Bugfix: Convert-ModifiedObjectsAsAl didn't include page extensions due to new parameter on Compare-NavApplicationObject
Bugfix: Use docker pull in New-NavContainer
Bugfix: New-NavContainer seems to hang
Add sync parameter on Publish-NavContainerApp
Added ExportTxtSkipUnlicensed to Export-NavContainerObjects
Add uninstall parameter on UnPublish-NavContainerApp
Add startup option to New-DesktopShortcut
Add generatesymbolreference=1 when Compiling objects using Compile-ObjectsInNavContainer
AzureSQL support for multitenancy
Add install parameter on Publish-NavContainerApp
Bugfix: Didn't work with "old" images
Bugfix: Create-AadAppsForNAV wasn't exported and was missing help
Check whether AAD is supported by Docker image
Add function Create-AadAppsForNav
Add parameter authenticationEmail to New-NavContainer
Remove default memory limit when running Windows Server as Docker host
Bugfix: Remove Test Tool shortcut when removing nav containers
Bugfix: Issue 89 CSide with external SQL and different port
Update Welcometext
Add support for multitenancy
Add switch -multitenant to new-navcontainer
Add function New-NavContainerTenant
Add function Remove-NavContainerTenant
Add function New-NavContainerNavUser
Add function New-NavContainerWindowsUser
Add function Get-NavContainerEventLog
Add function Export-NavContainerDatabasesAsBacpac
Change default filter in Compile-ObjectsInNavContainer to compiled=No
Add Shortcut for opening WebClient with Test Tool page if TestToolKit is included
Updated Readme
Add nav specific tags when running generic image
Check for tag tag when running fetching the tag (support generic image)
Check container name validity
Add test running generic image
Added switch for enabling SymbolLoading (dual development), default is off
Added function Import-TestToolkitToNavContainer
Added parameter -includeTestToolkit to New-NavContainer to automatically include TestToolkit objects
Include more information during start of new-navcontainer (and output the docker run command if it fails early)
Fix report preview when running docker images or earlier
Bugfix CSide desktop shortcut was always set to windows auth
Bugfix: Copying files to/from containers didn't work on Windows 10
Bugfix: Export-NavContainerObjects with a strange error if sharing the folder used for export directly
Export-NavContainerObjects now supports txt files and fob files -exportTo parameter replaces -exportToNewSyntax
Added Get-NavContainers to get all Nav containers
Add pipeline support for Remove-NavContainer and Remove-NavContainerSession (to allow Get-NavContainers | Remove-NavContainer)
Added Get-NavContainerDebugInfo
Show ContainerName in prompt in Enter-NavContainer
Bugfix: Do not clear modified flag when container is restarting
Bugfix: Azure VM detection looked in wrong folder
Bugfix: username can now contain spaces
-myscripts parameter now supports files or folders - all will be copied into the c:\run\my folder
Added -databaseServer, -databaseInstance, -databaseName, -databaseCredential to new-navcontainer (Support for External SQL Server - generic tag or later)
Added -shortcuts to new-navcontainer (support for placing shortcuts on startmenu or avoid them)
Added -navDvdPath and -navDvdCountry (support for running microsoft/dynamics-nav:generic with a DVD mounted)
Moved the working folder from c:\demo to c:\programdata\navcontainerhelper
Added -alwaysPull to new-navcontainerhelper to always pull newer image if exists
Remove recreate-navservercontainer
Simplify replace-navservercontainer and allow empty imagename
Breaking change: Change all username/password parameters to PSCredential
Change -updatehost to automatically update hosts on container restart
Breaking change: Remove -updatehost from Remove-NavContainer (automatically handled)
Add generatesymbolreference=yes to CSide shortcut if EnableSymbolLoading is true
When specifying -includeCSide containers are started with EnableSymbolLoad
Refactored all functions into different script files
Only clear object modified flag if using localhost\SQLExpress
Specify server in sqlcmd
Export-NavContainerObjects doesn't fail on NAV2016 and NAV2017 due to missing ExportToNewSyntax parameter
Added Start-NavContainerAppDataUpgrade function
Added ReleaseNotes a few versions back
Added ReleaseNotes to PowerShell Gallery
Added default values for additionalParameters and myScripts
Added -additionalParameters and -myScripts to New-CsideDevContainer and New-NavContainer
Added -useSSL switch to New-CsideDevContainer and New-NavContainer
Fixed a bug in Convert-ModifiedObjectsToAl, where conversion would end up with an empty AL folder
Secure passwords for creating containers and earlier
Initial releases
use help on the individual functions to get info.
Container info functions
Get-NavContainerNavVersion Get Nav version from Nav Container
Get-NavContainerImageName Get ImageName from Nav container
Get-NavContainerGenericTag Get Nav generic image tag from Nav container
Get-NavContainerOsVersion Get OS version from Nav container
Get-NavContainerLegal Get Legal link from Nav container
Get-NavContainerCountry Get Localization version from Nav Container
Get-NavContainerIpAddress Get IP Address to a Nav container
Get-NavContainerSharedFolders Get Shared Folders from a Nav container
Get-NavContainerPath Get the path inside a Nav container to a shared file
Get-NavContainerName Get the name of a Nav container
Get-NavContainerId Get the Id of a Nav container
Test-NavContainer Test whether a Nav container exists
Container handling functions
New-NavContainer Create new Nav container
New-CSideDevContainer Create new C/SIDE development container
Remove-NavContainer Remove Nav container
Get-NavContainerSession Create new session to a Nav container
Remove-NavContainerSession Remove Nav container session
Enter-NavContainer Enter Nav container session
Open-NavContainer Open Nav container in new window
Wait-NavContainerReady Wait for Nav Container to become ready
Object handling functions
Import-ObjectsToNavContainer Import objects from .txt or .fob file
Import-DeltasToNavContainer Merge delta files and Import objects
Compile-ObjectsInNavContainer Compile objects
Export-NavContainerObjects Export objects from Nav container
Create-MyOriginalFolder Create folder with the original objects for modified objects
Create-MyDeltaFolder Create folder with deltas for modified objects
Convert-Txt2Al Convert deltas folder to al folder
Export-ModifiedObjectsAsDeltas Export objects, create baseline and create deltas
Convert-ModifiedObjectsToAl Export objects, create baseline, create deltas and convert to .al files
App handling functions
Publish-NavContainerApp Publish App to Nav container
Sync-NavContainerApp Sync App in Nav container
Install-NavContainerApp Install App in Nav container
Uninstall-NavContainerApp Uninstall App from Nav container
Unpublish-NavContainerApp Unpublish App from Nav container
Get-NavContainerAppInfo Get info about installed apps from Nav Container
Install-NAVSipCryptoProviderFromNavContainer Install Nav Sip Crypto Provider locally from container to sign extensions
Azure VM specific functions
Replace-NavServerContainer Replace navserver (primary) container
Recreate-NavServerContainer Recreate navserver (primary) container