
     Code generated by: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2019 v5.6.159
     Generated on: 2/23/2019 7:59 PM
     Generated by: whiggs
        Script generated by PowerShell Studio 2019

         Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2018 v5.5.155
         Created on: 11/18/2018 11:55 AM
         Created by: whiggs
         Filename: poshbox.psm1
         Module Name: poshbox

    #.EXTERNALHELP en-US\poshbox-help.xml
    function connect-box
        [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'reg')]
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'file', Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidatePattern('^([a-zA-Z]:\\|\\\\)(((?![<>:"/\\|?*]).)+((?<![ .])\\)?)*\.json$')]
            [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf })]
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "file")
            If (Test-Path "HKCU:\Software\boxmodule")
                Remove-Item "HKCU:\Software\boxmodule" -Force
            New-Item "HKCU:\Software\boxmodule" -Force
            $json = Get-Content $path | ConvertFrom-Json
            Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\boxmodule" -Name "enterpriseid" -Value $json.enterpriseID -Force
            Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\boxmodule" -Name "clientid" -Value $json.boxAppSettings.clientID -Force
            Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\boxmodule" -Name "clientsecret" -Value $json.boxAppSettings.clientSecret -Force
            Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\boxmodule" -Name "passphrase" -Value $json.boxAppSettings.appAuth.passphrase -Force
            Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\boxmodule" -Name "privatekey" -Value $json.boxAppSettings.appAuth.privateKey -Force
            Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\boxmodule" -Name "publickeyid" -Value $json.boxAppSettings.appAuth.publicKeyID -Force
            $boxob = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\boxmodule" -ErrorAction Stop
            throw "The box authentication values have not been saved. Run this command again and provide the path to the json file with the authentication information. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If (($boxob.psobject.Properties.name -notcontains "enterpriseid") -or ($boxob.psobject.Properties.name -notcontains "clientid") -or ($boxob.psobject.Properties.name -notcontains "clientSecret") -or ($boxob.psobject.Properties.name -notcontains "passphrase") -or ($boxob.psobject.Properties.name -notcontains "privatekey") -or ($boxob.psobject.Properties.name -notcontains "publickeyid"))
            throw "Box authentication values are missing. Run this command again and provide the path to the json file with the authentication information. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $boxconfig = New-Object -TypeName Box.v2.Config.Boxconfig -Argumentlist $boxob.clientid, $boxob.clientsecret, $boxob.enterpriseid, $boxob.privatekey, $boxob.passphrase, $boxob.publickeyid
        $boxJWT = New-Object -TypeName Box.V2.JWTAuth.BoxJWTAuth -Argumentlist $boxconfig
        $global:tokenreal = $boxJWT.AdminToken
        If (-not $id)
            $global:adminclient = $boxjwt.AdminClient($tokenreal)
            $global:adminclient = $boxjwt.AdminClient($tokenreal, $id)
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "The box client was not created successfully. This could have been caused by invalid authentication values. Try running this command again and provide the path to the json file with the authentication information. Also ensure that the box app from which you obtained the authentication information has been registered in your enterprise settings. For more information on these topics, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox. Submit an issue in the repo if it still does not work."
        #return $global:adminclient
    function get-boxusers
        [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "autopage")]
            [string]$SearchString = $null,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "noautopage")]
            [ValidateRange(1, 1000)]
            [int]$limit = 1000,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "noautopage")]
            [int]$offset = 0,
            [String[]]$fields = $null,
            [String]$usertype = $null,
            [String]$externalappuserid = $null,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'autopage')]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "autopage")
            $usertask = $adminclient.UsersManager.GetEnterpriseUsersAsync($SearchString, $offset, $limit, $fields, $usertype, $externalappuserid, $true)
            $usertask = $adminclient.UsersManager.GetEnterpriseUsersAsync($SearchString, $offset, $limit, $fields, $usertype, $externalappuserid, $false)
        If ($usertask.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $usertask.Exception.InnerException
            return $usertask.Result
    function set-boxuserlogin
            [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $change = $adminclient.UsersManager.ChangeUsersLoginAsync($id, $newlogin, $fields)
        If ($change.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-Error $change.Exception.InnerException
            return $change.Result
    function new-boxuser
            [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If (($userdetails.Keys -notcontains "name") -and ($userdetails.Keys -notcontains "login"))
            Write-Error "The hashtable does not define the `"name`" or `"login`" keys. These must be present to create the new user."
            $userrequest = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxUserRequest -Property $userdetails
            $newuser = $adminclient.UsersManager.CreateEnterpriseUserAsync($userrequest, $fields)
            If ($newuser.IsFaulted -eq $true)
                Write-error $newuser.Exception.InnerException
                return $newuser.Result
    function new-boxemailalias
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $emailaliasproc = $adminclient.UsersManager.AddEmailAliasAsync($id, $emailalias)
        If ($emailaliasproc.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $emailaliasproc.Exception.InnerException
            return $emailaliasproc.Result
    function remove-boxuser
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($notify)
            If ($force)
                $delete = $adminclient.UsersManager.DeleteEnterpriseUserAsync($id, $true, $true)
                $delete = $adminclient.UsersManager.DeleteEnterpriseUserAsync($id, $true, $false)
            If ($force)
                $delete = $adminclient.UsersManager.DeleteEnterpriseUserAsync($id, $false, $true)
                $delete = $adminclient.UsersManager.DeleteEnterpriseUserAsync($id, $false, $false)
        If ($delete.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-Error $delete.Exception.InnerException
            return $delete.Result
    function transfer-boxusercontent
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($notify)
            $transfer = $adminclient.UsersManager.MoveUserFolderAsync($id, $ownerid, "0", $true)
            $transfer = $adminclient.UsersManager.MoveUserFolderAsync($id, $ownerid, "0", $false)
        If ($transfer.IsFaulted -eq $true)
    function upload-boxfile
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [String[]]$fields = $null,
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If (!(Test-Path $path))
            Write-Error "The file path you provided does not exist."
        $file = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($path)
        $request = @{
            name = "$filename"
            parent = @{
                id = "$parentdirid"
        $upload = $adminclient.FilesManager.UploadAsync($request, $file, $fields, $timespan)
        If ($upload.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $upload.Exception.InnerException
            return $upload.Result
    Function remove-boxemailalias
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $removealias = $adminclient.UsersManager.DeleteEmailAliasAsync($userid, $aliasid)
        If ($removealias.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $removealias.Exception.InnerException
            return $removealias.Result
    function Get-boxemailalias
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $getalias = $adminclient.UsersManager.GetEmailAliasesAsync($userid)
        If ($getalias.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $getalias.Exception.InnerException
            return $getalias.Result
    function Get-boxuserinfo
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $userinfo = $adminclient.UsersManager.GetUserInformationAsync($userid)
        If ($userinfo.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $userinfo.Exception.InnerException
            return $userinfo.Result
    function invite-usertobox
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
            $boxob = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\boxmodule" -ErrorAction Stop
            throw "Authentication information is missing from the environment. Please run `"connect-box`" to retrieve needed authentication info."
