
function Get-MBSPlanHistory {
    Retrive backup/restore plan history from local repository.
    Get information on the plan runs. Using -Detailed parameter may slow down output in case of a large number of processed items.
    Backup plan ID.
    .PARAMETER Detailed
    Item history for backup session includes if the switch parameter is specified.
    PS C:\> Get-MBSPlanHistory
    Get plan history for all backup plan.
    PS C:\> Get-MBSPlanHistory -PlanID 6d014515-27f6-477c-a13f-c274a4675d44
    Get plan history for the specific backup plan.
    PS C:\> Get-MBSPlanHistory -PlanID 6d014515-27f6-477c-a13f-c274a4675d44 -Detailed
    Get plan and item history for the specific backup plan.
    Author: Alex Volkov

    param (
        # Backup plan ID
        # Switch to include items history
    begin {
        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
        Try{$PSSQLiteModule = Get-Package -Name "PSSQLite" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}catch{$PSSQLiteModule = $false}
        if (-not($PSSQLiteModule)){
            Try{Install-Package -Name PSSQLite -Force}catch{Write-Host $_.Exception.Message}
            Try{Install-Module -Name PSSQLite -Force}catch{Write-Host $_.Exception.Message}
            Try{Import-Module -Name PSSQLite -Force}catch{Write-Host $_.Exception.Message}
            Try{Import-Module -Name PSSQLite -Force}catch{Write-Host $_.Exception.Message}

        $ItemStatus = @{
            [long]0 = "Success";
            [long]1 = "Failure";
            [long]2 = "Warning";
            [long]3 = "Information"

        $planStatus = @{
            [long]0 = "Starting";
            [long]1 = "UpdatedFileSearch";
            [long]2 = "Running";
            [long]3 = "PurgingFiles";
            [long]4 = "Pausing";
            [long]5 = "Paused";
            [long]6 = "Success";
            [long]7 = "Warning";
            [long]8 = "Failed";
            [long]9 = "InterruptedByUser";
            [long]10 = "InterruptedBySchedule ";
            [long]11 = "UpdatingRepository";
            [long]12 = "Stopping";
            [long]13 = "CreatingVSSSnapshot";
            [long]14 = "CalculatingMD5";
            [long]15 = "InstantBackup";
            [long]16 = "Interrupted by Autoupdate";
            [long]17 = "RunningPreBackupAction";
            [long]18 = "RunningPostBackupAction";
            [long]19 = "Preparing";
            [long]20 = "Downloading";
            [long]21 = "RunningWindowsBackup";
            [long]22 = "Resuming";
            [long]23 = "RunningForPause ";
            [long]24 = "RunningRestoreDatabase";
            [long]25 = "Skipped";
            [long]26 = "Information"

            $DatabaseFilePath = (Get-MBSAgentSetting).DatabaseFilePath
            $DatabaseFilePath = (Get-MBSAgent).CBBProgramData + "\data\cbbackup.db"
    process {
        $QuerySessionHistory = "SELECT id,
                FROM session_history"

        if ($PlanID) {
            $QuerySessionHistory += " WHERE plan_id = ""$PlanID"";"    
            $QuerySessionHistory += ";"

        Write-Verbose $QuerySessionHistory

        $PlanSessionHistory = Invoke-SqliteQuery -Query $QuerySessionHistory -DataSource $DatabaseFilePath | select id, 
                                @{Name = 'start_date_time'; Expression = {[datetime]::ParseExact(($_.date_start_utc).ToString(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss", $null)}}, 
                                @{Name = 'result'; Expression = {$planStatus[$_.result]}}, 
                                @{Name = 'error_message'; Expression = {(Convert-XMLtoPSObject -XML ([xml]$_.error_message).BaseError).Message}},
        if ($Detailed) {
            $PlanSessionHistory | ForEach-Object -Process {
                $QueryHistory = "SELECT id,
                                    FROM history
                                    WHERE session_id=$($;"

                $PlanHistory = Invoke-SqliteQuery -Query $QueryHistory -DataSource $DatabaseFilePath | select id,
                                    @{Name = 'date_finished_utc'; Expression = {[datetime]::ParseExact(($_.date_finished_utc).ToString(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss", $null)}},
                                    @{Name = 'date_modified_utc'; Expression = {[datetime]::ParseExact(($_.date_modified_utc).ToString(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss", $null)}},
                                    @{Name = 'result'; Expression = {$ItemStatus[$_.result]}}, 

                Add-Member -InputObject $PlanSessionHistory[$PlanSessionHistory.IndexOf($_)] -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Items" -Value $PlanHistory

        return $PlanSessionHistory


    end {