
Import-Module ./nvm.psd1

Describe "Get-NodeVersions" {
    InModuleScope nvm {
        Context "Local versions" {
            It "Gets known versions" {
                $tmpDir = [system.io.path]::GetTempPath()
                Mock Get-NodeInstallLocation { Join-Path $tmpDir '.nvm\settings.json' }
                Mock Test-Path { return $true }
                Mock Get-ChildItem {
                    $ret = @()
                    $ret += @{ Name = 'v8.9.0' }
                    $ret += @{ Name = 'v9.0.0' }
                    return $ret

                $versions = Get-NodeVersions
                $versions.Count | Should -Be 2
                $versions | Should -Be @('v9.0.0'; 'v8.9.0')

            It "Gets known versions with filter" {
                $tmpDir = [system.io.path]::GetTempPath()
                Mock Get-NodeInstallLocation { Join-Path $tmpDir '.nvm\settings.json' }
                Mock Test-Path { return $true }
                Mock Get-ChildItem {
                    $ret = @()
                    $ret += @{ Name = 'v8.9.0' }
                    $ret += @{ Name = 'v9.0.0' }
                    return $ret

                $versions = Get-NodeVersions -Filter 'v8.9.0'
                $versions | Should -Be 'v8.9.0'


            It "Returns an error message when no versions are installed" {
                $tmpDir = [system.io.path]::GetTempPath()
                Mock Get-NodeInstallLocation { Join-Path $tmpDir '.nvm\settings.json' }
                Mock Test-Path { return $false }

                $versions = Get-NodeVersions -Filter 'v8.9.0'
                $versions | Should -Be 'No Node.js versions have been installed'

        Context "Remote versions" {
            It "Will list remote versions" {
                $mockJson = "[

                Mock Invoke-WebRequest { return $mockJson }

                $versions = Get-NodeVersions -Remote
                $versions.Count | Should -Be 3

            It "Will list remote versions with filter" {
                $mockJson = "[

                Mock Invoke-WebRequest { return $mockJson }

                $versions = Get-NodeVersions -Remote -Filter "v8"
                $versions.Count | Should -Be 2

Describe "Get-NodeInstallLocation" {
    InModuleScope nvm {
        It "Should return the location when it exists" {
            $tmpDir = [system.io.path]::GetTempPath()
            $installPath = Join-Path $tmpDir '.nvm'
            Mock Test-Path { return $true }
            Mock Get-Content { return @{ InstallPath = $installPath } | ConvertTo-Json }

            $location = Get-NodeInstallLocation
            $location | Should -Be $installPath

Describe "Install-NodeVersion" {
    InModuleScope nvm {
        Context "Installing with a specific version" {
            It "Install a requested version" -Skip:($env:include_integration_tests -ne $true) {
                Install-NodeVersion -Version 'v9.0.0'

                $versions = Get-NodeVersions -Filter 'v9.0.0'
                $versions | Should -Be 'v9.0.0'

            It "Throws when version already exists" -Skip:($env:include_integration_tests -ne $true) {
                Install-NodeVersion -Version 'v9.0.0'
                { Install-NodeVersion -Version 'v9.0.0' } | Should Throw

            It "Won't throw when version already exists if you use the -Force flag" -Skip:($env:include_integration_tests -ne $true) {
                { Install-NodeVersion -Version 'v9.0.0' -Force } | Should Not Throw

            It "Can install without a 'v' prefix" -Skip:($env:include_integration_tests -ne $true) {
                { Install-NodeVersion -Version '9.0.0' -Force } | Should Not Throw

        Context "Major version installing" {
            It "Can install from just a major version" -Skip:($env:include_integration_tests -ne $true) {
                Install-NodeVersion -Version '9'

                $versions = Get-NodeVersions -Filter 'v9'
                $versions | Should -Match 'v9'

        Context "Major and minor version installing" {
            It "Can install from just a major and minor version" -Skip:($env:include_integration_tests -ne $true) {
                Install-NodeVersion -Version '9.0'

                $versions = Get-NodeVersions -Filter 'v9.0'
                $versions | Should -Match 'v9.0'

        Context "Installing with a keyword" {
            It "Installs under the `latest` flag" -Skip:($env:include_integration_tests -ne $true) {
                Install-NodeVersion -Version 'latest'

                $versions = Get-NodeVersions
                $versions.GetType() | Should -Be string

    BeforeEach {
        $installLocation = Join-Path ([system.io.path]::GetTempPath()) '.nvm'
        Set-NodeInstallLocation -Path $installLocation

    AfterEach {
        Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $installLocation

        $settingsFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'settings.json'

        if ((Test-Path $settingsFile) -eq $true) {
            Remove-Item -Force $settingsFile

Describe "Set-NodeVersion" {
    InModuleScope nvm {
        Context "auto-discovery" {
            $nodeVersion = 'v9.0.0'

            It "Will set from the .nvmrc file" {
                $tmpDir = [system.io.path]::GetTempPath()
                Mock Test-Path { return $true } -ParameterFilter { $Path.StartsWith('variable') -eq $false }
                Mock Get-Content { return $nodeVersion }
                Mock Get-NodeInstallLocation { return Join-Path $tmpDir '.nvm' }

                $response = Set-NodeVersion
                $response | Should -Be "Switched to node version $nodeVersion"

        Context "Set from version string" {
            $nodeVersion = 'v9.0.0'

            It "Will set from the supplied version" {
                $response = Set-NodeVersion $nodeVersion
                $response | Should -Be "Switched to node version $nodeVersion"

            It "Will set from a fuzzy-matched version" {
                Mock Get-NodeVersions { return @('v9.0.0'; 'v8.9.0') }

                $response = Set-NodeVersion 'v9'
                $response | Should -Be @('Version found is not a full version, using fuzzy matching', "Switched to node version $nodeVersion")

            It "Will return error on unmatched fuzzy version" {
                Mock Get-NodeVersions { return @() }

                $response = Set-NodeVersion 'v7'
                $response | Should -Be @('Version found is not a full version, using fuzzy matching', 'No version found to fuzzy match against')

            BeforeEach {
                $tmpDir = [system.io.path]::GetTempPath()
                Mock Get-NodeInstallLocation { return Join-Path $tmpDir '.nvm' }
                Mock Test-Path { return $true } -ParameterFilter { $Path.StartsWith((Join-Path $tmpDir '.nvm')) -eq $true }
    AfterEach {
        $settingsFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'settings.json'

        if ((Test-Path $settingsFile) -eq $true) {
            Remove-Item -Force $settingsFile