BugFix #207: Compile-AppInNavContainer is downloading symbols for app which is in the AppSymbolFolder
Include timezone parameter on Invoke-NavContainerCodeunit
Compile-AppInNavContainer checks existance of dependencies in app.json
Use .alpackages as default symbols folder
BugFix #216: enableSymbolLoading only works with includeCSide
BugFix #215: Naming symbol-files when compiling with Compile-AppInNavContainer
Display progress when pulling and avoid deadlocks when running using New-NavContainer
Bugfix Get-AzureADUser didn't always retrieve the user needed
New-NavContainer automatically detects best os version of generic image
Bugfix: navdvdpath didn't work when pointing to a url which was case sensitive
Feature #232: added tenant parameter to Get-NavContainerAppInfo
Added function Extract-FilesFromNavContainerImage to extract the files need to spin up a generic image
Added parameter UseBestContainerOS to tell New-NavContainer to spin up a container based on the best compatible generic image.
Added parameter TestToolkitCountry to import-TestToolkitToNavContainer
BugFix Convert-ModifiedObjectsToAl failed after the newly introduced [LineStart()] property in newsyntax export
Bugfix #202: NavDvd tempfolder was not deleted when using a file
Added function Convert-CALTestOutputToAzureDevOps to convert CAL Test Runner output to XUnit Test Xml for Azure DevOps
Added function Convert-CALExecutionTimeToTimeSpan to convert text based ExecutionTime to System.TimeSpan
Added parameter doNotSaveData to UnInstall-NavContainerApp and UnPublish-NavContainerApp
Bugfix - Setting timezone didn't work with all timezones
Automatically use hyperv isolation if host operating system doesn't match container os
New flag on Compile-AppInNavContainer -AzureDevOps to output the result in AzureDevOps/VSTS compatible format
New function Convert-ALCOutputToAzureDevOps
New function Add-FontsToNavContainer
Added ClickOnce switch to New-NavContainer
Added new parameters to New-NavContainer: WebClientPort, FileSharePort, ManagementServicesPort, ClientServicesPort, SoapServicesPort, ODataServicesPort and DeveloperServicesPort
Bugfix #163: Perform Sync-NavTenant after all objects have been imported in Import-TestToolkitToNavContainer
Added mode and appVersion to Sync-NavContainerApp
Bugfix #143: CSIDE desktop shortcut authentication method follows service tier authentication method
Check that windows authentication user is not a Microsoft user in New-NavContainer
Added appVersion to Start-NavContainerAppDataUpgrade
Ensure that NavContainerHelper is running as administrator
Bugfix #153: Ensure that timeZone is set correctly
Added function Generate-SymbolsInNavContainer
Include test in app.json in Compile-AppInNavContainer
Bugfix #nav-docker/251: Create-AadUsersInNavContainer now creates all users (not only the first 100)
Added function Get-NavCompanyInNavContainer
Always enable API Services in container
Throw error if new-navcontainer fails (instead of just displaying error)
Update navcontainerhelper welcome text with some missing functions
Added function Stop-NavContainer
Added function Start-NavContainer
Added function Restart-NavContainer
Added function New-LetsEncryptCertificate
Added function Renew-LetsEncryptCertificate
Bugfix: Invoke-NavContainerCodeunit fails if the user already exists
Added ReplyTo address to Aad App, which matches Business Central Sandbox Containers
Bugfix: docker restart caused Windows Client deployed by -includeCSide to loose ACSUri setting
Rewrote Create-AadAppsForNAV to use AzureAD powershell package instead or AzureRM
Added function Create-AadUsersInNavContainer
Add generatesymbolreference=1 when Importing objects using Import-ObjectsToNavContainer or ImportTestToolkitToNavContainer
Set license to NULL from dbo.[dbproperty] and dbo.[tenantproperty] tables when exporting databases to bacpac
Use containername for hosts file when using -updatehosts (like remove-navcontainer)
Added parameter isolation to new-navcontainer to allow Windows Server to use hyperv isolation
Fixed a number of ScriptAnalyzer errors/warnings in NavContainerHelper
Empty the dbo.[Tenant License State] table when exporting databases to bacpac
Added function Backup-NavContainerDatabases
Added function New-CompanyInNavContainer (thanks Mike Glue)
Added function Remove-CompanyInNavContainer (thanks Mike Glue)
Added function Import-ConfigPackageInNavContainer.ps1 (thanks Mike Glue)
Added function Remove-ConfigPackageInNavContainer.ps1 (thanks Mike Glue)
