
Function Get-CredentialBasic {
       Outputs BASIC credentials.
       The accepted credentials is either your Github username/password pair, or, preferably,
       your username and a token created at https://github.com/settings/tokens

       The PSCredential object has to be decoded as Github breaks RFC2617 and never sends the
       needed HTTP code. See https://developer.github.com/v3/auth/#basic-authentication

    Param (
        # Credentials. See notes.
    $BasicString = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Credential.Password)
    $UnsecurePassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BasicString)
    $auth = '{0}:{1}' -f $Credential.UserName,$UnsecurePassword
    $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($auth)
    $base64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
    Return 'Basic {0}' -f $base64

Function Get-Gist {
       Retrieves Github gists
       Retrieves gists, either public ones or for the current user.
       Optionally writes the files contained in the gist to the disk.
       Retrieves the most recent public gists.
       Get-Gist -Credential ( Get-Credential )
       Retrieves the current users gists.
       Get-Gist -User johndoe -Since 2016-03-03
       Retrieves johndoe's gist updated after the given date.
       Get-Gist -Credential $cred -Starred
       Retrieves gists starred by the current user.
       Get-Gist -Id 5e85af5998abf08f2d86c9aef968ef9f -Forks
       Retrieves the forks of a specific gist.
       Get-Gist -User johndoe | select -First 1 | Get-Gist -File * -Destination out
       Retrieves johndoe's last gist and outputs the files in the 'out' folder.
       You can pipe strings that contains gists Ids.

       You can pipe the custom object posh-gist.gist (type output by the poshgist CMDlets)
       Get-Gists outputs a custom object type that contains all information pertaining to a gist.

       The CMDlet returns $false when an error occured.
       The accepted credentials is either your Github username/password pair, or, preferably,
       your username and a token created at https://github.com/settings/tokens

    Param (
        # To retrieves the gists of the selected user.
        # Limits the gists to the ones updated after the given date.
        # Retrieves gists by Id.
        # To retrieves a specific revision of the gist.
        # Select files from the gist to be written to disk.
        # Wildcard permitted (IE. '*.txt' to get all text files)
        # Folder to write the files to. Will be created if needed. Defaults to current folder.
        # Overwrites files if they already exist.
        # To retrieves the forks of a specific gist.
        # To retrieves the last public gists.
        # To retrieves the gists starred by the current user.
        # Credentials. See notes.
    Begin {
        $headers = @{}
        If ( $Credential ) {
            $headers.Authorization = Get-CredentialBasic -Credential $Credential
        $parameters = @()
        If ( $Since ) {
            $parameters += 'since={0}' -f ( Get-Date -Date $Since -Format s )
        if ($parameters.count) { $reqparameters = '?' + ( $parameters -join '&' ) }
        If ( $Destination -and ( -not $File ) ) { $File = '*' }
    Process {
        If ( $Public ) {
            $URI = 'https://api.github.com/gists/public'
        } elseIf ( $Starred ) {
            $URI = 'https://api.github.com/gists/starred'
        } elseIf ( $Forks ) {
            $URI = 'https://api.github.com/gists/{0}/forks' -f $Id
        } elseIf ( $Id ) {
            $URI = 'https://api.github.com/gists/{0}' -f $Id
            If ( $Sha ) {
                $URI += '/' + $Sha
        } ElseIf ( $User ) {
            $URI = 'https://api.github.com/users/{0}/gists' -f $User
        } Else {
            $URI = 'https://api.github.com/gists'
        Try {
            $WebRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers -Uri ( $URI + $reqparameters ) -Method Get
            $gists = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $WebRequest.content
            foreach ($gist in $gists) 

            $outfiles = @()
            foreach ( $filename in $File ) {
                If ( $filename -notmatch '[*?]' ) {
                    $outfiles += $filename
                } Else {
                    $regexp = [Regex]::Escape($filename) -replace '\\\*','.*' -replace '\\\?','.'
                    $outfiles += $gist.files.psobject.Properties | ? name -Match $regexp | select -ExpandProperty name
            foreach ( $OutFile in ( $outfiles | select -Unique ) ) {
                If ( $gist.files."$OutFile" ) {
                    $DestinationPath = Join-Path -Path $Destination -ChildPath $OutFile
                    If ( ( Test-Path -Path $DestinationPath ) -and ( -not $Force ) ) {
                        Throw '{0} already exists. Use -Force to overwrite' -f $DestinationPath
                    } Else {
                        If ( $gist.file."$OutFile".truncated ) {
                            $content = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $tg.files.'poshgist.ps1'.raw_url | select -ExpandProperty content
                        } Else {
                            $content = $gist.files."$OutFile".content
                        If ( -not ( Test-Path -Path $Destination ) ) { $null = New-Item -Path $Destination -ItemType directory }
                        Out-File -FilePath $DestinationPath -InputObject $content -Force
                        # Trade-off. Getting the real timestamp of every file would require analysing history
                        (Get-Item -Path $DestinationPath).LastWriteTime = $gist.updated_at
                } Else {
                    Throw '{0} was not found in the gist.' -f $OutFile
            Return $gists
        Catch {
            Write-Host -Object $_.Exception.Message
            Return $false

