
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationResult">
            Contains the results of one token acquisition operation.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationResult.AccessToken">
            Gets the Access Token requested.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationResult.UniqueId">
            Gets the Unique Id of the user.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationResult.ExpiresOn">
            Gets the point in time in which the Access Token returned in the Token property ceases to be valid.
            This value is calculated based on current UTC time measured locally and the value expiresIn received from the
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationResult.TenantId">
            Gets an identifier for the tenant the token was acquired from. This property will be null if tenant information is
            not returned by the service.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationResult.User">
            Gets the user object. Some elements in User might be null if not returned by the
            service. It can be passed back in some API overloads to identify which user should be used.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationResult.IdToken">
            Gets the entire Id Token if returned by the service or null if no Id Token is returned.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationResult.Scopes">
            Gets the scope values returned from the service.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationResult.CreateAuthorizationHeader">
            Creates authorization header from authentication result.
            <returns>Created authorization header</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.ClientApplicationBase">
            Abstract class containing common API methods and properties. Both PublicClientApplication and ConfidentialClientApplication extend this class.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.ClientApplicationBase.DefaultAuthority">
            Default Authority used for interactive calls.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.ClientApplicationBase.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
            <param name="clientId"></param>
            <param name="authority"></param>
            <param name="redirectUri"></param>
            <param name="validateAuthority"></param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.ClientApplicationBase.Component">
            Identifier of the component consuming MSAL and it is intended for libraries/SDKs that consume MSAL. This will allow for disambiguation between MSAL usage by the app vs MSAL usage by component libraries.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.ClientApplicationBase.Authority">
            Authority provided by the developer or default authority used by the library.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.ClientApplicationBase.ClientId">
            Will be a default value. Can be overridden by the developer. Once set, application will bind to the client Id.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.ClientApplicationBase.RedirectUri">
            Redirect Uri configured in the app registration portal. PublicClientApplication has a default value of
            urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob.This default does not apply to iOS and Android as the library needs to leverage
            system webview for authentication.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.ClientApplicationBase.SliceParameters">
            Sets or Gets the custom query parameters that may be sent to the STS for dogfood testing. This parameter should not be set by the
            developers as it may have adverse effect on the application.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.ClientApplicationBase.UserTokenCache">
            Token Cache instance for storing User tokens.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.ClientApplicationBase.ValidateAuthority">
            Gets/sets a value indicating whether authority validation is ON or OFF. Value is true by default.
            It should be set to false by the deveopers for B2C applications.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.ClientApplicationBase.Users">
            Returns a User centric view over the cache that provides a list of all the available users in the cache for the application.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.ClientApplicationBase.GetUser(System.String)">
            Get user by identifier from users available in the cache.
            <param name="identifier">user identifier</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.ClientApplicationBase.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser)">
            Attempts to acquire the access token from cache. Access token is considered a match if it AT LEAST contains all the requested scopes.
            This means that an access token with more scopes than requested could be returned as well. If access token is expired or
            close to expiration (within 5 minute window), then refresh token (if available) is used to acquire a new access token by making a network call.
            <param name="scopes">Array of scopes requested for resource</param>
            <param name="user">User for which the token is requested. <see cref="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser"/></param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.ClientApplicationBase.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser,System.String,System.Boolean)">
            Attempts to acquire the access token from cache. Access token is considered a match if it AT LEAST contains all the requested scopes.
            This means that an access token with more scopes than requested could be returned as well. If access token is expired or
            close to expiration (within 5 minute window), then refresh token (if available) is used to acquire a new access token by making a network call.
            <param name="scopes">Array of scopes requested for resource</param>
            <param name="user">User for which the token is requested <see cref="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.User"/></param>
            <param name="authority">Specific authority for which the token is requested. Passing a different value than configured does not change the configured value</param>
            <param name="forceRefresh">If TRUE, API will ignore the access token in the cache and attempt to acquire new access token using the refresh token if available</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.ClientApplicationBase.Remove(Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser)">
            Removes all cached tokens for the specified user.
