
Function New-ResourceAssociation {

    Creates a resource association between two resources
.PARAMETER resourceAssociationTypeGuid
    the Resource Association Type
.PARAMETER parentResourceGuid
    a GUID representing the parent resource in the association
.PARAMETER childResourceGuid
    a child resource to be associated to the parent resource
// the GUID of the "Location" ResourceAssociationType item, which
// associates a parent asset with a child location
Guid resourceAssociationTypeGuid = new Guid( "05de450f-39ea-4aae-8c5f-77817889c27c");
// the GUID of the previously-defined parent resource (a computer, for example)
Guid parentResourceGuid = new Guid( "3C640E2B-3008-4d8a-8F7E-CE54BF6669BA");
// the GUID of the child resource (a previously-defined location, such as "Headquarters")
Guid childResourceGuid = new Guid( "0432878C-BF6D-4e14-94CF-A9CEEB36DC41");
// See AssetManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
m_proxy.CreateResourceAssociation( resourceAssociationTypeGuid, parentResourceGuid, childResourceGuid);
resAssocType = "05de450f-39ea-4aae-8c5f-77817889c27c"
parentRes = "3C640E2B-3008-4d8a-8F7E-CE54BF6669BA"
childRes = "0432878C-BF6D-4e14-94CF-A9CEEB36DC41"
call itemManagement.CreateResourceAssociation( resAssocType, parentRes, childRes)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:CreateResourceAssociation resourceAssociationTypeGuid:05de450f-39ea-4aae-8c5f-77817889c27c parentResourceGuid:3C640E2B-3008-4d8a-8F7E-CE54BF6669BA childResourceGuid:0432878C-BF6D-4e14-94CF-A9CEEB36DC41
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.
    A resource association links a parent resource item of a certain resource type to a child resource item of a certain resource type. The association flows "from" the parent "to" the child. A ResourceAssociationType item contains properties that define the minimum and maximum number of child resource items of the given type that can be associated with the parent resource. (These properties are named "MinimumCardinality" and "MaximumCardinality", respectively.)

    param (

    $Body = @{

            resourceAssociationTypeGuid = $resourceAssociationTypeGuid
             parentResourceGuid = $parentResourceGuid
             childResourceGuid = $childResourceGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/ResourceManagementService.asmx/CreateResourceAssociation"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Get-ComputerByNameAndDomain {

    Gets a computer guid given its name and domain
    Computer's Name
    Computer's Domain
// See ResourceManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
string machineName = "computer5";
string machineDomain = "WORKGROUP";
Guid computerGuid = m_proxy.GetComputerByNameAndDomain(machineName, machineDomain);
machineName = "computer5"
machineDomain = "WORKGROUP"
computerGuid = resourceManagement.GetComputerByNameAndDomain(machineName, machineDomain)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:GetComputerByNameAndDomain name:%name% domain:%domain%
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.
    The COM and CLI layers take and return guids represented as strings. If you have a case sensitive database you must set an environment variable ASDK_CASE_INSENSITIVE_SEARCH. This will indicate that the system should do name queries in a case insensitive manor. This is done with the use of the SQL COLLATE command. This does not change or modify your database in any way from its current collation sequence, it will only perform the current search in a case insensitive fashion.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            name = $name
             domain = $domain


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/ResourceManagementService.asmx/GetComputerByNameAndDomain"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Get-DataClassData {

    Returns the inventory data in a data class for a given resource
.PARAMETER dataClass
    Guid or name of the data class to get the data from
.PARAMETER resourceGuid
    Guid of the resource to return the data for
// See ResourceManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
string companyDetailsDataClassName = "Company Details";
Guid AltirisCompanyResourceGuid = new Guid("{e2fea34c-adbb-47bd-9d7a-1092c5078245}");
System.Data.DataTable objRS = m_proxy.GetDataClassData(companyDetailsDataClassName, AltirisCompanyResourceGuid);
string data = "";
foreach( System.Data.DataRow row in objRS )
    data += "ROW: ";
    for( int i=0; i < objRS.Rows.Count; i++ )
        data += row[i].ToString() + ", ";
    data += @"\r\n";
companyDetailsDataClassName = "Company Details"
AltirisCompanyResourceGuid = "{e2fea34c-adbb-47bd-9d7a-1092c5078245}"
set objRS = resourceManagement.GetDataClassData(companyDetailsDataClassName, AltirisCompanyResourceGuid)
data = ""
while NOT objRS.EOF
    data = data + "ROW: "
    for i=0 to objRS.Fields.Count-1
        data = data & objRS.Fields.Item(i).Value & ", "
        data = data + vbCrLf
Wscript.Echo "Query results: " & data
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:GetDataClassData dataClass:"Company Details" resourceGuid:"{e2fea34c-adbb-47bd-9d7a-1092c5078245}"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.
    The COM and CLI layers take and return guids represented as strings.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            dataClass = $dataClass
             resourceGuid = $resourceGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/ResourceManagementService.asmx/GetDataClassData"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Get-ResourceByContext {

