
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.APIContext">
            APIContext is used when making HTTP calls to the PayPal REST API.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.APIContext.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of <seealso cref="T:PayPal.Api.APIContext"/> that is used when making HTTP calls to the PayPal REST API.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.APIContext.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of <seealso cref="T:PayPal.Api.APIContext"/> that is used when making HTTP calls to the PayPal REST API; as well as sets and verifies the state of an <paramref name="accessToken"/>.
            <param name="accessToken">OAuth access token to use when making API requests</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.APIContext.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of <seealso cref="T:PayPal.Api.APIContext"/> that is used when making HTTP calls to the PayPal REST API; as well as sets and verifies the states of an <paramref name="accessToken"/> and <paramref name="requestId"/>.
            <param name="accessToken">OAuth access token to use when making API requests</param>
            <param name="requestId">ID used for ensuring idempotency when making a REST API call</param>
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.APIContext.AccessToken">
            Gets or sets the OAuth access token to use when making API requests.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.APIContext.MaskRequestId">
            Gets or sets whether or not the PayPal-Request-Id header will be set when making API requests, which is used for ensuring idempotency when making API calls.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.APIContext.RequestId">
            Gets or sets the request ID used for ensuring idempotency when making a REST API call.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.APIContext.Config">
            Gets or sets the PayPal configuration settings to be used when making API requests.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.APIContext.HTTPHeaders">
            Gets or sets the HTTP headers to include when making HTTP requests to the API.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.APIContext.SdkVersion">
            Gets or sets the SDK version to include in the User-Agent header.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.APIContext.ResetRequestId">
            Resets the request ID used for ensuring idempotency when making a REST API call.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.APIContext.GetConfigWithDefaults">
            Gets the stored configuration and merges it with the application's default config.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Address">
            Base Address object used as billing address in a payment or extended for Shipping Address.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Phone number in E.123 format. 50 characters max.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Address.normalization_status">
            Address normalization status, returned only for payers from Brazil.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Address.status">
            Address status
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Address.type">
            Type of address (e.g., HOME_OR_WORK, GIFT etc).
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Agreement">
            A REST API billing agreement resource.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Identifier of the agreement.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Agreement.state">
            State of the agreement.
        <member name="">
            Name of the agreement.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Agreement.description">
            Description of the agreement.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Agreement.start_date">
            Start date of the agreement. Date format yyyy-MM-dd z, as defined in [ISO8601](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Agreement.agreement_details">
            Details of the agreement.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Agreement.payer">
            Details of the buyer who is enrolling in this agreement. This information is gathered from execution of the approval URL.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Agreement.shipping_address">
            Shipping address object of the agreement, which should be provided if it is different from the default address.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Agreement.override_merchant_preferences">
            Default merchant preferences from the billing plan are used, unless override preferences are provided here.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Agreement.override_charge_models">
            Array of override_charge_model for this agreement if needed to change the default models from the billing plan.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Agreement.plan">
            Plan details for this agreement.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Agreement.create_time">
            Date and time that this resource was created. Date format yyyy-MM-dd z, as defined in [ISO8601](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Agreement.update_time">
            Date and time that this resource was updated. Date format yyyy-MM-dd z, as defined in [ISO8601](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Agreement.token">
            Get or sets the token found in the approval_url link returned from a call to create this resource.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Agreement.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Create a new billing agreement by passing the details for the agreement, including the name, description, start date, payer, and billing plan in the request JSON.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Agreement.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.Agreement)">
            Create a new billing agreement by passing the details for the agreement, including the name, description, start date, payer, and billing plan in the request JSON.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="agreement">The Agreement object to be used when creating the PayPal resource.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Agreement.Execute(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Execute a billing agreement after buyer approval by passing the payment token to the request URI.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Agreement.Execute(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Execute a billing agreement after buyer approval by passing the payment token to the request URI.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="token">Payment token received after buyer approval of the billing agreement.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Agreement.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Retrieve details for a particular billing agreement by passing the ID of the agreement to the request URI.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="agreementId">Identifier of the agreement resource to retrieve.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Agreement.Update(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.PatchRequest)">
            Update details of a billing agreement, such as the description, shipping address, and start date, by passing the ID of the agreement to the request URI.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="patchRequest">PatchRequest</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Agreement.Update(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.PatchRequest)">
            Update details of a billing agreement, such as the description, shipping address, and start date, by passing the ID of the agreement to the request URI.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="agreementId">ID of the billing agreement that will be updated.</param>
            <param name="patchRequest">PatchRequest</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Agreement.Suspend(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.AgreementStateDescriptor)">
            Suspend a particular billing agreement by passing the ID of the agreement to the request URI.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="agreementStateDescriptor">AgreementStateDescriptor</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Agreement.Suspend(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.AgreementStateDescriptor)">
            Suspend a particular billing agreement by passing the ID of the agreement to the request URI.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="agreementId">ID of the billing agreement that will be suspended.</param>
            <param name="agreementStateDescriptor">AgreementStateDescriptor</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Agreement.ReActivate(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.AgreementStateDescriptor)">
            Reactivate a suspended billing agreement by passing the ID of the agreement to the appropriate URI. In addition, pass an AgreementStateDescriptor object in the request JSON that includes a note about the reason for changing the state of the agreement and the amount and currency for the agreement.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="agreementStateDescriptor">AgreementStateDescriptor</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Agreement.ReActivate(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.AgreementStateDescriptor)">
            Reactivate a suspended billing agreement by passing the ID of the agreement to the appropriate URI. In addition, pass an AgreementStateDescriptor object in the request JSON that includes a note about the reason for changing the state of the agreement and the amount and currency for the agreement.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="agreementId">ID of the billing agreement that will be reactivated.</param>
            <param name="agreementStateDescriptor">AgreementStateDescriptor</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Agreement.Cancel(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.AgreementStateDescriptor)">
            Cancel a billing agreement by passing the ID of the agreement to the request URI. In addition, pass an agreement_state_descriptor object in the request JSON that includes a note about the reason for changing the state of the agreement and the amount and currency for the agreement.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="agreementStateDescriptor">AgreementStateDescriptor</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Agreement.Cancel(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.AgreementStateDescriptor)">
            Cancel a billing agreement by passing the ID of the agreement to the request URI. In addition, pass an AgreementStateDescriptor object in the request JSON that includes a note about the reason for changing the state of the agreement and the amount and currency for the agreement.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="agreementId">ID of the billing agreement that will be canceled.</param>
            <param name="agreementStateDescriptor">AgreementStateDescriptor</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Agreement.BillBalance(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.AgreementStateDescriptor)">
            Bill an outstanding amount for an agreement by passing the ID of the agreement to the request URI. In addition, pass an AgreementStateDescriptor object in the request JSON that includes a note about the reason for changing the state of the agreement and the amount and currency for the agreement.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="agreementStateDescriptor">AgreementStateDescriptor</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Agreement.BillBalance(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.AgreementStateDescriptor)">
            Bill an outstanding amount for an agreement by passing the ID of the agreement to the request URI. In addition, pass an AgreementStateDescriptor object in the request JSON that includes a note about the reason for changing the state of the agreement and the amount and currency for the agreement.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="agreementId">ID of the billing agreement to perform the operation against.</param>
            <param name="agreementStateDescriptor">AgreementStateDescriptor</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Agreement.SetBalance(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.Currency)">
            Set the balance for an agreement by passing the ID of the agreement to the request URI. In addition, pass a Currency object in the request JSON that specifies the currency type and value of the balance.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="currency">Currency</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Agreement.SetBalance(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.Currency)">
            Set the balance for an agreement by passing the ID of the agreement to the request URI. In addition, pass a Currency object in the request JSON that specifies the currency type and value of the balance.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="agreementId">ID of the billing agreement to perform the operation against.</param>
            <param name="currency">Currency</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Agreement.ListTransactions(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            List transactions for a billing agreement by passing the ID of the agreement, as well as the start and end dates of the range of transactions to list, to the request URI.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="agreementId">Identifier of the agreement resource for which to list transactions.</param>
            <param name="startDate">The start date of the range of transactions to list. Date format must be yyyy-MM-dd.</param>
            <param name="endDate">The end date of the range of transactions to list. Date format must be yyyy-MM-dd.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.AgreementDetails">
            The details of a billing agreement.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementDetails.outstanding_balance">
            The outstanding balance for this agreement.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementDetails.cycles_remaining">
            Number of cycles remaining for this agreement.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementDetails.cycles_completed">
            Number of cycles completed for this agreement.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementDetails.next_billing_date">
            The next billing date for this agreement, represented as 2014-02-19T10:00:00Z format.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementDetails.last_payment_date">
            Last payment date for this agreement, represented as 2014-06-09T09:42:31Z format.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementDetails.last_payment_amount">
            Last payment amount for this agreement.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementDetails.final_payment_date">
            Last payment date for this agreement, represented as 2015-02-19T10:00:00Z format.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementDetails.failed_payment_count">
            Total number of failed payments for this agreement.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.AgreementStateDescriptor">
            The state of the associated billing agreement.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementStateDescriptor.note">
            Reason for changing the state of the agreement.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementStateDescriptor.amount">
            The amount and currency of the agreement.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.AgreementTransaction">
            Details of a transaction associated with a billing agreement.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementTransaction.transaction_id">
            Id corresponding to this transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementTransaction.status">
            State of the subscription at this time.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementTransaction.transaction_type">
            Type of transaction, usually Recurring Payment.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementTransaction.amount">
            Amount for this transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementTransaction.fee_amount">
            Fee amount for this transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementTransaction.net_amount">
            Net amount for this transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementTransaction.payer_email">
            Email id of payer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementTransaction.payer_name">
            Business name of payer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementTransaction.time_stamp">
            Time at which this transaction happened.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementTransaction.time_zone">
            Time zone of time_updated field.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementTransaction.time_updated">
            Time at which this transaction happened.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.AgreementTransactions">
            A list of transactions associated with a billing agreement.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.AgreementTransactions.agreement_transaction_list">
            Array of agreement_transaction object.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Amount">
            payment amount with break-ups.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Amount.currency">
            3-letter [currency code]( PayPal does not support all currencies.
        <member name="">
            Total amount charged from the payer to the payee. In case of a refund, this is the refunded amount to the original payer from the payee. 10 characters max with support for 2 decimal places.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Amount.details">
            Additional details of the payment amount.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Authorization">
            An authorization transaction.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            ID of the authorization transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Authorization.amount">
            Amount being authorized.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Authorization.payment_mode">
            Specifies the payment mode of the transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Authorization.state">
            State of the authorization.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Authorization.reason_code">
            Reason code, `AUTHORIZATION`, for a transaction state of `pending`.
        <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "P:PayPal.Api.Authorization.protection_eligibility" -->
        <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "P:PayPal.Api.Authorization.protection_eligibility_type" -->
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Authorization.fmf_details">
            Fraud Management Filter (FMF) details applied for the payment that could result in accept, deny, or pending action. Returned in a payment response only if the merchant has enabled FMF in the profile settings and one of the fraud filters was triggered based on those settings. See [Fraud Management Filters Summary]( for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Authorization.parent_payment">
            ID of the Payment resource that this transaction is based on.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Authorization.valid_until">
            Authorization expiration time and date as defined in [RFC 3339 Section 5.6](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Authorization.create_time">
            Time of authorization as defined in [RFC 3339 Section 5.6](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Authorization.update_time">
            Time that the resource was last updated.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Authorization.processor_response">
            Collection of payment response related fields returned from a payment request.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Authorization.pending_reason">
            Reason code for the transaction state being Pending.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Authorization.reference_id">
            Identifier to the purchase or transaction unit corresponding to this authorization transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Authorization.receipt_id">
            Receipt id is 16 digit number payment identification number returned for guest users to identify the payment.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Authorization.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Shows details for an authorization, by ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="authorizationId">The ID of the authorization for which to show details.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Authorization.Capture(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.Capture)">
            Captures and processes an authorization, by ID. To use this call, the original payment call must specify an intent of `authorize`.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="capture">Capture</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Authorization.Capture(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.Capture)">
            Creates (and processes) a new Capture Transaction added as a related resource.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="authorizationId">ID of the authorization to capture.</param>
            <param name="capture">Capture</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Authorization.Void(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Voids, or cancels, an authorization, by ID. You cannot void a fully captured authorization.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Authorization.Void(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Voids (cancels) an Authorization.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="authorizationId">ID of the authorization to void.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Authorization.Reauthorize(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Reauthorizes a PayPal account payment, by authorization ID. To ensure that funds are still available, reauthorize a payment after the initial three-day honor period. Supports only the `amount` request parameter.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Authorization.Reauthorize(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.Authorization)">
            Reauthorizes an expired Authorization.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="authorization">The Authorization object containing the details of the authorization that should be reauthorized.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.BankAccount">
            A resource representing a bank account that can be used to fund a payment.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            ID of the bank account being saved for later use.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.account_number">
            Account number in either IBAN (max length 34) or BBAN (max length 17) format.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.account_number_type">
            Type of the bank account number (International or Basic Bank Account Number). For more information refer to
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.routing_number">
            Routing transit number (aka Bank Code) of the bank (typically for domestic use only - for international use, IBAN includes bank code). For more information refer to
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.account_type">
            Type of the bank account.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.account_name">
            A customer designated name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.check_type">
            Type of the check when this information was obtained through a check by the facilitator or merchant.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.auth_type">
            How the check was obtained from the customer, if check was the source of the information provided.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.auth_capture_timestamp">
            Time at which the authorization (or check) was captured. Use this field if the user authorization needs to be captured due to any privacy requirements.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.bank_name">
            Name of the bank.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.country_code">
            2 letter country code of the Bank.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.first_name">
            Account holder's first name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.last_name">
            Account holder's last name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.birth_date">
            Birth date of the bank account holder.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.billing_address">
            Billing address.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.state">
            State of this funding instrument.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.confirmation_status">
            Confirmation status of a bank account.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.payer_id">
            Deprecated - Use external_customer_id instead.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.external_customer_id">
            A unique identifier of the customer to whom this bank account belongs to. Generated and provided by the facilitator. This is required when creating or using a stored funding instrument in vault.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.merchant_id">
            A unique identifier of the merchant for which this bank account has been stored for. Generated and provided by the facilitator so it can be used to restrict the usage of the bank account to the specific merchant.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.external_account_id">
            A client supplied unique identifier of the bank account resource, to faciliate easy look up of the resource, via GET queries
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.create_time">
            Time the resource was created.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.update_time">
            Time the resource was last updated.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.valid_until">
            Date/Time until this resource can be used to fund a payment.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Creates a new Bank Account Resource.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.BankAccount)">
            Creates a new Bank Account Resource.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="bankAccount">The BankAccount object specifying the details of the PayPal resource to create.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Obtain the Bank Account resource for the given identifier.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="bankAccountId">Identifier of the bank account resource to obtain the data for.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.Delete(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Delete the bank account resource for the given identifier.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.Delete(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Delete the bank account resource for the given identifier.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="bankAccountId">Identifier of the bank account resource to obtain the data for.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.Update(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.PatchRequest)">
            Update information in a previously saved bank account. Only the modified fields need to be passed in the request.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="patchRequest">PatchRequest</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.Update(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.PatchRequest)">
            Update information in a previously saved bank account. Only the modified fields need to be passed in the request.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="bankAccountId">ID of the bank account to update.</param>
            <param name="patchRequest">PatchRequest</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.BankAccount.List(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves a list of bank account resources.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="pageSize">Number of items to be returned in the current page size, by a GET operation. Defaults to a size of 10.</param>
            <param name="page">The page number to be retrieved, for the list of items, by the current GET request. Defaults to a size of 1.</param>
            <param name="startTime">Resource creation time as ISO8601 date-time format (ex: 1994-11-05T13:15:30Z) that indicates the start of a range of results.</param>
            <param name="endTime">Resource creation time as ISO8601 date-time format (ex: 1994-11-05T13:15:30Z) that indicates the end of a range of results.</param>
            <param name="sortOrder">Sort based on order of results. Options include 'asc' for ascending order or 'desc' for descending order. Defaults to 'asc'.</param>
            <param name="sortBy">Sort based on 'create_time' or 'update_time'. Defaults to 'create_time'.</param>
            <param name="merchantId">Identifier the merchants who owns this resource</param>
            <param name="externalCustomerId">Identifier of the external customer resource to obtain the data for.</param>
            <param name="externalAccountId">Identifier of the external bank account resource id to obtain the data for.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.BankAccountList">
            A list of bank accounts returned from a search operation.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccountList.items">
            A list of bank account resources
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccountList.total_items">
            Total number of items present in the given list. Note that the number of items might be larger than the records in the current page.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankAccountList.total_pages">
            Total number of pages that exist, for the total number of items, with the given page size.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.BankToken">
            A resource representing a bank that can be used to fund a payment.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankToken.bank_id">
            ID of a previously saved Bank resource using /vault/bank API.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankToken.external_customer_id">
            The unique identifier of the payer used when saving this bank using /vault/bank API.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BankToken.mandate_reference_number">
            Identifier of the direct debit mandate to validate. Currently supported only for EU bank accounts(SEPA).
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.BaseAddress">
            Base Address object used as billing address in a payment or extended for Shipping Address.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BaseAddress.line1">
            Line 1 of the Address (eg. number, street, etc).
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BaseAddress.line2">
            Optional line 2 of the Address (eg. suite, apt #, etc.).
        <member name="">
            City name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BaseAddress.country_code">
            2 letter country code.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BaseAddress.postal_code">
            Zip code or equivalent is usually required for countries that have them. For list of countries that do not have postal codes please refer to
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BaseAddress.state">
            2 letter code for US states, and the equivalent for other countries.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BaseAddress.normalization_status">
            Address normalization status
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BaseAddress.status">
            Address status
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.BillingInfo">
            Billing information for the invoice recipient.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            The invoice recipient email address.<blockquote><strong>Note:</strong>Before you get a QR code, you must create an invoice that specifies ` `as the recipient email address in the `billing_info` object. Use a customer email address only if you want to email the invoice.</blockquote>
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BillingInfo.first_name">
            The invoice recipient first name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BillingInfo.last_name">
            The invoice recipient last name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BillingInfo.business_name">
            The invoice recipient company business name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BillingInfo.address">
            The invoice recipient address.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BillingInfo.language">
            The language in which to send the email to the recipient. Used only when the recipient lacks a PayPal account.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BillingInfo.additional_info">
            Additional information, such as business hours.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BillingInfo.notification_channel">
            The preferred notification channel for the recipient. Value is `SMS` or `EMAIL`. Default is `EMAIL`. If `SMS` is specified, a `phone` value is required.
        <member name="">
            The mobile phone number to which to send SMS notification if `notification_channel` is `SMS`.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.CancelNotification">
            Cancels an email or SMS notification.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CancelNotification.subject">
            The subject of the notification.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CancelNotification.note">
            A note to the payer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CancelNotification.send_to_merchant">
            Indicates whether to send the notification to the merchant.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CancelNotification.send_to_payer">
            Indicates whether to send the notification to the payer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CancelNotification.cc_emails">
            An array of one or more Cc: emails. If you omit this parameter from the JSON request body, a notification is sent to all Cc: email addresses that are part of the invoice. Otherwise, specify this parameter to limit the email addresses to which a notification is sent.<blockquote><strong>Note:</strong> Additional email addresses are not supported.</blockquote>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Capture">
            A capture transaction.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            The ID of the capture transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Capture.amount">
            The amount to capture. If the amount matches the orginally authorized amount, the state of the authorization changes to `captured`. If not, the state of the authorization changes to `partially_captured`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Capture.is_final_capture">
            Indicates whether to release all remaining funds that the authorization holds in the funding instrument. Default is `false`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Capture.state">
            The state of the capture.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Capture.reason_code">
            The reason code that describes why the transaction state is pending or reversed.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Capture.parent_payment">
            The ID of the payment on which this transaction is based.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Capture.invoice_number">
            The invoice number to track this payment.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Capture.transaction_fee">
            The transaction fee for this payment.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Capture.create_time">
            The date and time of capture, as defined in [RFC 3339 Section 5.6](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Capture.update_time">
            The date and time when the resource was last updated.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Capture.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Shows details for a captured payment, by ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="captureId">The ID of the captured payment for which to show details.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Capture.Refund(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.Refund)">
            Creates (and processes) a new Refund Transaction added as a related resource.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="refund">Refund</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Capture.Refund(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.Refund)">
            Creates (and processes) a new Refund Transaction added as a related resource.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="captureId">ID of the captured payment resource to refund.</param>
            <param name="refund">Refund</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Capture.Refund(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.RefundRequest)">
            Refunds a captured payment, by ID. Include an `amount` object in the JSON request body.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="refundRequest">RefundRequest</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.CarrierAccountToken">
            A resource representing a carrier account that can be used to fund a payment.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CarrierAccountToken.carrier_account_id">
            ID of a previously saved carrier account resource.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CarrierAccountToken.external_customer_id">
            The unique identifier of the payer used when saving this carrier account instrument.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.CartBase">
            Base properties of a cart resource
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CartBase.reference_id">
            Merchant identifier to the purchase unit. Optional parameter
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CartBase.amount">
            Amount being collected.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CartBase.payee">
            Recipient of the funds in this transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CartBase.description">
            Description of what is being paid for.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CartBase.note_to_payee">
            Note to the recipient of the funds in this transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CartBase.custom">
            free-form field for the use of clients
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CartBase.invoice_number">
            invoice number to track this payment
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CartBase.soft_descriptor">
            Soft descriptor used when charging this funding source. If length exceeds max length, the value will be truncated
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CartBase.payment_options">
            Payment options requested for this purchase unit
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CartBase.item_list">
            List of items being paid for.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CartBase.notify_url">
            URL to send payment notifications
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CartBase.order_url">
            Url on merchant site pertaining to this payment.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.ChargeModel">
            Defines a charge model to be used in context of a billing plan.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Identifier of the charge model. 128 characters max.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ChargeModel.type">
            Type of charge model. Allowed values: `SHIPPING`, `TAX`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ChargeModel.amount">
            Specific amount for this charge model.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Cost">
            The cost as a percent or an amount value. For example, to specify 10%, enter `10`. Alternatively, to specify an amount of 5, enter `5`.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Cost.percent">
            The cost, as a percent value. Valid value is from 0 to 100.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Cost.amount">
            The cost, as an amount value. Valid value is from 0 to 1,000,000.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.CreateProfileResponse">
            Response object when creating a web experience profile.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            ID of the payment web experience profile.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Credit">
            A resource representing a credit instrument.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Unique identifier of credit resource.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Credit.type">
            specifies type of credit
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.CreditCard">
            [DEPRECATED] Represents a credit card to fund a payment. Use Payment Card instead.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            ID of the credit card being saved for later use.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.number">
            Credit card number. Numeric characters only with no spaces or punctuation. The string must conform with modulo and length required by each credit card type. *Redacted in responses.*
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.type">
            Credit card type. Valid types are: `visa`, `mastercard`, `discover`, `amex`
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.expire_month">
            Expiration month with no leading zero. Acceptable values are 1 through 12.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.expire_year">
            4-digit expiration year.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.cvv2">
            3-4 digit card validation code.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.first_name">
            Cardholder's first name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.last_name">
            Cardholder's last name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.billing_address">
            Billing Address associated with this card.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.payer_id">
            A unique identifier of the payer generated and provided by the facilitator. This is required when creating or using a tokenized funding instrument.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.external_customer_id">
            A unique identifier of the customer to whom this bank account belongs. Generated and provided by the facilitator. **This is now used in favor of `payer_id` when creating or using a stored funding instrument in the vault.**
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.merchant_id">
            A user provided, optional convenvience field that functions as a unique identifier for the merchant on behalf of whom this credit card is being stored for. Note that this has no relation to PayPal merchant id
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.external_card_id">
            A unique identifier of the bank account resource. Generated and provided by the facilitator so it can be used to restrict the usage of the bank account to the specific merchant.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.state">
            State of the credit card funding instrument.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.create_time">
            Resource creation time as ISO8601 date-time format (ex: 1994-11-05T13:15:30Z) that indicates creation time.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.update_time">
            Resource creation time as ISO8601 date-time format (ex: 1994-11-05T13:15:30Z) that indicates the updation time.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.valid_until">
            Funding instrument expiration date.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Creates a new Credit Card Resource (aka Tokenize).
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.CreditCard)">
            Creates a new Credit Card Resource (aka Tokenize).
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="creditCard">CreditCard object to be used to create the PayPal resource.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Obtain the Credit Card resource for the given identifier.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="creditCardId">Identifier of the credit card resource to obtain the data for.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.Delete(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Delete the Credit Card resource for the given identifier.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.Delete(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Delete the Credit Card resource for the given identifier.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="creditCardId">Identifier of the credit card resource to obtain the data for.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.Update(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.PatchRequest)">
            Update information in a previously saved card. Only the modified fields need to be passed in the request.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="patchRequest">PatchRequest</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.Update(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.PatchRequest)">
            Update information in a previously saved card. Only the modified fields need to be passed in the request.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="creditCardId">ID fo the credit card to update.</param>
            <param name="patchRequest">PatchRequest</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.CreditCard.List(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
            Retrieves a list of Credit Card resources.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="pageSize">Number of items to be returned in the current page size, by a GET operation.</param>
            <param name="page">The page number to be retrieved, for the list of items, by the current GET request.</param>
            <param name="startTime">Resource creation time as ISO8601 date-time format (ex: 1994-11-05T13:15:30Z) that indicates the start of a range of results.</param>
            <param name="endTime">Resource creation time as ISO8601 date-time format (ex: 1994-11-05T13:15:30Z) that indicates the end of a range of results.</param>
            <param name="sortOrder">Sort based on order of results. Options include 'asc' for ascending order or 'desc' for descending order.</param>
            <param name="sortBy">Sort based on 'create_time' or 'update_time'.</param>
            <param name="merchantId">Merchant identifier to filter the search results in list operations.</param>
            <param name="externalCardId">Externally provided card identifier to filter the search results in list operations.</param>
            <param name="externalCustomerId">Externally provided customer identifier to filter the search results in list operations.</param>
            <param name="totalRequired">Identifies if total count is required or not. Defaults to true.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.CreditCardList">
            A list of credit card resources returned from a search operation.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCardList.items">
            A list of credit card resources
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCardList.total_items">
            Total number of items present in the given list. Note that the number of items might be larger than the records in the current page.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCardList.total_pages">
            Total number of pages that exist, for the total number of items, with the given page size.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.CreditCardToken">
            A resource representing a credit card that can be used to fund a payment.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCardToken.credit_card_id">
            ID of credit card previously stored using `/vault/credit-card`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCardToken.payer_id">
            A unique identifier that you can assign and track when storing a credit card or using a stored credit card. This ID can help to avoid unintentional use or misuse of credit cards. This ID can be any value you would like to associate with the saved card, such as a UUID, username, or email address. **Required when using a stored credit card if a payer_id was originally provided when storing the credit card in vault.**
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCardToken.last4">
            Last four digits of the stored credit card number.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCardToken.type">
            Credit card type. Valid types are: `visa`, `mastercard`, `discover`, `amex`. Values are presented in lowercase and not should not be used for display.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCardToken.expire_month">
            Expiration month with no leading zero. Acceptable values are 1 through 12.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreditCardToken.expire_year">
            4-digit expiration year.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Currency">
            Base object for all financial value related fields (balance, payment due, etc.)
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Currency.currency">
            3 letter currency code
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Currency.value">
            amount upto 2 decimals represented as string
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.CurrencyConversion">
            Object used to store the currency conversion rate.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CurrencyConversion.conversion_date">
            Date of validity for the conversion rate.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CurrencyConversion.from_currency">
            3 letter currency code
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CurrencyConversion.from_amount">
            Amount participating in currency conversion, set to 1 as default
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CurrencyConversion.to_currency">
            3 letter currency code
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CurrencyConversion.to_amount">
            Amount resulting from currency conversion.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CurrencyConversion.conversion_type">
            Field indicating conversion type applied.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CurrencyConversion.conversion_type_changeable">
            Allow Payer to change conversion type.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CurrencyConversion.web_url">
            Base URL to web applications endpoint
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.CustomAmount">
            The custom amount to apply to an invoice. If you include a label, you must include a custom amount.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CustomAmount.label">
            The custom amount label.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CustomAmount.amount">
            The custom amount value. Valid value is from -999999.99 to 999999.99.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.DetailedRefund">
            A refund transaction. This is the resource that is returned on GET /refund
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.DetailedRefund.custom">
            free-form field for the use of clients
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.DetailedRefund.invoice_number">
            invoice number to track this payment
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.DetailedRefund.refund_to_payer">
            Amount refunded to payer of the original transaction, in the current Refund call
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.DetailedRefund.refund_to_external_funding">
            List of external funding that were refunded by the Refund call. Each external_funding unit should have a unique reference_id
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.DetailedRefund.refund_from_transaction_fee">
            Transaction fee refunded to original recipient of payment.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.DetailedRefund.refund_from_received_amount">
            Amount subtracted from PayPal balance of the original recipient of payment, to make this refund.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.DetailedRefund.total_refunded_amount">
            Total amount refunded so far from the original purchase. Say, for example, a buyer makes $100 purchase, the buyer was refunded $20 a week ago and is refunded $30 in this transaction. The gross refund amount is $30 (in this transaction). The total refunded amount is $50.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Details">
            Additional details of the payment amount.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Details.subtotal">
            Amount of the subtotal of the items. **Required** if line items are specified. 10 characters max, with support for 2 decimal places.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Details.shipping">
            Amount charged for shipping. 10 characters max with support for 2 decimal places.
        <member name="">
            Amount charged for tax. 10 characters max with support for 2 decimal places.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Details.handling_fee">
            Amount being charged for the handling fee. Only supported when the `payment_method` is set to `paypal`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Details.shipping_discount">
            Amount being discounted for the shipping fee. Only supported when the `payment_method` is set to `paypal`.
        <member name="">
            Amount being charged for the insurance fee. Only supported when the `payment_method` is set to `paypal`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Details.gift_wrap">
            Amount being charged as gift wrap fee.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Details.fee">
            Fee charged by PayPal. In case of a refund, this is the fee amount refunded to the original receipient of the payment.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Error">
            Details of an Error
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Human readable, unique name of the error.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Error.purchase_unit_reference_id">
            Reference ID of the purchase_unit associated with this error
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Error.debug_id">
            PayPal internal identifier used for correlation purposes.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Error.message">
            Message describing the error.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Error.code">
            PayPal internal error code.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Error.details">
            Additional details of the error
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Error.information_link">
            URI for detailed information related to this error for the developer.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.ErrorDetails">
            Details about a specific error.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ErrorDetails.field">
            Name of the field that caused the error.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ErrorDetails.issue">
            Reason for the error.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ErrorDetails.purchase_unit_reference_id">
            Reference ID of the purchase_unit associated with this error
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ErrorDetails.code">
            PayPal internal error code.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.ExtendedBankAccount">
            A resource representing a bank account that can be used to fund a payment including support for SEPA.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ExtendedBankAccount.mandate_reference_number">
            Identifier of the direct debit mandate to validate. Currently supported only for EU bank accounts(SEPA).
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.ExternalFunding">
            A resource representing an external funding object.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ExternalFunding.reference_id">
            Unique identifier for the external funding
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ExternalFunding.code">
            Generic identifier for the external funding
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ExternalFunding.funding_account_id">
            Encrypted PayPal Account identifier for the funding account
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ExternalFunding.display_text">
            Description of the external funding being applied
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ExternalFunding.amount">
            Amount being funded by the external funding account
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ExternalFunding.funding_instruction">
            Indicates that the Payment should be fully funded by External Funded Incentive
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.FileAttachment">
            The file attached to an invoice or template.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            The name of the attached file.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FileAttachment.url">
            The URL of the attached file, which can be downloaded.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.FlowConfig">
            Parameters for flow configuration.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FlowConfig.landing_page_type">
            The type of landing page to display on the PayPal site for user checkout. Set to `Billing` to use the non-PayPal account landing page. Set to `Login` to use the PayPal account login landing page.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FlowConfig.bank_txn_pending_url">
            The merchant site URL to display after a bank transfer payment. Valid for only the Giropay or bank transfer payment method in Germany.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FlowConfig.user_action">
            Defines whether buyers can complete purchases on the PayPal or merchant website.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FlowConfig.return_uri_http_method">
            The HTTP method to use to redirect the user to a return URL. Valid value is `GET` or `POST`.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.FmfDetails">
            Details of Fraud Management Filter (FMF).
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FmfDetails.filter_type">
            Type of filter.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FmfDetails.filter_id">
            Filter Identifier.
        <member name="">
            Name of the filter
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FmfDetails.description">
            Description of the filter.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.FundingDetail">
            Additional detail of the funding.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingDetail.clearing_time">
            Expected clearing time
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingDetail.payment_hold_date">
            [DEPRECATED] Hold-off duration of the payment. payment_debit_date should be used instead.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingDetail.payment_debit_date">
            Date when funds will be debited from the payer's account
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingDetail.processing_type">
            Processing type of the payment card
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.FundingInstrument">
            A resource representing a Payer's funding instrument. An instance of this schema is valid if and only if it is valid against exactly one of these supported properties
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingInstrument.credit_card">
            Credit Card instrument.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingInstrument.credit_card_token">
            PayPal vaulted credit Card instrument.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingInstrument.payment_card">
            Payment Card information.
            <para>NOTE: This property is currently not supported as a funding instrument option with the PayPal REST API.</para>
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingInstrument.bank_account">
            Bank Account information.
            <para>NOTE: This property is currently not supported as a funding instrument option with the PayPal REST API.</para>
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingInstrument.bank_account_token">
            Bank Account information.
            <para>NOTE: This property is currently not supported as a funding instrument option with the PayPal REST API.</para>
        <member name="">
            Credit funding information.
            <para>NOTE: This property is currently not supported as a funding instrument option with the PayPal REST API.</para>
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingInstrument.incentive">
            Incentive funding information.
            <para>NOTE: This property is currently not supported as a funding instrument option with the PayPal REST API.</para>
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingInstrument.carrier_account_token">
            Carrier account token information.
            <para>NOTE: This property is currently not supported as a funding instrument option with the PayPal REST API.</para>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.FundingOption">
            specifies the funding option details.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            id of the funding option.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingOption.funding_sources">
            List of funding sources that contributes to a payment.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingOption.backup_funding_instrument">
            Backup funding instrument which will be used for payment if primary fails.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingOption.currency_conversion">
            Currency conversion applicable to this funding option.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingOption.installment_info">
            Installment options available for a funding option.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.FundingSource">
            specifies the funding source details.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingSource.funding_mode">
            specifies funding mode of the instrument
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingSource.funding_instrument_type">
            Instrument type for this funding source
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingSource.soft_descriptor">
            Soft descriptor used when charging this funding source.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingSource.amount">
            Total anticipated amount of money to be pulled from instrument.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingSource.negative_balance_amount">
            Additional amount to be pulled from the instrument to recover a negative balance on the buyer's account that is owed to PayPal.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingSource.legal_text">
            Localized legal text relevant to funding source.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingSource.terms">
            URL to legal terms relevant to funding source.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingSource.funding_detail">
            Additional detail of the funding.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingSource.additional_text">
            Additional text relevant to funding source.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.FundingSource.extends">
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.FuturePayment">
            A REST API future payment resource.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.FuturePayment.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Creates a future payment using the specified API context and correlation ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="correlationId">(Optional) Application correlation ID</param>
            <returns>A new payment object setup to be used for a future payment.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.FuturePayment.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.FuturePayment,System.String)">
            Creates a future payment using the specified API context and correlation ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="payment">FuturePayment object to be used in creating the PayPal resource.</param>
            <param name="correlationId">(Optional) Application correlation ID</param>
            <returns>A new payment object setup to be used for a future payment.</returns>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.HyperSchema">
            A REST API hyper schema resource that provides schema information for a HATEOAS link.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.HyperSchema.fragmentResolution">
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.HyperSchema.readOnly">
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.HyperSchema.contentEncoding">
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.HyperSchema.pathStart">
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.HyperSchema.mediaType">
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.IPayPalSerializableObject">
            Defines an interface for a PayPal JSON-serializable object.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.IPayPalSerializableObject.ConvertToJson">
            Converts this object to a JSON string.
            <returns>A JSON-formatted string.</returns>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Image">
            A QR code image for an invoice.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Image.image">
            A base-64 encoded string representing a PNG image.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Image.Save(System.String)">
            Saves the image data to a file on disk.
            <param name="filename">The path to the file where the image will be saved.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Image.Save(System.String,PayPal.Api.Image)">
            Saves the image data to a file on disk.
            <param name="filename">The path to the file where the image will be saved.</param>
            <param name="image">Image object containing the image data sent from PayPal.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Incentive">
            A resource representing a incentive.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Identifier of the instrument in PayPal Wallet
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Incentive.code">
            Code that identifies the incentive.
        <member name="">
            Name of the incentive.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Incentive.description">
            Description of the incentive.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Incentive.minimum_purchase_amount">
            Indicates incentive is applicable for this minimum purchase amount.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Incentive.logo_image_url">
            Logo image url for the incentive.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Incentive.expiry_date">
            expiry date of the incentive.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Incentive.type">
            Specifies type of incentive
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Incentive.terms">
            URI to the associated terms
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.InputFields">
            Parameters for input fields customization.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InputFields.allow_note">
            Indicates whether the buyer can enter a note to the merchant on the PayPal page during checkout.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InputFields.no_shipping">
            Indicates whether PayPal displays shipping address fields on the experience pages. For digital goods, this field is required and must be <code>1</code>. Value is:<ul><li><code>0</code>. Displays the shipping address on the PayPal pages.</li><li><code>1</code>. Redacts shipping address fields from the PayPal pages.</li><li><code>2</code>. Gets the shipping address from the buyer's account profile.</li></ul>
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InputFields.address_override">
            Indicates whether to display the shipping address that is passed to this call rather than the one on file with PayPal for this buyer on the PayPal experience pages. Value is:<ul><li><code>0</code>. Displays the shipping address on file.</li><li><code>1</code>. Displays the shipping address supplied to this call. The buyer cannot edit this shipping address.</li></ul>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.InstallmentInfo">
             A resource representing installment information available for a transaction
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InstallmentInfo.installment_id">
            Installment id.
        <member name="">
            Credit card network.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InstallmentInfo.issuer">
            Credit card issuer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InstallmentInfo.installment_options">
            List of available installment options and the cost associated with each one.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.InstallmentOption">
             A resource describing an installment
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InstallmentOption.term">
            Number of installments
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InstallmentOption.monthly_payment">
            Monthly payment
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InstallmentOption.discount_amount">
            Discount amount applied to the payment, if any
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InstallmentOption.discount_percentage">
            Discount percentage applied to the payment, if any
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Invoice">
            Detailed invoice information.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            The ID of the invoice.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.number">
            The unique invoice number. If you omit this number, it is auto-incremented from the previous invoice number.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.template_id">
            The ID of the template from which to create the invoice. Useful for copy functionality.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.uri">
            The URI of the invoice.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.status">
            The invoice status.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.merchant_info">
            Additional information about the merchant who sends the invoice.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.billing_info">
            The required invoice recipient email address and any optional billing information. Supports only one recipient.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.cc_info">
            For invoices sent by email, one or more email addresses to which to send a Cc: copy of the notification. Supports only email addresses under participant.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.shipping_info">
            The shipping information for entities to whom items are being shipped.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.items">
            The items to include in the invoice. An invoice can contain a maximum of 100 items.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.invoice_date">
            The date when the invoice was enabled. The date format is *yyyy*-*MM*-*dd* *z*, as defined in [Internet Date/Time Format](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.payment_term">
            Optional. The payment deadline for the invoice. Value is either `term_type` or `due_date` but not both.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.reference">
            Reference data, such as PO number, to add to the invoice.