            <param name="user">instance of the user that needs to be removed</param>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IClientApplicationBase">
            Component containing common validation methods
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IClientApplicationBase.Component">
            Identifier of the component consuming MSAL and it is intended for libraries/SDKs that consume MSAL. This will allow for
            disambiguation between MSAL usage by the app vs MSAL usage by component libraries.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IClientApplicationBase.Authority">
            Authority provided by the developer or default authority used by the library.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IClientApplicationBase.ClientId">
            Will be a default value. Can be overridden by the developer. Once set, application will bind to the client Id.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IClientApplicationBase.RedirectUri">
            Redirect Uri configured in the portal. Will have a default value. Not required if the developer is using the
            default client Id.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IClientApplicationBase.ValidateAuthority">
            Gets a value indicating whether address validation is ON or OFF.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IClientApplicationBase.Users">
            Returns a user-centric view over the cache that provides a list of all the available users in the cache.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IClientApplicationBase.SliceParameters">
            Sets or Gets the custom query parameters that may be sent to the STS for dogfood testing. This parameter should not be set by the
            developers as it may have adverse effect on the application.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IClientApplicationBase.GetUser(System.String)">
            Get user by identifier from users available in the cache.
            <param name="identifier">user identifier</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IClientApplicationBase.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser)">
            Attempts to acquire the access token from cache. Access token is considered a match if it AT LEAST contains all the requested scopes.
            This means that an access token with more scopes than requested could be returned as well. If access token is expired or
            close to expiration (within 5 minute window), then refresh token (if available) is used to acquire a new access token by making a network call.
            <param name="scopes">Array of scopes requested for resource</param>
            <param name="user">User for which the token is requested. <see cref="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser"/></param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IClientApplicationBase.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser,System.String,System.Boolean)">
            Attempts to acquire the access token from cache. Access token is considered a match if it AT LEAST contains all the requested scopes.
            This means that an access token with more scopes than requested could be returned as well. If access token is expired or
            close to expiration (within 5 minute window), then refresh token (if available) is used to acquire a new access token by making a network call.
            <param name="scopes">Array of scopes requested for resource</param>
            <param name="user">User for which the token is requested <see cref="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser"/></param>
            <param name="authority">Specific authority for which the token is requested. Passing a different value than configured does not change the configured value</param>
            <param name="forceRefresh">If TRUE, API will ignore the access token in the cache and attempt to acquire new access token using the refresh token if available</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IClientApplicationBase.Remove(Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser)">
            Removes all cached tokens for the specified user.
            <param name="user">instance of the user that needs to be removed</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.Cache.AccessTokenCacheItem.TokenType">
            Gets the AccessToken Type.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.Cache.AccessTokenCacheItem.AccessToken">
            Gets the Access Token requested.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.Cache.AccessTokenCacheItem.Authority">
            Gets the Authority.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.Cache.AccessTokenCacheItem.Scope">
            Gets the ScopeSet.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.Cache.AccessTokenCacheKey">
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.Cache.AccessTokenCacheKey.ToString">
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.Cache.BaseTokenCacheItem">
            Token cache item
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.Cache.BaseTokenCacheItem.#ctor(System.String)">
            Default constructor.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.Cache.RefreshTokenCacheKey.ToString">
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.MsalErrorMessage">
            The active directory authentication error message.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.MsalError">
            Error code returned as a property in MsalException
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.MsalError.AuthenticationFailed">
            Authentication failed.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.MsalError.AuthorityValidationFailed">
            Authority validation failed.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.MsalError.InvalidOwnerWindowType">
            Invalid owner window type.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.MsalError.InvalidAuthorityType">
            Invalid authority type.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.MsalError.InvalidServiceUrl">
            Invalid service URL.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.MsalError.EncodedTokenTooLong">
            Encoded token too long.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.MsalError.NoDataFromSts">
            No data from STS.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.MsalError.UserMismatch">
            User Mismatch.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.MsalError.FailedToRefreshToken">
            Failed to refresh token.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.MsalError.RedirectUriValidationFailed">
            RedirectUri validation failed.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.MsalIdParameter.Product">
            MSAL Flavor: .NET or WinRT
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.MsalIdParameter.Version">
            MSAL assembly version
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.MsalIdParameter.CpuPlatform">
            CPU platform with x86, x64 or ARM as value
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.MsalIdParameter.OS">
            Version of the operating system. This will not be sent on WinRT
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.MsalIdParameter.DeviceModel">
            Device model. This will not be sent on .NET
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.MsalIdHelper">
            This class adds additional query parameters or headers to the requests sent to STS. This can help us in
            collecting statistics and potentially on diagnostics.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IPublicClientApplication">
            Component to be used for native applications (Desktop/UWP/iOS/Android).