        If (($boxob.psobject.Properties.name -notcontains "enterpriseid") -or ($boxob.psobject.Properties.name -notcontains "clientid") -or ($boxob.psobject.Properties.name -notcontains "clientSecret") -or ($boxob.psobject.Properties.name -notcontains "passphrase") -or ($boxob.psobject.Properties.name -notcontains "privatekey") -or ($boxob.psobject.Properties.name -notcontains "publickeyid"))
            throw "Authentication information is missing from the environment. Please run `"connect-box`" to retrieve needed authentication info."
        $act = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxActionableByRequest
        $act.Login = $exuseremail
        $req = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxRequestEntity
        $req.Id = (Get-ItemProperty "HKCU:\Software\boxmodule").enterpriseid
        $inviteob = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxUserInviteRequest
        $inviteob.ActionableBy = $act
        $inviteob.Enterprise = $req
        $invreq = $adminclient.UsersManager.InviteUserToEnterpriseAsync($inviteob, $fields)
        If ($invreq.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $invreq.Exception.InnerException
            return $invreq.Result
    function Get-boxuserinvite
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $invitereq = $adminclient.UsersManager.GetUserInviteAsync($inviteid, $fields)
        If ($invitereq.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $invitereq.Exception.InnerException
            return $invitereq.Result
    function set-boxuser
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $boxuserreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxUserRequest -Property $updateinfo
        $userupdate = $adminclient.UsersManager.UpdateUserInformationAsync($boxuserreq, $fields)
        If ($userupdate.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $userupdate.Exception.InnerException
            return $userupdate.Result
    function new-boxfolder
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [string[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        #$folderreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxFolderRequest -Property $foldreq
        $folderreq = @{
            name = "$foldername"
            parent = @{
                id = "$parentid"
        $boxfolreq = $adminclient.FoldersManager.CreateAsync($folderreq, $fields)
        If ($boxfolreq.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $boxfolreq.Exception.InnerException
            return $yu.Result
    function get-boxfolderitems
        [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "auto")]
        param (
            [string]$folderid = "0",
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'noauto')]
            [int]$offset = 0,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'noauto')]
            [int]$limit = 1000,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'auto')]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "auto")
            $foldlist = $adminclient.FoldersManager.GetFolderItemsAsync($folderid, $limit, $offset, $fields, $true)
            $foldlist = $adminclient.FoldersManager.GetFolderItemsAsync($folderid, $limit, $offset, $fields, $false)
        If ($foldlist.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $foldlist.Exception.InnerException
            return $foldlist.Result
    function new-boxfoldersharelink
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateSet("open", "collaborators", "company")]
            [System.String]$accesstype = "open",
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $sharelink = [Box.V2.Models.BoxSharedLinkRequest]::new()
        $sharelink.Access = $accesstype
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "password")
            $sharelink.Password = $password
        $sharelinkreq = $adminclient.FoldersManager.CreateSharedLinkAsync($folderid, $sharelink, $fields)
        If ($sharelinkreq.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $sharelinkreq.Exception.InnerException
            return $sharelinkreq.Result
    function copy-boxfolder
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $folreq = @{
            id = "$folderid"
            parent = @{
                id = "$parentfolderid"
        $proc = $adminclient.FoldersManager.CopyAsync($folreq, $fields)
        If ($proc.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $proc.Exception.InnerException
            return $proc.Result
    function remove-boxfolder
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($recurse)
            $folddelete = $adminclient.FoldersManager.DeleteAsync($folderid, $true)
            $folddelete = $adminclient.FoldersManager.DeleteAsync($folderid, $false)
        If ($folddelete.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $folddelete.Exception.InnerException
            return $folddelete.Result
    function copy-boxfile
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $copyreq = @{
            id = "$fileid"
            parent = @{
                id = "$parentfolderid"
        $copyfile = $adminclient.FilesManager.CopyAsync($copyreq, $fields)
        If ($copyfile.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $copyfile.Exception.InnerException
            return $copyfile.Result
    function remove-boxfoldersharedlink
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $delshare = $adminclient.FoldersManager.DeleteSharedLinkAsync($folderid)
        If ($delshare.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $delshare.Exception.InnerException
            return $delshare.result
    function get-boxfolderinfo
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $folinfo = $adminclient.FoldersManager.GetInformationAsync($folderid, $fields)
        If ($folinfo.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $folinfo.Exception.InnerException
            return $folinfo.Result
    function get-boxfoldercollaborations
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $foldcollab = $adminclient.FoldersManager.GetCollaborationsAsync($folderid, $fields)
        If ($foldcollab.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $foldcollab.Exception.InnerException
            return $foldcollab.Result
    function Get-boxtrashedfolderitems
        [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "autopage")]
        param (
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'autopage')]
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "noautopage")]
            [int]$limit = 1000,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'noautopage')]
            [int]$offset = 0,
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "autopage")
            $trasheditems = $adminclient.FoldersManager.GetTrashItemsAsync($limit, $offset, $fields, $true)
            $trasheditems = $adminclient.FoldersManager.GetTrashItemsAsync($limit, $offset, $fields, $false)
        If ($trasheditems.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $trasheditems.Exception.InnerException
            return $trasheditems.Result
    function get-trashedboxfolder
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $trashfold = $adminclient.FoldersManager.GetTrashedFolderAsync($folderid, $fields)
        If ($trashfold.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $trashfold.Exception.InnerException
            return $trashfold.Result
    function remove-boxtrashfolder
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $purgefold = $adminclient.FoldersManager.PurgeTrashedFolderAsync($folderid)
        If ($purgefold.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $purgefold.Exception.InnerException
            return $purgefold.Result
    function restore-trashedboxfolder
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "restoretofolderid")
            $foldreq = @{
                id = "$trashedfolderid"
                parent = @{
                    id = "$restoretofolderid"
            $foldreq = @{
                id = "$trashedfolderid"
        $restorefold = $adminclient.FoldersManager.RestoreTrashedFolderAsync($foldreq, $fields)
        If ($restorefold.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $restorefold.Exception.InnerException
            return $restorefold.Result
    function set-boxfolderinfo
