
function Convert-DocxToPDF
    Converts a DOCX file to PDF using WinWord
    Converts a DOCX file to PDF using WinWord. Supports directories with optional Recursive support.
    Convert-DocxToPDF -file "C:\test.docx"
    Creates C:\test.pdf
    Convert-DocxToPDF -file "C:\DocsToConvert\" -Recurse
    Converts any/all DOCX files under C:\DocsToConvert\ and all subfolders.
    Convert-DocxToPDF -file "C:\DocsToConvert\"
    Converts any/all DOCX files under C:\DocsToConvert\. Subfolders are NOT processed in this example

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)]
    $Recurse = $false
  if ($file.EndsWith(".docx")) {
    # A single file was passed. Put this into $Files
    $Files = Get-Item $file
  if (!$file.EndsWith(".docx")) {
    # A directory was passed. See if [Switch]$Recurse was passed.
    if ($Recurse) {
      # Recurse flag passed. Set $Files
      $Files = Get-ChildItem "$file\*.docx" -Recurse
    } ELSE {
      # Recurse NOT passed. Set $Files
      $Files = Get-ChildItem "$file\*.docx"
  Foreach ($f in $Files) {
  #Read-Host $f.FullName
    # open a Word document, filename from the directory
    $word.Visible = $true
    #Read-Host Create word
    start-sleep -Milliseconds 100
    #Read-Host open file $doc
    start-sleep -Milliseconds 100
    # Swap out DOCX with PDF in the Filename
    start-sleep -Milliseconds 100
    #Read-Host Replace DOCX - name is now $Name
    start-sleep -Milliseconds 100
    # Save this File as a PDF in Word 2010/2013
    $Doc.saveas([ref] $Name, [ref] 17)
    #Read-Host Actually save the PDF to $Name
    write-host open the file $Name
    #Read-Host Next Time?
    Write-Host $name
    gps *winword* | kill -Force -Verbose
    start-sleep -Milliseconds 100
    (gps *winword*).count