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IPublicClientApplication.AcquireTokenAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIParent)">
            Interactive request to acquire token.
            <param name="scopes">Array of scopes requested for resource</param>
            <param name="parent">Object contains reference to parent window/activity. REQUIRED for Xamarin.Android only.</param>
            <returns>Authentication result containing token of the user</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IPublicClientApplication.AcquireTokenAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},System.String,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIParent)">
            Interactive request to acquire token.
            <param name="scopes">Array of scopes requested for resource</param>
            <param name="loginHint">Identifier of the user. Generally a UPN.</param>
            <param name="parent">Object contains reference to parent window/activity. REQUIRED for Xamarin.Android only.</param>
            <returns>Authentication result containing token of the user</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IPublicClientApplication.AcquireTokenAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIParent)">
            Interactive request to acquire token.
            <param name="scopes">Array of scopes requested for resource</param>
            <param name="user">User object to enforce the same user to be authenticated in the web UI.</param>
            <param name="parent">Object contains reference to parent window/activity. REQUIRED for Xamarin.Android only.</param>
            <returns>Authentication result containing token of the user</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IPublicClientApplication.AcquireTokenAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},System.String,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior,System.String,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIParent)">
            Interactive request to acquire token.
            <param name="scopes">Array of scopes requested for resource</param>
            <param name="loginHint">Identifier of the user. Generally a UPN.</param>
            <param name="behavior">Enumeration to control UI behavior.</param>
            <param name="extraQueryParameters">This parameter will be appended as is to the query string in the HTTP authentication request to the authority. The parameter can be null.</param>
            <param name="parent">Object contains reference to parent window/activity. REQUIRED for Xamarin.Android only.</param>
            <returns>Authentication result containing token of the user</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IPublicClientApplication.AcquireTokenAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior,System.String,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIParent)">
            Interactive request to acquire token.
            <param name="scopes">Array of scopes requested for resource</param>
            <param name="user">User object to enforce the same user to be authenticated in the web UI.</param>
            <param name="behavior">Enumeration to control UI behavior.</param>
            <param name="extraQueryParameters">This parameter will be appended as is to the query string in the HTTP authentication request to the authority. The parameter can be null.</param>
            <param name="parent">Object contains reference to parent window/activity. REQUIRED for Xamarin.Android only.</param>
            <returns>Authentication result containing token of the user</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IPublicClientApplication.AcquireTokenAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},System.String,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},System.String,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIParent)">
            Interactive request to acquire token.
            <param name="scopes">Array of scopes requested for resource</param>
            <param name="loginHint">Identifier of the user. Generally a UPN.</param>
            <param name="behavior">Enumeration to control UI behavior.</param>
            <param name="extraQueryParameters">This parameter will be appended as is to the query string in the HTTP authentication request to the authority. The parameter can be null.</param>
            <param name="extraScopesToConsent">Array of scopes for which a developer can request consent upfront.</param>
            <param name="authority">Specific authority for which the token is requested. Passing a different value than configured does not change the configured value</param>
            <param name="parent">Object contains reference to parent window/activity. REQUIRED for Xamarin.Android only.</param>
            <returns>Authentication result containing token of the user</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IPublicClientApplication.AcquireTokenAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},System.String,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIParent)">
            Interactive request to acquire token.
