
Function Add-RoleMembers {

    Add members to a security role.

    The guid of the role to add to.

.PARAMETER memberNames
    A comma-seperated list of names to be added to the role. A name may be either (1) a fully qualified Windows credential name including both the domain and user name, such as DOMAIN\User, OR (2) an SMP User name.

// See SecurityManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
string roleGuid = "7644e630-27ab-4d5e-9ce3-f2b3fff6a167";
string names = "DOMAIN\User1, DOMAIN\User2";
bool success = m_proxy.AddRoleMembers(roleGuid, names);
roleGuid = "7644e630-27ab-4d5e-9ce3-f2b3fff6a167"
names = "DOMAIN\User1, SomeSmpUser"
success = securityManagement.AddRoleMembers(roleGuid, names)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:AddRoleMembers roleGuid:"7644e630-27ab-4d5e-9ce3-f2b3fff6a167" memberNames:"DOMAIN\User1, "
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    IMPORTANT: A Windows credential can only be added to a role if that credential has previously been associated with an SMP User account. Make sure that each Windows credential has an associated SMP User account before attempting to add it to a role. (This can be done in the SMP Console through the "Add Credentials" button for the SMP User.)
If any name in the list is not found in the database, the name is not added to the role. Remaining names may still be added. To find out if a name was not added, check the return value of the API - false indicates one or more names failed. Then check the log (Warning level) to see which names failed.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            roleGuid = $roleGuid
             memberNames = $memberNames


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/SecurityManagementService.asmx/AddRoleMembers"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Add-RolePrivileges {

    Add privileges to a security role.

    Guid of the security role.

.PARAMETER privilegeNames
    A comma-seperated list of privilege names to add to the role. The privilegeNames parameter takes those privileges as they are seen in the console under the role management. They are not case sensitive.

// See SecurityManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
string roleGuid = "c1a02088-b36a-4e32-8b86-2a22a947d2317";
string names = "Create Reports, Import XML";
bool success = m_proxy.AddRolePrivileges(roleGuid, names);
roleGuid = "c1a02088-b36a-4e32-8b86-2a22a947d2317"
names = "Create Reports, Import XML"
success = securityManagement.AddRolePrivileges(roleGuid, names)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:AddRolePrivileges roleGuid:"c1a02088-b36a-4e32-8b86-2a22a947d2317" privilegeNames:"Create Reports, Import XML"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    If any privileges in the list is not found in the database, the privileges is not added to the role. Remaining privileges may still be added. To find out if a privilege was not added, check the return value of the API - false indicates one or more privileges failed. Then check the log (Warning level) to see which privileges failed.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            roleGuid = $roleGuid
             privilegeNames = $privilegeNames


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/SecurityManagementService.asmx/AddRolePrivileges"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Set-ItemOwnership {

    Sets the ownership of the item to the requested user.

    Guid of the item to set.

    Name of the SMP User to assign ownership of the item to. This name must be an SMP User, not a Windows credential.

// See SecurityManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
string itemGuid = "65bb6c45-b013-4599-96dd-32a955404ed5";
string name = @"My SMP Account";
bool success = m_proxy.AssignItemOwnership(itemGuid, name);
itemGuid = "65bb6c45-b013-4599-96dd-32a955404ed5"
name = "My SMP Account"
success = securityManagement.AssignItemOwnership(itemGuid, name)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:AssignItemOwnership itemGuid:"65bb6c45-b013-4599-96dd-32a955404ed5" userName:"My SMP Account"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    The calling user must have permissions to make change security changes. The requested user must have permissions to take ownership of items.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            itemGuid = $itemGuid
             userName = $userName


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/SecurityManagementService.asmx/AssignItemOwnership"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function New-Role {

    Creates a new security role in the NS database.

    The name of the role.

.PARAMETER roleDescription
    A description of the role.

// See SecurityManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
string roleGuid = m_proxy.CreateNewRole("New Role", "New Role description");
roleGuid = securityManagement.CreateNewRole("New Role", "New Role description")
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:CreateNewRole roleName:"New Role" roleDescription:"New Role description"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            roleName = $roleName
             roleDescription = $roleDescription


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/SecurityManagementService.asmx/CreateNewRole"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Remove-Role {

    Removes a security role in the NS database.

    The guid of the role.

// See SecurityManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
call securityManagement.DeleteRole(roleGuid)
rem This must be an existing role guid.
set roleGuid="30a14442-3070-484d-ab97-1b6df7aa040a"
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:DeleteRole roleGuid:%roleGuid%
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            roleGuid = $roleGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/SecurityManagementService.asmx/DeleteRole"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Disable-PermissionInheritance {

    Set the item to not inherit permissions from its parent object.

    The guid of the item to set.