    Find a resource by contextual data known about the resource.
.PARAMETER parameters
    Comma-separated list of filters. Possible values are:
// Find a computer resource (physical or virtual) using the computer's correct name, domain, ipaddress and serial number
string parameters = "mycomputer, mydomain,, 75XYTZ, type:computer";
Guid[] guidList = m_proxy.GetResourceByContext( parameters );
// Find the company altiris
parameters = "type:company, %altiris%";
guidList = m_proxy.GetResourceByContext( parameters );
// Find anything starting with 'altir'
parameters = "altir%";
guidList = m_proxy.GetResourceByContext( parameters );
// Find all computer and virtual machine resources
parameters = "type:computer, %";
guidList = m_proxy.GetResourceByContext( parameters );
// Find only computer resources
parameters = "type:computer, strict:true, %";
guidList = m_proxy.GetResourceByContext( parameters );
parameters = "type:computer, %"
guidList = resourceManagement.GetResourceByContext(parameters)
strGuids = ""
for each guid in guidList
  strGuids = strGuids & guid & ", "
wscript.Echo strGuids
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:GetResourceByContext parameters:"type:computer, %%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.
    This API is intended to only search for resources. Items that are not resources, such as collections, reports and tasks, should be searched for using one of the ItemManagement APIs.
To find a resource, you can provide any data you know about that resource, including a type. The API will return the resource you are looking for only if all the data supplied matches something in the database. If any piece of data is incorrect, the resource will not be found. Therefore you may not want to use data you are uncertain about, or use wildcards; however, wildcards will slow the search down - especially if they are used at the beginning of a string.
To find all resources of a given type, you should use the parameters 'type:x, %' where x is the type you are looking for. Using 'type:x' alone is insufficient. The '%' is necessary since the type refers to a class designation and not data about the resource.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            parameters = $parameters


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/ResourceManagementService.asmx/GetResourceByContext"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Get-ResourceByName {

    Gets a resource guid given its name and type
    Name of the resource to fetch
.PARAMETER resourceType
    Resource type name or guid of the resource to fetch
// See ResourceManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
Guid resourceGuid = m_proxy.GetResourceByName(machineName, "Computer");
resourceGuid = resourceManagement.GetResourceByName(machineName, "Computer")
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:GetResourceByName "name:%name%" "resourceType:%resourceType%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.
    The COM and CLI layers take and return guids represented as strings. If you have a case sensitive database you must set an environment variable ASDK_CASE_INSENSITIVE_SEARCH. This will indicate that the system should do name queries in a case insensitive manor. This is done with the use of the SQL COLLATE command. This does not change or modify your database in any way from its current collation sequence, it will only perform the current search in a case insensitive fashion.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            name = $name
             resourceType = $resourceType


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/ResourceManagementService.asmx/GetResourceByName"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Get-UserByUserIdAndDomain {

    Gets a user guid given its userId and domain
    User's Id
    User's Domain
// See ResourceManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
Guid userGuid = m_proxy.GetUserByUserIdAndDomain(userId, userDomain);
userGuid = resourceManagement.GetUserByUserIdAndDomain(userId, userDomain)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:GetUserByUserIdAndDomain userId:%userId% domain:%domain%
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.
    The COM and CLI layers take and return guids represented as strings.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            userId = $userId
             domain = $domain


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/ResourceManagementService.asmx/GetUserByUserIdAndDomain"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Merge-Resource {

    Merges two resources into a single resource.
    The guid of the resource to merge from.
    The guid of the resource to merge to.
string fromGuid = "fe94974e-6c97-4a15-914d-761aed470199";
string toGuid = "0eb6763c-1457-4105-82ec-f6f85ad7bbb3";
ItemDetails item = m_proxy.MergeResource(fromGuid, toGuid);
fromGuid = "fe94974e-6c97-4a15-914d-761aed470199"
toGuid = "0eb6763c-1457-4105-82ec-f6f85ad7bbb3"
set item = resourceManagementLib.MergeResource(fromGuid, toGuid);
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:MergeResource fromGuid:"fe94974e-6c97-4a15-914d-761aed470199" toGuid:"0eb6763c-1457-4105-82ec-f6f85ad7bbb3"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.
    The name and guid of the toGuid are retained. All other data is selected based on timestamp. The most recent data is retained. The resources being merged must be of the same resource type.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            fromGuid = $fromGuid
             toGuid = $toGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/ResourceManagementService.asmx/MergeResource"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Install-AltirisAgentToComputers {

    Pushes the Altiris NS Agent to a set of client computers
.PARAMETER computerNames
    Comma separated list of computer names or IP addresses
.PARAMETER showInStartMenu
    Controls if the NS Agent appears in the Start Menu on the client machine
.PARAMETER showInSysTray
    Controls if the NS Agent appears in the SysTray on the client machine
    Control if a proxy will be used by the client to commicate with the NS Server
.PARAMETER showInAddRemove
    Control if the NS Agent install will appear in Add/Remove programs
.PARAMETER overrideInstallPath
    If not null overrides the default path where the Agent will be installed on the client machine
// See ResourceManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
m_proxy.PushAltirisAgentToComputers("", true, true, false, true, @"c:\tmp\clientAgentInstall");
call resourceManagement.PushAltirisAgentToComputers("", true, true, false, true, "c:\tmp\clientAgentInstall")
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:PushAltirisAgentToComputers "computerNames:%targetComputers%" "showInStartMenu:true" "showInSysTray:true" "useProxy:false" "showInAddRemove:true" "overrideInstallPath:null"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.
    This function only works if your NS network has been properly configured to execute push agent functions. To determine if your NS network is properly configured please refer to the documentation you received with your NS.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            computerNames = $computerNames
             showInStartMenu = $showInStartMenu
             showInSysTray = $showInSysTray
             useProxy = $useProxy
             showInAddRemove = $showInAddRemove
             overrideInstallPath = $overrideInstallPath


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/ResourceManagementService.asmx/PushAltirisAgentToComputers"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials