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $foldreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxFolderRequest
        $foldreq.Id = $folderid
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "parentfolderid")
            $entity = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxRequestEntity
            $entity.Id = $parentfolderid
            $entity.Type = "folder"
            $foldreq.Parent = $entity
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "description")
            $foldreq.Description = $description
        If ($folderuploademail)
            $email = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxEmailRequest
            $foldreq.FolderUploadEmail = $email
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "name")
            $foldreq.Name = $name
        $folderupdate = $adminclient.FoldersManager.UpdateInformationAsync($foldreq, $fields)
        If ($folderupdate.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $folderupdate.Exception.InnerException
            return $folderupdate.Result
    function get-boxcollections
    If ($adminclient -eq $null)
        Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $getcoll = $adminclient.CollectionsManager.GetCollectionsAsync()
        If ($getcoll.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $getcoll.Exception.InnerException
            return $getcoll.Result
    function Get-boxcollectionitems
        [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "autopage")]
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "noauto")]
            [ValidateNotNull][int]$offset = 0,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'noauto')]
            [ValidateNotNull][int]$limit = 1000,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'autopage')]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "noauto")
            $boxcollections = $adminclient.CollectionsManager.GetCollectionItemsAsync($collectionid, $limit, $offset, $fields, $false)
            $boxcollections = $adminclient.CollectionsManager.GetCollectionItemsAsync($collectionid, $limit, $offset, $fields, $true)
        If ($boxcollections.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $boxcollections.Exception.InnerException
            return $boxcollections.Result
    function addremove-boxcollectionsforfolder
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $boxent = New-object Box.V2.Models.BoxRequestEntity
        $boxent.Id = $collectionid
        $boxent.Type = "folder"
        $boxcollreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxCollectionsRequest
        $boxcollreq.Collections = $boxent
        $boxcollectionreq = $adminclient.CollectionsManager.CreateOrDeleteCollectionsForFolderAsync($folderid, $boxcollreq)
        If ($boxcollectionreq.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $boxcollectionreq.Exception.InnerException
            return $boxcollectionreq.Result
    function addremove-boxcollectionsforfile
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $boxentr = New-object Box.V2.Models.BoxRequestEntity
        $boxentr.Id = $collectionid
        $boxentr.Type = "file"
        $boxcollreqr = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxCollectionsRequest
        $boxcollreqr.Collections = $boxentr
        $boxcollectionreqr = $adminclient.CollectionsManager.CreateOrDeleteCollectionsForFolderAsync($fileid, $boxcollreqr)
        If ($boxcollectionreqr.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $boxcollectionreqr.Exception.InnerException
            return $boxcollectionreqr.Result
    function get-boxfileinfo
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $fileinfo = $adminclient.FilesManager.GetInformationAsync($fileid, $fields)
        If ($fileinfo.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $fileinfo.Exception.InnerException
            return $fileinfo.Result
    function new-boxcomment
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateSet("file", "discussion", "comment")]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $entreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxRequestEntity
        $entreq.Id = $entityid
        $entreq.Type = $boxtype
        $commreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxCommentRequest
        $commreq.Item = $entreq
        $commreq.Message = $comment
        $createcomment = $adminclient.CommentsManager.AddCommentAsync($commreq, $fields)
        If ($createcomment.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $createcomment.Exception.InnerException
            return $createcomment.Result
    function remove-boxcomment
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $deletecomment = $adminclient.CommentsManager.DeleteAsync($commentid)
        If ($deletecomment.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $deletecomment.Exception.InnerException
            return $deletecomment.Result
    function get-boxfilecomment
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $filecomments = $adminclient.FilesManager.GetCommentsAsync($fileid, $fields)
        If ($filecomments.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $filecomments.Exception.InnerException
            return $filecomments.Result
    function Get-boxcommentinfo
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $commentinfo = $adminclient.CommentsManager.GetInformationAsync($commentid, $fields)
        If ($commentinfo.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $commentinfo.Exception.InnerException
            return $commentinfo.Result
    function set-boxcomment
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
            $commenttest = Get-boxcommentinfo -commentid $commentid -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Error "The id is not associated with a valid comment."
        $commreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxCommentRequest
        $commreq.Message = $comment
        $updatecomment = $adminclient.CommentsManager.AddCommentAsync($commentid, $commreq, $fields)
        If ($updatecomment.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-Error $updatecomment.Exception.InnerException
            return $updatecomment.Result
    function get-boxenterpriseevents
        [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "default")]
        param (
            [int]$limit = 500,
            [string]$offset = $null,
            [System.String[]]$eventtypes = $null,
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($PSBoundParameters -contains "createdbefore")
            If ($PSBoundParameters -contains "createdafter")
                $getboxevents = $adminclient.EventsManager.EnterpriseEventsAsync($limit, $offset, $eventtypes, $createdafter, $createdbefore)
                $getboxevents = $adminclient.EventsManager.EnterpriseEventsAsync($limit, $offset, $eventtypes, $null, $createdbefore)
            If ($PSBoundParameters -contains "createdafter")
                $getboxevents = $adminclient.EventsManager.EnterpriseEventsAsync($limit, $offset, $eventtypes, $createdafter)
                $getboxevents = $adminclient.EventsManager.EnterpriseEventsAsync($limit, $offset, $eventtypes)
        If ($getboxevents.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-Error $getboxevents.Exception.InnerException
            return $getboxevents.result
    function get-boxuserevents
        param (
            [int]$limit = 500,
            [ValidateSet("all", "changes", "sync")]
            [string]$usereventtype = "all",
            [string]$streamposition = "now",
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($dedupeEvents -eq $true)
            $userevents = $adminclient.EventsManager.UserEventsAsync($limit, $usereventtype, $streamposition, $true)
            $userevents = $adminclient.EventsManager.UserEventsAsync($limit, $usereventtype, $streamposition, $false)
        If ($userevents.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-Error $userevents.Exception.InnerException
            return $userevents.Result
    function upload-boxfilenewversion
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [String[]]$fields = $null,
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If (!(Test-Path $path))
            Write-Error "The file $path does not exist. Try again."
