Usage notes-beta6.txt

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.NET Version Manager v1.0.0-beta6-10396
By Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.
usage: dnvm <command> [<arguments...>]
Current feed settings:
Default Stable:
Default Unstable:
Current Stable Override: <none>
Current Unstable Override: <none>
    To use override feeds, set DNX_FEED and DNX_UNSTABLE_FEED environment keys respectively
    alias Lists and manages aliases
    exec Executes the specified command in a sub-shell where the PATH has been augmented to include the specified DNX
    help Displays a list of commands, and help for specific commands
    install Installs a version of the runtime
    list Lists available runtimes
    run Locates the dnx.exe for the specified version or alias and executes it, providing the remaining arguments to dnx.exe
    setup Installs the version manager into your User profile directory
    update-self Updates DNVM to the latest version.
    upgrade Installs the latest version of the runtime and reassigns the specified alias to point at it
    use Adds a runtime to the PATH environment variable for your current shell
dnvm alias
  Lists and manages aliases
  dnvm alias [-d] [<Name>] [<Version>] [<Architecture>] [<Runtime>]
  -d Set this switch to delete the alias with the specified name
  <Name> The name of the alias to read/create/delete
  <Version> The version to assign to the new alias
  <Architecture> The architecture of the runtime to assign to this alias
  <Runtime> The flavor of the runtime to assign to this alias
  If no arguments are provided, this command lists all aliases. If <Name> is provided,
  the value of that alias, if present, is displayed. If <Name> and <Version> are
  provided, the alias <Name> is set to the runtime defined by <Version>, <Architecture>
  (defaults to 'x86') and <Runtime> (defaults to 'clr').
  Finally, if the '-d' switch is provided, the alias <Name> is deleted, if it exists.
  dnvm exec
  Executes the specified command in a sub-shell where the PATH has been augmented to include the specified DNX
  dnvm exec <VersionOrAlias> [<Command>] [-arch <Architecture>] [-r <Runtime>] [<Arguments>]
  <VersionOrAlias> The version of alias of the runtime to make active in the sub-shell
  <Command> The command to execute in the sub-shell
  dnvm help
  Displays a list of commands, and help for specific commands
  dnvm help [-PassThru]
  dnvm help <Command> [-PassThru]
  <Command> A specific command to get help for
  dnvm install
  Installs a version of the runtime
  dnvm install [<VersionNuPkgOrAlias>] [-arch <Architecture>] [-r <Runtime>] [-a <Alias>] [-f] [-Proxy <Proxy>] [-NoNative] [-Ngen] [-Persistent] [-Unstable]
  <VersionNuPkgOrAlias> The version to install from the current channel, the path to a '.nupkg' file to install, 'latest' to
install the latest available version from the current channel, or an alias value to install an alternate
runtime or architecture flavor of the specified alias.
  -arch The processor architecture of the runtime to install (default: x86)
  -r The runtime flavor to install (default: clr)
  -a Set alias <Alias> to the installed runtime
  -f Overwrite an existing runtime if it already exists
  -Proxy Use the given address as a proxy when accessing remote server
  -NoNative Skip generation of native images
  -Ngen For CLR flavor only. Generate native images for runtime libraries on Desktop CLR to improve startup time. This option requires elevated privilege and will be automatically turned on if the script is running in administrative mode. To opt-out in administrative mode, use -NoNative switch.
  -Persistent Make the installed runtime useable across all processes run by the current user
  -Unstable Upgrade from our unstable dev feed. This will give you the latest development version of the runtime.
  A proxy can also be specified by using the 'http_proxy' environment variable
  dnvm list
  Lists available runtimes
  dnvm list [-PassThru]
  -PassThru Set this switch to return unformatted powershell objects for use in scripting
  dnvm run
  Locates the dnx.exe for the specified version or alias and executes it, providing the remaining arguments to dnx.exe
  dnvm run <VersionOrAlias> [-arch <Architecture>] [-r <Runtime>] [<DnxArguments>]
  <VersionOrAlias> The version of alias of the runtime to execute
  <DnxArguments> The arguments to pass to dnx.exe
  dnvm setup
  Installs the version manager into your User profile directory
  dnvm setup [-SkipUserEnvironmentInstall]
  -SkipUserEnvironmentInstall Set this switch to skip configuring the user-level DNX_HOME and PATH environment variables
  dnvm update-self
  Updates DNVM to the latest version.
  dnvm update-self [<Proxy>]
  <Proxy> Use the given address as a proxy when accessing remote server
  dnvm upgrade
  Installs the latest version of the runtime and reassigns the specified alias to point at it
  dnvm upgrade [<Alias>] [-arch <Architecture>] [-r <Runtime>] [-f] [-Proxy <Proxy>] [-NoNative] [-Ngen] [-Unstable]
  <Alias> The alias to upgrade (default: 'default')
  -arch The processor architecture of the runtime to install (default: x86)
  -r The runtime flavor to install (default: clr)
  -f Overwrite an existing runtime if it already exists
  -Proxy Use the given address as a proxy when accessing remote server
  -NoNative Skip generation of native images
  -Ngen For CLR flavor only. Generate native images for runtime libraries on Desktop CLR to improve startup time. This option requires elevated privilege and will be automatically turned on if the script is running in administrative mode. To opt-out in administrative mode, use -NoNative switch.
  -Unstable Upgrade from our unstable dev feed. This will give you the latest development version of the runtime.
  dnvm use
  Adds a runtime to the PATH environment variable for your current shell
  dnvm use <VersionOrAlias> [-arch <Architecture>] [-r <Runtime>] [-p]
  <VersionOrAlias> The version or alias of the runtime to place on the PATH
  -arch The processor architecture of the runtime to place on the PATH (default: x86, or whatever the alias specifies in the case of use-ing an alias)
  -r The runtime flavor of the runtime to place on the PATH (default: clr, or whatever the alias specifies in the case of use-ing an alias)
  -p Make the change persistent across all processes run by the current user