Function New-Gist {
       Creates a Github gist
       Creates a gist by including files, or by forking an existing one.
       New-Gist -file poshgist.*,readme.txt -Description 'Gist management CMDlets' -Public
       Creates a gist containing the selected files.
       New-Gist -Fork 5e85af5998abf08f2d86c9aef968ef9f
       Forks a gist. Forks are always public.
       You cannot pipe anything to New-Gist.
       New-Gists outputs a custom object type that contains all information pertaining to the new gist.
       The CMDlet returns $false when an error occured.
       The accepted credentials is either your Github username/password pair, or, preferably,
       your username and a token created at https://github.com/settings/tokens

    Param (
        # Files to include in the gist. Wildcard are permitted.
        # Description of the gist.
        # Creates a public gist. The default option is a secret one.
        # Creates an anonymous gist.
        # The id of the gist to fork.
        # Credentials. See notes.
    Begin {
        $Body = @{}
        $Files = @{}
        If ( $Description ) { $Body.description = $Description }
        If ( $Public ) { $Body.public = $true }
        If ( $Credential ) {
            $headers = @{ Authorization = Get-CredentialBasic -Credential $Credential }
    Process {
        If ( -not $Fork ) {
            $FileList = Get-Item -Path $Path
            foreach ( $File in $FileList ) { $Files[$File.Name] = @{content=( Get-Content $File -Encoding UTF8 | Out-String )} }
    End {
        If ( $Fork ) {
            Try {
                $Uri = 'https://api.github.com/gists/92fa6e65eacf26219022/forks'
                $RawReq = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers -Uri $Uri -Method Post
                $Req = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $RawReq
                Return $Req
            Catch {
                Write-Host -Object $_.Exception.Message
                Return $false
        } Else {
            Try {
                $Body.files = $Files
                $json = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body
                $json = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($json)
                $RawReq = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers -Uri https://api.github.com/gists -Method Post -Body $json
                $Req = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $RawReq
                Return $Req
            Catch {
                Write-Host -Object $_.Exception.Message
                Return $false

Function Remove-Gist {
       Deletes a Github gist
       Deletes a gist by ID. You must be authenticated.
       Remove-Gist -Id <gist id> -Credential ( Get-Credential )
       Deletes the gist.
       You cannot pipe anything to New-Gist.
        Remove-Gists returns true if the gist was deleted. False otherwise.
        The accepted credentials is either your Github username/password pair, or, preferably,
        your username and a token created at https://github.com/settings/tokens

    Param (
        # Id of the gist to delete.
        # Credential. Mandatory, as you can only delete your own gists.
    Begin {
        If ( $Credential ) {
            $headers = @{ Authorization = Get-CredentialBasic -Credential $Credential }
    Process {
        Try {
            $Uri = 'https://api.github.com/gists/{0}' -f $Id
            Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers -Uri $Uri -Method Delete
            Return $true
        Catch {
            Write-Host -Object $_.Exception.Message
            Return $false

Function Update-Gist {
       Updates a Github gist
       Updates a gist by adding, removing, updating or renoming files.
       Update-Gist -id 5e85af5998abf08f2d86c9aef968ef9f -Update poshgist.ps1 -Add poshgist.md
       Updates poshgist.ps1 in the gist, and adds poshgist.md
       Update-Gist -id 5e85af5998abf08f2d86c9aef968ef9f -Remove *.txt
       Removes text files from the gist.
       Update-Gist -id 5e85af5998abf08f2d86c9aef968ef9f -Rename readme.txt -Destination readme.md
       Renames the file in the gist.
       Update-Gist -id 5e85af5998abf08f2d86c9aef968ef9f -Description 'My oh so very nice gist'
       Adds or changes the gist's description
       Update-Gist -id 5e85af5998abf08f2d86c9aef968ef9f -Star
       Stars a gist. Go on, try it.
       You can pipe strings that contains gists Ids.

