
    Ensures module manifest has Description and Author field which are required for publishing
    PowerShell Modules are accompanied by module manifests. Some fields from these module
    manifests are used for publishing them into the gallery. This rule checks if the
    'Description' and 'Author' fields are specified
    nTestDescriptionAndAuthorField -ScriptBlockAst $ScriptBlockAst

function nTestDescriptionAndAuthorField

    $results = @()
    $HashTableAst = $null
    foreach($s in $ScriptBlockAst.EndBlock.Statements)
      if ($s -is [Management.Automation.Language.PipelineAst])
        foreach($p in $s.PipelineElements)
          if ($p -is [Management.Automation.Language.CommandExpressionAst]) 
            if ($p.Expression -is [Management.Automation.Language.HashtableAst])
              $HashTableAst = $p.Expression

    if ($null -eq $HashTableAst)
      $result = [Microsoft.Windows.Powershell.ScriptAnalyzer.Generic.DiagnosticRecord]@{
                                                  'Message'  = 'Specified file is not a module manifest'; 
                                                  'Extent'   = $ScriptBlockAst.Extent
                                                  'RuleName' = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName;
                                                  'Severity' = 'Information'
      $results += $result

      return $results

    $DescriptionFound = $false
    $AuthorFound      = $false

    foreach($Entry in $HashTableAst.KeyValuePairs)
      if ($Entry.Item1.Extent.Text -ieq 'Description') {$DescriptionFound = $true}
      if ($Entry.Item1.Extent.Text -ieq 'Author') {$AuthorFound = $true}


    if (-not $DescriptionFound)
      $result = [Microsoft.Windows.Powershell.ScriptAnalyzer.Generic.DiagnosticRecord]@{
                                                  'Message'  = 'Description not defined in module manifest, required for publishing'; 
                                                  'Extent'   = $HashTableAst.Extent
                                                  'RuleName' = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName;
                                                  'Severity' = 'Error'
      $results += $result

    if (-not $AuthorFound)
      $result = [Microsoft.Windows.Powershell.ScriptAnalyzer.Generic.DiagnosticRecord]@{
                                                  'Message'  = 'Author not defined in module manifest, required for publishing'; 
                                                  'Extent'   = $HashTableAst.Extent
                                                  'RuleName' = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName;
                                                  'Severity' = 'Error'
      $results += $result

     return $results