
function Connect-TwilioService {
    Configures Twilio API credentials (Account SID and Auth Token) and set thes API URI with the Account SID.

    Configures Twilio API credentials (Account SID and Auth Token) and set thes API URI with the Account SID.
    This requires a Twilio account with a configured Account SID and Auth Token.
    Can also optionally set the Twilio account phone number for sending SMS messages.

    .PARAMETER PhoneNumber
    Allows option to set the Twilio account phone number for sending SMS messages. Must be in E.164 format and a valid telephone number.
    This parameter is optional; however, if omitted, requires running Set-TwilioAccountPhoneNumber.

    .PARAMETER Credential
    Takes a PSCredential object saved in a PowerShell variable. This is the Account SID and Auth Token for your Twilio account.

    PS C:\> Connect-TwilioService

    This example will prompt for the Account SID and Auth Token to configure the API connection.

    $creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\> Connect-TwilioService -Credential $creds

    This example saves the Account SID and Auth Token to a PowerShell variable and then configures the API connection.

    PS C:\> Connect-TwilioService -PhoneNumber +15551234567

    This example will set the from phone number to +15551234567 and prompt for the Account SID and Auth Token to configure the API connection.


        [ValidatePattern("^\+[1-9]\d{1,14}$")]  # Regex taken from:


    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Credential')) {
        $Script:TWILIO_CREDS = $Credential
    else {
        $Script:TWILIO_CREDS = Get-Credential -Message "User name = Account SID, Password = Auth Token"

    Set-TwilioApiUri -SID $Script:TWILIO_CREDS.UserName
    if ((Test-TwilioCredentials -Credential $Script:TWILIO_CREDS) -eq $true) {
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PhoneNumber')) {
            Set-TwilioAccountPhoneNumber -PhoneNumber $PhoneNumber
} # End of Connect-TwilioService

function Test-TwilioCredentials {
    Tests that the Account SID and Auth Token are valid.

    Takes a PSCredential object and verifies the Account SID and Auth Token are valid by making a simple GET request against the Twilio API URI.
    This function is called from the Connect-TwilioService cmdlet to verify the credentials are valid.

    .PARAMETER Credential
    Takes a PSCredential object saved in a PowerShell variable. This is the Account SID and Auth Token for your Twilio account.

    $creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\> Test-TwilioCredentials -Credential $creds

    This example prompts for and saves the Account SID and Auth Token to a PowerShell variable and then verifies they are valid.

    $validCreds = $true

    try {
        Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Script:TWILIO_API_URI -Credential $Credential | Out-Null
    catch {
        Write-Error -Message "Error validating Twilio credentials. Verify the correct Account SID and Auth Token are being used."
        $validCreds = $false

    return $validCreds

function Get-TwilioApiUri {
    Returns the Twilio API URI configured with the module.

    If the Connect-TwilioService has been ran, this will return the API URI being used by the module with the Account SID.
    This command does not require any named parameters.

    PS C:\> Get-TwilioApiUri

    This example returns the configure Twilio API URI being used by the module.



    return $Script:TWILIO_API_URI
} # End of Get-TwilioApiUri

function Set-TwilioApiUri {
    Sets the Twilio API URI using an Account SID.

    Sets the Twilio API URI using an Account SID. This allows changing the API URI using a new API version or Account SID.

    Specify the Account SID for your Twilio account.
    This is a required parameter.

    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Specify the Twilio API version to use. The default is "2010-04-01".

    PS C:\> Set-TwilioApiUri -SID AC90asd989df800w9gf90d9f8g

    This will change the API URI in the module to use the value in the SID parameter.

    PS C:\> Set-TwilioApiUri -SID AC90asd989df800w9gf90d9f8g -ApiVersion 2010-04-01

    This example changes the API URI in the module to use the values set in the SID and ApiVersion.

    The Twilio API URI format is:<API_Version>/Accounts/<Account_SID>


        $ApiVersion = "2010-04-01"

    $Script:TWILIO_API_URI = "$ApiVersion/Accounts/$SID"
} # End of Set-TwilioApiUri

function Get-TwilioAccountPhoneNumber {
    Returns the Twilio Account Phone Number if it has been configured.

    Returns the Twilio Account Phone Number if it has been configured.
    This command does not require any named parameters.

