
    # If authoring a script module, the RootModule is the name of your .psm1 file
    RootModule = 'msp360.psm1'

    Author = 'Aleksey Volkov <>'

    CompanyName = 'MSP360'

    ModuleVersion = '0.7.2'

    # Use the New-Guid command to generate a GUID, and copy/paste into the next line
    GUID = '69079da4-a0de-426d-bece-ae139c8b5f1a'

    Copyright = '(c) 2020 Aleksey Volkov. All rights reserved.'

    Description = 'The module includes cmdlets to work with MBS agent and backup plans.'

    # Minimum PowerShell version supported by this module (optional, recommended)
    PowerShellVersion = '3.0'

    # Which PowerShell Editions does this module work with? (Core, Desktop)
    #CompatiblePSEditions = @('Desktop', 'Core')

    # Which PowerShell functions are exported from your module? (eg. Get-CoolObject)
    FunctionsToExport = '*'

    # Which PowerShell aliases are exported from your module? (eg. gco)
    AliasesToExport = '*'

    # Which PowerShell variables are exported from your module? (eg. Fruits, Vegetables)
    VariablesToExport = '*'

    # PowerShell Gallery: Define your module's metadata
    PrivateData = @{
        PSData = @{
            #Prerelease = 'BETA3'
            # What keywords represent your PowerShell module? (eg. cloud, tools, framework, vendor)
            Tags = @('MBS', 'MSP360', 'CloudBerry', 'API', 'OnlineBackup', 'Backup', 'MSP', 'mspbackups')

            # What software license is your code being released under? (see
            LicenseUri = ''

            # What is the URL to your project's website?
            ProjectUri = ''

            # What is the URI to a custom icon file for your project? (optional)
            IconUri = ''

            # What new features, bug fixes, or deprecated features, are part of this release?
            ReleaseNotes = @"
- To comply with PowerShell cmdlet naming, the following cmdlets have been renamed:
    - Add-MBSAPIAdministrator -> New-MBSAPIAdministrator
    - Add-MBSAPICompany -> New-MBSAPICompany
    - Add-MBSAPIPackage -> New-MBSAPIPackage
    - Add-MBSAPIStorageAccount -> New-MBSAPIStorageAccount
    - Add-MBSApiStorageAccountDestination -> New-MBSApiStorageAccountDestination
    - Add-MBSAPIUser -> New-MBSAPIUser
    - Add-MBSFirewallRules -> New-MBSFirewallRuleSet
    - Get-MBSAgentSettings -> Get-MBSAgentSetting
    - Set-MBSAgentSettings -> Set-MBSAgentSetting
    - Remove-MBSFirewallRules -> Remove-MBSFirewallRuleSet
- Improved help for Get-MBSAPIFilteredBilling, Add-MBSAPIUser.
- Improved output for Get-MBSStorageAccount c
- Release-MBSAPILicense functionality has been merged with Revoke-MBSAPILicense cmdlets. New parameter -Target. The Release-MBSAPILicense cmdlet is deprecated.
- Edit-MBSAPIUser: -NotificationEmails parameter renamed to -NotificationEmail without changes in functionality.
- New Get-MBSPlanHistory cmdlet. To retrieve the backup/restore plan history from the local repository.
- The isGlacierRestoreLimit parameter was deprecated in New-MBSAPIPackage cmdlet. It is not supported by API.
- API related cmdlets were refactored to support pipeline input.
- Fixed: Bug with Password validation in the New-MBSAPIUser cmdlet.
