
function Write-NavContainerHelperWelcomeText {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Welcome to the Nav Container Helper PowerShell Prompt"
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Container info functions"
    Write-Host "Get-NavContainerNavVersion Get Nav version from NAV container or image"
    Write-Host "Get-NavContainerImageName Get ImageName from NAV container"
    Write-Host "Get-NavContainerGenericTag Get Nav generic image tag from NAV container or image"
    Write-Host "Get-NavContainerOsVersion Get OS version from NAV container or image"
    Write-Host "Get-NavContainerEula Get Eula link from NAV container or image"
    Write-Host "Get-NavContainerLegal Get Legal link from NAV container or image"
    Write-Host "Get-NavContainerCountry Get country version from NAV container or image"
    Write-Host "Get-NavContainerIpAddress Get IP Address to a NAV container"
    Write-Host "Get-NavContainerSharedFolders Get Shared Folders from a NAV container"
    Write-Host "Get-NavContainerPath Get the path inside a NAV container to a shared file"
    Write-Host "Get-NavContainerName Get the name of a NAV container"
    Write-Host "Get-NavContainerId Get the Id of a NAV container"
    Write-Host "Test-NavContainer Test whether a NAV container exists"
    Write-Host "Get-NavContainerDebugInfo Get Troubleshooting info for NAV container if you need help with an issue"
    Write-Host "Get-NavContainers.ps1 Get All Nav Containers"
    Write-Host "Get-NavContainerEventLog.ps1 Get EventLog from Nav Container"
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Container handling functions"
    Write-Host "New-NavContainer Create new Nav container"
    Write-Host "New-CSideDevContainer Create new C/SIDE development container"
    Write-Host "Remove-NavContainer Remove Nav container"
    Write-Host "Get-NavContainerSession Create new session to a Nav container"
    Write-Host "Remove-NavContainerSession Remove Nav container session"
    Write-Host "Enter-NavContainer Enter Nav container session"
    Write-Host "Open-NavContainer Open Nav container in new window"
    Write-Host "Wait-NavContainerReady Wait for Nav Container to become ready"
    Write-Host "Copy-FileFromNavContainer Copy file from Nav Container"
    Write-Host "Copy-FileToNavContainer Copy file to Nav Container"
    Write-Host "Export-NavContainerDatabasesAsBacpac Export database(s) in Nav Container as BacPac"
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Object handling functions"
    Write-Host "Import-ObjectsToNavContainer Import objects from .txt or .fob file to Nav Container"
    Write-Host "Import-DeltasToNavContainer Merge delta files and Import objects to Nav Container"
    Write-Host "Import-TestToolkitToNavContainer Import TestToolkit to Nav Container"
    Write-Host "Compile-ObjectsInNavContainer Compile objects"
    Write-Host "Export-NavContainerObjects Export objects from Nav container"
    Write-Host "Create-MyOriginalFolder Create folder with the original objects for modified objects"
    Write-Host "Create-MyDeltaFolder Create folder with deltas for modified objects"
    Write-Host "Convert-Txt2Al Convert deltas folder to al folder"
    Write-Host "Export-ModifiedObjectsAsDeltas Export objects, create baseline and create deltas"
    Write-Host "Convert-ModifiedObjectsToAl Export objects, create baseline, create deltas and convert to .al files"
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "App handling functions"
    Write-Host "Publish-NavContainerApp Publish App to Nav container"
    Write-Host "Sync-NavContainerApp Sync App in Nav container"
    Write-Host "Install-NavContainerApp Install App in Nav container"
    Write-Host "Uninstall-NavContainerApp Uninstall App from Nav container"
    Write-Host "Unpublish-NavContainerApp Unpublish App from Nav container"
    Write-Host "Get-NavContainerAppInfo Get info about installed apps from Nav Container"
    Write-Host "Start-NavContainerAppDataUpgrade Start Data Upgrade for an App in a Nav Container"
    Write-Host "Install-NAVSipCryptoProviderFromNavContainer Install Nav Sip Crypto Provider locally from container to sign extensions"
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Tenant handling functions"
    Write-Host "New-NavContainerTenant Create tenant in multitenant Nav Container"
    Write-Host "Remove-NavContainerTenant Remove tenant from multitenant Nav Container"
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "User handling functions"
    Write-Host "New-NavContainerNavUser Create new Nav User in Nav Container"
    Write-Host "New-NavContainerWindowsUser Create new Windows User in Nav Container"
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Azure AD specific functions"
    Write-Host "Create-AadAppsForNav Create Apps in Aad for AAD authentication support"
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Azure VM specific functions"
    Write-Host "Replace-NavServerContainer Replace or recreate navserver (primary) container"
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "Note: The Nav Container Helper is an open source project from http://www.github.com/microsoft/navcontainerhelper."
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "The project is released as-is, no warranty! Contributions are welcome, study the github repository for usage."
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "Report issues on http://www.github.com/microsoft/navcontainerhelper/issues."
Export-ModuleMember Write-NavContainerHelperWelcomeText