        $filestream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($path)
        $fileversionup = $adminclient.FilesManager.UploadNewVersionAsync($filename, $fileid, $filestream, $null, $fields, $timespan, $null, $true, $null)
        If ($fileversionup.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $fileversionup.Exception.InnerException
            return $fileversionup.Result
    function new-boxfilesharelink
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateSet("open", "collaborators", "company")]
            [String]$accesstype = "open",
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $sharelink = [Box.V2.Models.BoxSharedLinkRequest]::new()
        $sharelink.Access = $accesstype
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "password")
            $sharelink.Password = $password
        $sharelinkreq = $adminclient.FilesManager.CreateSharedLinkAsync($fileid, $sharelink, $fields)
        If ($sharelinkreq.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $sharelinkreq.Exception.InnerException
            return $sharelinkreq.Result
    function remove-boxfile
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $deletefile = $adminclient.FilesManager.DeleteAsync($fileid)
        If ($deletefile.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $deletefile.Exception.InnerException
            return $deletefile.Result
    function get-boxfileversions
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $fileversions = $adminclient.FilesManager.ViewVersionsAsync($fileid, $fields)
        If ($fileversions.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $fileversions.Exception.InnerException
            return $fileversions.Result
    function remove-boxoldfileversion
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $removeversion = $adminclient.FilesManager.DeleteOldVersionAsync($fileid, $versionid)
        If ($removeversion.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $removeversion.Exception.InnerException
            return $removeversion.Result
    function remove-boxfilesharelink
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $deletesharelink = $adminclient.FilesManager.DeleteSharedLinkAsync($fileid)
        If ($deletesharelink.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $deletesharelink.Exception.InnerException
            return $deletesharelink.Result
    function new-boxcollaborator
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateSet("file", "discussion", "comment", "folder", "retention_policy", "enterprise", "user", "group", "web_link", "file_version", "metadata_template")]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateSet("Editor", "Viewer", "previewer", "Uploader", "PreviewerUploader", "ViewerUploader", "CoOwner")]
            [ValidateSet("accepted", "rejected")]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null,
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $boxent = New-object Box.V2.Models.BoxRequestEntity
        $boxent.Type = $boxtype
        $boxent.Id = $itemid
        $colluser = New-object Box.V2.Models.BoxCollaborationUserRequest
        $colluser.Id = $inviteduserid
        $collabreq = New-object Box.V2.Models.BoxCollaborationRequest
        $collabreq.Item = $boxent
        $collabreq.AccessibleBy = $colluser
        $collabreq.Role = $role
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "status")
            $collabreq.Status = $status
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "expires")
            $collabreq.ExpiresAt = $expires
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "notify")
            $addcolla = $adminclient.CollaborationsManager.AddCollaborationAsync($collabreq, $fields, $true)
            $addcolla = $adminclient.CollaborationsManager.AddCollaborationAsync($collabreq, $fields, $false)
        If ($addcolla.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $addcolla.Exception.InnerException
            return $addcolla.Result
    function Get-boxcollaborationinfo
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $collabinfo = $adminclient.CollaborationsManager.GetCollaborationAsync($collaborationid, $fields)
        If ($collabinfo.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $collabinfo.Exception.InnerException
            return $collabinfo.Result
    function get-pendingboxcollaboration
        param (
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $pendingcoll = $adminclient.CollaborationsManager.GetPendingCollaborationAsync($fields)
        If ($pendingcoll.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $pendingcoll.Exception.InnerException
            return $pendingcoll.Result
    function remove-boxcollaboration
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $removecollab = $adminclient.CollaborationsManager.RemoveCollaborationAsync($collaborationid)
        If ($removecollab.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $removecollab.Exception.InnerException
            return $removecollab.Result
    function get-boxfilecollaborations
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $filecollab = $adminclient.FilesManager.GetCollaborationsAsync($fileid, $fields)
        If ($filecollab.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $filecollab.Exception.InnerException
            return $filecollab.Result
    function get-boxfiledownloaduri
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [String]$versionid = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $filedown = $adminclient.FilesManager.GetDownloadUriAsync($fileid, $versionid)
        If ($filedown.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $filedown.Exception.InnerException
            return $filedown.Result
    function get-boxfiletasks
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $filetasks = $adminclient.FilesManager.GetFileTasks($fileid, $fields)
        If ($filetasks.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $filetasks.Exception.InnerException
            return $filetasks.Result
    function lock-boxfile
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $lock = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxFileLock
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "expiresat")
            $lock.ExpiresAt = $expiresat
        If ($preventdownload)
            $lock.IsDownloadPrevented = $true
            $lock.IsDownloadPrevented = $false
        $lockreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxFileLockRequest
        $lockreq.Lock = $lock
        $lockfile = $adminclient.FilesManager.LockAsync($lockreq, $fileid)
        If ($lockfile.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $lockfile.Exception.InnerException
            return $lockfile.Result
    function get-boxfilelock
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $filelockinfo = $adminclient.FilesManager.GetLockAsync($fileid)
        If ($filelockinfo.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $filelockinfo.Exception.InnerException
            return $filelockinfo.Result
    function get-boxfilepreview
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $filepreview = $adminclient.FilesManager.GetPreviewLinkAsync($fileid)
        If ($filepreview.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $filepreview.Exception.InnerException
            return $filepreview.Result
    function get-boxfilethumbnail
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [int]$minheight = $null,
            [int]$minwidth = $null,
            [int]$maxheight = $null,
            [int]$maxwidth = $null,
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "handleretry")
            If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "throttle")
                $thumbnail = $adminclient.FilesManager.GetThumbnailAsync($fileid, $minheight, $minwidth, $maxheight, $maxwidth, $true, $true)
                $thumbnail = $adminclient.FilesManager.GetThumbnailAsync($fileid, $minheight, $minwidth, $maxheight, $maxwidth, $false, $true)
            If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "throttle")
                $thumbnail = $adminclient.FilesManager.GetThumbnailAsync($fileid, $minheight, $minwidth, $maxheight, $maxwidth, $true, $false)
                $thumbnail = $adminclient.FilesManager.GetThumbnailAsync($fileid, $minheight, $minwidth, $maxheight, $maxwidth, $false, $false)
        If ($thumbnail.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $thumbnail.Exception.InnerException
            return $thumbnail.Result
    function get-trashedboxfile
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $trashfile = $adminclient.FilesManager.GetTrashedAsync($fileid, $fields)
        If ($trashfile.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $trashfile.Exception.InnerException
            return $trashfile.Result
    function set-boxfileversion
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $setversion = $adminclient.FilesManager.PromoteVersionAsync($fileid, $versionid)
        If ($setversion.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $setversion.Exception.InnerException
            return $setversion.Result
    function remove-boxtrashfile
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $deletefile = $adminclient.FilesManager.PurgeTrashedAsync($fileid)
        If ($deletefile.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $deletefile.Exception.InnerException