            <param name="scopes">Array of scopes requested for resource</param>
            <param name="user">User object to enforce the same user to be authenticated in the web UI.</param>
            <param name="behavior">Enumeration to control UI behavior.</param>
            <param name="extraQueryParameters">This parameter will be appended as is to the query string in the HTTP authentication request to the authority. The parameter can be null.</param>
            <param name="extraScopesToConsent">Array of scopes for which a developer can request consent upfront.</param>
            <param name="authority">Specific authority for which the token is requested. Passing a different value than configured does not change the configured value</param>
            <param name="parent">Object contains reference to parent window/activity. REQUIRED for Xamarin.Android only.</param>
            <returns>Authentication result containing token of the user</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser">
            Contains information of a single user. This information is used for token cache lookup and enforcing the user session on STS authorize endpont.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser.DisplayableId">
            Gets a displayable value in UserPrincipalName (UPN) format. The value can be null.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser.Name">
            Gets given name of the user if provided by the service. If not, the value is null.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser.IdentityProvider">
            Gets identity provider if returned by the service. If not, the value is null.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser.Identifier">
            Gets an identifier for the user that is used by the library and the service as a strong handle to user identity. Cannot be null.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.LogCallback">
            Callback delegate that allows the developer to consume logs handle them in a custom manner.
            <param name="level">Log level of the message</param>
            <param name="message">Pre-formatted log message</param>
            <param name="containsPii">Indicates if the log message contains PII. If Logger.PiiLoggingEnabled is set to
            false then this value is always false.</param>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger">
            MSAL Logger class that allows developers to configure log level, configure callbacks etc.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.LogLevel">
            MSAL Log Levels
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.LogLevel.Error">
            Error Log level
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.LogLevel.Warning">
            Warning Log level
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.LogLevel.Info">
            Information Log level
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.LogLevel.Verbose">
            Verbose Log level
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.LogCallback">
            Callback instance that can be provided by the developer to consume and publish logs in a custom manner.
            The property can only be set once and it will throw an ArgumentException if called twice.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.Level">
            Configurable log level. Default value is Info.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.PiiLoggingEnabled">
            Flag to enable/disable logging of PII data. PII logs are never written to default outputs like Console, Logcat or NSLog.
            Default is set to false.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.DefaultLoggingEnabled">
            Flag to enable/disable logging to platform defaults. In Desktop/UWP, Event Tracing is used. In iOS, NSLog is used.
            In android, logcat is used.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.Error(System.String)">
            Method for error logging
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.ErrorPii(System.String)">
            Method for error logging of Pii
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.Warning(System.String)">
            Method for warning logging
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.WarningPii(System.String)">
            Method for warning logging of Pii
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.Info(System.String)">
            Method for information logging
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.InfoPii(System.String)">
            Method for information logging for Pii
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.Verbose(System.String)">
            Method for verbose logging
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.VerbosePii(System.String)">
            Method for verbose logging for Pii
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.Error(System.Exception)">
            Method for error exception logging
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Logger.ErrorPii(System.Exception)">
            Method for error exception logging for Pii
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException">
            This exception class represents errors that are local to the library or the device.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException.MultipleTokensMatchedError">
            MultipleTokensMatched were matched.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException.NonHttpsRedirectNotSupported">
            Non HTTPS redirects are not supported.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException.NetworkNotAvailableError">
            The request could not be preformed because the network is down.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException.DuplicateQueryParameterError">
            Duplicate query parameter in extraQueryParameters
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException.AuthenticationUiFailedError">
            The request could not be preformed because of a failure in the UI flow.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException.AuthenticationCanceledError">
            Authentication canceled.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException.JsonParseError">
            JSON parsing failed.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException.InvalidJwtError">
            JWT was invalid
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException.StateMismatchError">
            State returned from the STS was different than the one sent.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException.TenantDiscoveryFailedError">
            Tenant discovery failed.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException.ChromeNotInstalledError">
            Indicates that chrome is not installed on the device. The sdk uses chrome custom tab for
            authorize request if applicable or fall back to chrome browser.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException.UnresolvableIntentError">
            The intent to launch AuthenticationActivity is not resolvable by the OS or the intent.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified
            error code.
