
  Creates a new NAV User in a Nav container
  Creates a new NAV user in a Nav container.
  If the Nav Container is multitenant, the NAV user will be added to a specified tenant
 .Parameter containerName
  Name of the container in which you want to install the app (default navserver)
 .Parameter tenant
  Name of tenant in which you want to create a user
 .Parameter Credential
  Credentials of the new NAV user (if using NavUserPassword authentication)
 .Parameter WindowsAccount
  WindowsAccount of the new user (if using Windows authentication)
 .Parameter AuthenticationEmail
  AuthenticationEmail of the new user
 .Parameter ChangePasswordAtNextLogOn
  Switch to indicate that the user needs to change password at next login (if using NavUserPassword authentication)
 .Parameter PermissionSetId
  Name of the permissionSetId to assign to the user (default is SUPER)
  New-NavContainerNavUser -containerName test -tenantId mytenant -credential $credential
  New-NavContainerNavUser -containerName test -tenantId mytenant -WindowsAccount freddyk -PermissionSetId SUPER

function New-NavContainerNavUser {
        [string]$containerName = "navserver",
        [string]$tenant = "default",
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="NavUserPassword")]
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Windows")]
        [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="NavUserPassword")]
        [bool]$ChangePasswordAtNextLogOn = $true,
        [string]$PermissionSetId = "SUPER"

        $session = Get-NavContainerSession -containerName $containerName -silent
        Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { param([System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential, [string]$Tenant, [string]$WindowsAccount, [string]$AuthenticationEMail, [bool]$ChangePasswordAtNextLogOn, [string]$PermissionSetId)
            $TenantParam = @{}
            if ($Tenant) {
                $TenantParam.Add('Tenant', $Tenant)
            $Parameters = @{}
            if ($AuthenticationEMail) {
            if($WindowsAccount) {
                Write-Host "Creating NAV User for WindowsAccount $WindowsAccount"
                  New-NAVServerUser -ServerInstance NAV @TenantParam -WindowsAccount $WindowsAccount @Parameters
                Write-Host "Assigning Permission Set $PermissionSetId to $WindowsAccount"
                New-NavServerUserPermissionSet -ServerInstance NAV @tenantParam -WindowsAccount $WindowsAccount -PermissionSetId $PermissionSetId
            } else {
                Write-Host "Creating NAV User $($Credential.UserName)"
                if ($ChangePasswordAtNextLogOn) {
                      New-NAVServerUser -ServerInstance NAV @TenantParam -Username $Credential.UserName -Password $Credential.Password -ChangePasswordAtNextLogon @Parameters
                } else {
                      New-NAVServerUser -ServerInstance NAV @TenantParam -Username $Credential.UserName -Password $Credential.Password @Parameters
                Write-Host "Assigning Permission Set $PermissionSetId to $($Credential.Username)"
                New-NavServerUserPermissionSet -ServerInstance NAV @tenantParam -username $Credential.username -PermissionSetId $PermissionSetId
        } `
        -ArgumentList $Credential, $Tenant, $WindowsAccount, $AuthenticationEMail, $ChangePasswordAtNextLogOn, $PermissionSetId
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-NavContainerNavUser