    PS C:/> Get-TwilioAccountPhoneNumber

    This example will return the Twilio Account Phone Number (if configured) or prompt to run Set-TwilioAccountPhoneNumber if it has not been configure.


    if ($null -ne $Script:TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER) {
        return $Script:TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER
    else {
        return "Twilio Account Phone Number not set. Run Set-TwilioAccountPhoneNumber to configure the sending phone number for your Twilio account."
} # End of Get-TwilioAccountPhoneNumber

function Set-TwilioAccountPhoneNumber {
    Sets the Twilio account phone number to use for SMS messages.

    In order to send SMS messages with this module, a sending phone number must be configured. This cmdlet sets a default from phone number that is configured in your Twilio account.

    .PARAMETER PhoneNumber
    Accepts an E.164 formatted phone number starting with a plus (+) sign. The phone number is then validated using the Get-TwilioPhoneNumberInformation cmdlet.
    This is a required parameter.

    PS C:\> Set-TwilioAccountPhoneNumber -PhoneNumber +15551234567

    This example sets the default sending phone number for the module to +15551234567.


    param (
        [ValidatePattern("^\+[1-9]\d{1,14}$")]  # Regex taken from:

    try {
        Get-TwilioPhoneNumberInformation -PhoneNumber $PhoneNumber -VerifyNumber -ErrorAction STOP | Out-Null
    catch {
        Write-Error -Message "An error occurred while verifying the phone number: $($Error[0].ErrorDetails.Message)"

    $Script:TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER = $PhoneNumber

function Send-TwilioSMS {
    Sends an SMS message using the Twilio API.

    Uses the Twilio API to send an SMS message. This requires a Twilio account along with a configured sending phone number.

    .PARAMETER ToPhoneNumber
    This is the receiving phone number for the message. The phone number should be E.164 formatted.
    This is a required parameter.

    .PARAMETER Message
    This is the text body of the SMS message.
    This is a required parameter.

    .PARAMETER FromPhoneNumber
    This is the sending phone number configured in your Twilio account. If the phone number hasn't been configured using the Set-TwilioAccountPhoneNumber, this parameter should be used.

    .PARAMETER Credential
    If the API URI credentials have not been specified using the Connect-TwilioService cmdlet, you can specify them here with a PSCredential object.

    .PARAMETER StatusCallBack
    This is the endpoint that Twilio should use when posting status information back from your message.
    This is an optional parameter
    PS C:\> Send-TwilioSMS -ToPhoneNumber +15551234567 -Message "Hello World!"

    This example sends a message to the phone number +15551234567 using the already configured Account SID and Auth Token.

    PS C:\> Send-TwilioSMS -ToPhoneNumber +15551234567 -Message "Hello World!" -FromPhoneNumber +15559876543

    This example sends a message to the phone number +15551234567 using the already configured Account SID and Auth Token.
    It also specifies the from phone number if it has not been configured using the Set-TwilioAccountPhoneNumber.

    $creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\> Send-TwilioSMS -ToPhoneNumber +15551234567 -Message "Hello World!" -FromPhoneNumber +15559876543 -Credential $creds

    This example sends a message to the phone number +15551234567 using the already configured Account SID and Auth Token.
    It also specifies the from phone number if it has not been configured using the Set-TwilioAccountPhoneNumber and uses a PSCredential object saved to $creds with the
    Account SID and Auth Token.

    param (
        [ValidatePattern("^\+[1-9]\d{1,14}$")]  # Regex taken from:


        [ValidatePattern("^\+[1-9]\d{1,14}$")]  # Regex taken from:
        $FromPhoneNumber = $Script:TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER,

        $Credential = $Script:TWILIO_CREDS,


    if ($Null -eq $Credential) {
        Write-Error -Message "The Twilio API credentials have not been configured. Please run Connect-TwilioService and use the account SID and Auth Token to configure credentials."
    elseif ($NULL -eq $Script:TWILIO_API_URI) {
        Write-Error -Message "The Twilio API URI has not been configured with the Account SID. Please run Set-TwilioApiUri with the Account SID before running this command again."
    elseif ($NULL -eq $FromPhoneNumber) {
        Write-Error -Message "The Twilio Account Phone Number has not been specified. Use the Set-TwilioAccountPhoneNumber cmdlet or use the -FromPhoneNumber parameter to specify the Twilio account phone number."
    else {
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FromPhoneNumber')) {
            $body = @{
                From = $FromPhoneNumber
                To   = $ToPhoneNumber
                Body = $Message
        else {
            $body = @{
                From = $Script:TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER
                To   = $ToPhoneNumber
                Body = $Message