            <param name="errorCode">
            The error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you can rely on
            for exception handling.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified
            error code and error message.
            <param name="errorCode">
            The error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you can rely on
            for exception handling.
            <param name="errorMessage">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Exception)">
            Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified
            error code, error message and inner exception.
            <param name="errorCode">
            The error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you can rely on
            for exception handling.
            <param name="errorMessage">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>
            <param name="innerException"></param>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalException">
            The exception type thrown when an error occurs during token acquisition.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalException.UnknownError">
            Unknown Error occured.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalException.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the exception class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalException.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified
            error code.
            <param name="errorCode">
            The error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you can rely on
            for exception handling.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalException.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified
            error code and error message.
            <param name="errorCode">
            The error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you can rely on
            for exception handling.
            <param name="errorMessage">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalException.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Exception)">
            Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified
            error code and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of
            this exception.
            <param name="errorCode">
            The error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you can rely on
            for exception handling.
            <param name="errorMessage">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>
            <param name="innerException">
            The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference if no inner
            exception is specified.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalException.ErrorCode">
            Gets the protocol error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you can rely on for
            exception handling.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalException.ToString">
            Creates and returns a string representation of the current exception.
            <returns>A string representation of the current exception.</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceException">
            The exception type thrown when service returns and error response or other networking errors occur.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceException.ServiceNotAvailable">
            Service is unavailable and returned HTTP error code within the range of 500-599.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceException.RequestTimeout">
            Http Request timed out.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceException.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified
            error code, error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of
            this exception.
            <param name="errorCode">
            The protocol error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you
            can rely on for exception handling.
            <param name="errorMessage">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceException.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">
            Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified
            error code, error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of
            this exception.
            <param name="errorCode">
            The protocol error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you
            can rely on for exception handling.
            <param name="errorMessage">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>
            <param name="statusCode">Status code of the resposne received from the service.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceException.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Exception)">
            Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified
            error code, error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of
            this exception.
            <param name="errorCode">
            The protocol error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you
            can rely on for exception handling.
            <param name="errorMessage">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>
            <param name="innerException">
            The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference if no inner
            exception is specified.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceException.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Exception)">
            Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified
            error code, error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of
            this exception.
            <param name="errorCode">
            The protocol error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you
            can rely on for exception handling.
            <param name="errorMessage">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>
            <param name="statusCode">Status code of the resposne received from the service.</param>
            <param name="innerException">
            The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference if no inner
            exception is specified.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceException.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.String,System.Exception)">
            Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified
            error code, error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of
            this exception.
            <param name="errorCode">
            The protocol error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you
            can rely on for exception handling.
            <param name="errorMessage">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>
            <param name="statusCode">The status code of the request.</param>
            <param name="claims">The claims challenge returned back from the service.</param>
            <param name="innerException">
            The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference if no inner
            exception is specified.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceException.StatusCode">
            Gets the status code returned from http layer. This status code is either the HttpStatusCode in the inner
            HttpRequestException response or
            NavigateError Event Status Code in browser based flow (See
            You can use this code for purposes such as implementing retry logic or error investigation.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceException.Claims">
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceException.ResponseBody">
            Raw response body received from the server.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceException.ToString">
            Creates and returns a string representation of the current exception.