        <member name="">
            The invoice level discount, as a percent or an amount value.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.shipping_cost">
            The shipping cost, as a percent or an amount value.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.custom">
            The custom amount to apply to an invoice. If you include a label, you must include a custom amount.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.allow_partial_payment">
            Indicates whether the invoice allows a partial payment. If `false`, invoice must be paid in full. If `true`, the invoice allows partial payments. Default is `false`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.minimum_amount_due">
            The minimum amount allowed for a partial payment. Required if `allow_partial_payment` is `true`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.tax_calculated_after_discount">
            Indicates whether the tax is calculated before or after a discount. If `false`, the tax is calculated before a discount. If `true`, the tax is calculated after a discount. Default is `false`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.tax_inclusive">
            Indicates whether the unit price includes tax. Default is `false`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.terms">
            The general terms of the invoice.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.note">
            A note to the payer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.merchant_memo">
            A private bookkeeping memo for the merchant.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.logo_url">
            The full URL to an external logo image.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.total_amount">
            The total amount of the invoice.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.payments">
            List of payment details for the invoice.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.refunds">
            List of refund details for the invoice.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.metadata">
            Audit information for the invoice.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.additional_data">
            Any miscellaneous invoice data.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.gratuity">
            Gratuity to include with the invoice.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.payment_details">
            Payment summary of the invoice including amount paid through PayPal and other sources.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.paid_amount">
            Payment summary of the invoice including amount paid through PayPal and other sources.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.refund_details">
            Payment summary of the invoice, including amount refunded through PayPal and other sources.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.refunded_amount">
            Payment summary of the invoice, including amount refunded through PayPal and other sources.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Invoice.attachments">
            List of files that are attached to the invoice.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.Invoice)">
            Creates a draft invoice. You can optionally create an invoice [template](/docs/api/invoicing/#templates). Then, when you create an invoice from a template, the invoice is populated with the predefined data that the source template contains. To move the invoice from a draft to payable state, you must [send the invoice](/docs/api/invoicing/#invoices_send). In the JSON request body, include invoice details including merchant information. The `invoice` object must include an `items` array.<blockquote><strong>Note:</strong> The merchant specified in an invoice must have a PayPal account in good standing.</blockquote>
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="invoice">Invoice object to be used for creating the PayPal resource.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.Search(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.Search)">
            Lists invoices that match search criteria. In the JSON request body, include a `search` object that specifies the search criteria.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="search">Search</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.Send(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.Boolean)">
            Sends an invoice, by ID, to a customer.<blockquote><strong>Note:</strong> After you send an invoice, you cannot resend it.</blockquote><br/>Optionally, set the `notify_merchant` query parameter to also send the merchant an invoice update notification. Default is `true`.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="notifyMerchant">Indicates whether to send the invoice update notification to the merchant. Default is `true`.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.Send(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,System.Boolean)">
            Sends a legitimate invoice to the payer.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="invoiceId">ID of the invoice to send.</param>
            <param name="notifyMerchant">Specifies if the invoice send notification is needed for merchant</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.Remind(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.Notification)">
            Sends a reminder about an invoice, by ID, to a customer. In the JSON request body, include a `notification` object that defines the subject of the reminder and other details.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="notification">Notification</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.Remind(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.Notification)">
            Reminds the payer to pay the invoice.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="invoiceId">ID of the invoice the payer will be reminded to pay.</param>
            <param name="notification">Notification</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.Cancel(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.CancelNotification)">
            Cancels a sent invoice, by ID, and, optionally, sends a notification about the cancellation to the payer, merchant, and Cc: emails.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="cancelNotification">CancelNotification</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.Cancel(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.CancelNotification)">
            Cancels an invoice.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="invoiceId">ID of the invoice to cancel.</param>
            <param name="cancelNotification">CancelNotification</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.RecordPayment(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.PaymentDetail)">
            Marks the status of a specified invoice, by ID, as paid. Include a payment detail object that defines the payment method and other details in the JSON request body.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="paymentDetail">PaymentDetail</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.RecordPayment(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.PaymentDetail)">
            Mark the status of the invoice as paid.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="invoiceId">ID of the invoice to mark as paid.</param>
            <param name="paymentDetail">PaymentDetail</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.RecordRefund(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.RefundDetail)">
            Marks the status of an invoice, by ID, as refunded. In the JSON request body, include a payment detail object that defines the payment method and other details.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="refundDetail">RefundDetail</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.RecordRefund(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.RefundDetail)">
            Mark the status of the invoice as refunded.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="invoiceId">ID fo the invoice to mark as refunded.</param>
            <param name="refundDetail">RefundDetail</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Shows details for a specified invoice, by ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="invoiceId">The ID of the invoice for which to show details.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.GetAll(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
            Lists merchant invoices. Optionally, you can specify one or more query parameters to filter the response.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="page">A *zero-relative* index of the list of merchant invoices.</param>
            <param name="pageSize">The number of invoices to list beginning with the specified `page`.</param>
            <param name="totalCountRequired">Indicates whether the total count appears in the response. Default is `false`.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.Update(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.Boolean)">
            Fully updates an invoice, by ID. In the JSON request body, include a complete `invoice` object. This call does not support partial updates.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="notifyMerchant">Indicates whether to send the invoice update notification to the merchant. Default is `true`.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.Update(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.Invoice,System.Boolean)">
            Full update of the invoice resource for the given identifier.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="invoice">Invoice object to update.</param>
            <param name="notifyMerchant">Specifies if the invoice update notification is needed for merchant</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.Delete(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Deletes a draft invoice, by ID. Note that this call works for invoices in the draft state only. For invoices that have already been sent, you can [cancel the invoice](/docs/api/invoicing/#invoices_cancel). After you delete a draft invoice, you can no longer use it or show its details. However, you can reuse its invoice number.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.Delete(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Deletes a draft invoice, by ID. Note that this call works for invoices in the draft state only. For invoices that have already been sent, you can [cancel the invoice](/docs/api/invoicing/#invoices_cancel). After you delete a draft invoice, you can no longer use it or show its details. However, you can reuse its invoice number.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="invoiceId">The ID of the invoice to delete.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.DeleteExternalPayment(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes an external payment, by invoice ID and transaction ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="invoiceId">The ID of the invoice from which to delete a payment transaction.</param>
            <param name="transactionId">The ID of the payment transaction to delete.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.DeleteExternalRefund(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,System.String)">
            Deletes an external refund, by invoice ID and transaction ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="invoiceId">The ID of the invoice from which to delete the refund transaction.</param>
            <param name="transactionId">The ID of the refund transaction to delete.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.QrCode(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String)">
            Generates a QR code for an invoice, by ID.<br/><br/>The QR code is a PNG image in [Base64-encoded]( format that corresponds to the invoice ID. You can generate a QR code for an invoice and add it to a paper or PDF invoice. When a customer uses their mobile device to scan the QR code, he or she is redirected to the PayPal mobile payment flow where he or she can pay online with PayPal or a credit card.<br/><br/>Before you get a QR code, you must:<ol><li><p>[Create an invoice](#invoices_create). Specify `` as the recipient email address in the `billing_info` object. Use a customer email address only if you want to email the invoice.</p></li><li><p>[Send an invoice](#invoices_send) to move the invoice from a draft to payable state. If you specify `` as the recipient email address, the invoice is not emailed.</p></li></ol>
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="invoiceId">The ID of the invoice for which to generate a QR code.</param>
            <param name="width">The width, in pixels, of the QR code image. Valid value is from 150 to 500. Default is 500.</param>
            <param name="height">The height, in pixels, of the QR code image. Valid value is from 150 to 500. Default is 500.</param>
            <param name="action">The type of URL for which to generate a QR code. Default is `pay` and is the only supported value.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Invoice.GenerateNumber(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Generates the next invoice number that is available to the user.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.InvoiceAddress">
            Base Address object used as billing address in a payment or extended for Shipping Address.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Phone number in E.123 format.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.InvoiceItem">
            Line item information.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            The item name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceItem.description">
            The item description.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceItem.quantity">
            The item quantity. Valid value is from -10000 to 10000.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceItem.unit_price">
            The item unit price. Valid value is from -1,000,000 to 1,000,000.
        <member name="">
            The tax associated with the item.
        <member name="">
            The date when the item or service was provided. The date format is *yyyy*-*MM*-*dd* *z*, as defined in [Internet Date/Time Format](
        <member name="">
            The item discount, as a percent or an amount value.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceItem.unit_of_measure">
            The unit of measure for the invoiced item. Value is quantity, hours, or amount.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.InvoiceNumber">
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceNumber.number">
            The next invoice number that is available to the user. This number is auto-incremented from the most recent invoice number.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.InvoiceSearchResponse">
            Response object from an invoice search operation.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceSearchResponse.total_count">
            Total number of invoices.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceSearchResponse.invoices">
            List of invoices belonging to a merchant.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Item">
            Item details.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Item.sku">
            Stock keeping unit corresponding (SKU) to item.
        <member name="">
            Item name. 127 characters max.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Item.description">
            Description of the item. Only supported when the `payment_method` is set to `paypal`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Item.quantity">
            Number of a particular item. 10 characters max.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Item.price">
            Item cost. 10 characters max.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Item.currency">
            3-letter [currency code](
        <member name="">
            Tax of the item. Only supported when the `payment_method` is set to `paypal`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Item.url">
            URL linking to item information. Available to payer in transaction history.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Item.supplementary_data">
            Set of optional data used for PayPal risk determination.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Item.postback_data">
            Set of optional data used for PayPal post-transaction notifications.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Item.category">
            Category type of the item.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Item.weight">
            Weight of the item.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Item.length">
            Length of the item.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Item.height">
            Height of the item.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Item.width">
            Width of the item.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.ItemList">
            Details of a list of purchasable items and shipping information included with a payment transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ItemList.items">
            List of items.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ItemList.shipping_address">
            Shipping address.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ItemList.shipping_method">
            Shipping method used for this payment like USPSParcel etc.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ItemList.shipping_phone_number">
            Allows merchant's to share payer’s contact number with PayPal for the current payment. Final contact number of payer associated with the transaction might be same as shipping_phone_number or different based on Payer’s action on PayPal. The phone number must be represented in its canonical international format, as defined by the E.164 numbering plan
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.JsonFormatterDeserializationErrorEventArgs">
            Event arguments for when an error is encountered while deserializing a JSON string.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.JsonFormatterDeserializationErrorEventArgs.Message">
            Gets or sets the error message associated with this event.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.JsonFormatterDeserializationErrorEventHandler">
            Event handler delegate for when an error is encountered while deserializing a JSON string.
            <param name="e"></param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.JsonFormatter">
            Helper class that handles serializing and deserializing to and from JSON strings, respectively.
        <member name="E:PayPal.Api.JsonFormatter.DeserializationError">
            Event handler for when an error occurs while attempting to deserialize a JSON string.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.JsonFormatter.ConvertToJson``1(``0)">
            Converts the specified object to a JSON string.
            <typeparam name="T">A JSON-serializable object type.</typeparam>
            <param name="t">The object to be serialized.</param>
            <returns>A JSON string representing the specified object.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.JsonFormatter.ConvertFromJson``1(System.String)">
            Converts the specified JSON string to the specified object.
            <typeparam name="T">The object type to which the JSON string will be deserialized.</typeparam>
            <param name="value">A JSON string.</param>
            <returns>An object containing the data from the JSON string.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.JsonFormatter.ErrorHandler(System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.ErrorEventArgs)">
            Error handler for errors encountered while attempting to deserialize a JSON string.
            <param name="sender">Object that sent the event</param>
            <param name="e">Event arguments</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Links">
            A HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State) link included with most PayPal REST API resource objects.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Links.href">
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Links.rel">
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Links.targetSchema">
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Links.method">
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Links.enctype">
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Links.schema">
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Measurement">
            Measurement to represent item dimensions like length, width, height and weight etc.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Measurement.value">
            Value this measurement represents.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Measurement.unit">
            Unit in which the value is represented.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.MerchantInfo">
            Merchant business information that appears on the invoice.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            The merchant email address.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.MerchantInfo.first_name">
            The merchant first name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.MerchantInfo.last_name">
            The merchant last name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.MerchantInfo.address">
            The merchant address.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.MerchantInfo.business_name">
            The merchant company business name.
        <member name="">
            The merchant phone number.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.MerchantInfo.fax">
            The merchant fax number.
        <member name="">
            The merchant website.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.MerchantInfo.tax_id">
            The merchant tax ID.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.MerchantInfo.additional_info_label">
            A label for the `additional_info` field.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.MerchantInfo.additional_info">
            Additional information, such as business hours.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.MerchantPreferences">
            Merchant preferences for a billing agreement.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Identifier of the merchant_preferences. 128 characters max.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.MerchantPreferences.setup_fee">
            Setup fee amount. Default is 0.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.MerchantPreferences.cancel_url">
            Redirect URL on cancellation of agreement request. 1000 characters max.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.MerchantPreferences.return_url">
            Redirect URL on creation of agreement request. 1000 characters max.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.MerchantPreferences.notify_url">
            Notify URL on agreement creation. 1000 characters max.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.MerchantPreferences.max_fail_attempts">
            Total number of failed attempts allowed. Default is 0, representing an infinite number of failed attempts.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.MerchantPreferences.auto_bill_amount">
            Allow auto billing for the outstanding amount of the agreement in the next cycle. Allowed values: `YES`, `NO`. Default is `NO`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.MerchantPreferences.initial_fail_amount_action">
            Action to take if a failure occurs during initial payment. Allowed values: `CONTINUE`, `CANCEL`. Default is continue.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.MerchantPreferences.accepted_payment_type">
            Payment types that are accepted for this plan.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.MerchantPreferences.char_set">
            char_set for this plan.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Metadata">
            Audit information for the resource.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Metadata.created_date">
            The date and time when the resource was created.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Metadata.created_by">
            The email address of the account that created the resource.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Metadata.cancelled_date">
            The date and time when the resource was canceled.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Metadata.cancelled_by">
            The actor who canceled the resource.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Metadata.last_updated_date">
            The date and time when the resource was last edited.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Metadata.last_updated_by">
            The email address of the account that last edited the resource.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Metadata.first_sent_date">
            The date and time when the resource was first sent.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Metadata.last_sent_date">
            The date and time when the resource was last sent.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Metadata.last_sent_by">
            The email address of the account that last sent the resource.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Metadata.payer_view_url">
            URL representing the payer's view of the invoice.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.NameValuePair">
            Used to define a type for name-value pairs. The use of name value pairs in an API should be limited and approved by architecture.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Key for the name value pair. The value name types should be correlated
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.NameValuePair.value">
            Value for the name value pair.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Notification">
            Email/SMS notification.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Notification.subject">
            The subject of the notification.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Notification.note">
            A note to the payer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Notification.send_to_merchant">
            Indicates whether to send a copy of the email to the merchant.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Notification.cc_emails">
            An array of one or more Cc: emails. If you omit this parameter from the JSON request body, a notification is sent to all Cc: email addresses that are part of the invoice. Otherwise, specify this parameter to limit the email addresses to which notifications are sent.<blockquote><strong>Note:</strong> Additional email addresses are not supported.</blockquote>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential">
            OAuthTokenCredential is used for generation of OAuth Token used by PayPal
            REST API service. clientId and clientSecret are required by the class to
            generate OAuth Token, the resulting token is of the form "Bearer xxxxxx". The
            class has two constructors, one of it taking an additional Dictionary
            used for dynamic configuration.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.OAuthTokenPath">
            Specifies the PayPal endpoint for sending an OAuth request.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.config">
            Dynamic configuration map
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.accessToken">
            Cached access token that is generated when calling <see cref="M:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.GetAccessToken"/>.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.SdkVersion">
            SDKVersion instance
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.ClientId">
            Gets the client ID to be used when creating an OAuth token.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.ClientSecret">
            Gets the client secret to be used when creating an OAuth token.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.ApplicationId">
            Gets the application ID returned by OAuth servers.
            Must first call <see cref="M:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.GetAccessToken"/> to populate this property.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.AccessTokenExpirationInSeconds">
            Gets or sets the lifetime of a created access token in seconds.
            Must first call <see cref="M:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.GetAccessToken"/> to populate this property.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.AccessTokenLastCreationDate">
            Gets the last date when access token was generated.
            Must first call <see cref="M:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.GetAccessToken"/> to populate this property.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.AccessTokenExpirationSafetyGapInSeconds">
            Gets or sets the safety gap when checking the expiration of an already created access token in seconds.
            If the elapsed time since the last access token was created is more than the expiration - the safety gap,
            then a new token will be created when calling <see cref="M:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.GetAccessToken"/>.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
             <param name="config"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
            Client Id and Secret for the OAuth
            <param name="clientId"></param>
            <param name="clientSecret"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
            Client Id and Secret for the OAuth
            <param name="clientId"></param>
            <param name="clientSecret"></param>
            <param name="config"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.GetAccessToken">
            Returns the currently cached access token. If no access token was
            previously cached, or if the current access token is expired, then
            a new one is generated and returned.
            <returns>The OAuth access token to use for making PayPal requests.</returns>
            <exception cref="T:PayPal.MissingCredentialException">Thrown if clientId or clientSecret are null or empty.</exception>
            <exception cref="T:PayPal.InvalidCredentialException">Thrown if there is an issue converting the credentials to a formatted authorization string.</exception>
            <exception cref="T:PayPal.IdentityException">Thrown if authorization fails as a result of providing invalid credentials.</exception>
            <exception cref="T:PayPal.HttpException">Thrown if authorization fails and an HTTP error response is received.</exception>
            <exception cref="T:PayPal.ConnectionException">Thrown if there is an issue attempting to connect to PayPal's services.</exception>
            <exception cref="T:PayPal.ConfigException">Thrown if there is an error with any informaiton provided by the <see cref="T:PayPal.Api.ConfigManager"/>.</exception>
            <exception cref="T:PayPal.PayPalException">Thrown for any other general exception. See inner exception for further details.</exception>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.GenerateOAuthToken">
            Generates a new OAuth token useing the specified client credentials in the authorization request.
            <returns>The OAuth access token to use for making PayPal requests.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.OAuthTokenCredential.GetEndpointOverride">
            Gets the overridden endpoint defined in the config, if set. Otherwise returns an empty string, in which case the default endpoint will be used when requesting a new token.
            <returns>An endpoint to use; empty string if no override is specified.</returns>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Order">
            An order transaction.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Identifier of the order transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Order.purchase_unit_reference_id">
            Identifier to the purchase unit associated with this object. Obsolete. Use one in cart_base.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Order.amount">
            Amount being collected.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Order.payment_mode">
            specifies payment mode of the transaction
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Order.state">
            State of the order transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Order.reason_code">
            Reason code for the transaction state being Pending or Reversed. This field will replace pending_reason field eventually. Only supported when the `payment_method` is set to `paypal`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Order.pending_reason">
            [DEPRECATED] Reason code for the transaction state being Pending. Obsolete. Retained for backward compatability. Use reason_code field above instead.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Order.protection_eligibility">
            The level of seller protection in force for the transaction.
