
    Get random name of cats.
    This function allows you to get a single or a list of name of cats.
    Show all cat names.
    This command get a single cat name. e.g Gracie
    Get-CatName -All
    This command get all cat names.

function Get-CatName {

    $allCats = LoadCatNames

    if ($All -eq $true)
        return $allCats
    $allCats | Get-Random

    Get a cat face emoji.
    This function write a cat face emoji in the console using the Emoji Unicode Symbol. Your shell need suport Unicode.
    This command return a cat emoji face. 🐱

function Get-CatEmoji {
    ConvertUnicodeToString -UnicodeChars "U+1F431"

    Open the "100 Most Important Cat Pictures Of All Time" page on BuzzFeed.
    Open BuzzFeed in the cutiest page about cats. OK, this is it. This is the one. We can all finally shut down the internet and go home after this.
    This command open BuzzFeed in your browser.

function Get-CatBuzz {
    OpenPage "https://www.buzzfeed.com/expresident/best-cat-pictures"

    Get a random image of cats.
    Open a cat image in your browser.
    This command open a cat image in your browser.

function Get-CatImage {
    $targetUrl = if ($IsWindows -eq $true)

    OpenPage $targetUrl

    Open a MeowMix video in youtube.
    Open a 10h MeowMix video in youtube.
    This command open MeowMix in youtube.

function Get-CatMeowMix {
    OpenPage "https://youtu.be/SbyZDq76T74"

    Play a meow sound effect.
    Pay a wav sound of cat meowing.
    This command play a meow effect.

function Get-CatMeow {
    PlayCatSound "$PSSCriptRoot/cat-meow.wav"

    Play a baby cat meow sound effect.
    Pay a wav sound of baby cat meowing.
    This command play a baby cat meow effect.

function Get-CatBabyMeow {
    PlayCatSound "$PSSCriptRoot/cat-baby-meow.wav"

    Play a sound effect of cats fighting.
    Pay a wav sound of cats fighting.
    This command play cats fighting.

function Get-CatFight {
    PlayCatSound "$PSSCriptRoot/cat-fight.wav"

    Play a sound effect of a cat angry.
    Pay a wav sound of an angry cat.
    This command play a angry cat.

function Get-CatAngry {
    PlayCatSound "$PSScriptRoot/cat-angry.wav"

    Play a purr sound effect.
    Play a purr... purr... purr sound effect (purr is the sound when the cat want some affection).
    This command play a purr cat effect.

function Get-CatPurr {
    PlayCatSound "$PSSCriptRoot/cat-purr.wav"

    Play a yowl (when the cat is angry) sound effect.
    Play a yowl sound effect. This effect is very common in adult cats.
    This command play a yowl cat effect.

function Get-CatYowl {
    PlayCatSound "$PSSCriptRoot/cat-yowl.wav"

function ConvertUnicodeToString {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $unicodeChars = $unicodeChars -replace 'U\+', '';

    $unicodeArray = @();
    foreach ($unicodeChar in $unicodeChars.Split(' ')) {
        $intRepresentation = [System.Convert]::ToInt32($unicodeChar, 16);
        $unicodeArray += [System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32($intRepresentation);

    $unicodeArray -join [String]::Empty;

function LoadCatNames {
    Get-Content -Raw -Path "$PSSCriptRoot/cat-names.json" | ConvertFrom-Json

function PlayCatSound ($file) {
    if ($IsWindows -eq $true)
        $player = New-Object System.Media.SoundPlayer
        $player.SoundLocation = Get-Item $file
        open $file --hide

function OpenPage ($url) {
    if ($IsWindows -eq $true)
        Start-Process -FilePath $url
        open "$url" --args "$url"

# Before PowerShell Core, the variable $IsWindows do not exist
$IsWindows = $IsWindows -or $PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop"

# Export only the functions using PowerShell standard verb-noun naming.
# Be sure to list each exported functions in the FunctionsToExport field of the module manifest file.
# This improves performance of command discovery in PowerShell.
Export-ModuleMember -Function *-*