            return $deletefile.Result
    function restore-boxtrashfile
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $filereq = New-Object box.V2.Models.BoxFileRequest
        $filereq.Id = $fileid
        If ($PSBoundParameters -contains "parentfolderid")
            $boxent = New-Object box.V2.Models.BoxRequestEntity
            $boxent.Id = $parentfolderid
            $boxent.Type = "folder"
            $filereq.Parent = $boxent
        $restorefile = $adminclient.FilesManager.RestoreTrashedAsync($filereq, $fields)
        If ($restorefile.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $restorefile.Exception.InnerException
            return $restorefile.Result
    function unlock-boxfile
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $unlockfile = $adminclient.FilesManager.UnLock($fileid)
        If ($unlockfile.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $unlockfile.Exception.InnerException
            return $unlockfile.Result
    function set-boxfileinfo
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $filereq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxFileRequest
        $filereq.Id = $fileid
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "parentfoldid")
            $parentent = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxRequestEntity
            $parentent.Id = $parentfoldid
            $parentent.Type = "folder"
            $filereq.Parent = $parentent
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "description")
            $filereq.Description = $description
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "name")
            $filereq.Name = $name
        $updatefile = $adminclient.FilesManager.UpdateInformationAsync($filereq, $fields)
        If ($updatefile.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $updatefile.Exception.InnerException
            return $updatefile.Result
    function get-allboxgroups
        [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "auto")]
        param (
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'noauto')]
            [int]$limit = 1000,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'noauto')]
            [int]$offset = 0,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'auto')]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "noauto")
            $boxgroup = $adminclient.GroupsManager.GetAllGroupsAsync($limit, $offset, $fields, $false)
            $boxgroup = $adminclient.GroupsManager.GetAllGroupsAsync($limit, $offset, $fields, $true)
        If ($boxgroup.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $boxgroup.Exception.InnerException
            return $boxgroup.Result
    function new-boxgroup
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $groupreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.Request.BoxGroupRequest
        $groupreq.Name = $name
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "description")
            $groupreq.Description = $description
        $creategroup = $adminclient.GroupsManager.CreateAsync($groupreq, $fields)
        If ($creategroup.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $creategroup.Exception.InnerException
            return $creategroup.Result
    function remove-boxgroup
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $deleteproc = $adminclient.GroupsManager.DeleteAsync($groupid)
        If ($deleteproc.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $deleteproc.Exception.InnerException
            return $deleteproc.Result
    function get-boxgroup
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $boxgroup = $adminclient.GroupsManager.GetGroupAsync($groupid, $fields)
        If ($boxgroup.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $boxgroup.Exception.InnerException
            return $boxgroup.Result
    function get-boxgroupmembershipforgroup
        [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "auto", SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "noauto")]
            [int]$limit = 1000,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "noauto")]
            [int]$offset = 0,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'auto')]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "noauto")
            $groupmembers = $adminclient.GroupsManager.GetAllGroupMembershipsForGroupAsync($groupid, $limit, $offset, $fields, $false)
            $groupmembers = $adminclient.GroupsManager.GetAllGroupMembershipsForGroupAsync($groupid, $limit, $offset, $fields, $true)
        If ($groupmembers.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $groupmembers.Exception.InnerException
            return $groupmembers.Result
    function get-boxgroupmembershipforuser
        [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "auto")]
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "noauto")]
            [int]$limit = 1000,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'noauto')]
            [int]$offset = 0,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'auto')]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "noauto")
            $usermember = $adminclient.GroupsManager.GetAllGroupMembershipsForUserAsync($userid, $limit, $offset, $fields, $false)
            $usermember = $adminclient.GroupsManager.GetAllGroupMembershipsForUserAsync($userid, $limit, $offset, $fields, $true)
        If ($usermember.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $usermember.Exception.InnerException
            return $usermember.Result
    function add-boxgroupmember
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $userreq = New-Object box.V2.Models.BoxRequestEntity
        $userreq.Id = $userid
        $userreq.Type = "user"
        $groupreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.Request.BoxGroupRequest
        $groupreq.Id = $groupid
        $memberreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.Request.BoxGroupMembershipRequest
        $memberreq.User = $userreq
        $memberreq.Group = $groupreq
        $memberreq.Role = "member"
        $addgroupmem = $adminclient.GroupsManager.AddMemberToGroupAsync($memberreq, $fields)
        If ($addgroupmem.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $addgroupmem.Exception.InnerException
            return $addgroupmem.Result
    function remove-boxgroupmembership
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $removemember = $adminclient.GroupsManager.DeleteGroupMembershipAsync($groupmembershipid)
        If ($removemember.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $removemember.Exception.InnerException
            return $removemember.Result
    function get-boxgroupmembership
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $getboxgroup = $adminclient.GroupsManager.GetGroupMembershipAsync($memberid, $fields)
        If ($getboxgroup.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $getboxgroup.Exception.InnerException
            return $getboxgroup.Result
    function set-boxgroup
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $groupreq = New-Object box.V2.Models.Request.BoxGroupRequest
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "name")
            $groupreq.Name = $name
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "description")
            $groupreq.Description = $description
        $updategroup = $adminclient.GroupsManager.UpdateAsync($groupid, $groupreq, $fields)
        If ($updategroup.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $updategroup.Exception.InnerException
            return $updategroup.Result
    function set-boxgroupmembership
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $membreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.Request.BoxGroupMembershipRequest
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "userid")
            $userreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxRequestEntity
            $userreq.Id = $userid
            $userreq.Type = "user"
            $membreq.User = $userreq
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "groupid")
            $groupreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.Request.BoxGroupRequest
            $groupreq.Id = $groupid
            $membreq.Group = $groupreq
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "memberrole")
            $membreq.Role = $memberrole
        $updatemem = $adminclient.GroupsManager.UpdateGroupMembershipAsync($membershipid, $membreq, $fields)
        If ($updatemem.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $updatemem.Exception.InnerException
            return $updatemem.Result
    function new-boxlegalholdpolicy
        [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ongoing")]
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateLength(1, 500)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "settime")]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "settime")]
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ongoing')]
            [ValidateLength(0, 500)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $legreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxLegalHoldPolicyRequest
        $legreq.PolicyName = $name
        $legreq.Description = $description
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "settime")
            $legreq.FilterStartedAt = $startedat