        <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "P:PayPal.Api.Order.protection_eligibility_type" -->
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Order.parent_payment">
            ID of the Payment resource that this transaction is based on.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Order.fmf_details">
            Fraud Management Filter (FMF) details applied for the payment that could result in accept/deny/pending action.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Order.create_time">
            Time the resource was created in UTC ISO8601 format.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Order.update_time">
            Time the resource was last updated in UTC ISO8601 format.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Order.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Shows details for an order, by ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="orderId">The ID of the order for which to show details.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Order.Capture(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.Capture)">
            Captures a payment for an order, by ID. To use this call, the original payment call must specify an intent of `order`. In the JSON request body, include the payment amount and indicate whether this capture is the final capture for the authorization.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="capture">Capture</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Order.Capture(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.Capture)">
            Creates (and processes) a new Capture Transaction added as a related resource.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="orderId">ID of the order to capture.</param>
            <param name="capture">Capture</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Order.Void(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Voids, or cancels, an order, by ID. You cannot void an order if a payment has already been partially or fully captured.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Order.Void(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Voids (cancels) an Order.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="orderId">ID of the order to void.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Order.Authorize(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Authorizes an order, by ID. Include an `amount` object in the JSON request body.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Order.Authorize(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.Order)">
            Creates an authorization on an order
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="order">Order object to authorize.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.OverrideChargeModel">
            Override for a charge model when creating a billing agreement.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OverrideChargeModel.charge_id">
            ID of charge model.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OverrideChargeModel.amount">
            Updated Amount to be associated with this charge model.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Participant">
            Participant information.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            The participant email address.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Participant.first_name">
            The participant first name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Participant.last_name">
            The participant last name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Participant.business_name">
            The participant company business name.
        <member name="">
            The participant phone number.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Participant.fax">
            The participant fax number.
        <member name="">
            The participant website.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Participant.additional_info">
            Additional information, such as business hours.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Participant.address">
            The participant address.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Patch">
            A JSON Patch object used for doing partial updates to resources.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Patch.op">
            The operation to perform.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Patch.path">
            A JSON pointer that references a location in the target document where the operation is performed. A `string` value.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Patch.value">
            New value to apply based on the operation.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Patch.from">
            A string containing a JSON Pointer value that references the location in the target document to move the value from.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PatchRequest">
            Request object used for updating REST API resource objects.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PayPalRelationalObject">
            Represents a PayPal model object that will be returned from PayPal containing common resource data.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayPalRelationalObject.links">
            A list of HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State) links.
            More information:
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.PayPalRelationalObject.GetHateoasLink(System.String)">
            Gets the HATEOAS link that matches the specified relation name.
            <param name="relationName">The name of the link relation.</param>
            <returns>A Links object containing the details of the HATEOAS link; null if not found.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.PayPalRelationalObject.GetApprovalUrl(System.Boolean)">
            Gets the approval URL from a list of HATEOAS links.
            <param name="setUserActionParameter">If true, appends the 'useraction' URL query parameter.
            <para>For PayPal payments, this will set the approval button text on the PayPal site to "Pay Now".</para></param>
            <returns>The approval URL or an empty string if not found.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.PayPalRelationalObject.GetTokenFromApprovalUrl">
            Gets the resource token from an approval URL HATEOAS link, if found.
            <returns>A string containing the resource token associated with an approval URL.</returns>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PayPalResource">
            Abstract class that handles configuring an HTTP request prior to making an API call.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayPalResource.logger">
            Logs output statements, errors, debug info to a text file
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PayPalResource.HttpMethod">
            List of supported HTTP methods when making HTTP requests to the PayPal REST API.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayPalResource.HttpMethod.GET">
            GET HTTP request. This is typically used in API operations to retrieve a static resource.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayPalResource.HttpMethod.HEAD">
            HEAD HTTP request. This is typically used to retrieve only the header information for a static resource.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayPalResource.HttpMethod.POST">
            POST HTTP request. This is typically used in API operations that require data in the request body to complete.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayPalResource.HttpMethod.PUT">
            PUT HTTP request. This is used in some API operations that update a given resource.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayPalResource.HttpMethod.DELETE">
            DELETE HTTP request. This is typcially used in API oeprations that delete a given resource.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayPalResource.HttpMethod.PATCH">
            PATCH HTTP request. This is typcially used in API operations that update a given resource.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayPalResource.LastRequestDetails">
            Gets the last request sent by the SDK in the current thread.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayPalResource.LastResponseDetails">
            Gets the last response received by the SDK in the current thread.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.PayPalResource.#cctor">
            Static constructor initializing any static properties.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.PayPalResource.ConfigureAndExecute(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.PayPalResource.HttpMethod,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
            Configures and executes REST call: Supports JSON
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext object</param>
            <param name="httpMethod">HttpMethod type</param>
            <param name="resource">URI path of the resource</param>
            <param name="payload">JSON request payload</param>
            <param name="endpoint">Optional endpoint to use when generating the full URL for the resource. If none is specified, a default endpoint is generated by the SDK based on other config settings.</param>
            <param name="setAuthorizationHeader">Specifies whether or not to set the Authorization header in outgoing requests. Defaults to true.</param>
            <returns>Response object or null otherwise for void API calls</returns>
            <exception cref="T:PayPal.HttpException">Thrown if there was an error sending the request.</exception>
            <exception cref="T:PayPal.PaymentsException">Thrown if an HttpException was raised and contains a Payments API error object.</exception>
            <exception cref="T:PayPal.PayPalException">Thrown for any other issues encountered. See inner exception for further details.</exception>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.PayPalResource.ConfigureAndExecute``1(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.PayPalResource.HttpMethod,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
            Configures and executes REST call: Supports JSON
            <typeparam name="T">Generic Type parameter for response object</typeparam>
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext object</param>
            <param name="httpMethod">HttpMethod type</param>
            <param name="resource">URI path of the resource</param>
            <param name="payload">JSON request payload</param>
            <param name="endpoint">Endpoint to use when generating the full URL for the resource. If none is specified, a default endpoint is generated by the SDK based on other config settings.</param>
            <param name="setAuthorizationHeader">Specifies whether or not to set the Authorization header in outgoing requests. Defaults to true.</param>
            <returns>Response object or null otherwise for void API calls</returns>
            <exception cref="T:PayPal.HttpException">Thrown if there was an error sending the request.</exception>
            <exception cref="T:PayPal.PaymentsException">Thrown if an HttpException was raised and contains a Payments API error object.</exception>
            <exception cref="T:PayPal.PayPalException">Thrown for any other issues encountered. See inner exception for further details.</exception>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.PayPalResource.GetHeaderMap(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Gets a collection of headers to be used in an HTTP request.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext object containing information needed to construct the headers map.</param>
            <returns>A collection of headers.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.PayPalResource.GetEndpoint(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
            Gets the endpoint to be used when making an HTTP call to the REST API.
            <returns>The endpoint to be used when making an HTTP call to the REST API.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.PayPalResource.EncodeToBase64(System.String,System.String)">
            Covnerts the specified client credentials to a base-64 string for authorization purposes.
            <param name="clientId">The client ID to be used in generating the base-64 client identifier.</param>
            <param name="clientSecret">The client secret to be used in generating the base-64 client identifier.</param>
            <returns>The base-64 encoded client identifier to use in the authorization request.</returns>
            <exception cref="T:PayPal.MissingCredentialException">Thrown if clientId or clientSecret are null or empty.</exception>
            <exception cref="T:PayPal.InvalidCredentialException">Thrown if there is an issue converting the credentials to a formatted authorization string.</exception>
            <exception cref="T:PayPal.PayPalException">Thrown for any other issue encountered. See inner exception for further details.</exception>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PayPalSerializableListObject`1">
            Represents a PayPal model object that can be serialized to and from JSON as an array.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.PayPalSerializableListObject`1.ConvertToJson">
            Converts this object to a JSON string.
            <returns>A JSON-formatted string.</returns>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PayPalSerializableObject">
            Represents a PayPal model object that can be serialized to and from a JSON string.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.PayPalSerializableObject.ConvertToJson">
            Converts this object to a JSON string.
            <returns>A JSON-formatted string.</returns>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Payee">
            A resource representing a Payee who receives the funds and fulfills the order.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Email Address associated with the Payee's PayPal Account. If the provided email address is not associated with any PayPal Account, the payee can only receive PayPal Wallet Payments. Direct Credit Card Payments will be denied due to card compliance requirements.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payee.merchant_id">
            Encrypted PayPal account identifier for the Payee.
        <member name="">
            Information related to the Payer. In case of PayPal Wallet payment, this information will be filled in by PayPal after the user approves the payment using their PayPal Wallet.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Payer">
            A resource representing a Payer that funds a payment.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payer.payment_method">
            Payment method being used - PayPal Wallet payment, Bank Direct Debit or Direct Credit card.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payer.status">
            Status of payer's PayPal Account.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payer.account_type">
            Type of account relationship payer has with PayPal.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payer.account_age">
            Duration since the payer established account relationship with PayPal in days.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payer.funding_instruments">
            List of funding instruments to fund the payment. 'OneOf' funding_instruments,funding_option_id to be used to identify the specifics of payment method passed.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payer.funding_option_id">
            Instrument type pre-selected by the user outside of PayPal and passed along the payment creation. This param is used in cases such as PayPal Credit Second Button
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payer.funding_option">
            Default funding option available for the payment
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payer.related_funding_option">
            Funding option related to default funding option.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payer.payer_info">
            Information related to the Payer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payer.external_selected_funding_instrument_type">
            Instrument type pre-selected by the user outside of PayPal and passed along the payment creation. This param is used in cases such as PayPal Credit Second Button
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PayerInfo">
            A resource representing a information about Payer.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Email address representing the payer. 127 characters max.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayerInfo.external_remember_me_id">
            External Remember Me id representing the payer
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayerInfo.buyer_account_number">
            Account Number representing the Payer
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayerInfo.salutation">
            Salutation of the payer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayerInfo.first_name">
            First name of the payer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayerInfo.middle_name">
            Middle name of the payer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayerInfo.last_name">
            Last name of the payer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayerInfo.suffix">
            Suffix of the payer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayerInfo.payer_id">
            PayPal assigned encrypted Payer ID.
        <member name="">
            Phone number representing the payer. 20 characters max.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayerInfo.phone_type">
            Phone type
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayerInfo.birth_date">
            Birth date of the Payer in ISO8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd).
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayerInfo.tax_id">
            Payer’s tax ID. Only supported when the `payment_method` is set to `paypal`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayerInfo.tax_id_type">
            Payer’s tax ID type. Allowed values: `BR_CPF` or `BR_CNPJ`. Only supported when the `payment_method` is set to `paypal`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayerInfo.country_code">
            Two-letter registered country code of the payer to identify the buyer country.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayerInfo.billing_address">
            Billing address of the Payer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayerInfo.shipping_address">
            [DEPRECATED] Use shipping address present in purchase unit or at root level of checkout Session.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Payment">
            Lets you create, process and manage payments.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Identifier of the payment resource created.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payment.intent">
            Payment intent.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payment.payer">
            Source of the funds for this payment represented by a PayPal account or a direct credit card.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payment.payee">
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payment.cart">
            ID of the cart to execute the payment.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payment.transactions">
            Transactional details including the amount and item details.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payment.failed_transactions">
            Applicable for advanced payments like multi seller payment (MSP) to support partial failures
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payment.payment_instruction">
            A payment instruction resource
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payment.state">
            The state of the payment, authorization, or order transaction. The value is:<ul><li><code>created</code>. The transaction was successfully created.</li><li><code>approved</code>. The buyer approved the transaction.</li><li><code>failed</code>. The transaction request failed.</li></ul>
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payment.experience_profile_id">
            PayPal generated identifier for the merchant's payment experience profile. Refer to [this]( link to create experience profile ID.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payment.note_to_payer">
            free-form field for the use of clients to pass in a message to the payer
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payment.redirect_urls">
            Set of redirect URLs you provide only for PayPal-based payments.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payment.failure_reason">
            Failure reason code returned when the payment failed for some valid reasons.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payment.create_time">
            Payment creation time as defined in [RFC 3339 Section 5.6](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payment.update_time">
            Payment update time as defined in [RFC 3339 Section 5.6](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payment.billing_agreement_tokens">
            Collection of PayPal generated billing agreement tokens.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payment.token">
            Get or sets the token found in the approval_url link returned from a call to create this resource.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Payment.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Creates and processes a payment. In the JSON request body, include a `payment` object with the intent, payer, and transactions. For PayPal payments, include redirect URLs in the `payment` object.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Payment.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.Payment)">
            Creates (and processes) a new Payment Resource.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="payment">Payment object to be used in creating the PayPal resource.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Payment.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Shows details for a payment, by ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="paymentId">The ID of the payment for which to show details.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Payment.Update(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.PatchRequest)">
            Partially updates a payment, by ID. You can update the amount, shipping address, invoice ID, and custom data. You cannot use patch after execute has been called.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="patchRequest">PatchRequest</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Payment.Update(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.PatchRequest)">
            Partially update the Payment resource for the given identifier
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="paymentId">ID of the payment to update.</param>
            <param name="patchRequest">PatchRequest</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Payment.Execute(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.PaymentExecution)">
            Executes, or completes, a PayPal payment that the payer has approved. You can optionally update selective payment information when you execute a payment.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="paymentExecution">PaymentExecution</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Payment.Execute(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.PaymentExecution)">
            Executes the payment (after approved by the Payer) associated with this resource when the payment method is PayPal.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="paymentId">ID of the payment to execute.</param>
            <param name="paymentExecution">PaymentExecution</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Payment.List(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            List payments that were made to the merchant who issues the request. Payments can be in any state.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="count">The number of items to list in the response.</param>
            <param name="startId">The ID of the starting resource in the response. When results are paged, you can use the `next_id` value as the `start_id` to continue with the next set of results.</param>
            <param name="startIndex">The start index of the resources to return. Typically used to jump to a specific position in the resource history based on its cart. Example for starting at the second item in a list of results: `?start_index=2`</param>
            <param name="startTime">The date and time when the resource was created. Indicates the start of a range of results. Example: `start_time=2013-03-06T11:00:00Z`</param>
            <param name="endTime">The date and time when the resource was created. Indicates the end of a range of results.</param>
            <param name="startDate">Resource creation date that indicates the start of results.</param>
            <param name="endDate">Resource creation date that indicates the end of a range of results.</param>
            <param name="payeeEmail">Payee identifier (email) to filter the search results in list operations.</param>
            <param name="payeeId">Payee identifier (merchant id) assigned by PayPal to filter the search results in list operations.</param>
            <param name="sortBy">Field name that determines sort order of results.</param>
            <param name="sortOrder">Specifies if order of results is ascending or descending.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PaymentCard">
            A payment card that can fund a payment.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            The ID of a credit card to save for later use.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentCard.number">
            The card number.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentCard.type">
            The card type.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentCard.expire_month">
            The two-digit expiry month for the card.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentCard.expire_year">
            The four-digit expiry year for the card.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentCard.start_month">
            The two-digit start month for the card. Required for UK Maestro cards.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentCard.start_year">
            The four-digit start year for the card. Required for UK Maestro cards.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentCard.cvv2">
            The validation code for the card. Supported for payments but not for saving payment cards for future use.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentCard.first_name">
            The first name of the card holder.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentCard.last_name">
            The last name of the card holder.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentCard.billing_country">
            The two-letter country code.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentCard.billing_address">
            The billing address for the card.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentCard.external_customer_id">
            The ID of the customer who owns this card account. The facilitator generates and provides this ID. Required when you create or use a stored funding instrument in the PayPal vault.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentCard.status">
            The state of the funding instrument.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentCard.card_product_class">
            The product class of the financial instrument issuer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentCard.valid_until">
            The date and time until when this instrument can be used fund a payment.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentCard.issue_number">
            The one- to two-digit card issue number. Required for UK Maestro cards.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PaymentDefinition">
            Defines the payment terms of a billing plan.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Identifier of the payment_definition. 128 characters max.
        <member name="">
            Name of the payment definition. 128 characters max.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentDefinition.type">
            Type of the payment definition. Allowed values: `TRIAL`, `REGULAR`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentDefinition.frequency_interval">
            How frequently the customer should be charged.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentDefinition.frequency">
            Frequency of the payment definition offered. Allowed values: `WEEK`, `DAY`, `YEAR`, `MONTH`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentDefinition.cycles">
            Number of cycles in this payment definition.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentDefinition.amount">
            Amount that will be charged at the end of each cycle for this payment definition.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentDefinition.charge_models">
            Array of charge_models for this payment definition.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PaymentDetail">
            Invoicing payment information.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentDetail.type">
            The payment type in an invoicing flow. Value is `PAYPAL` or `EXTERNAL`. The [record refund](/docs/api/invoicing/#invoices_record-refund) method supports the `EXTERNAL` refund type. The `PAYPAL` refund type is supported for backward compatibility.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentDetail.transaction_id">
            The ID for a PayPal payment transaction. Required with the `PAYPAL` payment type.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentDetail.transaction_type">
            The transaction type. Value is `SALE`, `AUTHORIZATION`, or `CAPTURE`.
        <member name="">
            The date when the invoice was paid. The date format is *yyyy*-*MM*-*dd* *z*, as defined in [Internet Date/Time Format](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentDetail.method">
            The payment mode or method. Required with the `EXTERNAL` payment type. Value is bank transfer, cash, check, credit card, debit card, PayPal, wire transfer, or other.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentDetail.note">
            Optional. A note associated with the payment.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentDetail.amount">
            The payment amount to record against the invoice. If you omit this parameter, records the total invoice amount as paid.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PaymentExecution">
            Let's you execute a PayPal Account based Payment resource with the payer_id obtained from web approval url.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentExecution.payer_id">
            The ID of the Payer, passed in the `return_url` by PayPal.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentExecution.transactions">
            Transactional details including the amount and item details.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PaymentHistory">
            List of Payments made by the seller.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentHistory.payments">
            A list of Payment resources
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentHistory.count">
            Number of items returned in each range of results. Note that the last results range could have fewer items than the requested number of items. Maximum value: 20.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentHistory.next_id">
            Identifier of the next element to get the next range of results.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PaymentInstruction">
            Contain details of how and when the payment should be made to PayPal in cases of manual bank transfer.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentInstruction.reference_number">
            ID of payment instruction
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentInstruction.instruction_type">
            Type of payment instruction
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentInstruction.recipient_banking_instruction">
            Recipient bank Details.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentInstruction.amount">
            Amount to be transferred
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentInstruction.payment_due_date">
            Date by which payment should be received
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentInstruction.note">
            Additional text regarding payment handling
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.PaymentInstruction.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Obtain the payment instruction resource for the given identifier.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="paymentId">Identifier of the Payment instruction resource to obtain the data for.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PaymentOptions">
            Payment options requested for this purchase unit
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentOptions.allowed_payment_method">
            Payment method requested for this purchase unit
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PaymentSummary">
            The payment and refund summary.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentSummary.paypal">
            The total amount paid or refunded through PayPal.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentSummary.other">
            The total amount paid or refunded through other sources.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PaymentTerm">
            The payment term of the invoice. If you specify `term_type`, you cannot specify `due_date`, and vice versa.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentTerm.term_type">
            The terms by which the invoice payment is due.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PaymentTerm.due_date">
            The date when the invoice payment is due. This date must be a future date. Date format is *yyyy*-*MM*-*dd* *z*, as defined in [Internet Date/Time Format](
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Payout">
            A REST API payout resource object.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payout.sender_batch_header">
            The original batch header as provided by the payment sender.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Payout.items">
            An array of payout items (that is, a set of individual payouts).
