
    "add": "Installs a package and any packages that it depends on.\nBy default, any new package is installed as a prod dependency",
    "add -g": "Install a package globally\neg: pnpm add -g typescript",
    "add -D": "Install a package(write to the dependencies of package.json)\neg: pnpm add -D sass",
    "add -S": "Install a package(write to the devDependencies of package.json)\neg: pnpm add -S sass",
    "add -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- add",
    "install": "Alias: i\nCommand: pnpm install [-g|-D|-S] <package>\nInstall all dependencies for a project",
    "install -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- install",
    "remove": "Alias: rm\nRemoves packages from node_modules and from the projects package.json",
    "remove -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- remove",
    "list": "Alias: ls\nPrint all the versions of packages that are installed, as well as their dependencies, in a tree-structure",
    "list -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- list",
    "update": "Alias: up\nUpdates packages to their latest version based on the specified range",
    "update -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- update",
    "outdated": "Check for outdated packages",
    "outdated -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- outdated",
    "import": "Generates a pnpm-lock.yaml from an npm package-lock.json (or npm-shrinkwrap.json) file",
    "import -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- import",
    "install-test": "Alias: it\nRuns a pnpm install followed immediately by a pnpm test",
    "install-test -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- install-test",
    "link": "Alias: ln\nConnect the local project to another one",
    "link -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- link",
    "prune": "Removes extraneous packages",
    "prune -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- prune",
    "rebuild": "Alias: rb\nRebuild a package",
    "rebuild -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- rebuild",
    "unlink": "Unlinks a package. Like yarn unlink but pnpm re-installs the dependency after removing the external link",
    "unlink -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- unlink",
    "exec": "Executes a shell command in scope of a project",
    "exec -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- exec",
    "run": "Runs a defined package script",
    "run -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- run",
    "start": "Runs an arbitrary command specified in the package's \"start\" property of its \"scripts\" object",
    "start -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- start",
    "test": "Alias: t\nRuns a package's \"test\" script, if one was provided",
    "test -h": "Alias : --help \nShow official help -- test",
    "-v": "--version\nPrint the current version of pnpm",
    "help": "Show official help",
    "help add": "Show official help -- add",
    "help install": "Show official help -- install",
    "help remove": "Show official help -- remove",
    "help list": "Show official help -- list",
    "help update": "Show official help -- init",
    "help outdated": "Show official help -- outdated",
    "help import": "Show official help --import",
    "help install-test": "Show official help -- install-test",
    "help link": "Show official help -- link",
    "help prune": "Show official help -- prune",
    "help rebuild": "Show official help -- rebuild",
    "help unlink": "Show official help -- unlink",
    "help exec": "Show official help -- exec",
    "help run": "Show official help -- run",
    "help start": "Show official help -- start",
    "help test": "Show official help -- test",
        "warn":"Module Warning(pnpm-tab-completion): It's no longer maintained and improved!",
        "tip":"You should install and import the PSCompletions module, and run \"psc add pnpm\" to add pnpm completion\nFor more information: https://github.com/abgox/PSCompletions"