            $legreq.FilterEndedAt = $endedat
            $legreq.isOngoing = $true
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "releasenotes")
            $legreq.ReleaseNotes = $releasenotes
        $newlegal = $adminclient.LegalHoldPoliciesManager.CreateLegalHoldPolicyAsync($legreq)
        If ($newlegal.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $newlegal.Exception.InnerException
            return $newlegal.Result
    function new-boxlegalholdpolicyassignment
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateSet("file", "folder", "user", "file_version")]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $entreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxRequestEntity
        $entreq.Id = $assigntoid
        $entreq.Type = $assigntotype
        $assignreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxLegalHoldPolicyAssignmentRequest
        $assignreq.AssignTo = $entreq
        $assignreq.PolicyId = $policyid
        $newassignment = $adminclient.LegalHoldPoliciesManager.CreateAssignmentAsync($assignreq)
        If ($newassignment.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $newassignment.Exception.InnerException
            return $newassignment.Result
    function remove-boxlegalholdpolicy
        param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $deletepolicy = $adminclient.LegalHoldPoliciesManager.DeleteLegalHoldPolicyAsync($policyid)
        If ($deletepolicy.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $deletepolicy.Exception.InnerException
            return $deletepolicy.Result
    function remove-boxlegalholdpolicyassignment
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $removeassign = $adminclient.LegalHoldPoliciesManager.DeleteAssignmentAsync($assignmentid)
        If ($removeassign.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $removeassign.Exception.InnerException
            return $removeassign.Result
    function get-boxlegalholdpolicyassignment
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $getassign = $adminclient.LegalHoldPoliciesManager.GetAssignmentAsync($assignmentid)
        If ($getassign.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $getassign.Exception.InnerException
            return $getassign.Result
    function get-boxlegalholdpolicy
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $getpolicy = $adminclient.LegalHoldPoliciesManager.GetLegalHoldPolicyAsync($policyid)
        If ($getpolicy.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $getpolicy.Exception.InnerException
            return $getpolicy.Result
    function get-allboxlegalholdpolicies
        [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "autopage")]
        param (
            [String]$policyname = $null,
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null,
            [PArameter(ParameterSetName = "noauto")]
            [int]$limit = 1000,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'noauto')]
            [string]$marker = $null,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'autopage')]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "noauto")
            $alllegalpolicies = $adminclient.LegalHoldPoliciesManager.GetListLegalHoldPoliciesAsync($policyname, $fields, $limit, $marker, $false)
            $alllegalpolicies = $adminclient.LegalHoldPoliciesManager.GetListLegalHoldPoliciesAsync($policyname, $fields, $limit, $marker, $true)
        If ($alllegalpolicies.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $alllegalpolicies.Exception.InnerException
            return $alllegalpolicies.Result
    function get-allboxlegalholdpolicyassignments
        [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "autopage")]
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null,
            [ValidateSet("file_version", "file", "folder", "user")]
            [String]$assigntotype = $null,
            [String]$assigntoid = $null,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "noauto")]
            [int]$limit = 1000,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'noauto')]
            [String]$marker = $null,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'autopage')]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "notauto")
            $getassignments = $adminclient.LegalHoldPoliciesManager.GetAssignmentsAsync($policyid, $fields, $assigntotype, $assigntoid, $limit, $marker, $false)
            $getassignments = $adminclient.LegalHoldPoliciesManager.GetAssignmentsAsync($policyid, $fields, $assigntotype, $assigntoid, $limit, $marker, $true)
        If ($getassignments.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $getassignments.Exception.InnerException
            return $getassignments.Result
    function get-allboxfileversionlegalholds
        [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "auto")]
        param (
            [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "noauto")]
            [int]$limit = 1000,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'noauto')]
            [String]$marker = $null,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'auto')]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "noauto")
            $filever = $adminclient.LegalHoldPoliciesManager.GetFileVersionLegalHoldsAsync($policyid, $fields, $limit, $marker, $false)
            $filever = $adminclient.LegalHoldPoliciesManager.GetFileVersionLegalHoldsAsync($policyid, $fields, $limit, $marker, $false)
        If ($filever.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $filever.Exception.InnerException
            return $filever.Result
    function get-boxfileversionlegalhold
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $fileverleg = $adminclient.LegalHoldPoliciesManager.GetFileVersionLegalHoldAsync($fileversionlegalholdid)
        If ($fileverleg.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $fileverleg.Exception.InnerException
            return $fileverleg.Result
    function set-boxlegalholdpolicy
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $legholreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxLegalHoldPolicyRequest
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "newpolicyname")
            $legholreq.PolicyName = $newpolicyname
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "newpolicydescription")
            $legholreq.Description = $newpolicydescription
        $setleghol = $adminclient.LegalHoldPoliciesManager.UpdateLegalHoldPolicyAsync($policyid, $legholreq)
        If ($setleghol.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $setleghol.Exception.InnerException
            return $setleghol.Result
    function get-allboxMetadataCascadePolicies
        [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "auto")]
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [String]$enterpriseid = $null,
            [PArameter(ParameterSetName = "noauto")]
            [int]$limit = 1000,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'noauto')]
            [String]$marker = $null,
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'auto')]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "noauto")
            $getallmeta = $adminclient.MetadataCascadePolicyManager.GetAllMetadataCascadePoliciesAsync($folderid, $enterpriseid, $limit, $marker, $fields, $false)
            $getallmeta = $adminclient.MetadataCascadePolicyManager.GetAllMetadataCascadePoliciesAsync($folderid, $enterpriseid, $limit, $marker, $fields, $true)
        If ($getallmeta.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $getallmeta.Exception.InnerException
            return $getallmeta.Result
    function get-boxmetadataCascadePolicy
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $getmeta = $adminclient.MetadataCascadePolicyManager.GetCascadePolicyAsync($policyid, $fields)
        If ($getmeta.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $getmeta.Exception.InnerException
            return $getmeta.Result
    function new-boxmetadatacascadepolicy
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateSet("enterprise", "global")]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $newmetadata = $adminclient.MetadataCascadePolicyManager.CreateCascadePolicyAsync($folderid, $scope, $templatekey)
        If ($newmetadata.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $newmetadata.Exception.InnerException
            return $newmetadata.Result
    function remove-boxmetadatacascadepolicy
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $removemeta = $adminclient.MetadataCascadePolicyManager.DeleteCascadePolicyAsync($policyid)
        If ($removemeta.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $removemeta.Exception.InnerException
            return $removemeta.Result
    function apply-boxmetadatacascadepolicy
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateSet("none", "overwrite")]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $applymeta = $adminclient.MetadataCascadePolicyManager.ForceApplyCascadePolicyAsync($policyid, $conflictresolution)
        If ($applymeta.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $applymeta.Exception.InnerException
            return $applymeta.Result
    function get-allboxfoldermetadatatemplates
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $getfoldermetadata = $adminclient.MetadataManager.GetAllFolderMetadataTemplatesAsync($folderid)
