
function Remove-DDMonitor {
        Remove a Datadog monitor.


    .PARAMETER MonitorObject
        A Datadog Monitor object. Can be created from scratch or passed from the pipeline
        # Enter confirmation when asked
        Remove-DDMonitor -MonitorID 123456
        # Pass the value by pipeline and bypass confirmation
        $ | Remove-DDMonitor -Confirm:$False


    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='High')]
    param (     
            HelpMessage="A Datadog Monitor ID"
        # [int]$null is 0, so we can't use [ValidateNullOrEmpty]
        [ValidateScript( {if ($_ -eq 0) {throw 'Cannot bind argument to parameter <<MonitorID>> because it is null or 0.'} else {return $True} } )]
    process {           
        if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($MonitorId, "Removing monitor '$MonitorId'")) {
            $result = New-DDQuery -EndPoint "/monitor/$MonitorId" -Method 'Delete' -Body $Body -RequiresApplicationKey -ErrorAction Stop
        else {
            Write-Verbose "Task aborted by user"
        return $result