Support for 15.x Containers
Select the best generic image when running a DVD (earlier versions chose between ltsc2016 and ltsc2019)
Added tests for AppHandling functions
Added an alias for NavUserPassword to New-NavContainer called UserPassword.
Added alFileStructure parameter to Convert-ModifiedObjectsToAl and Create-AlProjectFolderFromNavContainer
Added function Copy-AlSourceFiles to copy AL source files to a file structure given by the alFileStructure parameter
Use (Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem).Version instead of [System.Environment]::OSVersion to identify OS Version in Get-BestNavContainerImageName
Do not use docker cp for Copy-FileToNavContainer and Copy-FileFromNavContainer
Published from Azure DevOps
Add parameters EnableAppSourceCop, EnablePerTenantExtensionCop and EnableUICop to Compile-AppInNavContainer
Shortcuts on the Desktop will only have RunAsAdmin if you are running NavContainerHelper as admin
BugFix #494
Added parameter appName to Compile-AppInNavContainer to allow you to specify an app name instead of the default
Added some debugging output to Compile-ObjectsInNavContainer
Changing the default tenant to use the default tenant (not the tenant template) to export as bacpac in Export-NavContainerDatabasesAsBacpac
Check that the tenant exported in Export-NavContainerDatabasesAsBacpac is operational before exporting
Fix bug #492 - Publish-NavContainerApp deletes the App file
Remove .git folder and other files, which should not be published
Added function Get-NavContainerApp to download an app or symbols from a container
Added function Extract-AppFileToFolder to extract the content of an App Package to a Folder
Prepare NavContainerHelper for BC containers (without C/AL and without Windows Client)
Support for 1903 generic image ( with -useBestContainerOS
Improve Traefik Security by disallowing port 8080 on host (Thanks Damien Duportal)
Add ForceSync sync mode and Language parameter to Publish-NavContainerApp (Thanks Martin Kuhn)
Additional rebranding for NAV/BC containers
Reverted the change to default to hyperv isolation if the revision number is different. Instead, just write a warning to maybe specify -isolation hyperv.
Added support for traefik (Thanks Tobias Fenster)
Added BCContainer aliases for all functions with NavContainer in the name (which are not C/AL functions)
Functions working on C/AL objects will not work with version 15.0 and higher
Remove functions Convert-CALExecutionTimeToTimeSpan and Convert-CALTestOutputToAzureDevOps
Fix: UnInstall and UnPublishNavContainerApp didn't transfer the value of doNotSaveData to the underlying cmdlet
Added parameter Force to UnInstall and UnPublishNavContainerApp
Fix: Backup-NavContainerDatabases added another mediaset if the file already exists, making the backup useless for creating containers.
Added parameter BakFile to New-NavContainer to specify bakFile when starting container
Added parameter UseGenericImage to New-NavContainer to allow for using private generic docker images for re-platforming and running container.
New-NavContainer defaults to hyperv isolation if the Host OS version differs from the Container OS version (incl. release number = new)
Move the git piece of Create-AlProjectFromNavContainer to the end. If this fails, then everything is still created correctly.
Create txt files for platform, version and country when extracting files from a container and use those (if existing) when spinning up a generic image.
Support for Windows 10 1903 preview
Bugfix: Publish-NewApplicationToNavContainer was hardcoded to use CRONUS as database - must take databasename from customsettings
Fix: Event Sources is missing for WebClient in Nav 2018 and Business Central Containers (prior to generic tag, causing the WebClient to crash if an entry is added to the event log.