Added function Get-NavContainerServerConfiguration (thanks Richard Robberse)
In Get-NavContainerPath - if you start the path with a colon (:), then the path refers to a path inside the container and not a shared folder
Bugfix: Create-AadAppsForNav required reboot after setup
Added tenant parameter (0..many tenants) to Export-NavContainerDatabasesAsBacpac
Object handling functions will not ask for credentials if not specified
BugFix: doNotOpen in Get-NavContainerEventLog was string - should be switch
Compile-AppInNavContainer had a dependency on the WebClient, this dependency is removed
BufFix: Compile-AppInNavContainer did not work on multitenant containers
BugFix: New-NavContainer will not crash when running the generic image with a NAV 2013 DVD
Updated tests
Bugfix: Invoke-NavContainerCodeunit didn't work with multitenancy
Bugfix: Premium user didn't work with multitenancy
Bugfix: Hardcoded containername in Setup-NavContainerTestUsers
BugFix: Create-AadAppsForNav throws an error when the owner of the Excel App Registration already exists
Add function Get-NavContainerNavUser to return users from the container
Add function Invoke-NavContainerCodeunit to invoke a codeunit in a container
Add function Compile-AppInNavContainer to compile an extension v2 app in a container (preview)
Added publisher and version to unpublish-navcontainerapp
Add function Setup-NavContainerTestUsers to setup test users with different plans and permissions
Add parameter -AssignPremiumPlan to new-navcontainer in order to assign premium plan to the default super user
BugFix: New-NavContainerTenant and Remove-NavContainerTenant falsely asks for SQL credentials if not specified
BugFix: -includeCSide and -shortcuts None caused an error that $customconfig didn't exist
Added -fullObjectsFolder to export-ModifiedObjectsAsDeltas to receive full objects
Added TLS1.2 support to Download-File
New-NavContainer now supports specifying a .zip file (UNC or URL) as NavDvdPath
Add function Get-NavContainerTenants to list all tenants from a multitenant container
BugFix: ExportTxtSkipUnlicensed doesn't get set in Export-NavContainerObject when using NavUserPassword authentication
Added -compile switch to Import-DeltasToNavContainer
Added -deltaFolder to Export-ModifiedObjectsAsDeltas
Increased timeout in Wait-NavContainerReady
Bugfix: Get-LocaleFromCountry returned blank for finnl and a lot of other finxx localizations
Add -settings on Windows Client shortcut to ensure correct clientsettings.config usage
Silence output of clearing modified flag
Add function Import-NavContainerLicense
Add parameters -sync and -install to Publish-NavContainerApp
Add filter parameter to Convert-ModifiedObjectsToAl and Export-ModifiedObjectsAsDeltas (default is Modified=1)
Support for inline scripts, URLs and .zip files in myscripts on New-NavContainer
Bugfix: Remove-NavContainer doesn't remove entries in hosts file
Remove-NavContainer to fail if it cannot remove the containerFolder (open files etc.)
Bugfix: Convert-ModifiedObjectsAsAl didn't include page extensions due to new parameter on Compare-NavApplicationObject
Bugfix: Use docker pull in New-NavContainer
Bugfix: New-NavContainer seems to hang
Add sync parameter on Publish-NavContainerApp
Added ExportTxtSkipUnlicensed to Export-NavContainerObjects
Add uninstall parameter on UnPublish-NavContainerApp
Add startup option to New-DesktopShortcut
Add generatesymbolreference=1 when Compiling objects using Compile-ObjectsInNavContainer
AzureSQL support for multitenancy
Add install parameter on Publish-NavContainerApp
Bugfix: Didn't work with "old" images
Bugfix: Create-AadAppsForNAV wasn't exported and was missing help
Check whether AAD is supported by Docker image
Add function Create-AadAppsForNav
Add parameter authenticationEmail to New-NavContainer
Remove default memory limit when running Windows Server as Docker host
Bugfix: Remove Test Tool shortcut when removing nav containers
Bugfix: Issue 89 CSide with external SQL and different port
Update Welcometext
Add support for multitenancy
Add switch -multitenant to new-navcontainer
Add function New-NavContainerTenant
Add function Remove-NavContainerTenant
Add function New-NavContainerNavUser
Add function New-NavContainerWindowsUser
Add function Get-NavContainerEventLog
Add function Export-NavContainerDatabasesAsBacpac
Change default filter in Compile-ObjectsInNavContainer to compiled=No
Add Shortcut for opening WebClient with Test Tool page if TestToolKit is included