
function Add-OBSDisplaySource {
        Adds a display source
        Adds a display source to OBS. This captures the contents of the display.
        Add-OBSMonitorSource # Adds a display source of the primary monitor
        Add-OBSMonitorSource -Display 2 # Adds a display source of the second monitor

# The monitor number.
    # This the number of the monitor you would like to capture.
    $Monitor = 1,
# If set, will capture the cursor.
    # This will be set by default.
    # If explicitly set to false, the cursor will not be captured.
# The name of the scene.
    # If no scene name is provided, the current program scene will be used.
# The name of the input.
    # If no name is provided, "Display $($Monitor + 1)" will be the input source name.
dynamicParam {
    $baseCommand = 
        if (-not $script:AddOBSInput) {
            $script:AddOBSInput = 
        } else {
    $IncludeParameter = @()
    $ExcludeParameter = 'inputKind','sceneName','inputName'
    $DynamicParameters = [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new()            
    :nextInputParameter foreach ($paramName in ([Management.Automation.CommandMetaData]$baseCommand).Parameters.Keys) {
        if ($ExcludeParameter) {
            foreach ($exclude in $ExcludeParameter) {
                if ($paramName -like $exclude) { continue nextInputParameter}
        if ($IncludeParameter) {
            $shouldInclude = 
                foreach ($include in $IncludeParameter) {
                    if ($paramName -like $include) { $true;break}
            if (-not $shouldInclude) { continue nextInputParameter }
        $DynamicParameters.Add($paramName, [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new(
    process {
        $myParameters = [Ordered]@{} + $PSBoundParameters
        if (-not $myParameters["Scene"]) {
            $myParameters["Scene"] = Get-OBSCurrentProgramScene
        $myParameterData = [Ordered]@{}
        foreach ($parameter in $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values) {
            $bindToPropertyName = $null            
            foreach ($attribute in $parameter.Attributes) {
                if ($attribute -is [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute]) {
                    $bindToPropertyName = $attribute.Name
            if (-not $bindToPropertyName) { continue }
            if ($myParameters.Contains($parameter.Name)) {
                $myParameterData[$bindToPropertyName] = $myParameters[$parameter.Name]
                if ($myParameters[$parameter.Name] -is [switch]) {
                    $myParameterData[$bindToPropertyName] = $parameter.Name -as [bool]
        # Users like 1 indexed, computers like zero-indexed.
        $myParameterData["monitor"] = $Monitor - 1
        if (-not $myParameters["Name"]) {
            $myParameters["Name"] = "Display $($Monitor)"
        $addObsInputParams = @{
            sceneName = $myParameters["Scene"]
            inputName = $myParameters["Name"]
            inputKind = "monitor_capture"
            inputSettings = $myParameterData
        $outputAddedResult = Add-OBSInput @addObsInputParams
        if ($outputAddedResult) {
            Get-OBSSceneItem -sceneName $myParameters["Scene"] |
                Where-Object SourceName -eq $myParameters["Name"]