Regression: Compile-AppInNavContainer should not add defaulting for AssemblyProbingPaths for versions prior to 13.x
Test-NavContainer and Get-NavContainerId should now be case insensitive
Get-NavContainers now use a single docker statement instead of multiple calls
Include WindowsPowerShellScripts\WebSearch\TransitionMenuSuiteObjectsForSearch.psm1 if it exists when extracting files from container
BugFix: Run-TestsInNavContainer didn't use the users company setting when running Windows Authentication
Added parameter CompanyName to Run-TestsInNavContainer
Ignore License expiration warning lines when running Get-CompanyInNavContainer when the user is not running when admin priveleges
Ignore License expiration warning lines when running Get-NavContainerNavUser when the user is not running when admin priveleges
Regression: Export-NavContainerObjects didn't respect filter containing id in 14.x
Use DacFramework 18.2
BugFix: Create-AlProjectFromNavContainer used a global imageName, should be containerName
BugFix: Regression - 14.x images has hidden dependency to app symbols
Add parameter for file pattern to Convert-ModifiedObjectsToAl in order to allow for app movement
Bugfix #423 Regression in Convert-Txt2Al $imageName is unknown
Bugfix #421 Export-NavContainerDatabasesAsBacpac error deleting [user login] data
Added parameter enableSymbolLoading to Replace-NavServerContainer
Regression in Export-NavContainerObjects fixed - $imagename unknown
New function Extract-FilesFromStoppedNavContainer to extract (copy) files from a stopped container
Regression in Compile-AppInNavContainer when running container prior to 14.x
BugFix #403: Extract-FilesFromNavContainer didn't work with all local containers
Include ClientContext.ps1, PsTestFunctions.ps1 and pstesttoolpage.fob in NavContainerHelper instead of downloading on demand
Add enableSymbolLoading option to Replace-NavServerContainer
Compile-AppInNavContainer should only include dependencies in app.json
Drop View deadlock_report_ring_buffer_view when creating bacpac using Export-NavContainerDatabasesAsBacpac
UpdateHosts will update hosts file in the container with all entries ending with .docker.internal from the host
Enable paging in Get-NavContainerImageTags
Add parameter networkName to Get-NavContainerIpAddress or get IP address from first network with IP Address
Add IncludeSystemObjects parameter to Export-NavContainerObjects
Add parameters doNotUseDeltas and alProjectFolder to Convert-ModifiedObjectsToAl
Add parameter -includeAL to New-NavContainer to create AL source folder and .netpackages folder with reference assemblies for VS Code
Add parameters nowarn and assemblyProbingPaths to Compile-AppInNavContainer. Default assemblyProbingPaths is .netpackages in the project folder and all dll locations in the container
Add parameter dotNetAddInsPackage to Convert-ModifiedObjectsToAl and Convert-Txt2Al
New function Publish-NewApplicationToNavContainer to publish an app including base app to a container
New function Create-AlProjectFolderFromNavContainer to create a VS Code AL Project Folder based on a Container
Bugfix #413: Copy-CompanyInNavContainer throws strange exception
BugFix: Regression in Compile-AppInNavContainer when using NavUserPassword
BugFix #391 [Devops Pipeline].[Compile-App] publisher property not found
Added parameter rulesetFile to Compile-AppInNavContainer
BugFix #382 Compile-AppInNavContainer cannot download symbols on containers without updated hosts
Breaking change: Setup-NavContainerTestUsers has a changed parameter set (specify admin crendential instead of sql credential)
Added function: Get-NavContainerApiCompanyId to get the CompanyId for Api Calls
Added function: Invoke-NavContainerApi to invoke Api calls towards a container
Changed Compile-AppInNavContainer to use the container IP address for downloading symbols
Bugfix: Regression in Convert-ModifiedObjectsToAl
BugFix #380: Remove WinClient Debugger shortcut
Publish and install an app instead of a codeunit when adding test users to Business Central
Support Groups in Run-TestsInNavContainer
Create AL baseline for database objects when version 14 (Spring Release)
Added parameter -doNotUseDeltas to Convert-ModifiedObjectsToAl to create complete AL files of the objects exported
Added parameters testCodeunit and testFunction to Run-TestsInNavContainer to run individual tests
Added function Get-TestsFromNavContainer to get a list of available tests
Added a shortcut for the WinClient Debugger when using includecside
Include ImportAction to Import-TestToolKitToNavContainer and Import-ObjectsToNavContainer
Check that NavContainerHelper is running in 64bit mode
Remove Symbols for Application and Test when running containers in hybrid development
Use application version number from dbproperty database for application symbols (if possible)
BugFix: Transfer AzureDevOps parameter to PsTestRunner
Add paging to Get-NavContainerImageTags (needed for Azure Container Registries)
Do not allow c:\programdata\navcontainerhelper as the folder in Export-NavContainerObjects
BugFix #355 - Add-FontsToNavContainer fails if the folders doesn't have the same path
Added function Run-TestsInNavContainer (preview)
Update help text for Copy-FileToNavContainer and Copy-FileFromNavContiner and throw an error if the destination filename specifies a folder
Added function Copy-CompanyInNavContainer (Thanks Dmitry K.)
