
# TODO: delete branch

[string]$global:GitWorkflow_PullRequestUrlConfigKey = 'workflow.pullrequesturl';

function Sync-Fork {
    Syncs fork with upstream (original) repository.
    Fetches changes from upstream, rebases master onto upstream/master, pushes master to origin and prunes stale remote tracking refs.


    trap {


function Get-Features {
    Returns feature branches.

    param ()
    trap {

    GetFeatureBranches | Select Name,ShortRefName,RefName,IsHead;

function Get-Releases {
    Returns release branches.

    param ()
    trap {

    GetReleaseBranches | Select Name,ShortRefName,RefName,IsHead;

function Get-ReleaseFixes {
    Returns release fix branches.

    param ()
    trap {

    GetReleaseFixBranches | Select Name,ShortRefName,RefName,IsHead;

function Get-Hotfixes {
    param ()
    trap {

    GethotfixBranches | Select Name,ShortRefName,RefName,IsHead;

function New-Feature {
    Creates new feature branch.
    Syncs fork and creates branch with the specified name prefixed with 'feature/' on latest master.
    Branch name without 'feature/' prefix.
    New-Feature cool-stuff

                   HelpMessage="Branch name")]

    trap {

    ExecuteGitCommand 'git checkout' "-B feature/$Name" '--progress'

function New-ReleaseFix {
    Creates new release fix branch.
    Syncs fork and creates branch with the specified name on top of selected release branch. New branch name is constructed in the following manner: release/release-name/branch-name. Release name is optional if there's only one release branch.
    Branch name without release branch prefix
    .PARAMETER ReleaseName
    Release branch name without release prefix
    New-ReleaseFix bug-fix

                   HelpMessage="Branch name")]
                   HelpMessage="Release branch name")]


    $releaseBranches = @(GetReleaseBranches);

    if ($releaseBranches.Count -eq 0) {
        Write-Error 'No release branches found.'

    $releaseBranch = $null;
    if ($ReleaseName -eq '') {
        $currentBranch = $releaseBranches | Where {$_.IsHead -eq $True} | Select -First 1;

        if ($currentBranch -ne $null)
            $releaseBranch = $currentBranch;

        if ($releaseBranch -eq $null -and $releaseBranches.Count -eq 1)
            $releaseBranch = $releaseBranches[0];

        if ($releaseBranch -eq $null)
            # TODO: Show prompt
            #$choices = @(
            # New-Object "System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription" "&Apple", "Apple"
            # New-Object "System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription" "&Banana", "Banana"
            # New-Object "System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription" "&Orange", "Orange"
            ## Single-choice prompt
            #$host.UI.PromptForChoice("Choose a fruit", "You may choose one", $choices, 1)
            Write-Error 'Please specify release branch name.'
    else {
        $releaseBranch = $releaseBranches | Where {$_.Name -eq $ReleaseName} | Select -First 1;

        if ($releaseBranch -eq $null) {
            Write-Error "Release branch $ReleaseName not found."

    $releaseRefName = $releaseBranch.ShortRefName;
    $ReleaseName = $releaseBranch.Name;
    ExecuteGitCommand 'git checkout' "-b release/$ReleaseName/$Name --no-track $releaseRefName" '--progress'

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-ReleaseFix -ParameterName ReleaseName -ScriptBlock {
    param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)

    GetReleaseBranches | Where {NameStartsWith $_ $wordToComplete} | ForEach-Object { ToBranchCompletionResult $_}

function Push-Feature {
    Pushes feature branch to origin.
    Pushes specified feature branch to origin. If no branch name specified the current feature branch will be pushed.
    Branch name without feature prefix.
    Push-Feature cool-stuff

                   HelpMessage="Branch name")]

    trap {

    $branch = GetFeatureBranches | Where {$_.IsLocal -and (HasNameOrCurrent $_ $Name)};
    PushBranch $branch;

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Push-Feature -ParameterName Name -ScriptBlock {
    param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)

    GetFeatureBranches | Where {$_.IsLocal -and (NameStartsWith $_ $wordToComplete)} | ForEach-Object { ToBranchCompletionResult $_}

function Push-ReleaseFix {
    Pushes release fix branch to origin.
    Pushes specified release fix branch to origin. If no branch name specified the current release fix branch will be pushed.
    Branch name without release branch prefix.
    Push-ReleaseFix bug-fix

                   HelpMessage="Branch name")]

    trap {

    $branch = GetReleaseFixBranches | Where {$_.IsLocal -and (HasNameOrCurrent $_ $Name)};
    PushBranch $branch;

