
function Get-AWSConfigFile {
      Returns the name of the file to use for AWS CLI configuration profiles.

      If there is a value in the AWS_CONFIG_FILE environment variable, returns
      that value. Otherwise, returns the default config file location.



  [string]$AwsConfigFile = $Env:AWS_CONFIG_FILE

  if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AwsConfigFile)) {
    # If the environment variable is not configured, calculate
    # the default location as documented in the AWS CLI docs.
    $AwsHome = $Env:HOME

    if($null -eq $AwsHome) {
      $AwsHome = $Env:HOMEDRIVE + $Env:HOMEPATH

    if($null -eq $AwsHome) {
      Write-Error "Could not determine user's home directory."
      return $null

    [string]$AwsHomeDefault = Join-Path $Home ".aws"
    $AwsConfigFile = Join-Path $AwsHomeDefault "config"

  return $AwsConfigFile

function Get-AWSCurrentProfile {
      Returns the currently set AWS CLI profile, or "default" if none has been specified.

      This returns the value of the AWS_PROFILE environment variable. If the variable is
      not set, it will return "default".

      If the variable is set to a value that does not exist as a configured AWS CLI profile,
      a warning will be displayed.

    .PARAMETER Quiet
      Suppress informational output.


    [switch] $Quiet

  $ProfileItem = (Get-Item -ErrorAction Ignore Env:AWS_PROFILE)
  if($null -eq $ProfileItem) {
    if(!$Quiet) { Write-Host "No profile selected; 'default' will be used." }

    $ProfileName = "default"
  } else {
    $ProfileName = $ProfileItem.Value

  Test-AWSProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName | Out-Null

  return $ProfileName

function Set-AWSCurrentProfile {
      Sets the AWS CLI profile to the provided value, or clears it if $null is passed.

      This manipulates the value of the AWS_PROFILE environment variable. If the provided
      value does not exist as a configured AWS CLI profile, a warning will be displayed.

    .PARAMETER ProfileName
      Set the profile to this value.

    .PARAMETER Clear
      Clear the selected profile.

    .PARAMETER Persist
      Save the updated profile into the user's environment variables so that it persists
      across PowerShell restarts.

    .PARAMETER Quiet
      Suppress informational output.


    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ParameterSetName='Set-Profile')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Clear-Profile')]
    [switch] $Quiet

  Write-Host ''

  switch($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
    "Clear-Profile" {
      $ProfileName = $null
      if(!$Quiet) { Write-Host "Clearing profile setting for current session." }
      Remove-Item -ErrorAction Ignore Env:AWS_PROFILE
    "Set-Profile" {
      Test-AWSProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName | Out-Null
      if(!$Quiet) { Write-Host "Setting profile for current session to '$ProfileName'." }
      Set-Item Env:AWS_PROFILE $ProfileName

  if(!$Persist) {
    if(!$Quiet) { Write-Host "To change the profile setting for future sessions, run this command with the -Persist argument." }

  if(!(Test-IsWindows)) {
    Write-Warning "The -Persist argument is not supported on non-Windows platforms."

  if(!$Quiet) { Write-Host "Updating user environment variable to change profile setting for future sessions." }
    "AWS_PROFILE", $ProfileName,

function Get-AWSAvailableProfiles {
      Displays the list of available AWS CLI profiles.

      Shows the list of profiles found in the AWS CLI config file, as returned
      by Get-AWSConfigFile. If that file does not exist, a warning is displayed.


  $AwsConfigFile = Get-AWSConfigFile
  if ($null -eq $AwsConfigFile) {
    Write-Error "Cannot find AWS config file"
    return $null

  if(!(Test-Path $AwsConfigFile -PathType Leaf)) {
    Write-Warning "AWS CLI config file $AwsConfigFile doesn't exist. Run 'aws configure' to create it."
    return @()

  $NoSection = "NoSection"

  $IniFile = [ordered]@{}
  switch -regex -file $AwsConfigFile
    "^\[(.+)\]$" # Section
      $Section = $matches[1] -Replace 'profile ',''
      $IniFile[$Section] = @{}
      $CommentCount = 0

    "^(;.*)$" # Comment
      if (!($Section))
          $Section = $NoSection
          $IniFile[$Section] = @{}
      $Value = $matches[1]
      $CommentCount = $CommentCount + 1
      $Name = "Comment" + $CommentCount
      $IniFile[$Section][$Name] = $Value

    "(.+?)\s*=\s*(.*)" # Key
      if (!($Section))
          $Section = $NoSection
          $IniFile[$Section] = @{}
      $Name,$Value = $matches[1..2]
      $IniFile[$Section][$Name] = $Value

  $AwsProfiles = @()
  foreach ($ProfileName in $IniFile.Keys) {
    $AwsProfiles += @{ Name = $ProfileName; Region = $IniFile[$ProfileName]['region']}

  return $AwsProfiles

function Test-AWSProfile {
      Checks the validity of the provided AWS CLI profile name.