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('StatusCallback')){
            $body += @{ StatusCallback = $StatusCallback }
        Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri "$Script:TWILIO_API_URI/Messages.json" -Credential $Credential -Body $body

function Get-TwilioSMSHistory {
    Gets the SMS history from your Twilio account.

    Makes an API call to return all the SMS messages in your account history in JSON.

    .PARAMETER Credential
    If the API URI credentials have not been specified using the Connect-TwilioService cmdlet, you can specify them here with a PSCredential object.

    PS C:\> Get-TwilioSMSHistory

    This example will return the SMS history in your Twilio account.
    This assumes Connect-TwilioService has already been configured.

    $creds = Get-Credential
    PS C:\> Get-TwilioSMSHistory -Credential $creds

    This example will return the SMS history in your Twilio account and uses a PSCredential object saved to $creds with the
    Account SID and Auth Token.

        $Credential = $Script:TWILIO_CREDS

    Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri "$Script:TWILIO_API_URI/Messages.json" -Credential $Credential

function Get-TwilioPhoneNumberInformation {
    Returns information about a phone number using Twilio lookup service.

    This cmdlet returns information about a phone number in JSON. There are three options:

    1. Verify number (-VerifyNumber)
    2. Lookup carrier information (-LookupCarrier)
    3. Lookup owner (-LookupCallerID)

    Each option is made available through switch parameters as part of parameter sets, meaning only only lookup option can be specified each time the command is ran.

    .PARAMETER PhoneNumber
    This is the phone number in to verify in E.164 format.
    This is a required parameter.

    .PARAMETER VerifyNumber
    This switch parameter confirms the phone number is valid.

    .PARAMETER LookupCarrier
    This switch parameter returns information such as the carrier name and phone number type (landline, mobile, or voip).

    .PARAMETER LookupCallerID
    This switch paramter performs a lookup on the phone number and returns the name of the individual or business associated with it.
    Only available for U.S. numbers.

    .PARAMETER Credential
    If the API URI credentials have not been specified using the Connect-TwilioService cmdlet, you can specify them here with a PSCredential object.

    PS C:\> Get-TwilioPhoneNumberInformation -PhoneNumber +15551234567 -VerifyNumber

    This example verifies the supplied phone number is a valid phone number.

    PS C:\> Get-TwilioPhoneNumberInformation -PhoneNumber +15551234567 -LookupCarrier

    This example returns information for the supplied phone number, such as landline, mobile, or voip and the mobile carrier name.

    PS C:\> Get-TwilioPhoneNumberInformation -PhoneNumber +15551234567 -LookupCallerID

    This example returns the name of the individual or business associated with the phone number.

        [ValidatePattern("^\+[1-9]\d{1,14}$")]  # Regex taken from:



        $Credential = $Script:TWILIO_CREDS
    # Reference:

    if ($Null -eq $Credential) {
        Write-Error -Message "The Twilio API credentials have not been configured. Please run Connect-TwilioService and use the account SID and Auth Token to configure credentials."
    else {
        switch ($PSBoundParameters) {
            {$_.Keys -eq "VerifyNumber"} { Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri "$PhoneNumber" -Credential $Credential; break }
            {$_.Keys -eq "LookupCarrier"} { Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri "$($PhoneNumber)?Type=carrier" -Credential $Credential; break }
            {$_.Keys -eq "LookupCallerID"} { Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri "$($PhoneNumber)?Type=caller-name" -Credential $Credential; break }

#Export-ModuleMember -Function Connect-TwilioService, Test-TwilioCredentials, Get-TwilioApiUri, Set-TwilioApiUri, Get-TwilioAccountPhoneNumber, Set-TwilioAccountPhoneNumber, `
# Send-TwilioSMS, Get-TwilioSMSHistory, Get-TwilioPhoneNumberInformation