
function Get-GitTag
    Gets a list of tags for the specified repository.
    Gets a list of tags for the specified repository.
    By default, tags are returned in tag name (alphabetical) order.
    .PARAMETER RepoName
    The name of the git repository to return.
    This should match the directory name of one of the repositories defined in the $GitRepoPath module variable. If there is no match, a warning is generated.
    When the parameter is omitted, the current repository will be used if currently inside a repository; otherwise, nothing is returned.
    ## Call from outside a repository without parameters ##
    PS C:\> $GitRepoPath = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> Get-GitTag
    PS C:\>
    # Nothing was returned because a RepoName was not provided.
    ## Call from outside a repository for non-existent repository ##
    PS C:\> $GitRepoPath = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> Get-GitTag -RepoName NonExistentRepo
    WARNING: [Get-GitTag]Repository 'NonExistentRepo' not found. Check the repository directory has been added to the $GitRepoPath module variable.
    ## Call from outside a repository with RepoName parameter ##
    PS C:\> $GitRepoPath = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> Get-GitTag -RepoName MyToolbox | Format-Table -Property RepoName,TagName,TagType,TagSubject
    RepoName TagName TagType TagSubject
    -------- ------- ------- ----------
    MyToolbox annotatedTag tag This is an annotated tag
    MyToolbox lightweightTag commit feature1 commit
    # The tags were returned even though the command was issued from outside the repository directory.
    ## Get all tags of the current repository ##
    PS C:\> $GitRepoPath = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> Set-GitRepo -RepoName MyToolbox
    PS C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox> Get-GitTag | Format-Table -Property RepoName,TagName,TagType,TagSubject
    RepoName TagName TagType TagSubject
    -------- ------- ------- ----------
    MyToolbox annotatedTag tag This is an annotated tag
    MyToolbox lightweightTag commit feature1 commit
    Accepts string objects via the RepoName parameter. The output of Get-GitRepo can be piped into Get-GitTag.
    Returns a custom GitTag object. For details use Get-Member at a command prompt e.g.:
    PS C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox> Get-GitTag | Get-Member -MemberType Properties
    Author : nmbell

    # Use cmdlet binding

    # Declare parameters

          Mandatory                       = $false
        , Position                        = 0
        , ValueFromPipeline               = $true
        , ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
            Param ($commandName,$parameterName,$wordToComplete,$commandAst,$fakeBoundParameters)
            Get-GitRepo -Verbose:$false `
                | Select-Object -ExpandProperty RepoName `
                | Where-Object { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } `
                | Sort-Object


        $wvBlock          = 'B'

        # Common BEGIN:
        Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0
        $thisFunctionName = $MyInvocation.InvocationName
        $start            = Get-Date
        $wvIndent         = '| '*($PowdrgitCallDepth++)
        Write-Verbose "$(wvTimestamp)$wvIndent[$thisFunctionName][$wvBlock]Start: $($start.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff'))"

        # Function BEGIN:
        Write-Verbose "$(wvTimestamp)$wvIndent[$thisFunctionName][$wvBlock]Finding current location"
        Push-Location -StackName GetGitTag

        $startOfText = '!!>>' # commit info delimiter
        $endOfText   = '<<!!' # commit info delimiter

        $wvBlock = 'P'

        # Find the repository name from current location
        If (!$RepoName) { $RepoName = Get-GitRepo -Current | Select-Object -ExpandProperty RepoName }

        # Go to the repository and get the repository info
        $repo = Set-GitRepo -RepoName $RepoName -PassThru -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

        If ($repo)
            Write-Verbose "$(wvTimestamp)$wvIndent[$thisFunctionName][$wvBlock]Finding tags"
            $gitCommand = 'git for-each-ref "refs/tags" --format="'+$startOfText+'%(*objectname)|%(objectname)|%(refname)|%(objecttype)|%(subject)|%(body)|%(taggerdate:iso8601-strict-local)|%(taggername)|%(taggeremail:trim)'+$endOfText+'"' #
            $gitResults = Invoke-GitExpression -Command $gitCommand -SuppressGitErrorStream `
                            | ConvertTo-GitParsableResults -StartOfText $startOfText -EndOfText $endOfText

            ForEach ($line in $gitResults | Where-Object { $_.Trim() })
                $lineSplit = $line.Replace($startOfText,'').Replace($endOfText,'').Split('|')

                $tagName  = Split-Path -Path $lineSplit[2] -Leaf
                $tagdate  = If ($lineSplit[6]) { [DateTime]::Parse($lineSplit[6]) } Else { $null }
                $sha1Hash = If ($lineSplit[3] -eq 'commit') { $lineSplit[1] } Else { $lineSplit[0] }

                # Output
                    'RepoName'    = $repo.Name
                    'SHA1Hash'    = $sha1Hash
                    'TagHash'     = $lineSplit[1]
                    'TagName'     = $tagName
                    'TagFullName' = $lineSplit[2]
                    'TagType'     = $lineSplit[3]
                    'TagSubject'  = $lineSplit[4]
                    'TagBody'     = $lineSplit[5]
                    'TagDate'     = $tagdate
                    'TaggerName'  = $lineSplit[7]
                    'TaggerEmail' = $lineSplit[8]
        ElseIf ($RepoName)
            Write-Warning "[$thisFunctionName]Repository '$RepoName' not found. Check the repository directory has been added to the `$GitRepoPath module variable."

        $wvBlock = 'E'

        # Function END:
        Write-Verbose "$(wvTimestamp)$wvIndent[$thisFunctionName][$wvBlock]Setting location to original directory"
        Pop-Location -StackName GetGitTag

        # Common END:
        $end      = Get-Date
        $duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $start -End $end
        Write-Verbose "$(wvTimestamp)$wvIndent[$thisFunctionName][$wvBlock]Finish: $($end.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff')) ($('{0}d {1:00}:{2:00}:{3:00}.{4:000}' -f $duration.Days,$duration.Hours,$duration.Minutes,$duration.Seconds,$duration.Milliseconds))"