Added function Copy-CompanyInNavContainer (Thanks Dmitry K.)
Bugfix: Compile-AppInNavContainer didn't escape the publisher name
Bugfix: All User data wasn't cleaned up when doing Export-NavContainerDatabasesAsBacpac
Fix bug where Get-BestNavContainerImageName returns an illegal image name
Support for running NavContainerHelper without elevated permissions
Added function Check-NavContainerHelperPermissions to test whether you have the needed permissions to run NavContainerHelper
Added function Repair-NavContainerApp
Added function Invoke-ScriptInNavContainer to invoke a PowerShell script in a Nav Container
Added function Get-NavContainerAppRuntimePackage to download a runtime package for an app from a container
Added function Get-NavContainerImageLabels to get the labels for an image directly from the registry
Added function Get-NavContainerImageTags to get the available tags a repository directly from the registry
Added parameter doNotUpdateSymbols to Import-TestToolkitToNavContainer to avoid symbol generation
Check Docker OS in New-NavContainer for better error messages
Fix timestamp in file name for Get-NavContainerEventLog
BugFix: Replace-NavServerContainer doesn't resolve the best containername and pulls the wrong container
Idea #308: Add ID to finsql shortcut to get individual .zup files
Idea #305: Include #Requires -PSEdition Desktop
Issue #204,#279: Business Inbox fails when running Business Central on Docker
Issue #290: Remove-NavContainer fails sometimes with shar
Default to process isolation when running Windows 10 18.09.1 or newer
Include Collation when using UseBestContainerOS
Fix Convert-CALTestOutputToAzureDevOps to support non-us cultures
Display NavContainerHelper version in New-NavContainer output
Check whether current user has access to run docker.exe instead of checking for admin privileges
BugFix: Backup-NavContainerDatabases did not work with multitenant containers
BugFix: Publish-NavContainerApp fails in and due to new parameters added
BugFix: Wrong defaulting of isolation mode
Added Scope and SyncMode parameters to Publish-NavContainerApp
Change mechanism to identify host OS
Display Docker version during New-NavContainer
Removed exception when trying to run Process isolation on Windows 10
Added defaulting mechanism for isolation (Server=process, non-server=hyperv)
BugFix: New-NavContainer cannot use images without a platform tag
BugFix: Get-BestNavContainerImageName should not append OS if already appended
BugFix: Extract-FilesFromNavContainerImage didn't work with SQL 2017
Better algorithm for finding which image to use
BugFix #268 Revert back to original image name if best container os doesn't exist
Automatically detect host OS and use best pre-built container (ltsc2016 or ltsc2019) unless specified
Added function Get-BestNavContainerImageName
BugFix Export-NavContainerDatabasesAsBacpac didn't work with containers with generic version pre
Include docker icon
Better error message in New-NavContainer
Bugfix: 1703 and 1709 build numbers was switched
Support for Windows Server 2019
Support for images with SQL Server 2017
BugFix #246: Windows Server insider builds couldn't use navcontainerhelper
Added function Sign-NavContainerApp to use a container to Sign an app file with a code signing certificate
When running generic image, .txt files were exported to a wrong folder (country not included)
Division by zero when exporting objects from a container and no objects matched the filter
Bugfix: If you specify -includeTestToolkit to New-NavContainer and use a foreign database, the import would fail
New-NavContainer will cache the files from Extract-FilesFromNavContainer for future usage instead of deleting them
New-CSideDevContainer has been removed - use New-NavContainer with -includeCSide instead
Added function Import-PfxCertificateToNavContainer
Feature request #238: Adding SynchronizeSchemaChanges parametar to Import-ObjectsToNavContainer
Added parameters -publishPorts and -publicDnsName in order to be able to create publicly available containers easier
Extract-FilesFromNavContainerImage would fail if any folders were missing
BugFix #207: Compile-AppInNavContainer is downloading symbols for app which is in the AppSymbolFolder
Include timezone parameter on Invoke-NavContainerCodeunit
Compile-AppInNavContainer checks existance of dependencies in app.json
Use .alpackages as default symbols folder
BugFix #216: enableSymbolLoading only works with includeCSide
BugFix #215: Naming symbol-files when compiling with Compile-AppInNavContainer
Display progress when pulling and avoid deadlocks when running using New-NavContainer
Bugfix Get-AzureADUser didn't always retrieve the user needed
New-NavContainer automatically detects best os version of generic image
Bugfix: navdvdpath didn't work when pointing to a url which was case sensitive
Feature #232: added tenant parameter to Get-NavContainerAppInfo
Added function Extract-FilesFromNavContainerImage to extract the files from a Nav Container image
Added parameter UseBestContainerOS to tell New-NavContainer to spin up a container based on the best compatible generic image.
Added parameter TestToolkitCountry to import-TestToolkitToNavContainer