Bugfix: Compile-AppInNavContainer didn't escape the publisher name
Bugfix: All User data wasn't cleaned up when doing Export-NavContainerDatabasesAsBacpac
Fix bug where Get-BestNavContainerImageName returns an illegal image name
Support for running NavContainerHelper without elevated permissions
Added function Check-NavContainerHelperPermissions to test whether you have the needed permissions to run NavContainerHelper
Added function Repair-NavContainerApp
Added function Invoke-ScriptInNavContainer to invoke a PowerShell script in a Nav Container
Added function Get-NavContainerAppRuntimePackage to download a runtime package for an app from a container
Added function Get-NavContainerImageLabels to get the labels for an image directly from the registry
Added function Get-NavContainerImageTags to get the available tags a repository directly from the registry
Added parameter doNotUpdateSymbols to Import-TestToolkitToNavContainer to avoid symbol generation
Check Docker OS in New-NavContainer for better error messages
Fix timestamp in file name for Get-NavContainerEventLog
BugFix: Replace-NavServerContainer doesn't resolve the best containername and pulls the wrong container
Idea #308: Add ID to finsql shortcut to get individual .zup files
Idea #305: Include #Requires -PSEdition Desktop
Issue #204,#279: Business Inbox fails when running Business Central on Docker
Issue #290: Remove-NavContainer fails sometimes with shar
Default to process isolation when running Windows 10 18.09.1 or newer
Include Collation when using UseBestContainerOS
Fix Convert-CALTestOutputToAzureDevOps to support non-us cultures
Display NavContainerHelper version in New-NavContainer output
Check whether current user has access to run docker.exe instead of checking for admin privileges
BugFix: Backup-NavContainerDatabases did not work with multitenant containers
BugFix: Publish-NavContainerApp fails in and due to new parameters added
BugFix: Wrong defaulting of isolation mode
Added Scope and SyncMode parameters to Publish-NavContainerApp
Change mechanism to identify host OS
Display Docker version during New-NavContainer
Removed exception when trying to run Process isolation on Windows 10
Added defaulting mechanism for isolation (Server=process, non-server=hyperv)
BugFix: New-NavContainer cannot use images without a platform tag
BugFix: Get-BestNavContainerImageName should not append OS if already appended
BugFix: Extract-FilesFromNavContainerImage didn't work with SQL 2017
Better algorithm for finding which image to use
BugFix #268 Revert back to original image name if best container os doesn't exist
Automatically detect host OS and use best pre-built container (ltsc2016 or ltsc2019) unless specified
Added function Get-BestNavContainerImageName
BugFix Export-NavContainerDatabasesAsBacpac didn't work with containers with generic version pre
Include docker icon
Better error message in New-NavContainer
Bugfix: 1703 and 1709 build numbers was switched
Support for Windows Server 2019
Support for images with SQL Server 2017
BugFix #246: Windows Server insider builds couldn't use navcontainerhelper
Added function Sign-NavContainerApp to use a container to Sign an app file with a code signing certificate
When running generic image, .txt files were exported to a wrong folder (country not included)
Division by zero when exporting objects from a container and no objects matched the filter
Bugfix: If you specify -includeTestToolkit to New-NavContainer and use a foreign database, the import would fail
New-NavContainer will cache the files from Extract-FilesFromNavContainer for future usage instead of deleting them
New-CSideDevContainer has been removed - use New-NavContainer with -includeCSide instead
Added function Import-PfxCertificateToNavContainer
Feature request #238: Adding SynchronizeSchemaChanges parametar to Import-ObjectsToNavContainer
Added parameters -publishPorts and -publicDnsName in order to be able to create publicly available containers easier
Extract-FilesFromNavContainerImage would fail if any folders were missing
BugFix #207: Compile-AppInNavContainer is downloading symbols for app which is in the AppSymbolFolder
Include timezone parameter on Invoke-NavContainerCodeunit
Compile-AppInNavContainer checks existance of dependencies in app.json
Use .alpackages as default symbols folder
BugFix #216: enableSymbolLoading only works with includeCSide
BugFix #215: Naming symbol-files when compiling with Compile-AppInNavContainer
Display progress when pulling and avoid deadlocks when running using New-NavContainer
Bugfix Get-AzureADUser didn't always retrieve the user needed
New-NavContainer automatically detects best os version of generic image
Bugfix: navdvdpath didn't work when pointing to a url which was case sensitive
Feature #232: added tenant parameter to Get-NavContainerAppInfo
Added function Extract-FilesFromNavContainerImage to extract the files from a Nav Container image
Added parameter UseBestContainerOS to tell New-NavContainer to spin up a container based on the best compatible generic image.
