    $Argument += " -ssl yes"
                    $Argument += " -ssl no"
            if ($WindowsAuthDirectMode){$Argument += " -winauthD"}
            if ($ADBridgeEndpoint){$Argument += " -adep $ADBridgeEndpoint"}
            return $Argument

        $Arguments = 'editaccount'
        $Arguments += Set-Argument

        $Result = Start-MBSProcess -CMDPath $CBB.CBBCLIPath -CMDArguments $Arguments -Output short -MasterPassword $MasterPassword
    end {