
# __ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ _ ____ ____ ____
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# @file nl.nlsw.SQLite.psm1
# @date 2023-11-14
#requires -version 5

class SQLite {
    static [string] $AssemblyName = "System.Data.SQLite"
    static [string] $PackageName = "Stub.System.Data.SQLite.Core.NetStandard"
    static [string] $PackageVersion = "1.0"

    # static constructor
    static SQLite() {
        # run this only once

    # Function with dummy behavior that can be called to trigger
    # the one-time class construction.
    static [void] Check() {

    # Make sure the System.Data.SQLite .NET Standard 2.0 library is loaded
    # @see
    # @see
    static [void] Install([string]$assemblyName, [string]$packageName,[string]$packageVersion) {
        # check the presence of the assembly in the session (
        $assemblies = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
        if (!($assemblyName -in $assemblies.GetName().Name)) {
            # check the presence of the SQLite package and install if necessary
            $sqlite = Get-DotNetPackage -Name $packageName -MinimumVersion $packageVersion
            # check / make the platform-specific InterOp dll available for Win32 and Win64
            if ($sqlite -and ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -eq $([System.PlatformID]::Win32NT))) {
                $sqlitePackageFile = get-item $sqlite.Source
                $sqlitePackageFolder = $sqlitePackageFile.DirectoryName
                foreach ($platform in "64","86") {
                    # make sure the InterOp.dll is in the location that the managed dll will look for
                    $destFile = [System.IO.FileInfo]::new("$sqlitePackageFolder/lib/netstandard2.0/x$($platform)/SQLite.Interop.dll")
                    if (!$destFile.Exists) {
                        if (!$destFile.Directory.Exists) {
                            # make sure the target folder exists
                        # copy the InterOp.dll to the location that the managed dll will look for
                        $interop = get-item ("$sqlitePackageFolder/runtimes/win-x$($platform)/native/SQLite.Interop.dll")
                        Copy-Item $interop.FullName $destFile.FullName
                        write-verbose ("{0,16} {1}" -f "copied",$destFile)
                # Get the NetStandard2.0 dll
                $sqlitedll = get-item ("$sqlitePackageFolder/lib/netstandard2.0/$assemblyName.dll")
                Add-Type -Path $sqlitedll
            else {
                throw [InvalidOperationException]::new(("please install the $packageName package manually on operating system {0}" -f $env:OS))

 Get an SQLite database content as System.Data.DataSet.
 Get data from an SQLite database, using the System.Data.SQLite .NET library.
 The file name of the SQLite file(s) to process. May contain wildcards,
 and may be input via the pipeline.
 The name of the table to get. When left empty (default), all tables are returned.
 This function requires the System.Data.SQLite .NET assembly.
 It will be automatically installed if not present already.
 This installation requires the NuGet Package Provider, which
 in turn will also be installed if not present already.

function Get-SQLiteDataSet {
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', 'TableName', Justification="false positive")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)]
    begin {

        function GetDataTable {
            param([System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection]$con, [string]$sql)
            $table = [System.Data.DataTable]::new()
            try {
                $cmd = [System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand]::new($sql, $con);
                $reader = $cmd.ExecuteReader();
            finally {
                if ($cmd) {
            return ,$table
    process {
        $Path | get-item | where-object { $_ -is [System.IO.FileInfo] } | foreach-object {
            $file = $_
            $dataset = [System.Data.DataSet]::new()
            write-verbose ("{0,16} {1}" -f "reading",$file.FullName)
            try {
                $con = [System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection]::new(("Data Source={0}" -f $file.FullName))
                if ($TableName) {
                    $table = GetDataTable $con ("SELECT * FROM '{0}'" -f $TableName)
                    write-verbose ("{0,16} {1} ({2} rows)" -f "table",$TableName,$table.Rows.Count)
                else {
                    # read the names of the tables
                    $namesTable = GetDataTable $con "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' ORDER BY 1"
                    $names = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new();
                    foreach ($row in $namesTable.Rows) {
                        $tableName = $row.ItemArray[0].ToString()
                        $table = GetDataTable $con ("SELECT * FROM '{0}'" -f $tableName)
                        write-verbose ("{0,16} {1} ({2} rows)" -f $names.Count,$tableName,$table.Rows.Count)
            #catch {
            # # something went wrong ??
            # Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
            finally {
                if ($con) {

            # Return the results as a set
            return ,$dataset
    end {

 Execute one or more SQL commands on an SQLite database.
 Edit an SQLite database by executing one or more SQL commands.
 This functions uses the System.Data.SQLite .NET library.
 The file name of the SQLite database file to process.
 The SQL command to invoke. May be pipelined.
 The dataset to store the results in.
 Return no result data of the executed commands.
.PARAMETER SingleTransaction
 Automatically will execute the commands in a single transaction.
 This function requires the System.Data.SQLite .NET assembly.
 It will be automatically installed if not present already.
 This installation requires the NuGet Package Provider, which
 in turn will also be installed if not present already.

function Invoke-SQLiteCommand {
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', 'NonQuery', Justification="false positive")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)]


    begin {

        $file = Get-Item $Path
        $con = [System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection]::new(("Data Source={0}" -f $file.FullName))
        $cmd = [System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand]::new($con);
        write-verbose ("{0,16} {1}" -f "opening",$file.FullName)
        #$dataset = [System.Data.DataSet]::new()
        $transaction = if ($SingleTransaction) { $con.BeginTransaction() } else { $null }
    process {
        try {
            $Command | where-object { $_ -is [string] } | foreach-object {
                $cmd.CommandText = $_
                write-verbose ("{0,16} {1}" -f "executing",$cmd.CommandText)
                if ($NonQuery) {
                    $numberOfRows = $cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
                    write-verbose ("{0,16} rows updated" -f $numberOfRows)
                else {
                    $reader = $cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    $table = [System.Data.DataTable]::new()
                    if ($DataSet) {
                    else {
        catch {
            if ($transaction) {
                $transaction = $null
        if ($cmd) {
            $cmd = $null
        if ($con) {
            write-verbose ("{0,16} {1}" -f "closing",$file.FullName)
            $con = $null
        if ($DataSet) {
            $DataSet = $null
    end {
        if ($transaction) {
            write-verbose ("{0,16} {1}" -f "committing",$file.FullName)
        if ($cmd) {
        if ($con) {
            write-verbose ("{0,16} {1}" -f "closing",$file.FullName)
        if ($DataSet) {
            Write-Output $DataSet -NoEnumerate

Export-ModuleMember -Function *