
  Publish Nav App to a Nav container
  Copies the appFile to the container if necessary
  Creates a session to the Nav container and runs the Nav CmdLet Publish-NavApp in the container
 .Parameter containerName
  Name of the container in which you want to publish an app (default is navserver)
 .Parameter appFile
  Path of the app you want to publish
 .Parameter skipVerification
  Include this parameter if the app you want to publish is not signed
 .Parameter install
  Include this parameter if you want to install the app after publishing
 .Parameter tenant
  If you specify the install switch, then you can specify the tenant in which you want to install the app
  Publish-NavContainerApp -appFile c:\temp\
  Publish-NavContainerApp -containerName test2 -appFile c:\temp\ -skipVerification
  Publish-NavContainerApp -containerName test2 -appFile c:\temp\ -install
  Publish-NavContainerApp -containerName test2 -appFile c:\temp\ -skipVerification -install -tenant mytenant

function Publish-NavContainerApp {
        [string]$containerName = "navserver",
        [string]$tenant = "default"

    $copied = $false
    if ($appFile.ToLower().StartsWith("http://") -or $appFile.ToLower().StartsWith("https://")) {
        $containerAppFile = $appFile
    } else {
        $containerAppFile = Get-NavContainerPath -containerName $containerName -path $appFile
        if ("$containerAppFile" -eq "") {
            $containerAppFile = Join-Path "c:\run" ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($appFile))
            Copy-FileToNavContainer -containerName $containerName -localPath $appFile -containerPath $containerAppFile
            $copied = $true

    $session = Get-NavContainerSession -containerName $containerName
    Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Param($appFile, $skipVerification, $copied, $install, $tenant)

        if ($appFile.ToLower().StartsWith("http://") -or $appFile.ToLower().StartsWith("https://")) {
            $appUrl = $appFile
            $appFile = Join-Path "c:\run" ([System.Uri]::UnescapeDataString([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($appUrl).split("?")[0]))
            (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($appUrl, $appFile)
            $copied = $true

        Write-Host "Publishing app $appFile"
        Publish-NavApp -ServerInstance NAV -Path $appFile -SkipVerification:$SkipVerification
        if ($install) {
            Write-Host "Installing app to tenant $tenant"
            Install-NavApp -ServerInstance NAV -Path $appFile -Tenant $tenant
        if ($copied) { 
            Remove-Item $appFile -Force
    } -ArgumentList $containerAppFile, $skipVerification, $copied, $install, $tenant
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "App successfully published"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Publish-NavContainerApp