            <returns>A string representation of the current exception.</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalUiRequiredException">
            This exception class is to inform developers that UI interaction is required for authentication to
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalUiRequiredException.InvalidGrantError">
            Standard OAuth2 protocol error code. It indicates to the libray that the user needs to go the UI for
            getting a new token.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalUiRequiredException.NoTokensFoundError">
            No tokens were found matching the criteria.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalUiRequiredException.UserNullError">
            This error code comes back from AcquireTokenSilent calls when null user is
            passed into AcquireTokenSilent calls.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalUiRequiredException.TokenCacheNullError">
            This error code comes back from AcquireTokenSilent calls when null token cache reference
            is passed into the application constructor
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalUiRequiredException.NoPromptFailedError">
            One of two conditions was encountered.
            1. The PromptBehavior.Never flag was passed and but the constraint could not be honored
            because user interaction was required.
            2. An error occurred during a silent web authentication that prevented the authentication
            flow from completing in a short enough time frame.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalUiRequiredException.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified
            error code.
            <param name="errorCode">
            The error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you can rely on
            for exception handling.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalUiRequiredException.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified
            error code and error message.
            <param name="errorCode">
            The error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you can rely on
            for exception handling.
            <param name="errorMessage">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalUiRequiredException.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Exception)">
            Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified
            error code, error message and inner exception indicating the root cause.
            <param name="errorCode">
            The error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you can rely on
            for exception handling.
            <param name="errorMessage">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>
            <param name="innerException">Represents the root cause of the exception.</param>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.PublicClientApplication">
            Class to be used for native applications (Desktop/UWP/iOS/Android).
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.PublicClientApplication.#ctor(System.String)">
            Consutructor of the application. It will use as the default authority.
            <param name="clientId">Client id of the application</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.PublicClientApplication.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
            Consutructor of the application.
            <param name="clientId">Client id of the application</param>
            <param name="authority">Default authority to be used for the application</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.PublicClientApplication.AcquireTokenAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIParent)">
            Interactive request to acquire token.
            <param name="scopes">Array of scopes requested for resource</param>
            <param name="parent">Object contains reference to parent window/activity. REQUIRED for Xamarin.Android only.</param>
            <returns>Authentication result containing token of the user</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.PublicClientApplication.AcquireTokenAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},System.String,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIParent)">
            Interactive request to acquire token.
            <param name="scopes">Array of scopes requested for resource</param>
            <param name="loginHint">Identifier of the user. Generally a UPN.</param>
            <param name="parent">Object contains reference to parent window/activity. REQUIRED for Xamarin.Android only.</param>
            <returns>Authentication result containing token of the user</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.PublicClientApplication.AcquireTokenAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIParent)">
            Interactive request to acquire token.
            <param name="scopes">Array of scopes requested for resource</param>
            <param name="user">User object to enforce the same user to be authenticated in the web UI.</param>
            <param name="parent">Object contains reference to parent window/activity. REQUIRED for Xamarin.Android only.</param>
            <returns>Authentication result containing token of the user</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.PublicClientApplication.AcquireTokenAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},System.String,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior,System.String,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIParent)">
            Interactive request to acquire token.
            <param name="scopes">Array of scopes requested for resource</param>
            <param name="loginHint">Identifier of the user. Generally a UPN.</param>
            <param name="behavior">Enumeration to control UI behavior.</param>
            <param name="extraQueryParameters">This parameter will be appended as is to the query string in the HTTP authentication request to the authority. The parameter can be null.</param>
            <param name="parent">Object contains reference to parent window/activity. REQUIRED for Xamarin.Android only.</param>
            <returns>Authentication result containing token of the user</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.PublicClientApplication.AcquireTokenAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior,System.String,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIParent)">
            Interactive request to acquire token.