Added parameter TestToolkitCountry to import-TestToolkitToNavContainer
BugFix Convert-ModifiedObjectsToAl failed after the newly introduced [LineStart()] property in newsyntax export
Bugfix #202: NavDvd tempfolder was not deleted when using a file
Added function Convert-CALTestOutputToAzureDevOps to convert CAL Test Runner output to XUnit Test Xml for Azure DevOps
Added function Convert-CALExecutionTimeToTimeSpan to convert text based ExecutionTime to System.TimeSpan
Added parameter doNotSaveData to UnInstall-NavContainerApp and UnPublish-NavContainerApp
Bugfix - Setting timezone didn't work with all timezones
Automatically use hyperv isolation if host operating system doesn't match container os
New flag on Compile-AppInNavContainer -AzureDevOps to output the result in AzureDevOps/VSTS compatible format
New function Convert-ALCOutputToAzureDevOps
New function Add-FontsToNavContainer
Added ClickOnce switch to New-NavContainer
Added new parameters to New-NavContainer: WebClientPort, FileSharePort, ManagementServicesPort, ClientServicesPort, SoapServicesPort, ODataServicesPort and DeveloperServicesPort
Bugfix #163: Perform Sync-NavTenant after all objects have been imported in Import-TestToolkitToNavContainer
Added mode and appVersion to Sync-NavContainerApp
Bugfix #143: CSIDE desktop shortcut authentication method follows service tier authentication method
Check that windows authentication user is not a Microsoft user in New-NavContainer
Added appVersion to Start-NavContainerAppDataUpgrade
Ensure that NavContainerHelper is running as administrator
Bugfix #153: Ensure that timeZone is set correctly
Added function Generate-SymbolsInNavContainer
Include test in app.json in Compile-AppInNavContainer
Bugfix #nav-docker/251: Create-AadUsersInNavContainer now creates all users (not only the first 100)
Added function Get-NavCompanyInNavContainer
Always enable API Services in container
Throw error if new-navcontainer fails (instead of just displaying error)
Update navcontainerhelper welcome text with some missing functions
Added function Stop-NavContainer
Added function Start-NavContainer
Added function Restart-NavContainer
Added function New-LetsEncryptCertificate
Added function Renew-LetsEncryptCertificate
Bugfix: Invoke-NavContainerCodeunit fails if the user already exists
Added ReplyTo address to Aad App, which matches Business Central Sandbox Containers
Bugfix: docker restart caused Windows Client deployed by -includeCSide to loose ACSUri setting
Rewrote Create-AadAppsForNAV to use AzureAD powershell package instead or AzureRM
Added function Create-AadUsersInNavContainer
Add generatesymbolreference=1 when Importing objects using Import-ObjectsToNavContainer or ImportTestToolkitToNavContainer
Set license to NULL from dbo.[dbproperty] and dbo.[tenantproperty] tables when exporting databases to bacpac
Use containername for hosts file when using -updatehosts (like remove-navcontainer)
Added parameter isolation to new-navcontainer to allow Windows Server to use hyperv isolation
Fixed a number of ScriptAnalyzer errors/warnings in NavContainerHelper
Empty the dbo.[Tenant License State] table when exporting databases to bacpac
Added function Backup-NavContainerDatabases
