
function Get-MBSAPIUserBackupDestination {
    Gets a list of backup destinations
    Calls the GET api/Destinations/{userEmail} API to get a list of user backup destinations.
    .PARAMETER userEmail
    Email of the user for which to query backup destinations. If none is specified, returns backup destinations for all users.
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
    Profile name used with MSP360 PowerShell for MBS API (set via Set-MBSApiCredential)
    Get-MBSAPIUserBackupDestination -ProfileName ao -userEmail
        Author: Andrey Oshukov

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Email of the user", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="The profile name")]
    begin {


    process {
        Write-Verbose -Message ("URL: " + ((Get-MBSApiUrl).Destinations + '/' + $userEmail))
        Write-Verbose -Message "GET Request"
        [MBS.API.UserDestination[]]$AvailalbeStorageDestinations = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ((Get-MBSApiUrl).Destinations + '/' + $userEmail) -Method Get -Headers (Get-MBSAPIHeader -ProfileName $ProfileName)     
        return $AvailalbeStorageDestinations
    end {