        If ($getfoldermetadata.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $getfoldermetadata.Exception.InnerException
            return $getfoldermetadata.Result
    function get-allboxfilemetadatatemplates
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $getfilemetadata = $adminclient.MetadataManager.GetAllFolderMetadataTemplatesAsync($fileid)
        If ($getfilemetadata.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $getfilemetadata.Exception.InnerException
            return $getfilemetadata.Result
    function get-boxrecentitems
        [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "auto")]
        param (
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "noauto")]
            [int]$limit = 1000,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'noauto')]
            [String]$marker = $null,
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'auto')]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "noauto")
            $recentfiles = $adminclient.RecentItemsManager.GetRecentItemsAsync($limit, $marker, $fields, $false)
            $recentfiles = $adminclient.RecentItemsManager.GetRecentItemsAsync($limit, $marker, $fields, $true)
        If ($recentfiles.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $recentfiles.Exception.InnerException
            return $recentfiles.Result
    function find-boxitem
        param (
            [String]$keyword = $null,
            [int]$limit = 200,
            [int]$offset = 0,
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null,
            [ValidateSet("user_content", "enterprise_content")]
            [String]$scope = $null,
            [System.String[]]$fileextensions = $null,
            [System.Nullable[DateTime]]$createdAtRangeFromDate = $null,
            [System.Nullable[datetime]]$createdAtRangeToDate = $null,
            [System.Nullable[datetime]]$updatedAtRangeFromDate = $null,
            [System.Nullable[datetime]]$updatedAtRangeToDate = $null,
            [System.Nullable[int]]$sizeRangeLowerBoundBytes = $null,
            [System.Nullable[int]]$sizeRangeUpperBoundBytes = $null,
            [System.String[]]$ownerUserIds = $null,
            [System.String[]]$ancestorfolderids = $null,
            [ValidateSet("name", "description", "file_content", "comments", "tags")]
            [System.String[]]$contenttypes = $null,
            [ValidateSet("file", "folder", "web_link")]
            [String]$type = $null,
            [ValidateSet("trashed_only", "non_trashed_only")]
            [String]$trashContent = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $searchbox = $adminclient.SearchManager.SearchAsync($keyword, $limit, $offset, $fields, $scope, $fileextensions, $createdAtRangeFromDate, $createdAtRangeToDate, $updatedAtRangeFromDate, $updatedAtRangeToDate, $sizeRangeLowerBoundBytes, $sizeRangeUpperBoundBytes, $ownerUserIds, $ancestorfolderids, $contenttypes, $type, $trashContent)
        If ($searchbox.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $searchbox.Exception.InnerException
            return $searchbox.Result
    function get-boxshareditembyurl
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [String]$password = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $shareitem = $adminclient.SharedItemsManager.SharedItemsAsync($sharelink, $password)
        If ($shareitem.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $shareitem.Exception.InnerException
            return $shareitem.Result
    function get-allboxstoragepolicies
        [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "auto")]
        param (
            [System.String[]]$fields = $null,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "noauto")]
            [String]$marker = $null,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'noauto')]
            [int]$limit = 1000,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'auto')]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "noauto")
            $allstore = $adminclient.StoragePoliciesManager.GetListStoragePoliciesAsync($fields, $marker, $limit, $false)
            $allstore = $adminclient.StoragePoliciesManager.GetListStoragePoliciesAsync($fields, $marker, $limit, $true)
        If ($allstore.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $allstore.Exception.InnerException
            return $allstore.Result

    function get-allboxwebhooks
        [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "auto")]
        param (
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "noauto")]
            [int]$limit = 200,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'noauto')]
            [String]$marker = $null,
            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'auto')]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like "noauto")
            $getwebhooks = $adminclient.WebhooksManager.GetWebhooksAsync($limit, $marker, $false)
            $getwebhooks = $adminclient.WebhooksManager.GetWebhooksAsync($limit, $marker, $true)
        If ($getwebhooks.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $getwebhooks.Exception.InnerException
            return $getwebhooks.Result
    function get-boxwebhook
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $boxhook = $adminclient.WebhooksManager.GetWebhookAsync($webhookid)
        If ($boxhook.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $boxhook.Exception.InnerException
            return $boxhook.Result
    function new-boxwebhook
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateSet("file", "folder")]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $webhookob = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxWebhookRequest
        $boxent = New-Object box.V2.Models.BoxRequestEntity
        $boxent.Id = $targetid
        $boxent.Type = $targettype
        $webhookob.Target = $boxent
        $webhookob.Triggers = $triggers
        $webhookob.Address = $address
        $createwebhook = $adminclient.WebhooksManager.CreateWebhookAsync($webhookob)
        If ($createwebhook.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $createwebhook.Exception.InnerException
            return $createwebhook.Result
    function remove-boxwebhook
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $deletewebhook = $adminclient.WebhooksManager.DeleteWebhookAsync($webhookid)
        If ($deletewebhook.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $deletewebhook.Exception.InnerException
            return $deletewebhook.Result
    function set-boxwebhook
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateSet("file", "folder")]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $webhookob = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxWebhookRequest
        $webhookob.Id = $webhookid
        If (($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "targetid") -or ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "targettype"))
            $boxent = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxRequestEntity
            $boxent.Id = $targetid
            $boxent.Type = $targettype
            $webhookob.Target = $boxent
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "triggers")
            $webhookob.Triggers = $triggers
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "address")
            $webhookob.Address = $address
        $updatewebhook = $adminclient.WebhooksManager.UpdateWebhookAsync($webhookob)
        If ($updatewebhook.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $updatewebhook.Exception.InnerException
            return $updatewebhook.Result
    function get-boxtermsofservice
        param (
            [ValidateSet("managed", "external")]
            [String]$tostype = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $gettos = $adminclient.TermsOfServiceManager.GetTermsOfServicesAsync($tostype)
        If ($gettos.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $gettos.Exception.InnerException
            return $gettos.Result
    function get-boxtermsofservicebyid
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $gettosid = $adminclient.TermsOfServiceManager.GetTermsOfServicesByIdAsync($tosid)
        If ($gettosid.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $gettosid.Exception.InnerException
            return $gettosid.Result
    function get-boxtermsofserviceuserstatuses
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [string]$userid = $null
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $gettosuser = $adminclient.TermsOfServiceManager.GetTermsOfServiceUserStatusesAsync($tosid, $userid)
        If ($gettosuser.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $gettosuser.Exception.InnerException
            return $gettosuser.Result
    function new-boxtermsofservice
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateSet("enabled", "disabled")]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateSet("managed", "external")]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $tosreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxTermsOfServicesRequest
        $tosreq.Status = $status
        $tosreq.TosType = $tostype
        $tosreq.Text = $text
        $newboxtos = $adminclient.TermsOfServiceManager.CreateTermsOfServicesAsync($tosreq)
        If ($newboxtos.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $newboxtos.Exception.InnerException