Added function New-CompanyInNavContainer (thanks Mike Glue)
Added function Remove-CompanyInNavContainer (thanks Mike Glue)
Added function Import-ConfigPackageInNavContainer.ps1 (thanks Mike Glue)
Added function Remove-ConfigPackageInNavContainer.ps1 (thanks Mike Glue)
Added function Get-NavContainerServerConfiguration (thanks Richard Robberse)
In Get-NavContainerPath - if you start the path with a colon (:), then the path refers to a path inside the container and not a shared folder
Bugfix: Create-AadAppsForNav required reboot after setup
Added tenant parameter (0..many tenants) to Export-NavContainerDatabasesAsBacpac
Object handling functions will not ask for credentials if not specified
BugFix: doNotOpen in Get-NavContainerEventLog was string - should be switch
Compile-AppInNavContainer had a dependency on the WebClient, this dependency is removed
BufFix: Compile-AppInNavContainer did not work on multitenant containers
BugFix: New-NavContainer will not crash when running the generic image with a NAV 2013 DVD
Updated tests
Bugfix: Invoke-NavContainerCodeunit didn't work with multitenancy
Bugfix: Premium user didn't work with multitenancy
Bugfix: Hardcoded containername in Setup-NavContainerTestUsers
BugFix: Create-AadAppsForNav throws an error when the owner of the Excel App Registration already exists
Add function Get-NavContainerNavUser to return users from the container
Add function Invoke-NavContainerCodeunit to invoke a codeunit in a container
Add function Compile-AppInNavContainer to compile an extension v2 app in a container (preview)
Added publisher and version to unpublish-navcontainerapp
Add function Setup-NavContainerTestUsers to setup test users with different plans and permissions
Add parameter -AssignPremiumPlan to new-navcontainer in order to assign premium plan to the default super user
BugFix: New-NavContainerTenant and Remove-NavContainerTenant falsely asks for SQL credentials if not specified
BugFix: -includeCSide and -shortcuts None caused an error that $customconfig didn't exist
Added -fullObjectsFolder to export-ModifiedObjectsAsDeltas to receive full objects
Added TLS1.2 support to Download-File
New-NavContainer now supports specifying a .zip file (UNC or URL) as NavDvdPath
Add function Get-NavContainerTenants to list all tenants from a multitenant container
BugFix: ExportTxtSkipUnlicensed doesn't get set in Export-NavContainerObject when using NavUserPassword authentication
Added -compile switch to Import-DeltasToNavContainer
Added -deltaFolder to Export-ModifiedObjectsAsDeltas
Increased timeout in Wait-NavContainerReady
Bugfix: Get-LocaleFromCountry returned blank for finnl and a lot of other finxx localizations
Add -settings on Windows Client shortcut to ensure correct clientsettings.config usage
Silence output of clearing modified flag
Add function Import-NavContainerLicense
Add parameters -sync and -install to Publish-NavContainerApp
Add filter parameter to Convert-ModifiedObjectsToAl and Export-ModifiedObjectsAsDeltas (default is Modified=1)
Support for inline scripts, URLs and .zip files in myscripts on New-NavContainer
Bugfix: Remove-NavContainer doesn't remove entries in hosts file
Remove-NavContainer to fail if it cannot remove the containerFolder (open files etc.)
Bugfix: Convert-ModifiedObjectsAsAl didn't include page extensions due to new parameter on Compare-NavApplicationObject
Bugfix: Use docker pull in New-NavContainer
Bugfix: New-NavContainer seems to hang
Add sync parameter on Publish-NavContainerApp
Added ExportTxtSkipUnlicensed to Export-NavContainerObjects
Add uninstall parameter on UnPublish-NavContainerApp
Add startup option to New-DesktopShortcut
Add generatesymbolreference=1 when Compiling objects using Compile-ObjectsInNavContainer
AzureSQL support for multitenancy
Add install parameter on Publish-NavContainerApp
Bugfix: Didn't work with "old" images
Bugfix: Create-AadAppsForNAV wasn't exported and was missing help
Check whether AAD is supported by Docker image
Add function Create-AadAppsForNav
Add parameter authenticationEmail to New-NavContainer
Remove default memory limit when running Windows Server as Docker host
Bugfix: Remove Test Tool shortcut when removing nav containers
Bugfix: Issue 89 CSide with external SQL and different port
Update Welcometext
Add support for multitenancy
Add switch -multitenant to new-navcontainer
Add function New-NavContainerTenant
Add function Remove-NavContainerTenant
Add function New-NavContainerNavUser
Add function New-NavContainerWindowsUser
Add function Get-NavContainerEventLog
Add function Export-NavContainerDatabasesAsBacpac
Change default filter in Compile-ObjectsInNavContainer to compiled=No
Add Shortcut for opening WebClient with Test Tool page if TestToolKit is included
Updated Readme
Add nav specific tags when running generic image
Check for tag tag when running fetching the tag (support generic image)
Check container name validity
Add test running generic image
Added switch for enabling SymbolLoading (dual development), default is off
Added function Import-TestToolkitToNavContainer
Added parameter -includeTestToolkit to New-NavContainer to automatically include TestToolkit objects
Include more information during start of new-navcontainer (and output the docker run command if it fails early)
Fix report preview when running docker images or earlier
Bugfix CSide desktop shortcut was always set to windows auth
Bugfix: Copying files to/from containers didn't work on Windows 10
Bugfix: Export-NavContainerObjects with a strange error if sharing the folder used for export directly
Export-NavContainerObjects now supports txt files and fob files -exportTo parameter replaces -exportToNewSyntax
Added Get-NavContainers to get all Nav containers
Add pipeline support for Remove-NavContainer and Remove-NavContainerSession (to allow Get-NavContainers | Remove-NavContainer)
Added Get-NavContainerDebugInfo
Show ContainerName in prompt in Enter-NavContainer
Bugfix: Do not clear modified flag when container is restarting
Bugfix: Azure VM detection looked in wrong folder
Bugfix: username can now contain spaces
-myscripts parameter now supports files or folders - all will be copied into the c:\run\my folder
Added -databaseServer, -databaseInstance, -databaseName, -databaseCredential to new-navcontainer (Support for External SQL Server - generic tag or later)
Added -shortcuts to new-navcontainer (support for placing shortcuts on startmenu or avoid them)
Added -navDvdPath and -navDvdCountry (support for running microsoft/dynamics-nav:generic with a DVD mounted)
Moved the working folder from c:\demo to c:\programdata\navcontainerhelper
Added -alwaysPull to new-navcontainerhelper to always pull newer image if exists
Remove recreate-navservercontainer
Simplify replace-navservercontainer and allow empty imagename
Breaking change: Change all username/password parameters to PSCredential
Change -updatehost to automatically update hosts on container restart
Breaking change: Remove -updatehost from Remove-NavContainer (automatically handled)
Add generatesymbolreference=yes to CSide shortcut if EnableSymbolLoading is true
When specifying -includeCSide containers are started with EnableSymbolLoad
Refactored all functions into different script files
Only clear object modified flag if using localhost\SQLExpress
Specify server in sqlcmd
Export-NavContainerObjects doesn't fail on NAV2016 and NAV2017 due to missing ExportToNewSyntax parameter
Added Start-NavContainerAppDataUpgrade function
Added ReleaseNotes a few versions back
Added ReleaseNotes to PowerShell Gallery
Added default values for additionalParameters and myScripts
Added -additionalParameters and -myScripts to New-CsideDevContainer and New-NavContainer
Added -useSSL switch to New-CsideDevContainer and New-NavContainer
Fixed a bug in Convert-ModifiedObjectsToAl, where conversion would end up with an empty AL folder
Secure passwords for creating containers
Initial releases
use help on the individual functions to get info.