
  Cleans the Database in a BC Container
  This function will remove existing base app from the database in a container, leaving the container without app
  You will have to publish a new base app before Business Central is useful
 .Parameter containerName
  Name of the container in which you want to clean the database
  Clean-BcContainerDatabase -containerName test

function Clean-BcContainerDatabase {
        [string] $containerName = "navserver",
        [switch] $saveData,
        [Switch] $onlySaveBaseAppData,
        [switch] $doNotUnpublish

    $platform = Get-NavContainerPlatformversion -containerOrImageName $containerName
    if ("$platform" -eq "") {
        $platform = (Get-NavContainerNavVersion -containerOrImageName $containerName).Split('-')[0]
    [System.Version]$platformversion = $platform

    if ($platformversion.Major -lt 14) {
        throw "Container $containerName does not support the function Clean-NavContainerDatabase"

    $myFolder = Join-Path $ExtensionsFolder "$containerName\my"

    if (!(Test-Path "$myFolder\license.flf")) {
        throw "Container must be started with a developer license in order to publish a new application"

    $customconfig = Get-NavContainerServerConfiguration -ContainerName $containerName

    $installedApps = Get-NavContainerAppInfo -containerName $containerName -tenantSpecificProperties -sort DependenciesLast | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne "System Application" }
    $installedApps | % {
        $app = $_
        Invoke-ScriptInBCContainer -containerName $containerName -scriptblock { Param($app, $SaveData, $onlySaveBaseAppData)
            if ($app.IsInstalled) {
                Write-Host "Uninstalling $($app.Name)"
                $app | Uninstall-NavApp -Force -doNotSaveData:(!$SaveData -or ($Name -ne "BaseApp" -and $Name -ne "Base Application" -and $onlySaveBaseAppData))
        } -argumentList $app, $SaveData, $onlySaveBaseAppData

    if ($platformversion.Major -eq 14) {
        Invoke-ScriptInNavContainer -containerName $containerName -scriptblock { Param ( $customConfig )
            if ($customConfig.databaseInstance) {
                $databaseServerInstance = "$($customConfig.databaseServer)\$($customConfig.databaseInstance)"
            else {
                $databaseServerInstance = $customConfig.databaseServer
            Write-Host "Removing C/AL Application Objects"
            Delete-NAVApplicationObject -DatabaseName $customConfig.databaseName -DatabaseServer $databaseServerInstance -Filter 'ID=1..1999999999' -SynchronizeSchemaChanges Force -Confirm:$false

        } -argumentList $customconfig
    else {
        if (!$doNotUnpublish) {
            $installedApps | % {
                $app = $_
                Invoke-ScriptInBCContainer -containerName $containerName -scriptblock { Param($app)
                    if ($app.IsPublished) {
                        Write-Host "Unpublishing $($app.Name)"
                        $app | UnPublish-NavApp
                } -argumentList $app
Export-ModuleMember -Function Clean-BcContainerDatabase