            return $newboxtos.Result
    function new-boxtermsofserviceuserstatuses
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $userob = New-Object box.V2.Models.BoxUser
        $userob.Id = $userid
        $tosob = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxTermsOfService
        $boxent = New-Object box.V2.Models.BoxEntity
        $tosob.Id = $tosob
        $userstatreq = New-Object Box.V2.Models.BoxTermsOfServiceUserStatuses

    function set-boxtermsofservice
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateSet("enabled", "disabled")]
            [ValidateSet("managed", "external")]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $tosreq = New-Object box.V2.Models.BoxTermsOfServicesRequest
        $tosreq.Id = $tosid
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "status")
            $tosreq.Status = $status
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "tostype")
            $tosreq.TosType = $tostype
        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "text")
            $tosreq.Text = $text
        $updatetos = $adminclient.TermsOfServiceManager.UpdateTermsOfServicesAsync($tosreq)
        If ($updatetos.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $updatetos.Exception.InnerException
            return $updatetos.Result
    function new-boxtask
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateSet("file", "discussion", "comment", "folder", "retention_policy", "enterprise", "user", "group", "web_link", "file_version", "metadata_template")]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $boxent = New-Object box.V2.Models.BoxRequestEntity
        $boxent.Id = $itemid
        $boxent.Type = $itemtype
        $taskreq = New-Object box.V2.Models.BoxTaskCreateRequest
        $taskreq.Item = $boxent
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "message")
            $taskreq.Message = $message
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "dueby")
            $taskreq.DueAt = $dueby
        $newtask = $adminclient.TasksManager.CreateTaskAsync($taskreq)
        If ($newtask.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $newtask.Exception.InnerException
            return $newtask.Result
    function remove-boxtask
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $deletetask = $adminclient.TasksManager.DeleteTaskAsync($taskid)
        If ($deletetask.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $deletetask.Exception.InnerException
            return $deletetask.Result
    function get-boxtask
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $gettask = $adminclient.TasksManager.GetTaskAsync($taskid)
        If ($gettask.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $gettask.Exception.InnerException
            return $gettask.Result
    function set-boxtask
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $updatereq = New-Object box.V2.Models.BoxTaskUpdateRequest
        $updatereq.Id = $taskid
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "dueby")
            $updatereq.DueAt = $dueby
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "message")
            $updatereq.Message = $message
        $updatetask = $adminclient.TasksManager.UpdateTaskAsync($updatereq)
        If ($updatetask.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $updatetask.Exception.InnerException
            return $updatetask.Result
    function new-boxtaskassignment
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $taskreq = New-Object box.V2.Models.Request.BoxTaskRequest
        $taskreq.Id = $taskid
        $assignreq = New-Object box.V2.Models.Request.BoxAssignmentRequest
        $assignreq.Id = $assigntoid
        $taskassign = New-object Box.V2.Models.BoxTaskAssignmentRequest
        $taskassign.AssignTo = $assignreq
        $taskassign.Task = $taskreq
        $newtaskassign = $adminclient.TasksManager.CreateTaskAssignmentAsync($taskassign)
        If ($newtaskassign.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $newtaskassign.Exception.InnerException
            return $newtaskassign.Result
    function get-allboxtaskassignments
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $getassign = $adminclient.TasksManager.GetAssignmentsAsync($taskid)
        If ($getassign.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $getassign.Exception.InnerException
            return $getassign.Result
    function get-boxtaskassignment
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $gettaskassignment = $adminclient.TasksManager.GetTaskAssignmentAsync($taskassignmentid)
        If ($gettaskassignment.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $gettaskassignment.Exception.InnerException
            return $gettaskassignment.Result
    function set-boxtaskassignment
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateSet("completed", "incomplete", "approved", "rejected")]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $upreq = New-Object box.V2.Models.BoxTaskAssignmentUpdateRequest
        $upreq.Id = $taskassignid
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "message")
            $upreq.Message = $message
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "resolution")
            If ($resolution -like "completed")
                $upreq.ResolutionState = [Box.V2.Models.ResolutionStateType]::completed
            elseif ($resolution -like "incomplete")
                $upreq.ResolutionState = [Box.V2.Models.ResolutionStateType]::incomplete
            elseif ($resolution -like "approved")
                $upreq.ResolutionState = [Box.V2.Models.ResolutionStateType]::approved
            elseif ($resolution -like "rejected")
                $upreq.ResolutionState = [Box.V2.Models.ResolutionStateType]::rejected
                Write-Error "Invalid input for resolution type."
        $updateassign = $adminclient.TasksManager.UpdateTaskAssignmentAsync($upreq)
        If ($updateassign.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $updateassign.Exception.InnerException
            return $updateassign.Result
    function remove-boxtaskassignment
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        If ($adminclient -eq $null)
            Write-error "You have not authenticated to box yet. Run `"connect-box`" to authenticate to box. If you have not preparred your box environment or local machine to use the poshbox module, please read the instructions at https://github.com/whiggs/PoshBox for information on how to do so and obtain the authentication file you will need."
        $removeassign = $adminclient.TasksManager.DeleteTaskAssignmentAsync($taskassignmentid)
        If ($removeassign.IsFaulted -eq $true)
            Write-error $removeassign.Exception.InnerException
            return $removeassign.Result
    Export-ModuleMember -Function connect-box, get-boxusers, set-boxuserlogin, new-boxuser, remove-boxuser, new-boxemailalias, transfer-boxusercontent, upload-boxfile, Get-boxemailalias, Get-boxuserinfo, Get-boxuserinvite, invite-usertobox, remove-boxemailalias, set-boxuser, new-boxfolder, get-boxfolderitems, new-boxfoldersharelink, copy-boxfolder, remove-boxfolder, remove-boxfoldersharedlink, get-boxfolderinfo, get-boxfoldercollaborations, Get-boxtrashedfolderitems, get-trashedboxfolder, remove-boxtrashfolder, restore-trashedboxfolder, set-boxfolderinfo, get-boxcollections, Get-boxcollectionitems, addremove-boxcollectionsforfolder, addremove-boxcollectionsforfile, get-boxfileinfo, new-boxcomment, remove-boxcomment, get-boxfilecomment, Get-boxcommentinfo, set-boxcomment, get-boxenterpriseevents, get-boxuserevents, copy-boxfile, upload-boxfilenewversion, remove-boxfile, get-boxfileversions, remove-boxoldfileversion, new-boxfilesharelink, remove-boxfilesharelink, new-boxcollaborator, Get-boxcollaborationinfo, get-pendingboxcollaboration, remove-boxcollaboration, get-boxfilecollaborations, get-boxfiledownloaduri, get-boxfiletasks, lock-boxfile, get-boxfilelock, get-boxfilepreview, get-boxfilethumbnail, get-trashedboxfile, set-boxfileversion, remove-boxtrashfile, restore-boxtrashfile, unlock-boxfile, set-boxfileinfo, get-allboxgroups, new-boxgroup, remove-boxgroup, get-boxgroup, get-boxgroupmembershipforgroup, get-boxgroupmembershipforuser, add-boxgroupmember, remove-boxgroupmembership, get-boxgroupmembership, set-boxgroup, set-boxgroupmembership, new-boxlegalholdpolicy, new-boxlegalholdpolicyassignment, remove-boxlegalholdpolicy, remove-boxlegalholdpolicyassignment, get-boxlegalholdpolicyassignment, get-boxlegalholdpolicy, get-allboxlegalholdpolicies, get-allboxlegalholdpolicyassignments, get-allboxfileversionlegalholds, get-boxfileversionlegalhold, set-boxlegalholdpolicy, get-allboxMetadataCascadePolicies, get-boxmetadataCascadePolicy, new-boxmetadatacascadepolicy, remove-boxmetadatacascadepolicy, apply-boxmetadatacascadepolicy, get-allboxfoldermetadatatemplates, get-allboxfilemetadatatemplates, get-boxrecentitems, find-boxitem, get-boxshareditembyurl, get-allboxwebhooks, get-boxwebhook, new-boxwebhook, remove-boxwebhook, set-boxwebhook, get-boxtermsofservice, get-boxtermsofservicebyid, get-boxtermsofserviceuserstatuses, new-boxtermsofservice, set-boxtermsofservice, new-boxtask, remove-boxtask, get-boxtask, set-boxtask, new-boxtaskassignment, get-allboxtaskassignments, get-boxtaskassignment, set-boxtaskassignment, remove-boxtaskassignment