
#requires -version 3.0
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

function Set-NodeVersion {
       Set the node.js version for the current session
       Set's the node.js version that was either provided with the -Version parameter or from using the .nvmrc file in the current working directory.
    .Parameter $Version
       A version string for the node.js version you wish to use. Use the format of v#.#.#. This also supports fuzzy matching, so v# will be the latest installed version starting with that major
       Set based on the .nvmrc
       Set-NodeVersion v5
       Set using fuzzy matching
       Set-NodeVersion v5.0.1
       Set using explicit version


    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Version)) {
        if (Test-Path .\.nvmrc) {
            $VersionToUse = Get-Content .\.nvmrc -Raw
        else {
            "Version not given and no .nvmrc file found in folder"
    else {
        $VersionToUse = $version

    $VersionToUse = $VersionToUse.replace("`n","").replace("`r","")

    if (!($VersionToUse -match "v\d\.\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}")) {
        "Version found is not a full version, using fuzzy matching"
        $VersionToUse = Get-NodeVersions -Filter $VersionToUse | Select-Object -First 1

        if (!$VersionToUse) {
            "No version found to fuzzy match against"

    $nvmwPath = Get-NodeInstallLocation

    $requestedVersion = Join-Path $nvmwPath $VersionToUse

    if (!(Test-Path -Path $requestedVersion)) {
        "Could not find node version $VersionToUse"

    $env:Path = "$requestedVersion;$env:Path"
    $env:NODE_PATH = "$requestedVersion;"
    npm config set prefix $requestedVersion
    $env:NODE_PATH += npm root -g
    "Switched to node version $VersionToUse"

function Install-NodeVersion {
        Install a version of node.js
        Download and install the specified version of node.js into the nvm directory. Once installed it can be used with Set-NodeVersion
    .Parameter $Version
        The version of node.js to install
    .Parameter $Force
        Reinstall an already installed version of node.js
    .Parameter $architecture
        The architecture of node.js to install, defaults to $env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE
        Install-NodeVersion v5.0.0
        Install version 5.0.0 of node.js into the module directory
        Install-NodeVersion v5.0.0 -architecture x86
        Installs the x86 version even if you're on an x64 machine



        $architecture = $env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE

    if ($version -match "latest") {
        $listing = "http://nodejs.org/dist/latest/"
         $r = (wget -UseBasicParsing $listing).content
         if ($r -match "node-(v[0-9\.]+).*?\.msi") {
             $version = $matches[1]
         else {
             throw "failed to retrieve latest version from '$listing'"

    $nvmwPath = Get-NodeInstallLocation

    $requestedVersion = Join-Path $nvmwPath $version

    if ((Test-Path -Path $requestedVersion) -And (-Not $force)) {
        "Version $version is already installed, use -Force to reinstall"

    if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $requestedVersion)) {
        New-Item $requestedVersion -ItemType 'Directory'

    $msiFile = "node-$version-x86.msi"
    $nodeUrl = "http://nodejs.org/dist/$version/$msiFile"

    if ($architecture -eq 'AMD64') {
        $msiFile = "node-$version-x64.msi"

        if ($version -match '^v0\.\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}$') {
            $nodeUrl = "http://nodejs.org/dist/$version/x64/$msiFile"
        } else {
            $nodeUrl = "http://nodejs.org/dist/$version/$msiFile"

    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $nodeUrl -OutFile (Join-Path $requestedVersion $msiFile)

    if (-Not (Get-Command msiexec)) {
        "msiexec is not in your path"

    $unpackPath = Join-Path $requestedVersion '.u'
    if (Test-Path $unpackPath) {
        Remove-Item $unpackPath -Recurse -Force

    New-Item $unpackPath -ItemType Directory

    $args = @("/a", (Join-Path $requestedVersion $msiFile), "/qb", "TARGETDIR=`"$unpackPath`"")

    Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -Wait -PassThru -ArgumentList $args

    Move-Item (Join-Path (Join-Path $unpackPath 'nodejs') '*') -Destination $requestedVersion -Force
    Remove-Item $unpackPath -Recurse -Force

function Remove-NodeVersion {
        Removes an installed version of node.js
        Removes an installed version of node.js along with any installed npm modules
    .Parameter $Version
        The full version string of the node.js package to remove
        Remove-NodeVersion v5.0.0
        Removes the v5.0.0 version of node.js from the nvm store


    $nvmwPath = Get-NodeInstallLocation

    $requestedVersion = Join-Path $nvmwPath $Version

    if (!(Test-Path -Path $requestedVersion)) {
        "Could not find node version $Version"

    Remove-Item $requestedVersion -Force -Recurse

function Get-NodeVersions {
        List local or remote node.js versions
        Used to show all the node.js versions installed to nvm, using the -Remote option allows you to list versions of node.js available for install. Providing a -Filter parameter can reduce the versions using the pattern, either local or remote versions
    .Parameter $Remote
        Indicate whether or not to list local or remote versions
    .Parameter $Filter
        A version filter supporting fuzzy filters
        Get-NodeVersions -Remote -Filter v4.2



    if ($Remote) {
        $versions = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://nodejs.org/dist/index.json | ConvertFrom-Json

        if ($Filter) {
            $versions = $versions | Where-Object { $_.version.Contains($filter) }

        $versions | Select-Object version | Sort-Object -Descending -Property version
    } else {
        $nvmwPath = Get-NodeInstallLocation

        if (!(Test-Path -Path $nvmwPath)) {
            "No Node.js versions have been installed"
        } else {
            $versions = Get-ChildItem $nvmwPath | %{ $_.Name }

            if ($Filter) {
                $versions = $versions | Where-Object { $_.Contains($filter) }

            $versions | Sort-Object -Descending

function Set-NodeInstallLocation {
        Sets the path where node.js versions will be installed into
        This is used to override the default node.js install path for nvm, which is relative to the module install location. You would want to use this to get around the Windows path limit problem that plagues node.js installed. Note that to avoid collisions the unpacked files will be in a folder `.nvm\<version>` in the specified location.
    .Parameter $Path
        THe root folder for nvm
        Set-NodeInstallLocation -Path C:\Temp


    $settings = $null
    $settingsFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'settings.json'

    if ((Test-Path $settingsFile) -eq $true) {
        $settings = Get-Content $settings | ConvertFrom-Json
    } else {
        $settings = @{ 'InstallPath' = Get-NodeInstallLocation }

    $settings.InstallPath = Join-Path $Path '.nvm'

    ConvertTo-Json $settings | Out-File (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'settings.json')

function Get-NodeInstallLocation {
        Gets the currnet node.js install path
        Will return the path that node.js versions will be installed into

    $settings = $null
    $settingsFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'settings.json'

    if ((Test-Path $settingsFile) -eq $true) {
        $settings = Get-Content $settingsFile | ConvertFrom-Json
    } else {
        $settings = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Prop @{ InstallPath = (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'vs') }