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Payout.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.Boolean)">
            Create a payout batch resource by passing a sender_batch_header and an items array to the request URI. The sender_batch_header contains payout parameters that describe the handling of a batch resource while the items array conatins payout items.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="syncMode">A value of true will provide an immediate, synchronous response. Without this query keyword or if the value is false, the response will be a background batch mode.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Payout.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.Payout,System.Boolean)">
            Create a payout batch resource by passing a sender_batch_header and an items array to the request URI. The sender_batch_header contains payout parameters that describe the handling of a batch resource while the items array conatins payout items.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="payout">Payout object to be created as a PayPal resource.</param>
            <param name="syncMode">A value of true will provide an immediate, synchronous response. Without this query keyword or if the value is false, the response will be a background batch mode.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Payout.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Obtain the status of a specific batch resource by passing the payout batch ID to the request URI. You can issue this call multiple times to get the current status.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="payoutBatchId">Identifier of the Payout Resource to obtain data.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PayoutBatch">
            The PayPal-generated batch status.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutBatch.batch_header">
            A batch header. Includes the generated batch status.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutBatch.items">
            An array of items in a batch payout.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PayoutBatchHeader">
            A batch payout header data object, which can be the response to a batch payout header request. Enables you to get payout header information for an entire batch payout request.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutBatchHeader.payout_batch_id">
            The PayPal-generated ID for a batch payout.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutBatchHeader.batch_status">
            The PayPal-generated batch status. If the batch payout passes preliminary checks, the status is `PENDING`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutBatchHeader.time_created">
            The date and time when processing for the batch payout began.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutBatchHeader.time_completed">
            The date and time when processing for the batch payout completed.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutBatchHeader.sender_batch_header">
            The original batch payout header, as provided by the payment sender.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutBatchHeader.amount">
            The total amount, in U.S. dollars, requested for the payouts.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutBatchHeader.fees">
            The total estimate, in U.S. dollars, for the applicable payouts fees.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutBatchHeader.errors">
            An array of batch errors, if any.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PayoutItem">
            A sender-created definition of a payout to a single recipient.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "P:PayPal.Api.PayoutItem.recipient_type" -->
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutItem.amount">
            The amount of money to pay the receiver.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutItem.note">
            Optional. A sender-specified note for notifications. Value is any string value.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutItem.receiver">
            The receiver of the payment. Corresponds to the `recipient_type` value in the request.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutItem.sender_item_id">
            A sender-specified ID number. Tracks the batch payout in an accounting system.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.PayoutItem.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Obtain the status of a payout item by passing the item ID to the request URI.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="payoutItemId">Payouts generated payout_item_id to obtain status.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.PayoutItem.Cancel(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Cancels the unclaimed payment using the items id passed in the request URI.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="payoutItemId">Payouts generated payout_item_id to obtain status.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PayoutItemDetails">
            The payout item status and other details.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutItemDetails.payout_item_id">
            The ID for the payout item. Viewable when you show details for a batch payout.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutItemDetails.transaction_id">
            The PayPal-generated ID for the transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutItemDetails.transaction_status">
            The transaction status.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutItemDetails.payout_item_fee">
            The amount of money, in U.S. dollars, for fees.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutItemDetails.payout_batch_id">
            The PayPal-generated ID for the batch payout.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutItemDetails.sender_batch_id">
            A sender-specified ID number. Tracks the batch payout in an accounting system.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutItemDetails.payout_item">
            The sender-provided information for the payout item.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutItemDetails.time_processed">
            The date and time when this item was last processed.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutItemDetails.error">
            Error information associated with this item, if any.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.PayoutItemDetails.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Obtain the status of a payout item by passing the item ID to the request URI.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="payoutItemId">Payouts generated payout_item_id to obtain status.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PayoutRecipientType">
            Type of identification for the payment receiver.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayoutRecipientType.EMAIL">
            Email recipient for a payout.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayoutRecipientType.PHONE">
            Phone number recipient for a payout.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayoutRecipientType.PAYPAL_ID">
            PayPal recipient for a payout.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PayoutSenderBatchHeader">
            The sender-provided batch header for a batch payout request.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutSenderBatchHeader.sender_batch_id">
            A sender-specified ID number. Tracks the batch payout in an accounting system.<blockquote><strong>Note:</strong> PayPal prevents duplicate batches from being processed. If you specify a `sender_batch_id` that was used in the last 30 days, the API rejects the request and returns an error message that indicates the duplicate `sender_batch_id` and includes a HATEOAS link to the original batch payout with the same `sender_batch_id`. If you receive a HTTP `5nn` status code, you can safely retry the request with the same `sender_batch_id`. In any case, the API completes a payment only once for a specific `sender_batch_id` that is used within 30 days.</blockquote>
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PayoutSenderBatchHeader.email_subject">
            The subject line text for the email that PayPal sends when a payout item is completed. (The subject line is the same for all recipients.) Maximum of 255 single-byte alphanumeric characters.
        <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "P:PayPal.Api.PayoutSenderBatchHeader.recipient_type" -->
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PayoutTransactionStatus">
            Status of a payout transaction.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayoutTransactionStatus.SUCCESS">
            The item has been successfully processed.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayoutTransactionStatus.DENIED">
            The item has been denied payment.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayoutTransactionStatus.PENDING">
            The item is awaiting payment.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayoutTransactionStatus.PROCESSING">
            The item is being processed.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayoutTransactionStatus.FAILED">
            Processing failed for the item.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayoutTransactionStatus.UNCLAIMED">
            The item is unclaimed. If the item is not claimed within 30 days, the funds will be returned to the sender.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayoutTransactionStatus.RETURNED">
            The item is returned. The funds are returned if the recipient hasn't claimed them in 30 days.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayoutTransactionStatus.ONHOLD">
            The item is on hold.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayoutTransactionStatus.BLOCKED">
            The item is blocked.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.PayoutTransactionStatus.CANCELLED">
            It is not possible for the CANCELLED state to occur if the sender is solely using the API to send Payouts.
            This status is an edge-case if a sender uses both the MassPay web upload and the Payouts API, cancels the
            web upload, and then uses the API to find the batch/items. In this case, CANCELLED status is possible.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Phone">
            Information related to the Payee.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Phone.country_code">
            Country code (from in E.164 format)
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Phone.national_number">
            In-country phone number (from in E.164 format)
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Phone.extension">
            Phone extension
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Plan">
            A REST API billing plan resource.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Identifier of the billing plan. 128 characters max.
        <member name="">
            Name of the billing plan. 128 characters max.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Plan.description">
            Description of the billing plan. 128 characters max.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Plan.type">
            Type of the billing plan. Allowed values: `FIXED`, `INFINITE`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Plan.state">
            Status of the billing plan. Allowed values: `CREATED`, `ACTIVE`, `INACTIVE`, and `DELETED`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Plan.create_time">
            Time when the billing plan was created. Format YYYY-MM-DDTimeTimezone, as defined in [ISO8601](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Plan.update_time">
            Time when this billing plan was updated. Format YYYY-MM-DDTimeTimezone, as defined in [ISO8601](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Plan.payment_definitions">
            Array of payment definitions for this billing plan.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Plan.terms">
            Array of terms for this billing plan.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Plan.merchant_preferences">
            Specific preferences such as: set up fee, max fail attempts, autobill amount, and others that are configured for this billing plan.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Plan.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Retrieve the details for a particular billing plan by passing the billing plan ID to the request URI.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="planId">ID of the billing plan to return details about.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Plan.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Create a new billing plan by passing the details for the plan, including the plan name, description, and type, to the request URI.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Plan.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.Plan)">
            Create a new billing plan by passing the details for the plan, including the plan name, description, and type, to the request URI.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="plan">The Plan object to be used to create the billing plan resource.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Plan.Update(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.PatchRequest)">
            Replace specific fields within a billing plan by passing the ID of the billing plan to the request URI. In addition, pass a patch object in the request JSON that specifies the operation to perform, field to update, and new value for each update.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="patchRequest">PatchRequest</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Plan.Update(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.PatchRequest)">
            Replace specific fields within a billing plan by passing the ID of the billing plan to the request URI. In addition, pass a patch object in the request JSON that specifies the operation to perform, field to update, and new value for each update.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="planId">ID of the billing plan to be updated.</param>
            <param name="patchRequest">PatchRequest</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Plan.List(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            List billing plans according to optional query string parameters specified.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="page">A non-zero integer representing the 'page' of the results.</param>
            <param name="status">Specifies the status (CREATED, ACTIVE, or INACTIVE) of the billing plans to return.</param>
            <param name="pageSize">A non-negative, non-zero integer indicating the maximum number of results to return at one time.</param>
            <param name="totalRequired">A boolean indicating total number of items (total_items) and pages (total_pages) are expected to be returned in the response</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Plan.Delete(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Deletes the specified billing plan.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Plan.Delete(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Deletes the specified billing plan.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="planId">ID of the billing plan to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PlanList">
            A list of billing plans returned from a search operation.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PlanList.plans">
            Array of billing plans.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PlanList.total_items">
            Total number of items.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PlanList.total_pages">
            Total number of pages.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.PotentialPayerInfo">
            A resource representing a information about a potential Payer.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Email address representing the potential payer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PotentialPayerInfo.external_remember_me_id">
            xternalRememberMe id representing the potential payer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.PotentialPayerInfo.billing_address">
            Billing address of the potential payer.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Presentation">
            Parameters for style and presentation.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Presentation.brand_name">
            A label that overrides the business name in the PayPal account on the PayPal pages. Character length and limitations: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Presentation.logo_image">
            A URL to the logo image. A valid media type is `.gif`, `.jpg`, or `.png`. The maximum width of the image is 190 pixels. The maximum height of the image is 60 pixels. PayPal crops images that are larger. PayPal places your logo image at the top of the cart review area. PayPal recommends that you store the image on a secure (HTTPS) server. Otherwise, web browsers display a message that checkout pages contain non-secure items. Character length and limit: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Presentation.locale_code">
            The locale of pages displayed by PayPal payment experience. A valid value is `AU`, `AT`, `BE`, `BR`, `CA`, `CH`, `CN`, `DE`, `ES`, `GB`, `FR`, `IT`, `NL`, `PL`, `PT`, `RU`, or `US`. A 5-character code is also valid for languages in specific countries: `da_DK`, `he_IL`, `id_ID`, `ja_JP`, `no_NO`, `pt_BR`, `ru_RU`, `sv_SE`, `th_TH`, `zh_CN`, `zh_HK`, or `zh_TW`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Presentation.return_url_label">
            A label to use as hypertext for the return to merchant link.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Presentation.note_to_seller_label">
            A label to use as the title for the note to seller field. Used only when `allow_note` is `1`.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.ProcessorResponse">
            Collection of payment response related fields returned from a payment request
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ProcessorResponse.response_code">
            Paypal normalized response code, generated from the processor's specific response code
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ProcessorResponse.avs_code">
            Address Verification System response code.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ProcessorResponse.cvv_code">
            CVV System response code.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ProcessorResponse.advice_code">
            Provides merchant advice on how to handle declines related to recurring payments
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ProcessorResponse.eci_submitted">
            Response back from the authorization. Provided by the processor
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ProcessorResponse.vpas">
            Visa Payer Authentication Service status. Will be return from processor
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.RecipientBankingInstruction">
            Recipient bank Details.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RecipientBankingInstruction.bank_name">
            Name of the financial institution.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RecipientBankingInstruction.account_holder_name">
            Name of the account holder
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RecipientBankingInstruction.account_number">
            bank account number
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RecipientBankingInstruction.routing_number">
            bank routing number
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RecipientBankingInstruction.international_bank_account_number">
            IBAN equivalent of the bank
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RecipientBankingInstruction.bank_identifier_code">
            BIC identifier of the financial institution
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.RedirectUrls">
            Set of redirect URLs you provide only for PayPal-based payments.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RedirectUrls.return_url">
            Url where the payer would be redirected to after approving the payment. **Required for PayPal account payments.**
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RedirectUrls.cancel_url">
            Url where the payer would be redirected to after canceling the payment. **Required for PayPal account payments.**
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Refund">
            A refund transaction.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            ID of the refund transaction. 17 characters max.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Refund.amount">
            Details including both refunded amount (to payer) and refunded fee (to payee). 10 characters max.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Refund.state">
            State of the refund.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Refund.reason">
            Reason description for the Sale transaction being refunded.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Refund.invoice_number">
            Your own invoice or tracking ID number. Character length and limitations: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Refund.sale_id">
            ID of the Sale transaction being refunded.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Refund.capture_id">
            ID of the sale transaction being refunded.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Refund.parent_payment">
            ID of the payment resource on which this transaction is based.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Refund.description">
            Description of what is being refunded for.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Refund.create_time">
            Time of refund as defined in [RFC 3339 Section 5.6](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Refund.update_time">
            Time that the resource was last updated.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Refund.reason_code">
            The reason code for the refund state being pending
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Refund.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Shows details for a refund, by ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="refundId">The ID of the refund for which to show details.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.RefundDetail">
            Invoicing refund information.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RefundDetail.type">
            The PayPal refund type. Indicates whether refund was paid through PayPal or externally in invoicing flow. The [record refund](/docs/api/invoicing/#invoices_record-refund) method supports the `EXTERNAL` refund type. The `PAYPAL` refund type is supported for backward compatibility.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RefundDetail.transaction_id">
            The ID of the PayPal refund transaction. Required with the `PAYPAL` refund type.
        <member name="">
            The date when the invoice was refunded. The date format is *yyyy*-*MM*-*dd* *z*, as defined in [Internet Date/Time Format]( For example, `2014-02-27 PST`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RefundDetail.note">
            A note associated with the refund.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RefundDetail.amount">
            The amount to record as refunded. If you omit the amount, the total invoice paid amount is recorded as refunded.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.RefundRequest">
            A refund transaction.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RefundRequest.amount">
            Details including both refunded amount (to payer) and refunded fee (to payee).
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RefundRequest.description">
            Description of what is being refunded for. Character length and limitations: 255 single-byte alphanumeric characters.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RefundRequest.refund_source">
            Type of PayPal funding source (balance or eCheck) that can be used for auto refund.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RefundRequest.reason">
            Reason description for the Sale transaction being refunded.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RefundRequest.invoice_number">
            The invoice number that is used to track this payment. Character length and limitations: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RefundRequest.refund_advice">
            Flag to indicate that the buyer was already given store credit for a given transaction.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.RelatedResources">
            Each one representing a financial transaction (Sale, Authorization, Capture, Refund) related to the payment.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Sale transaction
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RelatedResources.authorization">
            Authorization transaction
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RelatedResources.order">
            Order transaction
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RelatedResources.capture">
            Capture transaction
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RelatedResources.refund">
            Refund transaction
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Sale">
            A sale transaction. This is the resource that is returned as a part related resources in Payment
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Identifier of the sale transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.purchase_unit_reference_id">
            Identifier to the purchase or transaction unit corresponding to this sale transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.amount">
            Amount being collected.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.payment_mode">
            Specifies payment mode of the transaction. Only supported when the `payment_method` is set to `paypal`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.invoice_number">
            your own invoice number or tracking IDs, Maximum length: 127.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.custom">
            free-form field for the use of clients, Maximum length: 127.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.state">
            State of the sale transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.reason_code">
            Reason code for the transaction state being Pending or Reversed. Only supported when the `payment_method` is set to `paypal`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.protection_eligibility">
            The level of seller protection in force for the transaction. Only supported when the `payment_method` is set to `paypal`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.protection_eligibility_type">
            The kind of seller protection in force for the transaction. It is returned only when protection_eligibility is ELIGIBLE or PARTIALLY_ELIGIBLE. Only supported when the `payment_method` is set to `paypal`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.clearing_time">
            Expected clearing time for eCheck Transactions. Returned when payment is made with eCheck. Only supported when the `payment_method` is set to `paypal`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.payment_hold_status">
            Status of the Recipient Fund. For now, it will be returned only when fund status is held
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.payment_hold_reasons">
            Reasons for PayPal holding recipient fund. It is set only if payment hold status is held
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.recipient_fund_status">
            Indicates the credit status of fund to the recipient. It will be returned only when payment status is 'completed'
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.hold_reason">
            Reason for holding the funds.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.transaction_fee">
            Transaction fee applicable for this payment.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.receivable_amount">
            Net amount the merchant receives for this transaction in their receivable currency. Returned only in cross-currency use cases where a merchant bills a buyer in a non-primary currency for that buyer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.exchange_rate">
            Exchange rate applied for this transaction. Returned only in cross-currency use cases where a merchant bills a buyer in a non-primary currency for that buyer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.fmf_details">
            Fraud Management Filter (FMF) details applied for the payment that could result in accept, deny, or pending action. Returned in a payment response only if the merchant has enabled FMF in the profile settings and one of the fraud filters was triggered based on those settings. See [Fraud Management Filters Summary](/docs/classic/fmf/integration-guide/FMFSummary/) for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.receipt_id">
            Receipt id is a payment identification number returned for guest users to identify the payment.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.parent_payment">
            ID of the payment resource on which this transaction is based.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.processor_response">
            Response codes returned by the processor concerning the submitted payment. Only supported when the `payment_method` is set to `credit_card`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.billing_agreement_id">
            ID of the billing agreement used as reference to execute this transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.create_time">
            Time of sale as defined in [RFC 3339 Section 5.6](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Sale.update_time">
            Time the resource was last updated in UTC ISO8601 format.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Sale.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Shows details for a sale, by ID. Returns only sales that were created through the REST API.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="saleId">The ID of the sale for which to show details.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Sale.Refund(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.Refund)">
            Creates (and processes) a new Refund Transaction added as a related resource.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="refund">Refund</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Sale.Refund(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.Refund)">
            Creates (and processes) a new Refund Transaction added as a related resource.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="saleId">ID of the sale to refund.</param>
            <param name="refund">Refund</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Sale.Refund(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.RefundRequest)">
            Refunds a sale, by ID. For a full refund, include an empty payload in the JSON request body. For a partial refund, include an `amount` object in the JSON request body.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="refundRequest">RefundRequest</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Search">
            Invoice search parameters.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            The initial letters of the email address.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Search.recipient_first_name">
            The initial letters of the recipient first name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Search.recipient_last_name">
            The initial letters of the recipient last name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Search.recipient_business_name">
            The initial letters of the recipient business name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Search.number">
            The invoice number.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Search.status">
            The invoice status.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Search.lower_total_amount">
            The lower limit of the total amount.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Search.upper_total_amount">
            The upper limit of total amount.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Search.start_invoice_date">
            The start date for the invoice. Date format is *yyyy*-*MM*-*dd* *z*, as defined in [Internet Date/Time Format](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Search.end_invoice_date">
            The end date for the invoice. Date format is *yyyy*-*MM*-*dd* *z*, as defined in [Internet Date/Time Format](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Search.start_due_date">
            The start due date for the invoice. Date format is *yyyy*-*MM*-*dd* *z*, as defined in [Internet Date/Time Format](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Search.end_due_date">
            The end due date for the invoice. Date format is *yyyy*-*MM*-*dd* *z*, as defined in [Internet Date/Time Format](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Search.start_payment_date">
            The start payment date for the invoice. Date format is *yyyy*-*MM*-*dd* *z*, as defined in [Internet Date/Time Format](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Search.end_payment_date">
            The end payment date for the invoice. Date format is *yyyy*-*MM*-*dd* *z*, as defined in [Internet Date/Time Format](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Search.start_creation_date">
            The start creation date for the invoice. Date format is *yyyy*-*MM*-*dd* *z*, as defined in [Internet Date/Time Format](
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Search.end_creation_date">
            The end creation date for the invoice. Date format is *yyyy*-*MM*-*dd* *z*, as defined in [Internet Date/Time Format](
        <member name="">
            The offset for the search results.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Search.page_size">
            The page size for the search results.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Search.total_count_required">
            Indicates whether the total count appears in the response. Default is `false`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Search.archived">
            Indicates whether to list merchant-archived invoices in the response. If `true`, response lists only merchant-archived invoices. If `false`, response lists only unarchived invoices. If `null`, response lists all invoices.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.ShippingAddress">
            Extended Address object used as shipping address in a payment.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Address ID assigned in PayPal system.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ShippingAddress.recipient_name">
            Name of the recipient at this address.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ShippingAddress.default_address">
            Default shipping address of the Payer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ShippingAddress.preferred_address">
            Shipping Address marked as preferred by Payer.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.ShippingCost">
            Shipping cost, as a percent or an amount value.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ShippingCost.amount">
            The shipping cost, as an amount value. Valid value is from 0 to 999999.99.
        <member name="">
            The tax percentage on the shipping amount.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.ShippingInfo">
            Shipping information for the invoice recipient.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ShippingInfo.first_name">
            The invoice recipient first name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ShippingInfo.last_name">
            The invoice recipient last name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ShippingInfo.business_name">
            The invoice recipient company business name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ShippingInfo.address">
            The invoice recipient address.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Tax">
            Tax information.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            The resource ID.
        <member name="">
            The tax name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Tax.percent">
            The tax rate. Valid value is from 0.001 to 99.999.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Tax.amount">
            The tax, as a monetary amount. Cannot be specified in a request.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplate">
            Invoicing template.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplate.template_id">
            The ID of the template.
        <member name="">
            The template name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplate.default">
            Indicates whether this template is the default merchant template. A merchant can have one default template.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplate.template_data">
            Customized invoice data, which is saved as the template.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplate.settings">
            Settings for each template.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplate.unit_of_measure">
            The unit of measure for the template. Value is quantity, hours, or amount.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplate.custom">
            Indicates whether this template is a merchant-created custom template. Non-custom templates are system generated.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplate.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Shows details for a template, by ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="templateId">The ID of the template for which to show details.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplate.GetAll(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Lists all merchant-created templates. The list shows the emails, addresses, and phone numbers from the merchant profile.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="fields">The fields to return in the response. Value is `all` or `none`. Specify `none` to return only the template name, ID, and default attributes.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplate.Delete(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Deletes a template, by ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplate.Delete(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Deletes a template, by ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="templateId">The ID of the template to delete.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplate.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Creates a template.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplate.Update(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Updates a template, by ID. In the JSON request body, pass a complete `template` object. The update method does not support partial updates.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData">
            Detailed template information.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.merchant_info">
            Information about the merchant who sends the invoice.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.billing_info">
            The required invoice recipient email address and any optional billing information. Supports one recipient only.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.cc_info">
            For invoices sent by email, one or more email addresses to which to send a Cc: copy of the notification. Supports only email addresses under participant.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.shipping_info">
            The shipping information for entities to whom items are shipped.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.items">
            The list of items to include in the invoice. Each invoice can contain up to 100 items.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.payment_term">
            Optional. The payment deadline for the invoice. Valid value is either `term_type` or `due_date` but not both.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.reference">
            Reference data, such as PO number, to add to the invoice.
        <member name="">
            The invoice level discount, as a percent or an amount value.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.shipping_cost">
            The shipping cost, as a percent or an amount value.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.custom">
            The custom amount to apply to an invoice. If you include a label, you must include the custom amount.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.allow_partial_payment">
            Indicates whether the invoice allows a partial payment. If `false`, invoice must be paid in full. If `true`, the invoice allows partial payments. Default is `false`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.minimum_amount_due">
            The minimum amount allowed for a partial payment. Valid if `allow_partial_payment` is `true`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.tax_calculated_after_discount">
            Indicates whether the invoice allows a partial payment. If `false`, invoice must be paid in full. If `true`, the invoice allows partial payments. Default is `false`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.tax_inclusive">
            Indicates whether the unit price includes tax. Default is `false`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.terms">
            The general terms of the invoice.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.note">
            A note to the payer.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.merchant_memo">
            A private bookkeeping memo for the merchant.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.logo_url">
            The full URL of an external logo image.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.total_amount">
            The total amount of the invoice.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateData.attachments">
            List of files that are attached to the invoice.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateSettings">
            Template settings.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateSettings.field_name">
            The field name for any field in `template_data` for which to map corresponding display preferences.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateSettings.display_preference">
            The settings metadata for each field.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateSettingsMetadata">
            Settings metadata for a template field.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplateSettingsMetadata.hidden">
            Indicates whether this field is hidden. Default is `false`.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplates">
            List of merchant templates.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplates.addresses">
            List of addresses in merchant profile.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplates.emails">
            List of emails in merchant profile.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplates.phones">
            List of phone numbers in merchant profile.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.InvoiceTemplates.templates">
            An array of templates.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Terms">
            Payment terms for a billing plan.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            Identifier of the terms. 128 characters max.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Terms.type">
            Term type. Allowed values: `MONTHLY`, `WEEKLY`, `YEARLY`.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Terms.max_billing_amount">
            Max Amount associated with this term.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Terms.occurrences">
            How many times money can be pulled during this term.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Terms.amount_range">
            Amount_range associated with this term.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Terms.buyer_editable">
            Buyer's ability to edit the amount in this term.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Transaction">
            A transaction defines the contract of a payment - what is the payment for and who is fulfilling it.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Transaction.purchase_unit_reference_id">
            Identifier to the purchase unit corresponding to this sale transaction.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Transaction.related_resources">
            List of financial transactions (Sale, Authorization, Capture, Refund) related to the payment.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.VerifyWebhookSignature">
            Verify webhook signature.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.VerifyWebhookSignature.auth_algo">
            The algorithm that PayPal uses to generate the signature and that you can use to verify the signature. Extract this value from the `PAYPAL-AUTH-ALGO` response header, which is received with the webhook notification.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.VerifyWebhookSignature.cert_url">
            The X.509 public key certificate. Download the certificate from this URL and use it to verify the signature. Extract this value from the `PAYPAL-CERT-URL` response header, which is received with the webhook notification.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.VerifyWebhookSignature.transmission_id">
            The ID of the HTTP transmission. Contained in the `PAYPAL-TRANSMISSION-ID` header of the notification message.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.VerifyWebhookSignature.transmission_sig">
            The PayPal-generated asymmetric signature. Extract this value from the `PAYPAL-TRANSMISSION-SIG` response header, which is received with the webhook notification.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.VerifyWebhookSignature.transmission_time">
            The date and time of the HTTP transmission. Contained in the `PAYPAL-TRANSMISSION-TIME` header of the notification message.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.VerifyWebhookSignature.webhook_id">
            The ID of the webhook as configured in your Developer Portal account.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.VerifyWebhookSignature.webhook_event">
            The webhook notification, which is the content of the HTTP `POST` request body.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.VerifyWebhookSignature.Post(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Verifies a webhook signature.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.VerifyWebhookSignatureResponse">
            The verify webhook signature response.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.VerifyWebhookSignatureResponse.verification_status">
            The status of the signature verification. Value is `SUCCESS` or `FAILURE`.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.WebProfile">
            Payment web experience profile.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            The ID of the web experience profile.
        <member name="">
            The web experience profile name. Unique for a specified merchant's profiles.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.WebProfile.temporary">
            Indicates whether the profile persists for three hours or permanently. Set to `false` to persist the profile permanently. Set to `true` to persist the profile for three hours.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.WebProfile.flow_config">
            Parameters for flow configuration.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.WebProfile.input_fields">
            Parameters for input fields customization.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.WebProfile.presentation">
            Parameters for style and presentation.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.WebProfile.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Creates a web experience profile. Pass the profile name and details in the JSON request body.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.WebProfile.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.WebProfile)">
            Create a web experience profile by passing the name of the profile and other profile details in the request JSON to the request URI.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="webProfile">WebProfile object to be created as a PayPal resource.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.WebProfile.Update(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Updates a web experience profile. Pass the ID of the profile to the request URI and pass the profile details in the JSON request body. If your request omits any profile detail fields, the operation removes the previously set values for those fields.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.WebProfile.Update(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.WebProfile)">
            Update a web experience profile by passing the ID of the profile to the request URI. In addition, pass the profile details in the request JSON. If your request does not include values for all profile detail fields, the previously set values for the omitted fields are removed by this operation.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="profile">WebProfile resource to update.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.WebProfile.PartialUpdate(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.PatchRequest)">
            Partially-updates a web experience profile. Pass the profile ID to the request URI. Pass a patch object with the operation, path of the profile location to update, and, if needed, a new value to complete the operation in the JSON request body.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="patchRequest">PatchRequest</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.WebProfile.PartialUpdate(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.PatchRequest)">
            Partially update an existing web experience profile by passing the ID of the profile to the request URI. In addition, pass a patch object in the request JSON that specifies the operation to perform, path of the profile location to update, and a new value if needed to complete the operation.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="profileId">ID fo the web profile to partially update.</param>
            <param name="patchRequest">PatchRequest</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.WebProfile.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Shows details for a web experience profile, by ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="profileId">The ID of the profile for which to show details.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.WebProfile.GetList(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Lists all web experience profiles for a merchant or subject.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.WebProfile.Delete(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Deletes a web experience profile, by ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.WebProfile.Delete(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Deletes a web experience profile, by ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="profileId">The ID of the profile to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.WebProfileList">
            A list of web experience profiles resource objects returned from a search operation.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Webhook">
            One or more webhook objects.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            The ID of the webhook.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Webhook.url">
            The URL that is configured to listen on `localhost` for incoming `POST` notification messages that contain event information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Webhook.event_types">
            A list of up to ten events to which to subscribe your webhook. To subscribe to all events including new events as they are added, specify the asterisk (`*`) wildcard. To replace the `event_types` array, specify the `*` wildcard. To see all supported events, [list available events](#available-event-type.list).
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Webhook.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Subscribes your webhook listener to events. A successful call returns a [`webhook`](/docs/api/webhooks/#definition-webhook) object, which includes the webhook ID for later use.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Webhook.Create(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.Webhook)">
            Creates the Webhook for the application associated with the access token.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="webhook"><seealso cref="T:PayPal.Api.Webhook"/> object to be created.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Webhook.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Shows details for a webhook, by ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="webhookId">The ID of the webhook for which to show details.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Webhook.GetAll(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Lists all webhooks for an app.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="anchorType">Filters the response by an entity type, `anchor_id`. Value is `APPLICATION` or `ACCOUNT`. Default is `APPLICATION`.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Webhook.Update(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.PatchRequest)">
            Replaces webhook fields with new values. Pass a `json_patch` object with `replace` operation and `path`, which is `/url` for a URL or `/event_types` for events. The `value` is either the URL or a list of events.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="patchRequest">PatchRequest</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Webhook.Update(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String,PayPal.Api.PatchRequest)">
            Updates the Webhook identified by webhook_id for the application associated with access token.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="webhookId">ID of the webhook to be updated.</param>
            <param name="patchRequest">PatchRequest</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Webhook.Delete(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Deletes a webhook, by ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Webhook.Delete(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Deletes a webhook, by ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="webhookId">The ID of the webhook to delete.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.WebhookEvent">
            A webhook event notification.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            The ID of the webhook event notification.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.WebhookEvent.create_time">
            The date and time when the webhook event notification was created.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.WebhookEvent.resource_type">
            The name of the resource related to the webhook notification event.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.WebhookEvent.event_version">
            The version of the event.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.WebhookEvent.event_type">
            The event that triggered the webhook event notification.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.WebhookEvent.summary">
            A summary description for the event notification. For example, `A payment authorization was created.`
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.WebhookEvent.resource">
            The resource that triggered the webhook event notification.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.WebhookEvent.status">
            The event transmission status. Displayed only for internal API calls through the PayPal Developer portal.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.WebhookEvent.transmissions">
            The list of transmissions for an event. Displayed only for internal API calls through the PayPal Developer portal.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.WebhookEvent.Get(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Shows details for a webhook event notification, by ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="eventId">The ID of the webhook event notification for which to show details.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.WebhookEvent.Resend(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Resends the Webhooks event resource identified by event_id.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.WebhookEvent.Resend(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Resends the Webhooks event resource identified by event_id.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="webhookEventId">ID of the webhook event to resend.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.WebhookEvent.List(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.Int32,System.String,System.String)">
            Retrieves the list of Webhooks events resources for the application associated with token. The developers can use it to see list of past webhooks events.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="pageSize">Number of items to be returned by a GET operation</param>
            <param name="startTime">Resource creation time that indicates the start of a range of results.</param>
            <param name="endTime">Resource creation time that indicates the end of a range of results.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.WebhookEvent.ValidateReceivedEvent(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection,System.String,System.String)">
            Validates a received webhook event by checking the signature of the event and verifying the event originated from PayPal.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext containing any configuration settings to be used when validating the event.</param>
            <param name="requestHeaders">A collection of HTTP request headers included with the received webhook event.</param>
            <param name="requestBody">The body of the received HTTP request.</param>
            <param name="webhookId">ID of the webhook resource associated with this webhook event. If not specified, it is assumed the ID is provided via the Config property of the <paramref name="apiContext"/> parameter.</param>
            <returns>True if the webhook event is valid and was sent from PayPal; false otherwise.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.WebhookEvent.ConvertAuthAlgorithmHeaderToHashAlgorithmName(System.String)">
            Converts the algorithm name specified by <paramref name="authAlgorithmHeader"/> into a hash algorithm name recognized by <seealso cref="T:System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoConfig"/>.
            <param name="authAlgorithmHeader">The PAYPAL-AUTH-ALGO header value included with a received Webhook event.</param>
            <returns>A mapped hash algorithm name.</returns>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.WebhookEventList">
            List of webhooks events.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            A list of webhooks events.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.WebhookEventList.count">
            The number of items in each range of results. Note that the response might have fewer items than the requested `page_size` value.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.WebhookEventType">
            A list of events.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="">
            The unique event name.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.WebhookEventType.description">
            A human-readable description of the event.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.WebhookEventType.status">
            The status of a webhook event.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.WebhookEventType.SubscribedEventTypes(PayPal.Api.APIContext,System.String)">
            Lists event subscriptions for a webhook, by ID.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="webhookId">The ID of the webhook for which to list subscriptions.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.WebhookEventType.AvailableEventTypes(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Lists available events to which any webhook can subscribe. For a list of supported events, see [Webhook events](/docs/integration/direct/rest/webhooks/webhook-events/).
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for the API call.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.WebhookEventTypeList">
            List of webhook events.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.WebhookEventTypeList.event_types">
            A list of webhook events.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.WebhookList">
            List of webhooks.
            See <a href="">PayPal Developer documentation</a> for more information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.WebhookList.webhooks">
            A list of webhooks.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants">
            Constants that are used by the PayPal SDK.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.PayPalTransmissionIdHeader">
            PayPal webhook transmission ID HTTP request header
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.PayPalTransmissionTimeHeader">
            PayPal webhook transmission time HTTP request header
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.PayPalTransmissionSignatureHeader">
            PayPal webhook transmission signature HTTP request header
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.PayPalCertificateUrlHeader">
            PayPal webhook certificate URL HTTP request header
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.PayPalAuthAlgorithmHeader">
            PayPal webhook authentication algorithm HTTP request header
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.LiveMode">
            Allowed application mode - live
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.SandboxMode">
            Allowed application mode - sandbox
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.SecurityTestSandboxMode">
            Allowed application mode - security-test-sandbox
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.RESTSandboxEndpoint">
            Sandbox REST API endpoint
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.RESTLiveEndpoint">
            Live REST API endpoint
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.RESTSecurityTestSandoxEndpoint">
            Security Test Sandbox REST API endpoint
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.ApplicationModeConfig">
            Configuration key for application mode
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.EndpointConfig">
            Configuration key for End point
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HttpProxyAddressConfig">
            Configuration key for HTTP Proxy Address
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HttpProxyCredentialConfig">
            Configuration key for HTTP Proxy Credential
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HttpConnectionTimeoutConfig">
            Configuration key for HTTP Connection Timeout
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HttpConnectionRetryConfig">
            Configuration key for HTTP Connection Retry
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.ClientId">
            Configuration key suffix for Client Id
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.ClientSecret">
            Configuration key suffix for Client Secret
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.OAuthEndpoint">
            OAuth endpoint config key
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.TrustedCertificateLocation">
            Trusted certificate file location to be used when validating webhook event certifcates.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.WebhookIdConfig">
            Webhook ID used when validating received webhook notifications.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.UserAgentHeader">
            User Agent HTTP Header
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.ContentTypeHeader">
            Content Type HTTP Header
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.ContentTypeHeaderJson">
            Application - Json Content Type
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.ContentTypeHeaderFormUrlEncoded">
            Application - Form URL Encoded Content Type
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.AuthorizationHeader">
            Authorization HTTP Header
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.PayPalRequestIdHeader">
            PayPal Request Id HTTP Header
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.SdkVersion">
            The version of this SDK.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.SdkName">
            The name of this SDK.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations">
            Defines string constants for HATEOAS link relations.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Self">
            HATEOAS link relation used to get the details of the current resource.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.ParentPayment">
            HATEOAS link relation used to get the details of the parent payment of a payment resource.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Update">
            HATEOAS link relation used to update the current resource.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Delete">
            HATEOAS link relation used to delete the current resource.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Patch">
            HATEOAS link relation used to patch the current resource.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.ApprovalUrl">
            HATEOAS link relation used to redirect a buyer to PayPal to provide approval for the payment associated with the current resource.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Execute">
            HATEOAS link relation used to execute the payment associated with the current resource.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Capture">
            HATEOAS link relation used to capture the payment associated with the current resource.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Authorization">
            HATEOAS link relation used to provide authorization for the payment associated with the current resource.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Order">
            HATEOAS link relation used to get the order resource associated with the current resource.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Refund">
            HATEOAS link relation used to issue a refund for the current resource.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Void">
            HATEOAS link relation used to void the current resource.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.ReAuthorize">
            HATEOAS link relation used to reauthorize a payment authorization resource.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.NextPage">
            HATEOAS link relation used for searches and provides results for the next set of search results.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.PreviousPage">
            HATEOAS link relation used for searches and provides results for the previous set of search results.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Start">
            HATEOAS link relation used for searches and provides results for the first set of search results.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Last">
            HATEOAS link relation used for searches and provides results for the last set of search results.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Suspend">
            HATEOAS link relation used to suspend a billing agreement.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.ReActivate">
            HATEOAS link relation used to reactivate a billing agreement.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Cancel">
            HATEOAS link relation used to cancel a billing agreement.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Batch">
            HATEOAS link relation used to get the payout batch associated with the current payout item resource.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Item">
            HATEOAS link relation used to get a specific payout item resource associated with current payout batch.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Resend">
            HATEOAS link relation used to resend a webhook event.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Next">
            HATEOAS link relation used for webhook searches and provides results for the next set of search results.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.BaseConstants.HateoasLinkRelations.Previous">
            HATEOAS link relation used for webhook searches and provides results for the previous set of search results.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.RequestDetails">
            Stores details related to an HTTP request.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RequestDetails.Url">
            Gets or sets the URL for the request.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RequestDetails.Method">
            Gets or sets the HTTP method verb used for the request.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RequestDetails.Headers">
            Gets or sets the headers used in the request.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RequestDetails.Body">
            Gets or sets the request body.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.RequestDetails.RetryAttempts">
            Gets or sets the number of retry attempts for sending an HTTP request.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.RequestDetails.Reset">
            Resets the state of this object and clears its properties.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.ResponseDetails">
            Stores details related to an HTTP response.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ResponseDetails.Headers">
            Gets or sets the headers used in the response.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ResponseDetails.Body">
            Gets or sets the response body.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ResponseDetails.StatusCode">
            Gets or sets the response HTTP status code.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ResponseDetails.Exception">
            Gets or sets an exception related to the response.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.ResponseDetails.Reset">
            Resets the state of this object and clears its properties.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.HttpConnection">
            Helper class for sending HTTP requests.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.HttpConnection.RequestDetails">
            Gets the HTTP request details.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.HttpConnection.ResponseDetails">
            Gets the HTTP response details.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.HttpConnection.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
            Initializes a new instance of <seealso cref="T:PayPal.Api.HttpConnection"/> using the given config.
            <param name="config">The config to use when making HTTP requests.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.HttpConnection.CopyRequest(System.Net.HttpWebRequest,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.String)">
            Copying existing HttpWebRequest parameters to newly created HttpWebRequest, can't reuse the same HttpWebRequest for retries.
