
Function New-ReportUsingRawSql {

    Create a new report using a raw SQL query as the data source.

.PARAMETER reportName
    Name of the report item

.PARAMETER reportDescription
    Description of the report item

.PARAMETER dataSourceName
    Name used to describe the results of the SQL query used as the data source for this report

.PARAMETER folderGuid
    parent folder GUID of the report

    SQL query to retrieve data for the report

string query = "SELECT DISTINCT [OS Name] FROM Inv_AeX_AC_Identification";
ItemDetails itemDetails = m_proxy.CreateReportUsingRawSqlQuery("Sample Report", "a sample report", "All client operating systems", folderObject.Guid, query);
folderGuid = "{5078D04B-8A50-4783-95DA-8B44667C3CD1}"
query = "SELECT DISTINCT [OS Name] FROM Inv_AeX_AC_Identification"
set results = reportManagement.RunLegacyReportWithParameters("Sample Report", "a sample report", "All client operating systems", folderGuid, query)
SET query = "SELECT DISTINCT [OS Name] FROM Inv_AeX_AC_Identification"
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:CreateReportUsingRawSqlQuery reportName:"Sample Report", reportDescription:"a sample report", dataSourceName:"All client operating systems", folderGuid:"{5078D04B-8A50-4783-95DA-8B44667C3CD1}" query:%query%
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            reportName = $reportName
             reportDescription = $reportDescription
             dataSourceName = $dataSourceName
             folderGuid = $folderGuid
             sqlQuery = $sqlQuery


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/ReportManagementService.asmx/CreateReportUsingRawSqlQuery"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Get-ReportParameters {

    Get the user-settable parameters for a given report

.PARAMETER reportItemGuid
    Guid of the report for which to retrieve parameters. For an NS 7 report, the GUID must be an item of type Alitiris.Reporting.ReportManagementItem.

string reportGuid = "4e76962d-1232-433b-8a65-a853edb052b4"; // Agent Installation Status report
XmlNode results = m_proxy.GetReportParameters(reportItemGuid);
reportGuid = "4e76962d-1232-433b-8a65-a853edb052b4" 'Agent Installation Status report
set results = reportManagement.GetReportParameters(reportItemGuid)
params = ""
while not results.EOF
  params = params & "Name: " & results.Fields.Item( "Name" ).Value & VbCrLf
  params = params & "Description: " & results.Fields.Item( "Description" ).Value & VbCrLf
  params = params & "Required: " & results.Fields.Item( "Required" ).Value & VbCrLf
  params = params & "Nullable: " & results.Fields.Item( "Nullable" ).Value & VbCrLf
  params = params & "ParameterTypeGuid: " & results.Fields.Item( "ParameterTypeGuid" ).Value & VbCrLf
  params = params & "ParameterTypeAlias: " & results.Fields.Item( "ParameterTypeAlias" ).Value & VbCrLf
  params = params & "DefaultValue: " & results.Fields.Item( "DefaultValue" ).Value & VbCrLf
  params = params & VbCrLf
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:GetReportParameters reportItemGuid:"4e76962d-1232-433b-8a65-a853edb052b4"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    Fields report include "Name," "Description," "Required," "Nullable," "ParameterTypeGuid," "ParameterTypeAlias" and "DefaultValue."
The web service layer translates the DataTable into an XmlDocument. When programming in C#, the return type is an XmlNode.
The COM layer translates the XmlNode into a Recordset. When programming in VBS, the return type is an ADODB Recordset.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            reportItemGuid = $reportItemGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/ReportManagementService.asmx/GetReportParameters"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Invoke-Report {

    Runs a report that does not take parameters and returns the results.

.PARAMETER reportItemGuid
    GUID of the report to be run. The GUID must be an item of type Alitiris.Reporting.ReportManagementItem.

// See ItemManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
string reportGuid = "1f382791-b2cf-4b39-afd3-28348693c44e"; // All Assets report
XmlNode results = m_proxy.RunReport(reportGuid);
reportGuid = "1f382791-b2cf-4b39-afd3-28348693c44e" 'All Assets report
set results = reportManagement.RunReport(reportGuid)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:RunReport reportItemGuid:"1f382791-b2cf-4b39-afd3-28348693c44e"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    The COM and CLI layers take and return guids represented as strings.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            reportItemGuid = $reportItemGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/ReportManagementService.asmx/RunReport"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Invoke-ReportWithParameters {

    Runs a report that takes parameters and returns the results.

.PARAMETER reportItemGuid
    GUID of the report to be run. The GUID must be an item of type Alitiris.Reporting.ReportManagementItem.

.PARAMETER nameValuePairs
    Parameter names and values to use in running the report.

string reportGuid = "9c6b41ac-6138-4fdd-a90b-21eb2214fc46"; // Server Load by Start and End Date report
string params = "Time Unit=Day";
XmlNode results = m_proxy.RunReportWithParameters(reportGuid, params);
reportGuid = "9c6b41ac-6138-4fdd-a90b-21eb2214fc46" 'Server Load by Start and End Date report
params = "Time Unit=Day"
set results = reportManagement.RunReportWithParameters(reportGuid, params)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:RunReportWithParameters reportItemGuid:"9c6b41ac-6138-4fdd-a90b-21eb2214fc46" nameValuePairs:"Time Unit=Day"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    All user-settable parameters and their default values for a given report may be viewed on the report's page in the NS Console. Parameters should be supplied in the following format: "paramName1=paramValue1, paramName2=paramValue2, paramName3=paramValue3" All values are treated as strings and translated into the appropriate SQL type. If a value cannot be translated into the appropriate SQL type an exception is thrown. Do not use double quotes (") or single quotes (') when defining parameters unless these are literally part of the parameter name or value. Do not user a comma (",") within a parameter name or value; use commas only to delimit one parameter name-value pair from another. All parameter names must retain any white spacing as displayed on the report page in the Console.
In general, values given for date-time parameters (such as "To," "From," etc.) must be in a format representing an actual date. For example, a date of November 8, 2008 may be represented as "11/8/2008," "8-Nov-08," "11-8-2008," etc. However, do not insert a comma (",") into your date value (such as "November 8, 2008"), as the comma will be interpreted as a parameter delimeter and the method will fail. You may also add a time component following the date value in the format "HH:MM:SS," as in "11/8/2008 12:30:00." You may also give a date-time value by using the convention of "Today" to represent today's date, and "Now" to represent today's date with the current time. You may also subtract a positive integer representing a number of calendar days from either such word; for example, "Today-7" would be interpreted as the date seven days ago, while "Now-1" would be interpreted as yesterday's date with the current time (i.e., exactly 24 hours ago).
You may pass in all, or just some, of the user-settable parameters. Any parameter(s) for which you do not pass in a value will use the default value for that parameter. However, if a parameter does not have a default value, you MUST pass in a value. If a given parameter name does not match any parameters in the report, an exception is thrown.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            reportItemGuid = $reportItemGuid
             nameValuePairs = $nameValuePairs


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/ReportManagementService.asmx/RunReportWithParameters"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials