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Push-ReleaseFix -ParameterName Name -ScriptBlock {
    param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)

    GetReleaseFixBranches | Where {$_.IsLocal -and (NameStartsWith $_ $wordToComplete)} | ForEach-Object { ToBranchCompletionResult $_}

function Complete-Feature {
    Pushes feature branch and submits pull request.
    Pushes feature branch to origin and submits pull request (if configured). If no branch name specified the current feature branch will be used.
    Branch name without feature prefix.
    Complete-Feature cool-stuff

                   HelpMessage="Branch name")]

    trap {
        "Error: $_";

    $branch = GetFeatureBranches | Where {HasNameOrCurrent $_ $Name};
    PushBranch $branch;
    SubmitPullRequest $branch;    

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Complete-Feature -ParameterName Name -ScriptBlock {
    param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)

    GetFeatureBranches | Where {NameStartsWith $_ $wordToComplete} | ForEach-Object { ToBranchCompletionResult $_}

function Complete-ReleaseFix {
    Pushes release fix branch and submits pull request.
    Pushes release fix branch to origin and submits pull request (if configured). If no branch name specified the current release fix branch will be used.
    Branch name without release branch prefix.
    Complete-ReleaseFix bug-fix

                   HelpMessage="Branch name")]

    trap {
        "Error: $_";

    $branch = GetReleaseFixBranches | Where {HasNameOrCurrent $_ $Name};
    PushBranch $branch;
    SubmitPullRequest $branch;    

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Complete-ReleaseFix -ParameterName Name -ScriptBlock {
    param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)

    GetReleaseFixBranches | Where {NameStartsWith $_ $wordToComplete} | ForEach-Object { ToBranchCompletionResult $_}

function Complete-Release {
    Merges release branch to master.
    Merges release branch to master, creates tag with merged branch name and pushes changes to upstream.
    Branch name without release prefix.
    .PARAMETER Message
    Release tag message.
    Complete-Release v1.1 -Message 'Awesome release'

                   HelpMessage="Branch name")]
                   HelpMessage="Tag message")]

    trap {

    # check is dirty


    $branch = GetReleaseBranches | Where {$_.IsLocal -and (HasNameOrCurrent $_ $Name)};

    if ($branch -eq $null) {
        Write-Error "Branch 'release/$Name' not found";

    $Name = $branch.Name;

    $commitId = ExecuteGitCommand 'git rev-parse' $branch.ShortRefName;

    ExecuteGitCommand 'git merge' "--no-ff -m `"Merge 'release/$Name'`" $commitId";
    ExecuteGitCommand 'git push' '--set-upstream upstream/master';
    ExecuteGitCommand 'git branch' '--set-upstream-to origin/master'
    ExecuteGitCommand 'git push' 'upstream --delete release/$Name'

    $messageParameter = '';
    if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($Message)) {
        $messageParameter = "--message='$Message'";

    ExecuteGitCommand 'git tag' "$messageParameter release/$Name $commitId"
    ExecuteGitCommand 'git push' "upstream --tags"

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Complete-Release -ParameterName Name -ScriptBlock {
    param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)

    GetReleaseBranches | Where {NameStartsWith $_ $wordToComplete} | ForEach-Object { ToBranchCompletionResult $_}

function Set-PullRequestUrl {
    Sets submit pull request page URL in local git config.
    Creates or updates local git config section 'workflow' and sets 'pullrequesturl' key value to the specified URL.
    submit pull request page URL.
    The URL can be in a form of a template with this placeholders:
    {0} - sourceRef
    {1} - targetRef
    Set-PullRequestUrl 'https://my-account.visualstudio.com/_git/my-repo/pullrequestcreate?sourceRef={0}&targetRef={1}&sourceRepositoryId=my-fork-repo-GUID&targetRepositoryId=main-repo-GUID'

    param (
                   HelpMessage="Pull request URL")]
        [System.Uri] $Url
    trap {

    SetGitConfigValue $GitWorkflow_PullRequestUrlConfigKey $Url;

function SubmitPullRequest {
    param ($branch)
    $pullRequestUrl = GetGitConfigValue $GitWorkflow_PullRequestUrlConfigKey;

    if ([System.String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($pullRequestUrl)) {

    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Web') | out-null;
    $sourceRef = $branch.ShortLocalRefName;
    $targetRef = 'master';

    if ($branch.IsSubBranch -and -not $branch.IsOther) {
        $targetRef = $branch.ShortLocalParentRefName;

    $sourceRef = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($sourceRef);
    $targetRef = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($targetRef);