.PARAMETER actionFlag
    The action to take when removing inheritance. 1=Remove inherited permissions, 2=Copy inherited permissions.

// See SecurityManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
string itemGuid = "e0b1fe6c-b0c2-448f-adfa-4cb975ad8bc2";
bool success = m_proxy.DisablePermissionInheritance(itemGuid, 1);
itemGuid = "e0b1fe6c-b0c2-448f-adfa-4cb975ad8bc2"
success = itemManagement.DisablePermissionInheritance(itemGuid, 1)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:DisablePermissionInheritance itemGuid:"e0b1fe6c-b0c2-448f-adfa-4cb975ad8bc2" actionFlag:1
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            itemGuid = $itemGuid
             actionFlag = $actionFlag


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/SecurityManagementService.asmx/DisablePermissionInheritance"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Enable-PermissionInheritance {

    Set the item to inherit permissions from its parent object.

    The guid of the item to set.

// See SecurityManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
string itemGuid = "e0b1fe6c-b0c2-448f-adfa-4cb975ad8bc2";
bool success = m_proxy.EnablePermissionInheritance(itemGuid);
itemGuid = "e0b1fe6c-b0c2-448f-adfa-4cb975ad8bc2"
success = itemManagement.EnablePermissionInheritance(itemGuid)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:EnablePermissionInheritance itemGuid:"e0b1fe6c-b0c2-448f-adfa-4cb975ad8bc2"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            itemGuid = $itemGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/SecurityManagementService.asmx/EnablePermissionInheritance"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Find-RoleByName {

    This method will allow you to find a role by its name.

    The name of the role.

// See SecurityManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
string roleGuid = m_proxy.FindRoleByName("Existing Role Name");
roleGuid = securityManagement.FindRoleByName("Existing Role Name")
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:FindRoleByName roleName:"Existing Role Name"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            roleName = $roleName


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/SecurityManagementService.asmx/FindRoleByName"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Remove-RoleMembers {

    Remove members from a security role.

    The guid of the role to remove from.

.PARAMETER memberNames
    A comma-seperated list of names to be removed from the role. A name may be either (1) a fully qualified Windows credential name including both the domain and user name, such as DOMAIN\User, OR (2) an SMP User name.

// See SecurityManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
string roleGuid = "7644e630-27ab-4d5e-9ce3-f2b3fff6a167";
string names = "DOMAIN\User1, SomeSmpUser";
bool success = m_proxy.RemoveRoleMembers(roleGuid, names);
roleGuid = "7644e630-27ab-4d5e-9ce3-f2b3fff6a167"
names = "DOMAIN\User1, SomeSmpUser"
success = securityManagement.RemoveRoleMembers(roleGuid, names)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:RemoveRoleMembers roleGuid:"7644e630-27ab-4d5e-9ce3-f2b3fff6a167" memberNames:"DOMAIN\User1, SomeSmpUser"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    NOTE: A Windows credential can only be removed from a role if that credential has previously been associated with an SMP User account. Make sure that each Windows credential has an associated SMP User account before attempting to remove it from a role. (This can be verified in the SMP Console under the "Credentials" heading for the SMP User.)
If any name in the list is not found in the database, the name is not removed from the role. Remaining names may still be removed. To find out if a name was not removed, check the return value of the API - false indicates one or more names failed. Then check the log (Warning level) to see which names failed.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            roleGuid = $roleGuid
             memberNames = $memberNames


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/SecurityManagementService.asmx/RemoveRoleMembers"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Remove-RolePrivileges {

    Remove privileges from a security role.

    Guid of the security role.

.PARAMETER privilegeNames
    A comma-seperated list of privilege names to remove from the role. The privilegeNames parameter takes those privileges as they are seen in the console under the role management. They are not case sensitive.

// See SecurityManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
string roleGuid = "c1a02088-b36a-4e32-8b86-2a22a947d2317";
string names = "Create Reports, Import XML";
bool success = m_proxy.RemoveRolePrivileges(roleGuid, names);
roleGuid = "c1a02088-b36a-4e32-8b86-2a22a947d2317"
names = "Create Reports, Import XML"
success = securityManagement.RemoveRolePrivileges(roleGuid, names)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:RemoveRolePrivileges roleGuid:"c1a02088-b36a-4e32-8b86-2a22a947d2317" privilegeNames:"Create Reports, Import XML"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    If any privileges in the list is not found in the database, the privileges is not removed from the role. Remaining privileges may still be removed. To find out if a privilege was not removed, check the return value of the API - false indicates one or more privileges failed. Then check the log (Warning level) to see which privileges failed.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            roleGuid = $roleGuid
             privilegeNames = $privilegeNames


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/SecurityManagementService.asmx/RemoveRolePrivileges"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials
