
#Requires -Version 5.0
function Update-ARMresourceList
    This will update the allResources.json file that is used as input when creating a New-ARMresource
    This will update the allResources.json file that is used as input when creating a New-ARMresource. This cmdlet supports
    ShouldProcess (whatif).
.PARAMETER Credential
    Credentials for an Azure subscription
    Force an update of the file if it exists
    This will try and fetch the resoruce provider list from Azure using the current AzureRMcontext. If no AzureRMcontext exists, it will
    invoke Login-AzureRMAccount without credentials.
    Update-ARMresourceList -Credential (Get-Credential -Message "Azure Credential")
    This will try and fetch the resoruce provider list from Azure using the current AzureRMcontext. If no AzureRMcontext exists, it will
    invoke Login-AzureRMAccount with the specified credentials.
    Author: Tore Groneng
    Twitter: @ToreGroneng

    $LoggedIn = $false
    $f = $MyInvocation.InvocationName
    Write-Verbose -Message "$f - START"

        Write-Verbose -Message "$f - Getting AzureRMContext"
        $LoggedIn = $true
        $ex = $_.Exception
        Write-Verbose -Message "$f - Get-AzureRmContext threw an exception, propably not loggedin"

    if ($LoggedIn -eq $false)
        if ($Credential)
            Write-Verbose -Message "$f - Invoking Login-AzureRmAccount with credentials"
            Login-AzureRmAccount -Credential $Credential -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Verbose -Message "$f - Invoking Login-AzureRmAccount without credentials"
            Login-AzureRmAccount -ErrorAction Stop
    $fileName = Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent | Join-Path -ChildPath Data | Join-Path -ChildPath "allResources.json"

    $outFile = @{}
    $shouldProcessOperation = "Creating file"
    if ($Force.IsPresent)
        $outFile.Add("Force", $true)
        $shouldProcessOperation = "Overwriting file"
    if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("$fileName", $shouldProcessOperation))
        Write-Verbose -Message "$f - Getting a providerlist, saving to [$fileName]"
        Get-AzureRmResourceProvider -ListAvailable | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File -FilePath "$fileName" -Encoding utf8 @outFile
    Write-Verbose -Message "$f - END"