            <param name="scopes">Array of scopes requested for resource</param>
            <param name="user">User object to enforce the same user to be authenticated in the web UI.</param>
            <param name="behavior">Enumeration to control UI behavior.</param>
            <param name="extraQueryParameters">This parameter will be appended as is to the query string in the HTTP authentication request to the authority. The parameter can be null.</param>
            <param name="parent">Object contains reference to parent window/activity. REQUIRED for Xamarin.Android only.</param>
            <returns>Authentication result containing token of the user</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.PublicClientApplication.AcquireTokenAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},System.String,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},System.String,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIParent)">
            Interactive request to acquire token.
            <param name="scopes">Array of scopes requested for resource</param>
            <param name="loginHint">Identifier of the user. Generally a UPN.</param>
            <param name="behavior">Enumeration to control UI behavior.</param>
            <param name="extraQueryParameters">This parameter will be appended as is to the query string in the HTTP authentication request to the authority. The parameter can be null.</param>
            <param name="extraScopesToConsent">Array of scopes for which a developer can request consent upfront.</param>
            <param name="authority">Specific authority for which the token is requested. Passing a different value than configured does not change the configured value</param>
            <param name="parent">Object contains reference to parent window/activity. REQUIRED for Xamarin.Android only.</param>
            <returns>Authentication result containing token of the user</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.PublicClientApplication.AcquireTokenAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},Microsoft.Identity.Client.IUser,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},System.String,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIParent)">
            Interactive request to acquire token.
            <param name="scopes">Array of scopes requested for resource</param>
            <param name="user">User object to enforce the same user to be authenticated in the web UI.</param>
            <param name="behavior">Enumeration to control UI behavior.</param>
            <param name="extraQueryParameters">This parameter will be appended as is to the query string in the HTTP authentication request to the authority. The parameter can be null.</param>
            <param name="extraScopesToConsent">Array of scopes for which a developer can request consent upfront.</param>
            <param name="authority">Specific authority for which the token is requested. Passing a different value than configured does not change the configured value</param>
            <param name="parent">Object contains reference to parent window/activity. REQUIRED for Xamarin.Android only.</param>
            <returns>Authentication result containing token of the user</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Telemetry">
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Telemetry.Receiver">
            <param name="events"></param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Telemetry.RegisterReceiver(Microsoft.Identity.Client.Telemetry.Receiver)">
            <param name="r"></param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Telemetry.GetInstance">
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.Telemetry.TelemetryOnFailureOnly">
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.TokenCache">
            Token cache class used by ConfidentialClientApplication and PublicClientApplication to store access and refresh tokens.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.TokenCache.TokenCacheNotification">
            Notification for certain token cache interactions during token acquisition.
            <param name="args">Arguments related to the cache item impacted</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.TokenCache.BeforeAccess">
            Notification method called before any library method accesses the cache.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.TokenCache.BeforeWrite">
            Notification method called before any library method writes to the cache. This notification can be used to reload
            the cache state from a row in database and lock that row. That database row can then be unlocked in
            AfterAccess notification.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.TokenCache.AfterAccess">
            Notification method called after any library method accesses the cache.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.TokenCache.HasStateChanged">
            Gets or sets the flag indicating whether cache state has changed.
            MSAL methods set this flag after any change.