            <param name="httpRequest"></param>
            <param name="config"></param>
            <param name="url"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.HttpConnection.CopyHttpWebRequestHeaders(System.Net.HttpWebRequest,System.Net.HttpWebRequest)">
            Copying existing HttpWebRequest headers into newly created HttpWebRequest
            <param name="httpRequest"></param>
            <param name="newHttpRequest"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.HttpConnection.Execute(System.String,System.Net.HttpWebRequest)">
            Executing API calls
            <param name="payLoad"></param>
            <param name="httpRequest"></param>
            <returns>A string containing the response from the remote host.</returns>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.ConfigManager">
            ConfigManager loads the configuration file and hands out appropriate parameters to application
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.ConfigManager.logger">
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.ConfigManager.configValues">
            The configValue is readonly as it should not be changed outside constructor (but the content can)
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.ConfigManager.#cctor">
            Explicit static constructor to tell C# compiler not to mark type as beforefieldinit
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.ConfigManager.singletonInstance">
            Singleton instance of the ConfigManager
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ConfigManager.Instance">
            Gets the Singleton instance of the ConfigManager
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.ConfigManager.#ctor">
            Private constructor
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.ConfigManager.GetProperties">
            Returns all properties from the config file
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.ConfigManager.GetConfigWithDefaults(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
            Creates new configuration that combines incoming configuration dictionary
            and defaults
            <returns>Default configuration dictionary</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.ConfigManager.GetDefault(System.String)">
            Gets the default configuration value for the specified key.
            <param name="configKey">The key to lookup in the default configuration.</param>
            <returns>A string containing the default configuration value for the specified key. If the key is not found, returns null.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.ConfigManager.IsLiveModeEnabled(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
            Returns whether or not live mode is enabled in the given configuration.
            <param name="config">Configuration to use</param>
            <returns>True if live mode is enabled; false otherwise.</returns>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.ConnectionManager">
             ConnectionManager retrieves HttpConnection objects used by API service
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.ConnectionManager.logger">
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.ConnectionManager.lazyConnectionManager">
            System.Lazy type guarantees thread-safe lazy-construction
            static holder for instance, need to use lambda to construct since constructor private
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.ConnectionManager.Instance">
            Accessor for the Singleton instance of ConnectionManager
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.ConnectionManager.#ctor">
            Private constructor, private to prevent direct instantiation
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.ConnectionManager.GetConnection(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.String)">
            Create and Config a HttpWebRequest
            <param name="config">Config properties</param>
            <param name="url">Url to connect to</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Address">
            Address used in context of Log In with PayPal.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Address.street_address">
            Street address component, which may include house number, and street name
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Address.locality">
            City or locality component
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Address.region">
            State, province, prefecture or region component
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Address.postal_code">
            Zip code or postal code component
        <member name="">
            Country name component.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo">
            User information in context of Log In with PayPal.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.user_id">
            Subject - Identifier for the End-User at the Issuer
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.sub">
            Subject - Identifier for the End-User at the Issuer
        <member name="">
            End-User's full name in displayable form including all name parts, possibly including titles and suffixes, ordered according to the End-User's locale and preferences
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.given_name">
            Given name(s) or first name(s) of the End-User
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.family_name">
            Surname(s) or last name(s) of the End-User
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.middle_name">
            Middle name(s) of the End-User
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.picture">
            URL of the End-User's profile picture
        <member name="">
            End-User's preferred e-mail address
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.email_verified">
            True if the End-User's e-mail address has been verified; otherwise false
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.gender">
            End-User's gender.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.birthdate">
            End-User's birthday, represented as an YYYY-MM-DD format. They year MAY be 0000, indicating it is omited. To represent only the year, YYYY format would be used
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.zoneinfo">
            Time zone database representing the End-User's time zone
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.locale">
            End-User's locale.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.phone_number">
            End-User's preferred telephone number
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.address">
            End-User's preferred address
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.verified_account">
            Verified account status
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.account_type">
            Account type.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.age_range">
            Account holder age range.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.payer_id">
            Account payer identifier.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.GetUserinfo(PayPal.Api.UserinfoParameters)">
            Returns user details
            <param name="userinfoParameters">Query parameters used for API call</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.OpenIdConnect.Userinfo.GetUserinfo(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.UserinfoParameters)">
            Returns user details
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext to be used for the call.</param>
            <param name="userinfoParameters">Query parameters used for API call</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.ClientCredentials">
            REST application client credentials.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.ClientCredentials.clientId">
            Client ID
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.ClientCredentials.clientSecret">
            Client Secret
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.ClientCredentials.setClientId(System.String)">
            Set the Client ID
            <param name="clientId"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.ClientCredentials.setClientSecret(System.String)">
            Set the Client Secret
            <param name="clientSecret"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.ClientCredentials.getClientId">
            Returns the Client ID
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.ClientCredentials.getClientSecret">
            Returns the Client Secret
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.CreateFromAuthorizationCodeParameters">
            Parameters for getting an access token using a authorization code.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreateFromAuthorizationCodeParameters.ContainerMap">
            Backing map
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.CreateFromAuthorizationCodeParameters.#ctor">
            Initializes a new <seealso cref="T:PayPal.Api.CreateFromAuthorizationCodeParameters"/> object and sets the grant type to 'authorization_code'.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.CreateFromAuthorizationCodeParameters.SetCode(System.String)">
            Set the code
            <param name="code"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.CreateFromAuthorizationCodeParameters.SetRedirectUri(System.String)">
            Set the Redirect URI
            <param name="redirectUri"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.CreateFromAuthorizationCodeParameters.SetGrantType(System.String)">
            Set the Grant Type
            <param name="grantType"></param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.CreateFromRefreshTokenParameters">
            Parameters for getting an access token using a refresh token.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.CreateFromRefreshTokenParameters.#ctor">
            Initializes a new <seealso cref="T:PayPal.Api.CreateFromRefreshTokenParameters"/> object and sets the grant type to 'refresh_token'.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.CreateFromRefreshTokenParameters.ContainerMap">
            Backing map
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.CreateFromRefreshTokenParameters.SetScope(System.String)">
            Set the scope
            <param name="scope"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.CreateFromRefreshTokenParameters.SetGrantType(System.String)">
            Set the Grant Type
            <param name="grantType"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.CreateFromRefreshTokenParameters.SetRefreshToken(System.String)">
            Set the Refresh Token
            <param name="refreshToken"></param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.Tokeninfo">
            Class that stores OpenIdConnect access token information.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Tokeninfo.scope">
            OPTIONAL, if identical to the scope requested by the client otherwise, REQUIRED
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Tokeninfo.access_token">
            The access token issued by the authorization server
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Tokeninfo.refresh_token">
            The refresh token, which can be used to obtain new access tokens using the same authorization grant as described in OAuth2.0 RFC6749 in Section 6
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Tokeninfo.token_type">
            The type of the token issued as described in OAuth2.0 RFC6749 (Section 7.1), value is case insensitive
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.Tokeninfo.expires_in">
            The lifetime in seconds of the access token
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Tokeninfo.#ctor">
            Explicit default constructor
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Tokeninfo.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">
            Constructor overload
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Tokeninfo.CreateFromAuthorizationCode(PayPal.Api.CreateFromAuthorizationCodeParameters)">
            Creates an Access Token from an Authorization Code.
            <param name="createFromAuthorizationCodeParameters">Query parameters used for API call</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Tokeninfo.CreateFromAuthorizationCode(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.CreateFromAuthorizationCodeParameters)">
            Creates an Access Token from an Authorization Code.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext to be used for the call.</param>
            <param name="createFromAuthorizationCodeParameters">Query parameters used for API call</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Tokeninfo.CreateFromAuthorizationCodeForFuturePayments(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.CreateFromAuthorizationCodeParameters)">
            Creates Access and Refresh Tokens from an Authorization Code for future payments.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext to be used for the call.</param>
            <param name="createFromAuthorizationCodeParameters">Query parameters used for the API call.</param>
            <returns>A TokenInfo object containing the Access and Refresh Tokens.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Tokeninfo.CreateFromAuthorizationCodeParameters(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.CreateFromAuthorizationCodeParameters,System.String)">
            Helper method for creating Access and Refresh Tokens from an Authorization Code.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext to be used for the call.</param>
            <param name="createFromAuthorizationCodeParameters">Query parameters used for the API call.</param>
            <param name="resourcePath">The path to the REST API resource that will be requested.</param>
            <returns>A TokenInfo object containing the Access and Refresh Tokens.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Tokeninfo.CreateFromRefreshToken(PayPal.Api.CreateFromRefreshTokenParameters)">
            Creates an Access Token from an Refresh Token.
            <param name="createFromRefreshTokenParameters">Query parameters used for API call</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.Tokeninfo.CreateFromRefreshToken(PayPal.Api.APIContext,PayPal.Api.CreateFromRefreshTokenParameters)">
            Creates an Access Token from an Refresh Token
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext to be used for the call</param>
            <param name="createFromRefreshTokenParameters">Query parameters used for API call</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.UserinfoParameters">
            Class for storing user information for OpenIdConnect API calls.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.UserinfoParameters.Schema">
            Schema used in query parameters
        <member name="F:PayPal.Api.UserinfoParameters.AccessToken">
            Access Token used in query parameters
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.UserinfoParameters.#ctor">
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.UserinfoParameters.ContainerMap">
            Gets and sets the backing map
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.UserinfoParameters.SetAccessToken(System.String)">
            Set the Access Token
            <param name="accessToken"></param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.SDKVersion">
            Class for inspecting the ID and version of this SDK.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.SDKVersion.GetSDKId">
            SDK ID used in User-Agent HTTP header
            <returns>SDK ID</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.SDKVersion.GetSDKVersion">
            SDK Version used in User-Agent HTTP header
            <returns>SDK Version</returns>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Api.UserAgentHeader">
            PayPal User-Agent Header implementation class
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.UserAgentHeader.GetHeader">
            Returns a PayPal specific User-Agent HTTP Header
            <returns>Dictionary containing User-Agent HTTP Header</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.UserAgentHeader.GetUserAgentHeader">
            Creates the signature for the UserAgent header.
            <returns>A string containing the signature for the UserAgent header.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.UserAgentHeader.FormatUserAgentParameter(System.String,System.Object)">
            Formats a parameter name and value to be used in the signature of a UserAgent header.
            <param name="name">The name of the parameter.</param>
            <param name="value">The value of the parameter.</param>
            <returns>A formatted string containing both the parameter name and value.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Api.UserAgentHeader.Is64Bit">
            Returns whether or not the operating system is 64-bit.
            <returns>True = 64-bit, False = 32-bit</returns>
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.UserAgentHeader.OperatingSystemBitness">
            Gets the bitness of the operating system.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.UserAgentHeader.OperatingSystemName">
            Gets the name of the operating system.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.UserAgentHeader.DotNetClrVersion">
            Gets the version of the current .NET common language runtime environment.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Api.UserAgentHeader.DotNetVersion">
            Gets the version of the current .NET environment.
        <member name="T:PayPal.AlgorithmNotSupportedException">
            Represents an error that occurred in the PayPal SDK when a hash or security algorithm is not supported.
        <member name="M:PayPal.AlgorithmNotSupportedException.#ctor(System.String)">
            Represents errors where a hash or security algorithm is not supported.
            <param name="message">The message that describes the error</param>
        <member name="P:PayPal.AlgorithmNotSupportedException.ExceptionMessagePrefix">
            Gets the prefix to use when logging the exception information.
        <member name="T:PayPal.ConfigException">
            Represents an error that occurred in the PayPal SDK when attempting to load information from the application's config file.
        <member name="M:PayPal.ConfigException.#ctor(System.String)">
            Represents errors that are related to the application's configuration.
            <param name="message">The message that describes the error</param>
        <member name="P:PayPal.ConfigException.ExceptionMessagePrefix">
            Gets the prefix to use when logging the exception information.
        <member name="T:PayPal.ConnectionException">
            Represents a connection error that occurred in the PayPal SDK when attempting to make an HTTP request to the PayPal REST API.
        <member name="P:PayPal.ConnectionException.Response">
            Gets the response payload for non-200 response
        <member name="P:PayPal.ConnectionException.WebExceptionStatus">
            Gets the <see cref="T:System.Net.WebExceptionStatus"/> returned from a failed HTTP request.
        <member name="P:PayPal.ConnectionException.Request">
            Gets the <see cref="T:System.Net.HttpWebRequest"/> sent by the SDK.
        <member name="M:PayPal.ConnectionException.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Net.WebExceptionStatus,System.Net.HttpWebRequest)">
            Represents errors that occur during application execution
            <param name="message">The message that describes the error</param>
            <param name="response">The response from server</param>
            <param name="status">The <see cref="T:System.Net.WebExceptionStatus"/> that triggered this exception.</param>
            <param name="request">HTTP request sent by this SDK.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.ConnectionException.#ctor(PayPal.ConnectionException)">
            Copy constructor provided by convenience for derived classes.
            <param name="ex">The original exception to copy information from.</param>
        <member name="P:PayPal.ConnectionException.ExceptionMessagePrefix">
            Gets the prefix to use when logging the exception information.
        <member name="T:PayPal.HttpException">
            Represents an error that occurred in the PayPal SDK after sending an HTTP request to the PayPal REST API.
        <member name="P:PayPal.HttpException.StatusCode">
            Gets the <see cref="T:System.Net.HttpStatusCode"/> returned from the server.
        <member name="P:PayPal.HttpException.Headers">
            Gets the <see cref="T:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection"/> included with the HTTP response.
        <member name="M:PayPal.HttpException.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Net.HttpStatusCode,System.Net.WebExceptionStatus,System.Net.WebHeaderCollection,System.Net.HttpWebRequest)">
            Represents an error occurred when attempting to send an HTTP request.
            <param name="message">The message that describes the error.</param>
            <param name="response">The response from server.</param>
            <param name="statusCode">HTTP status code</param>
            <param name="webExceptionStatus">HTTP status code returned from the server.</param>
            <param name="headers">HTTP headers included with the server response.</param>
            <param name="request">HTTP request sent by this SDK.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.HttpException.#ctor(PayPal.HttpException)">
            Copy constructor provided by convenience for derived classes.
            <param name="ex">The original exception to copy information from.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.HttpException.TryConvertTo``1(``0@)">
            Attempts to convert this exception object to another specified exception type.
            <typeparam name="T">Object type that must derive from HttpException.</typeparam>
            <param name="other">Variable that will contain the newly created instance of the derviced class.</param>
            <returns>True if the object was successfully created; false otherwise.</returns>
        <member name="P:PayPal.HttpException.ExceptionMessagePrefix">
            Gets the prefix to use when logging the exception information.
        <member name="M:PayPal.HttpException.LogDefaultMessage(System.String)">
            Override of the default log message.
            <param name="message">The message to be logged.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.IdentityError">
            Represents a JSON error object returned from requests made to the Identity API.
            More information:
        <member name="P:PayPal.IdentityError.error">
            Gets or sets an ASCII error code. See above link for full list of potential error codes.
        <member name="P:PayPal.IdentityError.error_description">
            Gets or sets the details concerning this error.
        <member name="P:PayPal.IdentityError.error_uri">
            Gets or sets a URI identifying a human-readable web page with information about the error. This is used to provide the client
            developer with additional information about the error.
        <member name="T:PayPal.IdentityException">
            Represents Identity API errors related to logging into PayPal securely using PayPal login credentials.
            More Information:
        <member name="P:PayPal.IdentityException.Details">
            Gets a <see cref="T:PayPal.IdentityError"/> JSON object containing the parsed details of the Identity error.
        <member name="M:PayPal.IdentityException.#ctor(PayPal.HttpException)">
            Copy constructor that attempts to deserialize the response from the specified <seealso name="HttpException"/>.
            <param name="ex">Originating <see cref="T:PayPal.HttpException"/> object that contains the details of the exception.</param>
        <member name="P:PayPal.IdentityException.ExceptionMessagePrefix">
            Gets the prefix to use when logging the exception information.
        <member name="T:PayPal.InvalidCredentialException">
            Represents an error that occurred in the PayPal SDK when application credentials are in an invalid state.
        <member name="M:PayPal.InvalidCredentialException.#ctor(System.String)">
            Represents errors where certain credential information is invalid.
            <param name="message">The message that describes the error</param>
        <member name="P:PayPal.InvalidCredentialException.ExceptionMessagePrefix">
            Gets the prefix to use when logging the exception information.
        <member name="T:PayPal.MissingCredentialException">
            Represents an error that occurred in the PayPal SDK when application credentials are required.
        <member name="M:PayPal.MissingCredentialException.#ctor(System.String)">
            Represents errors where certain credential information is required but missing.
            <param name="message">The message that describes the error</param>
        <member name="P:PayPal.MissingCredentialException.ExceptionMessagePrefix">
            Gets the prefix to use when logging the exception information.
        <member name="T:PayPal.OAuthException">
            Represents an error that occurred when requesting an OAuth token.
        <member name="M:PayPal.OAuthException.#ctor(System.String)">
            Represents an exception related to requesting an OAuth token.
            <param name="message">The message associated with the exception.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.OAuthException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Represents an exception related to requesting an OAuth token.
            <param name="message">The message associated with the exception.</param>
            <param name="exception">More exception information that should be included with this exception.</param>
        <member name="P:PayPal.OAuthException.OAuthExceptionShortMessage">
            Gets the OAuth exception short message
        <member name="P:PayPal.OAuthException.OAuthExceptionLongMessage">
            Gets the OAuth exception long message
        <member name="P:PayPal.OAuthException.ExceptionMessagePrefix">
            Gets the prefix to use when logging the exception information.
        <member name="T:PayPal.PayPalException">
            Represents an error that occurred in the PayPal SDK.
        <member name="F:PayPal.PayPalException.logger">
            Logs output statements, errors, debug info to a text file
        <member name="M:PayPal.PayPalException.#ctor">
            Initializes a new <seealso cref="T:PayPal.PayPalException"/> with no exception details set.
        <member name="M:PayPal.PayPalException.#ctor(System.String)">
            Represents errors that occur during application execution
            <param name="message">The message that describes the error</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.PayPalException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Initializes a new <seealso cref="T:PayPal.PayPalException"/> and sets the exception message and cause.
            <param name="message">The message that describes the error</param>
            <param name="cause">The exception that is the cause of the current exception</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.PayPalException.#ctor(PayPal.PayPalException)">
            Copy constructor provided by convenience for derived classes.
            <param name="ex">The original exception to copy information from.</param>
        <member name="P:PayPal.PayPalException.ExceptionMessagePrefix">
            Optional prefix that will be prepended to the error written to the log.
            This allows for exceptions to be distinguishable in the log by their type while
            preserving the exception heirarchy.
        <member name="M:PayPal.PayPalException.LogMessage(System.String)">
            Helper method that logs a message related to this exception to the logfile.
            <param name="message">The exception message to be logged.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.PayPalException.LogMessage(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Helper method that logs a message related to this exception to the logfile.
            <param name="message">The exception message to be logged.</param>
            <param name="ex">Optional System.Exception object to include in the log message.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.PayPalException.LogDefaultMessage(System.String)">
            Helper method for logging a message when this object is created.
            Derived classes can override this to log more specific exception
            information without cluttering up the logfile.
            <param name="message">The message to be logged.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.PaymentsException">
            Represents an error that occurred when making a call to PayPal's REST API.
        <member name="P:PayPal.PaymentsException.Details">
            Gets a <see cref="T:PayPal.Api.Error"/> JSON object containing the parsed details of the Payments error.
        <member name="M:PayPal.PaymentsException.#ctor(PayPal.HttpException)">
            Copy constructor that attempts to deserialize the response from the specified <seealso name="HttpException"/>.
            <param name="ex">Originating <see cref="T:PayPal.HttpException"/> object that contains the details of the exception.</param>
        <member name="P:PayPal.PaymentsException.ExceptionMessagePrefix">
            Gets the prefix to use when logging the exception information.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger">
            Abstract base for the loggers
        <member name="P:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.GivenType">
            Gets the given type associated with this logger.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.IsEnabled">
            Get or sets whether this logger is enabled.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.#ctor(System.Type)">
            Initializes a new instance of this logger and associates it with the specified object type.