    # "https://rebtel.visualstudio.com/_git/Backend/pullrequestcreate?sourceRef={0}&targetRef={1}&sourceRepositoryId=9b139ae4-3a6c-4946-9837-a14c15243bf3&targetRepositoryId=28e641a9-a204-46c4-b22a-303204901fe9"
    $pullRequestUrl = [System.String]::Format($pullRequestUrl, $sourceRef, $targetRef);

    (New-Object -Com Shell.Application).Open($pullRequestUrl);

function SyncFork {

    $progress = 0;
    $progressStep = 100 / 8;

    if (HasMergeConflicts) {
        throw 'Merge conflicts detected.';
    $popStash = $false;

    if (IsDirty) {
        Write-Progress -Activity 'Syncing' -Status "Stashing changes..." -PercentComplete $progress
        ExecuteGitCommand 'git stash save --include-untracked';
        $popStash = $true;        

    $progress += $progressStep;
    Write-Progress -Activity 'Syncing' -Status "Fetching latest changes from upstream..." -PercentComplete $progress
    ExecuteGitCommand 'git fetch --prune' 'upstream' '--progress --verbose'

    $progress += $progressStep;
    Write-Progress -Activity 'Syncing' -Status "Checkout master" -PercentComplete $progress
    ExecuteGitCommand 'git checkout' 'master' '--progress'

    $progress += $progressStep;
    Write-Progress -Activity 'Syncing' -Status "Rebasing master onto upstream/master" -PercentComplete $progress
    ExecuteGitCommand 'git merge --ff-only' 'upstream/master' '--verbose'

    $progress += $progressStep;
    Write-Progress -Activity 'Syncing' -Status "Pushing master" -PercentComplete $progress
    ExecuteGitCommand 'git push' 'origin master' '--progress --verbose'

    $progress += $progressStep;
    Write-Progress -Activity 'Syncing' -Status "Cleaning up stale origin branches" -PercentComplete $progress
    PruneRemoteBranches 'origin'

    $progress += $progressStep;
    Write-Progress -Activity 'Syncing' -Status "Cleaning up stale upstream branches" -PercentComplete $progress
    PruneRemoteBranches 'upstream'

    if ($popStash) {
        $progress += $progressStep;
        Write-Progress -Activity 'Syncing' -Status "Restoring stashed changes..." -PercentComplete $progress
        ExecuteGitCommand 'git stash pop';

    if (HasMergeConflicts) {
        throw 'Merge conflicts detected.';

    Write-Progress -Activity 'Syncing' -Completed

function PruneRemoteBranches {
    param ([string]$remote)
    $result = ExecuteGitCommand 'git remote prune' $remote;
    $staleBranches = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new();

    $prunedBranchPrefix = '* [pruned] ';

    foreach ($line in $result) {
        $line = $line.Trim();

        if ($line.StartsWith($prunedBranchPrefix)) {
            # prune output looks like this: * [would prune] origin/feature/branch-name
            $branchName = $line.Substring($prunedBranchPrefix.Length + $remote.Length + 1);

    if ($staleBranches.Count -eq 0) {

    $localBranchesToDelete = '';
    GetAllBranches | Where {$_.IsLocal -and $staleBranches.Contains($_.ShortRefName)} | ForEach-Object {$localBranchesToDelete += $_.ShortRefName + ' '};

    if ($localBranchesToDelete.Length -eq 0) {

    ExecuteGitCommand 'git branch -D' $localBranchesToDelete '--verbose'

function PushBranch {

    if ($branch -eq $null) {
        Write-Error "Branch $Name could not be found";
        throw 'Branch does not exist.';

    ExecuteGitCommand 'git push --set-upstream origin' $branch.ShortRefName '--verbose --progress'

function IsDirty {
    $changes = git status --porcelain;

    return $changes -ne $null -and $changes.Length -ne 0;

function HasMergeConflicts {
    $changes = git status --porcelain;

    if ($changes -eq $null -or $changes.Length -eq 0) {
        return $false;