       You can pipe the custom object posh-gist.gist (type output by the poshgist CMDlets)
       New-Gists outputs a custom object type that contains all information pertaining to the updated gist.
       The CMDlet returns $false when an error occured.
       The accepted credentials is either your Github username/password pair, or, preferably,
       your username and a token created at https://github.com/settings/tokens

    Param (
        # Id of the gists to update
        # Description of the gist
        # File(s) to add to the gist
        # File(s) to update in the gist
        # File(s) to remove from the gist
        # File(s) to rename in the gist
        # New name(s) for the file(s) in the gist
        # Stars a gist. Can belong to another user.
        # Unstars a gist. Can belongs to another user.
        # Credential. Mandatory, as you can only modify your own gists, and stars are per account.
    Begin {
        $headers = @{}
        If ( $Credential ) {
            $headers.Authorization = Get-CredentialBasic -Credential $Credential
        $Files = @{}
    Process {
        If ( $Star ) {
            Try {
                $Uri = 'https://api.github.com/gists/{0}/star' -f $Id
                $headers.'Content-Length' = 0
                Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers -Uri $Uri -Method Put
                Return $true
            Catch {
                Write-Host -Object $_.Exception.Message
                Return $false
        } Elseif ( $Unstar ) {
            Try {
                $Uri = 'https://api.github.com/gists/{0}/star' -f $Id
                Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers -Uri $Uri -Method Delete
                Return $true
            Catch {
                Write-Host -Object $_.Exception.Message
                Return $false
        } Else {
            $Body = @{}
            If ( $Description ) { $Body.description = $Description }
            If ( $Add ) {
                $FileList = Get-Item -Path $Add
                foreach ( $File in $FileList ) { $Files[$File.Name] = @{content=( Get-Content $File -Encoding UTF8 | Out-String )} }
            If ( $Update ) {
                $FileList = Get-Item -Path $Update
                foreach ( $File in $FileList ) { $Files[$File.Name] = @{content=( Get-Content $File -Encoding UTF8 | Out-String )} }
            If ( $Remove ) {
                foreach ( $filename in $Remove ) {
                    $Files[$filename] = $null
            If ( $Rename ) {
                If ( $Rename.count -eq $Destination.count ) {
                    foreach ( $i in ( 0..($Rename.Count -1) ) ) {
                        $Files[$Rename[$i]] = @{filename=$Destination[$i]}
                } Else {
                    Throw '-Rename and -Destination must include the same number of elements.'
            If ( $Files.count -ne 0 ) { $Body.files = $Files }

            # $Body
            # ConvertTo-Json $Body

            Try {
                $Uri = 'https://api.github.com/gists/{0}' -f $Id
                $json = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body
                $json = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($json)
                $RawReq = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers -Uri $Uri -Method Patch -Body $json
                $Req = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $RawReq
                Return $Req
            Catch {
                Write-Host -Object $_.Exception.Message
                Return $false

Function Get-GistCommits {
       Retrieves a Github gist history
       Retrieves a list of commits for a gist.
       Get-GistCommits -Id 5e85af5998abf08f2d86c9aef968ef9f
       Retrieves the commits history of a specific gist.
       You can pipe strings that contains gists Ids.

       You can pipe the custom object posh-gist.gist (type output by the poshgist CMDlets)
       Get-GistsCommits outputs a custom object type that contains all information pertaining to commits.

       The CMDlet returns $false when an error occured.
       Commits get their own CMDlets because it has a different output format.

    Param (
        # Id of the gists to history of.

    $Uri = 'https://api.github.com/gists/{0}/commits' -f $Id
    Try {
        $Req = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri
        $Commits = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $Req.content
        foreach ($commit in $Commits) 
        Return $Commits

    Catch {
        Write-Host -Object $_.Exception.Message
        Return $false

Function Get-GistStar {
       Retrieves a Github gist starred status
       Retrieves a gist's the starred status for the current user.
       Get-GistStar -Id 5e85af5998abf08f2d86c9aef968ef9f -Credential $cred
       Check whether you starred the gist or not.
       You can pipe a string that contains the gist Id.

       You can pipe the custom object posh-gist.gist (type output by the poshgist CMDlets)
       Get-GistStar outputs $true if the gist is starred. $false otherwise.
       The accepted credentials is either your Github username/password pair, or, preferably,
       your username and a token created at https://github.com/settings/tokens

    Param (
        # Id of the gist to history of.
        # Credentials. Mandatory as stars are a per-user thing.

    $headers = @{}
    $headers.Authorization = Get-CredentialBasic -Credential $Credential
    $Uri = 'https://api.github.com/gists/{0}/star' -f $Id
    Try {
        $Req = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -Headers $headers
        Return $true
    Catch {
        Return $false