            <param name="typeGiven">The type to associate with this logger.</param>
        <member name="P:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.IsDebugEnabled">
            Gets whether or not debug logging is enabled.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.IsErrorEnabled">
            Gets whether or not error logging is enabled.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.IsInfoEnabled">
            Gets whether or not informational logging is enabled.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.IsWarnEnabled">
            Gets whether or not logging for warnings is enabled.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.Debug(System.String)">
            Records a debug message to the log.
            <param name="message">The message to be logged.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.Debug(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Records a debug message, including any exception details, to the log.
            <param name="message">The message to be logged.</param>
            <param name="exception">Exception details to be logged.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.DebugFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
            Records a formatted debug message to the log.
            <param name="format">A composite format string to be logged.</param>
            <param name="args">An array that contains zero or more objects to format.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.Error(System.String)">
            Records an error message to the log.
            <param name="message">The message to be logged.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.Error(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Records an error message, including any exception details, to the log.
            <param name="message">The message to be logged.</param>
            <param name="exception">Exception details to be logged.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.ErrorFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
            Records a formatted error message to the log.
            <param name="format">A composite format string to be logged.</param>
            <param name="args">An array that contains zero or more objects to format.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.Info(System.String)">
            Records an informational message to the log.
            <param name="message">The message to be logged.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.Info(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Records an informational message, including any exception details, to the log.
            <param name="message">The message to be logged.</param>
            <param name="exception">Exception details to be logged.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.InfoFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
            Records a formatted informational message to the log.
            <param name="format">A composite format string to be logged.</param>
            <param name="args">An array that contains zero or more objects to format.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.Warn(System.String)">
            Records a warning message to the log.
            <param name="message">The message to be logged.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.Warn(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Records a warning message, including any exception details, to the log.
            <param name="message">The message to be logged.</param>
            <param name="exception">Exception details to be logged.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.WarnFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
            Records a formatted warning message to the log.
            <param name="format">A composite format string to be logged.</param>
            <param name="args">An array that contains zero or more objects to format.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.BaseLogger.Flush">
            Flushes any resources or streams used by this logger.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger">
            System.Diagnostics wrapper
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger.#ctor(System.Type)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <seealso cref="T:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger"/> class.
            <param name="givenType">The type associated with this logger.</param>
        <member name="P:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger.IsDebugEnabled">
            Gets whether or not debug logging is enabled.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger.IsErrorEnabled">
            Gets whether or not error logging is enabled.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger.IsInfoEnabled">
            Gets whether or not informational logging is enabled.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger.IsWarnEnabled">
            Gets whether or not logging for warnings is enabled.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger.Debug(System.String)">
            Override the wrapper for System.Diagnostics TraceEventType.Verbose
            <param name="message"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger.Debug(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Override the wrapper for System.Diagnostics TraceEventType.Verbose
            <param name="message"></param>
            <param name="exception"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger.DebugFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
            Override the wrapper for System.Diagnostics TraceEventType.Verbose overload
            <param name="format"></param>
            <param name="args"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger.Error(System.String)">
            Override the wrapper for System.Diagnostics TraceEventType.Error
            <param name="message"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger.Error(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Override the wrapper for System.Diagnostics TraceEventType.Error
            <param name="message"></param>
            <param name="exception"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger.ErrorFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
            Override the wrapper for System.Diagnostics TraceEventType.Error overload
            <param name="format"></param>
            <param name="args"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger.Info(System.String)">
            Override the wrapper for System.Diagnostics TraceEventType.Information
            <param name="message"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger.Info(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Override the wrapper for System.Diagnostics TraceEventType.Information
            <param name="message"></param>
            <param name="exception"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger.InfoFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
            Override the wrapper for System.Diagnostics TraceEventType.Information overload
            <param name="format"></param>
            <param name="args"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger.Warn(System.String)">
            Override the wrapper for System.Diagnostics TraceEventType.Warning
            <param name="message"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger.Warn(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Override the wrapper for System.Diagnostics TraceEventType.Warning
            <param name="message"></param>
            <param name="exception"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger.WarnFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
            Override the wrapper for System.Diagnostics TraceEventType.Warning overload
            <param name="format"></param>
            <param name="args"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger.Flush">
            Override flush
        <member name="T:PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger">
            Wrapper for reflected log4net
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger.Reflect">
            Interrogate log4net
        <member name="P:PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger.IsDebugEnabled">
            Override the wrapper for log4net ILog IsDebugEnabled
        <member name="P:PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger.IsErrorEnabled">
            Override the wrapper for log4net ILog IsErrorEnabled
        <member name="P:PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger.IsInfoEnabled">
            Override the wrapper for log4net ILog IsInfoEnabled
        <member name="P:PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger.IsWarnEnabled">
            Override the wrapper for log4net ILog IsInfoEnabled
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger.Debug(System.String)">
            Override the wrapper for log4net ILog Debug
            <param name="message"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger.Debug(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Override the wrapper for log4net ILog Debug
            <param name="message"></param>
            <param name="exception"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger.DebugFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
            Override the wrapper for log4net ILog DebugFormat
            <param name="format"></param>
            <param name="args"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger.Error(System.String)">
            Override the wrapper for log4net ILog Error
            <param name="message"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger.Error(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Override the wrapper for log4net ILog Error
            <param name="message"></param>
            <param name="exception"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger.ErrorFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
            Override the wrapper for log4net ILog ErrorFormat
            <param name="format"></param>
            <param name="args"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger.Info(System.String)">
            Override the wrapper for log4net ILog Info
            <param name="message"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger.Info(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Override the wrapper for log4net ILog Info
            <param name="message"></param>
            <param name="exception"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger.InfoFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
            Override the wrapper for log4net ILog InfoFormat
            <param name="format"></param>
            <param name="args"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger.Warn(System.String)">
            Override the wrapper for log4net ILog Warn
            <param name="message"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger.Warn(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Override the wrapper for log4net ILog Warn
            <param name="message"></param>
            <param name="exception"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger.WarnFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
            Override the wrapper for log4net ILog WarnFormat
            <param name="format"></param>
            <param name="args"></param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Log.LogConfiguration">
            Configuration for PayPalCoreSDK
        <member name="F:PayPal.Log.LogConfiguration.PayPalLogKey">
            Key for the loggers to be set in <appSettings><add key="PayPalLogger" value="PayPal.Log.DiagnosticsLogger, PayPal.Log.Log4netLogger"/></appSettings> in configuration file
        <member name="F:PayPal.Log.LogConfiguration.PayPalLogDelimiterKey">
            AppSettings configuration key that defines the delimiter to be used when specifying the list of loggers.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Log.LogConfiguration.PayPalLogDefaultDelimiter">
            Default delimiter to use for the <see cref="F:PayPal.Log.LogConfiguration.PayPalLogDelimiterKey"/> value.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Log.LogConfiguration.LoggerListInConfiguration">
            Gets the list of loggers from the config.
        <member name="T:PayPal.Log.LogMessage">
            Log message
        <member name="P:PayPal.Log.LogMessage.Args">
            Gets the arguments to be used in logging a formatted string.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Log.LogMessage.Provider">
            Gets the <seealso cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that provides the formatted string.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Log.LogMessage.Format">
            Gets the string format to be used when logging.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.LogMessage.#ctor(System.String)">
            Constructor that logs the specified message.
            <param name="message"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.LogMessage.#ctor(System.String,System.Object[])">
            Constructor that logs the specified formatted message.
            <param name="format"></param>
            <param name="args"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.LogMessage.#ctor(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
            Constructor that logs the specified formatted message using the defined provider.
            <param name="provider"></param>
            <param name="format"></param>
            <param name="args"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.LogMessage.ToString">
            Converts the stored message details into a string to be logged.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Logger.Debug(System.String)">
            Call loggers' Debug
            <param name="message"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Logger.Debug(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Call loggers' Debug
            <param name="message"></param>
            <param name="exception"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Logger.DebugFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
            Call loggers' DebugFormat
            <param name="format"></param>
            <param name="args"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Logger.Error(System.String)">
            Call loggers' Error
            <param name="message"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Logger.Error(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Call loggers' Error
            <param name="message"></param>
            <param name="exception"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Logger.ErrorFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
            Call loggers' ErrorFormat
            <param name="format"></param>
            <param name="args"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Logger.Info(System.String)">
            Call loggers' Info
            <param name="message"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Logger.Info(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Call loggers' Info
            <param name="message"></param>
            <param name="exception"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Logger.InfoFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
            Call loggers' InfoFormat
            <param name="format"></param>
            <param name="args"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Logger.Warn(System.String)">
            Call loggers' Warn
            <param name="message"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Logger.Warn(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Call loggers' Warn
            <param name="message"></param>
            <param name="exception"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Logger.WarnFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
            Call loggers' WarnFormat
            <param name="format"></param>
            <param name="args"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.Logger.Flush">
            Flush the loggers
        <member name="T:PayPal.Log.TraceSourceUtil">
            Trace Source utility for the given Type having listener or the closest "parent" TraceRoute that has listeners
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.TraceSourceUtil.GetTraceSource(System.Type)">
            Gets the TraceSource for the given Type having SourceLevels.All
            Returns null if there are no listeners configured for given Type or the closest "parent" TraceRoute that has listeners
            <param name="givenType"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.TraceSourceUtil.GetTraceSource(System.Type,System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels)">
            Gets the TraceSource for the given Type and SourceLevels
            Returns null if there are no listeners configured for given Type or the closest "parent" TraceRoute that has listeners
            <param name="givenType"></param>
            <param name="sourceLevels"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.TraceSourceUtil.GetTraceSourceWithListeners(System.String,System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels)">
            Gets the closest "parent" TraceRoute that has listeners, or null otherwise
            <param name="name"></param>
            <param name="sourceLevels"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Log.TraceSourceUtil.GetTraceSourceWithListenersSyncLock(System.String,System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels)">
            Gets the closest "parent" TraceRoute that has listeners, or null otherwise
            <param name="name"></param>
            <param name="sourceLevels"></param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.CertificateManager">
            Manager class for storing X509 certificates.
        <member name="F:PayPal.CertificateManager.logger">
        <member name="F:PayPal.CertificateManager.certificates">
            Cache of X509 certificates.
        <member name="M:PayPal.CertificateManager.#ctor">
            Private constructor prevent direct instantiation
        <member name="F:PayPal.CertificateManager.instance">
            Private static member for storing the single instance.
        <member name="F:PayPal.CertificateManager.syncRoot">
            Private static member for locking the singleton object while it's being instantiated.
        <member name="P:PayPal.CertificateManager.Instance">
            Gets the singleton instance for this class.
        <member name="M:PayPal.CertificateManager.GetCertificatesFromUrl(System.String)">
            Gets the certificate corresponding to the specified URL from the cache of certificates. If the cache doesn't contain the certificate, it is downloaded and verified.
            <param name="certUrl">The URL pointing to the certificate.</param>
            <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2"/> object containing the details of the certificate.</returns>
            <exception cref="T:PayPal.PayPalException">Thrown if the downloaded certificate cannot be verified.</exception>
        <member name="M:PayPal.CertificateManager.GetTrustedCertificateFromFile(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
            Gets the trusted certificate to be used in validating a certificate chain.
            <param name="config">Config containing an optional path to the trusted certificate file to use.</param>
            <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2"/> object containing the trusted certificate to use in validating a certificate chain.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.CertificateManager.ValidateCertificateChain(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2,System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection)">
            Validates the certificate chain for the specified client certificate using a known, trusted certificate.
            <param name="trustedCert">Trusted certificate to use in validating the chain.</param>
            <param name="clientCerts">Client certificates to use in validating the chain.</param>
            <returns>True if the certificate chain is valid; false otherwise.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.CertificateManager.ValidatePayPalClientCertificate(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection)">
            Validates the leaf client cert for the owner to be PayPal
            <param name="clientCerts"></param>
            <returns>True if leaf client certificate belongs to, false otherwise</returns>
        <member name="T:PayPal.SDKConfigHandler">
            Custom handler for SDK configuration section as defined in App.Config or Web.Config files
        <member name="M:PayPal.SDKConfigHandler.#ctor">
            Explicit default constructor
        <member name="P:PayPal.SDKConfigHandler.Accounts">
            Accounts Collection
        <member name="P:PayPal.SDKConfigHandler.Settings">
            PayPal application settings.
        <member name="M:PayPal.SDKConfigHandler.Setting(System.String)">
            Gets the setting with the specified name. If the setting is not found, returns null.
            <param name="name">The name of the setting to lookup.</param>
            <returns>The value associated with the setting name. If the name is not found, returns null.</returns>
        <member name="T:PayPal.AccountCollection">
            Account colleciton details. This is included for compatibility with the older Classic SDKs.
        <member name="M:PayPal.AccountCollection.CreateNewElement">
            Creates a new <see cref="T:PayPal.Account"/>.
            <returns>A new <see cref="T:PayPal.Account"/>.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.AccountCollection.GetElementKey(System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement)">
            Gets the API username for the specified <seealso cref="T:System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement"/>.
            <param name="element">The element to be used.</param>
            <returns>The API user name.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.AccountCollection.Account(System.Int32)">
            Gets the <see cref="T:PayPal.Account"/> at the specified index.
            <param name="index">Index of the <see cref="T:PayPal.Account"/>.</param>
            <returns>The <see cref="T:PayPal.Account"/> at the specified index.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.AccountCollection.Account(System.String)">
            Gets the <see cref="T:PayPal.Account"/> for the specified value.
            <param name="value">The value of the <see cref="T:PayPal.Account"/>.</param>
            <returns>The <see cref="T:PayPal.Account"/> for the specified value.</returns>
        <member name="P:PayPal.AccountCollection.Item(System.String)">
            Index operator that looks up an <see cref="T:PayPal.Account"/> for the specified name.
            <param name="name"></param>
        <member name="P:PayPal.AccountCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
            Index operator that looks up an <see cref="T:PayPal.Account"/> at the specified index.
            <param name="index"></param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Account">
            Account information
        <member name="M:PayPal.Account.#ctor">
            Default constructor that initializes all the properties for the account.
        <member name="P:PayPal.Account.APIUserName">
            API Username
        <member name="P:PayPal.Account.APIPassword">
            API password
        <member name="P:PayPal.Account.ApplicationId">
            Application Id
        <member name="P:PayPal.Account.APISignature">
            API signature
        <member name="P:PayPal.Account.APICertificate">
            Client certificate for SSL authentication
        <member name="P:PayPal.Account.PrivateKeyPassword">
            Private key password for SSL authentication
        <member name="P:PayPal.Account.SignatureSubject">
            Signature Subject
        <member name="P:PayPal.Account.CertificateSubject">
            Certificate Subject
        <member name="T:PayPal.Util.ArgumentValidator">
            Helper class that validates arguments.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Util.ArgumentValidator.Validate(System.Object,System.String)">
            Helper method for validating an argument that will be used by this API in any requests.
            <param name="argument">The object to be validated.</param>
            <param name="argumentName">The name of the argument. This will be placed in the exception message for easy reference.</param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Util.ArgumentValidator.ValidateAndSetupAPIContext(PayPal.Api.APIContext)">
            Helper method for validating and setting up an APIContext object in preparation for it being used when sending an HTTP request.
            <param name="apiContext">APIContext used for API calls.</param>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Util.Crc32">
            Helper class for computing a CRC32 checksum value.
        <member name="F:PayPal.Util.Crc32.table">
            CRC32 polynomial table with 0xedb88320 seed.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Util.Crc32.ComputeChecksum(System.String)">
            Computes the CRC32 checksum value for the given text.
            <param name="text">The text for which the checksum will be calculated.</param>
            <returns>An unsigned 32-bit integer containing the checksum for the given text.</returns>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Util.QueryParameters">
            Helper class that can be converted into a URL query string.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Util.QueryParameters.ToUrlFormattedString">
            Converts the dictionary of query parameters to a URL-formatted string. Empty values are ommitted from the parameter list.
            <returns>A URL-formatted string containing the query parameters</returns>
        <member name="T:PayPal.Util.SDKUtil">
            Helper methods for this SDK.
        <member name="M:PayPal.Util.SDKUtil.FormatURIPath(System.String,System.Object[])">
            Formats the URI path for REST calls.
            <param name="pattern">URI path with placeholders that can be replaced with string's Format method</param>
            <param name="parameters">Parameters holding actual values for placeholders; They can be wrapper objects for specific query strings like QueryParameters, CreateFromAuthorizationCodeParameters, CreateFromRefreshTokenParameters, UserinfoParameters parameters or a simple Dictionary</param>
            <returns>Processed URI path, or null if pattern or parameters is null</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Util.SDKUtil.FormatURIPath(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
            Formats the URI path for REST calls. Replaces any occurrences of the form
            {name} in pattern with the corresponding value of key name in the passed
            <param name="pattern">URI pattern with named place holders</param>
            <param name="pathParameters">Dictionary</param>
            <returns>Processed URI path</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Util.SDKUtil.FormatURIPath(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
            Formats the URI path for REST calls. Replaces any occurrences of the form
            {name} in pattern with the corresponding value of key name in the passed
            Dictionary. Query parameters are appended to the end of the URI path
            <param name="pattern">URI pattern with named place holders</param>
            <param name="pathParameters">Dictionary of Path parameters</param>
            <param name="queryParameters">Dictionary for Query parameters</param>
            <returns>Processed URI path</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Util.SDKUtil.RemoveNullsFromQueryString(System.String)">
            Removes null entries from a given query string.
            <param name="formatString">A query string.</param>
            <returns>A query string with null entries removed.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Util.SDKUtil.SplitParameters(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
            Split the URI and form a Object array using the query string and values
            in the provided map. The return object array is populated only if the map
            contains valid value for the query name. The object array contains null
            values if there is no value found in the map
            <param name="pattern"></param>
            <param name="parameters"></param>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Util.SDKUtil.EscapeInvalidXmlCharsRegex(System.String)">
            Escapes invalid XML characters using &amp; escapes
            <param name="textContent">Text content to escape</param>
            <returns>Escaped XML string</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Util.SDKUtil.EscapeInvalidXmlCharsRegex(System.Nullable{System.Int32})">
            Escapes invalid XML characters using &amp; escapes
            <param name="intContent">Integer content to escape</param>
            <returns>Escaped XML string</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Util.SDKUtil.EscapeInvalidXmlCharsRegex(System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
            Escapes invalid XML characters using &amp; escapes
            <param name="boolContent">Boolean content to escape</param>
            <returns>Escaped XML string</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Util.SDKUtil.EscapeInvalidXmlCharsRegex(System.Nullable{System.Single})">
            Escapes invalid XML characters using &amp; escapes
            <param name="floatContent">Float content to escape</param>
            <returns>Escaped XML string</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Util.SDKUtil.EscapeInvalidXmlCharsRegex(System.Nullable{System.Double})">
            Escapes invalid XML characters using &amp; escapes
            <param name="doubleContent">Double content to escape</param>
            <returns>Escaped XML string</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Util.SDKUtil.GetAssemblyVersionForType(System.Type)">
            Gets the version number of the parent assembly for the specified object type.
            <param name="type">The object type to use in determining which assembly version should be returned.</param>
            <returns>A 3-digit version of the parent assembly.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Util.SDKUtil.IsNet45OrLaterDetected">
            Checks if .NET 4.5 or later is detected on the system.
            <returns>True if .NET 4.5 or later is detected; false otherwise.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Util.SDKUtil.GetHighestInstalledNetVersion">
            Gets the highest installed version of the .NET framework found on the system.
            <returns>A string containing the highest installed version of the .NET framework found on the system.</returns>
        <member name="M:PayPal.Util.SDKUtil.GetTokenFromApprovalUrl(System.Collections.Generic.List{PayPal.Api.Links})">
            Gets the resource token from an approval URL HATEOAS link, if found.
            <param name="links">The list of HATEOAS links objects to search.</param>
            <returns>A string containing the resource token associated with an approval URL.</returns>