    $conflictStatuses = 'DD', 'AU', 'UD', 'UA', 'DU', 'AA', 'UU';

    return ($changes | Where {$conflictStatuses.Contains($_.Substring(0, 2))}).Length -gt 0;

function HasNameOrCurrent {
    param($branch, $name)

    if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name) -and $branch.IsHead) {
        return $branch

    if ($branch.Name -eq $Name) {
        return $branch;

    return $null;

function GetReleaseBranches () {
    GetAllBranches | Where {$_.IsRelease -and -not $_.IsSubBranch}

function GetReleaseFixBranches () {
    GetAllBranches | Where {$_.IsRelease -and $_.IsSubBranch}

function GetHotfixBranches () {
    GetAllBranches | Where {$_.IsHotfix -and -not $_.IsSubBranch}

function GetHotfixFixBranches () {
    GetAllBranches | Where {$_.IsHotfix -and $_.IsSubBranch}

function GetFeatureBranches () {
    GetAllBranches | Where {$_.IsFeature}

function GetAllBranches () {
    $trackedRefs = @{};
    $branches = @{};

    git branch --list --all --format='%(refname)>>%(refname:short)>>%(upstream)>>%(HEAD)' | 
        ForEach-Object {
            $values = $_ -split '>>';
            $refName = $values[0];
            $shortRefName = $values[1];
            $upstream = $values[2];
            $isHead = $values[3] -eq '*';

            # don't parse manually, use git:
            # git branch --all --format '%(upstream) %(upstream:short) %(upstream:track) %(upstream:trackshort) %(upstream:remotename) %(upstream:lstrip=3)'
            # gives:
            # refs/remotes/origin/feature/vsts-itp origin/feature/vsts-itp [ahead 8] > origin feature/vsts-itp
            $refParts = $refName -split '/';
            $isTracking = [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($upstream) -ne $true;
            if ($isTracking)
                $trackedRefs[$upstream] = '';

            $isLocal = $refParts[1] -eq 'heads';

            # local - 2: refs/heads/feature/branch_name
            # remote - 3: refs/remotes/origin/feature/branch_name
            $typePartIndex = 3;
            if ($isLocal)
                $typePartIndex = 2;

            $isFeature = $false;
            $isRelease = $false;
            $isHotfix = $false;

            $type = $refParts[$typePartIndex];
            $isFeature = $type -eq 'feature';
            $isRelease = $type -eq 'release';
            $isHotfix = $type -eq 'hotfix';

            $isOther = ($isFeature -or $isRelease -or $isHotfix) -ne $true;

            $name = $shortRefName;

            if ($isOther -eq $false)
                $nameparts = @($refParts | Select -skip ($typePartIndex + 1));
                $name = [System.String]::Join('/', $nameparts);
            $localRefParts = @($refParts | Select -Skip ($typePartIndex));

            $isSubBranch = $false;
            if ($localRefParts.Length -gt 2) {
                $isSubBranch = $true;

            $shortLocalRefName = [System.String]::Join('/', $localRefParts);

            if ($localRefParts.Length -gt 1) {
                $shortLocalParentRefName = [System.String]::Join('/', @($localRefParts | Select -SkipLast 1));
            $branch = [PSCustomObject]@{
                RefName = $refName;
                ShortRefName = $shortRefName;
                ShortLocalRefName = $shortLocalRefName;
                ShortLocalParentRefName = $shortLocalParentRefName;
                Upstream = $upstream;
                Name = $name;
                IsHead = $isHead;
                IsLocal = $isLocal;
                IsFeature = $isFeature;
                IsRelease = $isRelease;
                Ishotfix = $isHotfix;
                IsOther = $isOther;
                IsSubBranch = $isSubBranch;
                Type = $type;
            $branches[$branch.RefName] = $branch;

    foreach($ref in $trackedRefs.Keys)

    $branches.Values | sort RefName;

function NameStartsWith {
    param($branch, $value)

    return $branch.Name.StartsWith($value, $true, [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture);

function GetStorageFolder () {
    $moduleName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($PSCommandPath);
    $applicationDataFolder = [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath([System.Environment+SpecialFolder]::ApplicationData);
    return $applicationDataFolder | Join-Path -ChildPath $moduleName;

function ToBranchCompletionResult($branch) {
    return [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($branch.Name, $branch.Name, 'ParameterValue', $branch.RefName);

function GetGitConfigValue {
    param (
        [string] $key
    ExecuteGitCommand 'git config --get' $key;

function SetGitConfigValue {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
        [string] $key,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)]
        [string] $value
    if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) {
        ExecuteGitCommand 'git config --unset' $key;    
    else {
        ExecuteGitCommand 'git config' "$key '$value'";

function ExecuteGitCommand {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)]
        [string]$Parameters = '',

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)]
        [string]$VerboseParameters = '')

    if ($VerbosePreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue') {
        $Command = $Command + " " + $VerboseParameters;

    $Command = $Command + " " + $Parameters;

    if ($VerbosePreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue') {
        Write-Verbose $Command

    iex $Command

    if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
        throw 'Failed'