
function New-DDQuery {
        Make a request to the API with the parameters entered by the user

        Version of the API, defaults to v1

    .PARAMETER EndPoint
        The API endpoint, as defined on, e.g /monitor

    .PARAMETER Method
        The HTTP method used, should be one of GET, PUT, PUSH, DELETE

        An object used as body for the HTTP request.
        If the request is a GET call, the vody must be a Powershell hashtable, taht ill get added to the query parameters.
        If the request is NOT a GET, the body must be a JSON string.

    .PARAMETER RequiresApplicationKey
        The API call requires an application key to be set

        # A GET request with no Body:
        New-DDQuery -EndPoint $Endpoint -Method 'Get' -RequiresApplicationKey -ErrorAction Stop
        # A GET request with an array as -Body parameter
        $Body = @{'option1','value1'}
        New-DDQuery -EndPoint $Endpoint -Method 'Get' -Body $Body -RequiresApplicationKey -ErrorAction Stop

        # A POST request
        New-DDQuery -EndPoint "/monitor" -Method 'Post' -Body $($MonitorObject | ConvertTo-Json) -RequiresApplicationKey -ErrorAction Stop



    param (
        [string]$APIVersion = "v1",


    process {
        $key_string = "?api_key="
        $key_string += (Get-DDKey -ErrorAction Stop)

        if ($RequiresApplicationKey) {
            Write-Verbose ""
            write-verbose "This API call also requires an APP KEY, adding it."
            $key_string += "&application_key="
            $key_string += (Get-DDKey -ApplicationKey -ErrorAction Stop)

        $dd_url = "" + $APIVersion + $Endpoint + $key_string
        Try {
            $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $dd_url -ContentType "application/json" -Body $Body
        Catch {
            Throw "Request to Datadog API backend was NOT successful; It returned this: $_"

        return $result