      Checks whether the provided name exists in the list of profiles found
      in the AWS CLI config file, as returned by Get-AWSConfigFile. If that
      file does not exist, a warning is displayed.


    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]

  $AvailableProfileNames = Get-AWSAvailableProfiles | ForEach-Object { $_.Name }

  if($AvailableProfileNames.Length -eq 0 -or !$AvailableProfileNames.Contains($ProfileName)) {
    Write-Warning "No configuration found for AWS profile '$($ProfileName)'."
    return $false

  return $true

function Switch-AWSProfile {
      Displays an interactive menu for choosing an AWS CLI profile.

      Uses the following keys for navigation of the menu.
        [ Move up the list
        ] Move down the list
        \ Set your profile to the currently selected one
        - Clear your profile
        = Cancel with no changes

      Additionally, you can press any number key to select the profile
      indicated by that key.

    .PARAMETER ProfileName
      When provided, skips the menu and directly sets the profile name.

    .PARAMETER Persist
      Save the updated profile into the user's environment variables so that it persists
      across PowerShell restarts.


    [string] $ProfileName,
    [switch] $Persist

  $AvailableProfiles = Get-AWSAvailableProfiles
  if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProfileName)) {
    $CurrentProfile = Get-AWSCurrentProfile

    if($AvailableProfiles.Length -eq 0) {
      Write-Error "There are no profiles configured."
      return 1

    Write-Host "`nPress `e[31mDelete`e[0m to clear your profile setting."
    Write-Host "Press `e[33mEscape`e[0m to cancel."

    $SelectedProfile = Read-MenuSelection -Items $AvailableProfiles -CurrentItem $CurrentProfile
  } else {
    $SelectedProfile = $AvailableProfiles | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $ProfileName } Select-Object -First 1

  if("esc" -eq $SelectedProfile) {
    Write-Host "Leaving profile as '$CurrentProfile'."
  if($null -ne $SelectedProfile) {
    Set-AWSCurrentProfile -ProfileName $SelectedProfile.Name -Persist:$Persist
  } else {
    Set-AWSCurrentProfile -Clear -Persist:$Persist

  Write-Host ""

function Read-MenuSelection {
      Utility function that implements the menu handling for


    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Items,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $CurrentItem

  $SelectedItem = $null
  $CurrentIndex = $Items.IndexOf($CurrentItem)
  if($CurrentIndex -lt 0) { $CurrentIndex = 0 }

  function Get-ProfileName {
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Index

    if ($null -eq $Items[$Index].Region) {
      return "$($Items[$Index].Name)"
    return "$($Items[$Index].Name) ($($Items[$Index].Region))"

  # Initially write out the menu items, including a * indicator
  # to point out the currently set profile.
  for($i = 0; $i -lt $Items.Length; $i++) {
    $Indicator = if ($CurrentIndex -eq $i) { "*" } else { " " }
    $Name = if ($CurrentIndex -eq $i) { "`e[36m$(Get-ProfileName $i)`e[0m" } else { "$(Get-ProfileName $i)" }
    $Index = if ($i -lt 10) { $i } else { " " }
    Write-Host "$Indicator $Index $Name"

  # Keep track of where the cursor ended up so we can update the
  # * indicator
  $CursorTop = [Console]::CursorTop - $Items.Length

  while($null -eq $SelectedItem) {
    $MoveBy = 0
    $Key = [Console]::ReadKey($true)

    switch($Key.Key) {
      "UpArrow"   { if ($CurrentIndex -gt 0) { $MoveBy = -1 } }
      "DownArrow" { if ($CurrentIndex -lt $Items.Length - 1) { $MoveBy = 1 } }
      "Enter"     { $SelectedItem = $Items[$CurrentIndex] }
      "Escape"    { return "esc" }
      "Delete"    { return $null }

    if([char]::IsNumber($Key.KeyChar)) {
      $Index = [int]::Parse($Key.KeyChar)
      if ($Index -lt $Items.Length) {
        $SelectedItem = $Items[$Index]

    if($MoveBy -ne 0) {
      # If [ or ] was pressed, update where the * indicator is shown.
      [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, $CursorTop + $CurrentIndex)
      Write-Host -NoNewline " $CurrentIndex $(Get-ProfileName $CurrentIndex)"
      $CurrentIndex += $MoveBy
      [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, $CursorTop + $CurrentIndex)
      Write-Host -NoNewline "* $CurrentIndex `e[36m$(Get-ProfileName $CurrentIndex)`e[0m"
      [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, $CursorTop + $Items.Length)

  return $SelectedItem

function Test-IsWindows {
      Utility function that checks if we are currently running on Windows.


  if(!(Get-Variable -Name IsWindows -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
    # No $IsWindows variable means we're on PowerShell Core 5.1 or
    # PowerShell Desktop, both of which are Windows-only.
    return $true

  return $IsWindows

New-Alias -Name awsp -Value Switch-AWSProfile -Force