
  Get the container file system path of a host file
  Enumerates the shared folders with the container and returns the container file system path for a file shared with the container.
 .Parameter containerName
  Name of the container for which you want to find the filepath
 .Parameter path
  Path of a file in the host file system
  $containerPath = Get-NavContainerPath -containerName navserver -path c:\programdata\navcontainerhelper\extensions\test2\my

function Get-NavContainerPath {

    Process {
        $containerPath = ""
        $sharedFolders = Get-NavContainerSharedFolders -containerName $containerName
        $sharedFolders.GetEnumerator() | % {
            if ($containerPath -eq "" -and ($path -eq $_.Name -or $path.StartsWith($_.Name+"\", "OrdinalIgnoreCase"))) {
                $containerPath = ($_.Value + $path.Substring($_.Name.Length))
        if ($throw -and "$containerPath" -eq "") {
            throw "The folder $path is not shared with the container $containerName (nor is any of it's parent folders)"
        return $containerPath
Export-ModuleMember -function Get-NavContainerPath