            Caller application should reset the flag after serializing and persisting the state of the cache.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.TokenCache.SaveAccesTokenCacheItem(Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.Cache.AccessTokenCacheItem)">
            Only used by dev test apps
            <param name="accessTokenCacheItem"></param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.TokenCache.SaveRefreshTokenCacheItem(Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.Cache.RefreshTokenCacheItem)">
            Only used by dev test apps
            <param name="refreshTokenCacheItem"></param>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.TokenCacheNotificationArgs">
            Contains parameters used by the MSAL call accessing the cache.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.TokenCacheNotificationArgs.TokenCache">
            Gets the TokenCache
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.TokenCacheNotificationArgs.ClientId">
            Gets the ClientId.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.TokenCacheNotificationArgs.User">
            Gets the user object.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior">
            Indicates how AcquireToken should prompt the user.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior.SelectAccount">
            AcquireToken will send prompt=select_account to authorize endpoint
            and would show a list of users from which one can be selected for
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior.ForceLogin">
            The user will be prompted for credentials by the service. It is achieved
            by sending prompt=login to the service.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior.Consent">
            The user will be prompted to consent even if consent was granted before. It is achieved
            by sending prompt=consent to the service.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior.Equals(System.Object)">
            Equals method override to compare UIBehavior structs
            <param name="obj">object to compare against</param>
            <returns>true if object are equal.</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior.GetHashCode">
            Override to compute hashcode
            <returns>hash code of the PromptValue</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior.op_Equality(Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior)">
            operator overload to equality check
            <param name="x">first value</param>
            <param name="y">second value</param>
            <returns>true if the object are equal</returns>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior.op_Inequality(Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior,Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIBehavior)">
            operator overload to equality check
            <param name="x">first value</param>
            <param name="y">second value</param>
            <returns>true if the object are not equal</returns>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIParent">
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIParent.#ctor">
            Default constructor.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.UIParent.#ctor(Android.App.Activity)">
            Initializes an instance for a provided activity.
            <param name="activity">parent activity for the call. REQUIRED.</param>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.User">
            Contains information of a single user. This information is used for token cache lookup and enforcing the user session on STS authorize endpont.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.User.DisplayableId">
            Gets a displayable value in UserPrincipalName (UPN) format. The value can be null.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.User.Name">
            Gets given name of the user if provided by the service. If not, the value is null.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.User.IdentityProvider">
            Gets identity provider if returned by the service. If not, the value is null.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.UserAssertion">
            Credential type containing an assertion representing user credential.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.UserAssertion.#ctor(System.String)">
            Constructor to create the object with an assertion. This constructor can be used for On Behalf Of flow which
            assumes the
            assertion is a JWT token. For other flows, the other construction with assertionType must be used.
            <param name="assertion">Assertion representing the user.</param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.UserAssertion.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
            Constructor to create credential with assertion and assertionType
            <param name="assertion">Assertion representing the user.</param>
            <param name="assertionType">Type of the assertion representing the user.</param>
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.UserAssertion.Assertion">
            Gets the assertion.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.Identity.Client.UserAssertion.AssertionType">
            Gets the assertion type.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationActivity">
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationActivity.#ctor">
            Default Constructor
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationActivity.OnCreate(Android.OS.Bundle)">
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationActivity.OnNewIntent(Android.Content.Intent)">
            <param name="intent"></param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationActivity.OnResume">
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationActivity.OnSaveInstanceState(Android.OS.Bundle)">
            <param name="outState"></param>
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationActivity.cancelRequest">
            Cancels the auth request.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationActivity.ReturnToCaller(System.Int32,Android.Content.Intent)">
            Return the error back to caller.
            @param resultCode The result code to return back.
            @param data {@link Intent} contains the detailed result.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationActivity.SendError(System.String,System.String)">
            Send error back to caller with the error description.
            @param errorCode The error code to send back.
            @param errorDescription The error description to send back.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationContinuationHelper">
            Static class that consumes the response from the Authentication flow and continues token acquisition. This class should be called in OnActivityResult() of the activity doing authentication.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationContinuationHelper.SetAuthenticationContinuationEventArgs(System.Int32,Android.App.Result,Android.Content.Intent)">
            Sets authentication response from the webview for token acquisition continuation.
            <param name="requestCode">Request response code</param>
            <param name="resultCode">Result code from authentication</param>
            <param name="data">Response data from authentication</param>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.Identity.Client.BrowserTabActivity">
            BrowserTabActivity to get the redirect with code from authorize endpoint. Intent filter has to be declared in the
            manifest for this activity. When chrome custom tab is launched, and we're redirected back with the redirect
            uri (redirect_uri has to be unique across apps), the os will fire an intent with the redirect,
            and the BrowserTabActivity will be launched.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.Identity.Client.BrowserTabActivity.OnCreate(Android.OS.Bundle)">
            <param name="savedInstanceState"></param>