

# Global settings
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0

# Script variables

Class TaskerSettings


        $this.Variables = @{}

        $this.DefaultBlock = $null
        $this.ErrorBlock = $null
        $this.WarningBlock = $null
        $this.VerboseBlock = $null
        $this.DebugBlock = $null
        $this.InformationBlock = $null


Function New-TaskerSettings

    $prefs = New-Object TaskerSettings



Function Update-TaskerSettings














    if ($Settings -eq $null)
        throw New-Object ArgumentException -ArgumentList "Null Settings value passed to Update-TaskerSettings"

    foreach ($param in $PSBoundParameters.Keys)
        switch ($param)
            "InformationPreference" {
                $null = $Settings.Variables["InformationPreference"] = $InformationPreference

            "ErrorActionPreference" {
                $null = $Settings.Variables["ErrorActionPreference"] = $ErrorActionPreference

            "DebugPreference" {
                $null = $Settings.Variables["DebugPreference"] = $DebugPreference

            "VerbosePreference" {
                $null = $Settings.Variables["VerbosePreference"] = $VerbosePreference

            "AddVariable" {
                $null = $Settings.Variables[$AddVariable] = $Value

            "RemoveVariable" {
                if ($Settings.Variables.ContainsKey($RemoveVariable))
                    $null = $Settings.Variables.Remove($RemoveVariable)


            "DefaultBlock" {
                $Settings.DefaultBlock = $DefaultBlock

            "ErrorBlock" {
                $Settings.ErrorBlock = $ErrorBlock

            "WarningBlock" {
                $Settings.WarningBlock = $WarningBlock

            "VerboseBlock" {
                $Settings.VerboseBlock = $VerboseBlock

            "DebugBlock" {
                $Settings.DebugBlock = $DebugBlock

            "InformationBlock" {
                $Settings.InformationBlock = $InformationBlock


function Start-TaskerRunFormat {
    param (

    process {
        if ([System.Management.Automation.InformationRecord].IsAssignableFrom($Content.GetType()) -and
            $Settings.InformationBlock -ne $null)
            Write-Verbose "Writing as InformationBlock"
            $Content | ForEach-Object $Settings.InformationBlock

        if ([System.Management.Automation.VerboseRecord].IsAssignableFrom($Content.GetType()) -and
            $Settings.VerboseBlock -ne $null)
            Write-Verbose "Writing as VerboseBlock"
            $Content | ForEach-Object $Settings.VerboseBlock

        if ([System.Management.Automation.WarningRecord].IsAssignableFrom($Content.GetType()) -and
            $Settings.WarningBlock -ne $null)
            Write-Verbose "Writing as WarningBlock"
            $Content | ForEach-Object $Settings.WarningBlock

        if ([System.Management.Automation.DebugRecord].IsAssignableFrom($Content.GetType()) -and
            $Settings.DebugBlock -ne $null)
            Write-Verbose "Writing as DebugBlock"
            $Content | ForEach-Object $Settings.DebugBlock

        if ([System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord].IsAssignableFrom($Content.GetType()) -and
            $Settings.ErrorBlock -ne $null)
            Write-Verbose "Writing as ErrorBlock"
            $Content | ForEach-Object $Settings.ErrorBlock

        if ($Settings.DefaultBlock -ne $null)
            Write-Verbose "Writing as DefaultBlock"
            $Content | ForEach-Object $Settings.DefaultBlock

        Write-Verbose "Writing without ScriptBlock"


Function Start-TaskerRun



        $InputObject = $null

        if ($Settings -eq $null)
            throw New-Object ArgumentException -ArgumentList "Null Settings passed to Start-TaskerRun"
        if ($ScriptBlock -eq $null)
            throw New-Object ArgumentException -ArgumentList "Null ScriptBlock passed to Start-TaskerRun"

        # Determine whether to pass an input object to script block
        $passInputObject = $false
        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys.Contains("InputObject"))
            $passInputObject = $true

        # Create a new scope, define variables and then call new script block,
        # which inherits variables from the outer script block scope.
        & {
            # Create new variables in local scope for the script block to inherit
            foreach ($key in $Settings.Variables.Keys)
                New-Variable -Name $key -Value $Settings.Variables[$key]

            try {
                if ($passInputObject)
                    Write-Verbose "Calling script block using ForEach-Object"
                    # Use ForEach-Object to pass underBar to script block
                    # Redirect all streams to success stream
                    $InputObject | ForEach-Object $ScriptBlock *>&1
                    Write-Verbose "Calling script block using call operator"
                    # Use call operator, if underbar is not required
                    # Redirect all streams to success stream
                    &$ScriptBlock *>&1
            } catch {
                # If an error is generated, pass this exception through the pipeline
        } | Start-TaskerRunFormat -Settings $Settings