
function New-VM_Windows10 {
    $Server = "Windows10"               #Create VM name as Windows10
    $ServerRAM = 4GB                    #Set RAM size to 1 GB
    $ServerVHD = 60GB                   #Set VHD size to 80GB
    $VMLOC = "C:\VM"                #Define where the virtual hard disk file is stored
    $Switch = "External"                  #Define the name of the virtual switch
    #Specify where to install the ISO file
    $isoFile = "C:\Installers\en-gb_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_2004_x64_dvd_d4d263d8.iso" 
    # Create folders and virtual throw switches for virtual machines
    mkdir $VMLOC -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $TestSwitch = Get-VMSwitch -Name $Switch -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; 
    if ($TestSwitch.Count -EQ 0){New-VMSwitch -Name $Switch -SwitchType Private}
    # Create a new virtual machine
    New-VM -Name $Server -Path $VMLOC -MemoryStartupBytes $ServerRAM `
        -NewVHDPath $VMLOC\$ServerVHD.vhdx -NewVHDSizeBytes $ServerVHD -SwitchName $Switch
    # Configuring a virtual machine
    Set-VMDvdDrive -VMName $Server -Path $isoFile
    #Start the Virtual Machine
    Start-VM $Server