
function New-GitRepo
    Creates a new git repository and returns the repository or directory object.
    Creates a new git repository and returns the repository or directory object.
    The name, or a relative or absolute path, to the git repository to create.
    If the directory does not exist, it will be created.
    If RepoPath is not specified, the repository is created at the current location.
    If the UseDefaultDir switch is used, then Repo allows a repository name or relative path.
    .PARAMETER UseDefaultDir
    Uses the directory stored in the $Powdrgit.DefaultDir variable as the parent directory.
    Create a bare repository.
    .PARAMETER InitialBranchName
    Name of the initial branch.
    If not specified, the git default will be used.
    .PARAMETER InitialCommit
    Make an initial commit against the new repo using the given text.
    This commit will associate any existing files in the repository with it and will be the parent to all subsequent commits.
    Until an initial commit has been made, the initial branch will not be visible in git.
    If multiple strings are passed in, the first string is used as the commit subject. All remaining strings are used as the commit body.
    .PARAMETER UseDefaultInitialCommit
    Same behavior as the InitialCommit parameter, but the commit message will use the value in $Powdrgit.DefaultInitialCommit.
    .PARAMETER TemplateDir
    Path to the template directory.
    Files and directories in the template directory whose name do not start with a dot will be copied to the new repository after it is created.
    .PARAMETER AppendPowdrgitPath
    Appends the path of the new repository to the $Powdrgit.Path module variable.
    .PARAMETER SetLocation
    Sets the location to the top-level directory of the new repository.
    ## Call with no parameters ##
    PS C:\> New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path 'C:\MyEmptyFolder'
    PS C:\> Set-Location 'C:\MyEmptyFolder'
    PS C:\MyEmptyFolder> $r = New-GitRepo
    PS C:\MyEmptyFolder> Get-ChildItem -Hidden | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
    # A repository was created at the current location
    ## Call with an absolute path ##
    PS C:\> $r = New-GitRepo -Repo 'C:\MyNewRepo'
    PS C:\> Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\MyNewRepo' -Hidden | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
    # A repository was created at the specified location
    ## Call with a relative path ##
    PS C:\> New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path 'C:\MyEmptyFolder'
    PS C:\> Set-Location 'C:\MyEmptyFolder'
    PS C:\MyEmptyFolder> $r = New-GitRepo -Repo 'MyRepos\MyNewRepo'
    PS C:\MyEmptyFolder> Get-ChildItem -Hidden -Recurse | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
    # A repository was created relative to the current location
    ## Call with a repository name ##
    PS C:\> New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path 'C:\MyEmptyFolder'
    PS C:\> Set-Location 'C:\MyEmptyFolder'
    PS C:\MyEmptyFolder> $r = New-GitRepo -Repo 'MyNewRepo'
    PS C:\MyEmptyFolder> Get-ChildItem -Hidden -Recurse | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
    # A repository with the specified name was created at the current location
    ## Call with UseDefaultDir ##
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.DefaultDir = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples'
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.ShowWarnings = $true # to ensure warnings are visible
    PS C:\> $r = New-GitRepo -Repo 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyNewRepo' -UseDefaultDir
    WARNING: [New-GitRepo]The UseDefaultDir switch cannot be used with an absolute path for Repo: C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyNewRepo.
    # A warning is generated for the incompatible parameter values.
    PS C:\> $r = New-GitRepo -Repo 'MyNewRepo' -UseDefaultDir
    PS C:\> Get-ChildItem -Path "$($Powdrgit.DefaultDir)\MyNewRepo" -Hidden -Recurse | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
    # A repository was created in the default directory.
    ## Call with SetLocation ##
    PS C:\> $r = New-GitRepo -Repo 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyNewRepo' -SetLocation
    PS C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyNewRepo>
    # The location changed to the new repository.
    ## Call with Bare ##
    PS C:\> $r = New-GitRepo -Repo 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyNewRepo' -Bare
    PS C:\> Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyNewRepo*' -Directory | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
    # The name of the repository was automatically appended with ".git" to indicate a bare repository.
    ## Call with AppendPowdrgitPath ##
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = $null
    PS C:\> $r = New-GitRepo -Repo 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyNewRepo' -AppendPowdrgitPath
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path
    PS C:\> $r.GetType().FullName
    # The name of the repository was appended with ".git" to indicate a bare repository.
    # Because the repository exists in the $Powdrgit.Path module variable, New-GitRepo returns a GitRepo object.
    ## Call with InitialBranchName and InitialCommit ##
    PS C:\> $r = New-GitRepo -Repo 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyNewRepo' -AppendPowdrgitPath -InitialBranchName 'MyBranch' -InitialCommit 'Initial commit'
    # AppendPowdrgitPath is used to make the repo visible to Powdrgit.
    # InitialCommit is used to make the branch visible in git.
    PS C:\> $r | Get-GitBranch | Select-Object RepoName,BranchName
    RepoName BranchName
    -------- ----------
    MyNewRepo MyBranch
    PS C:\> $r | Get-GitLog | Select-Object RepoName,SHA1Hash,Subject
    RepoName SHA1Hash Subject
    -------- -------- -------
    MyNewRepo 6ef6fab1a36bd165a898e06e053515ce114a4390 Initial commit
    ## Call with TemplateDir ##
    PS C:\> $t = New-GitRepo -Repo 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\TemplateRepo' # create a template repository
    PS C:\> $f = New-Item -Path "$($t.FullName)\TemplateFile.txt" -ItemType File -Value 'This is a template file.' # add a file to the template repository
    PS C:\> $r = New-GitRepo -Repo 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\NewRepoFromTemplateRepo' -TemplateDir $t.FullName # create a new repository from the template repository
    PS C:\> Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\NewRepoFromTemplateRepo' -Force -Recurse -Filter *.txt | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
    # Note that git copies files from with working directory of the template repository to the git directory of the new repository.
    Accepts string objects via the Repo parameter.
    If the AppendPowdrgitPath switch was used, then a [GitRepo] object is returned. Otherwise a [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] object is returned.
    Author : nmbell

    # Function alias

    # Use cmdlet binding
      DefaultParameterSetName = 'InitialCommit'
    , SupportsShouldProcess   = $true
    , ConfirmImpact           = 'Medium'
    , HelpURI                 = ''

    # Declare output type
    [OutputType('GitRepo'                , ParameterSetName = ('Bare','InitialCommit','UseDefaultInitialCommit'))]
    [OutputType([System.IO.DirectoryInfo], ParameterSetName = ('Bare','InitialCommit','UseDefaultInitialCommit'))]

    # Declare parameters

          Mandatory                       = $false
        , Position                        = 0
        , ValueFromPipeline               = $true
        , ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

    ,    [Switch]

    ,    [Parameter(
          ParameterSetName = 'Bare'

    ,     [Parameter(
          Mandatory                       = $false
        , Position                        = 1
        , ValueFromPipeline               = $false
        , ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

    ,    [Parameter(
          Mandatory                       = $false
        , Position                        = 2
        , ValueFromPipeline               = $false
        , ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        , ParameterSetName                = 'InitialCommit'

    ,    [Parameter(
          ParameterSetName = 'UseDefaultInitialCommit'

    ,     [Parameter(
          Mandatory                       = $false
        , Position                        = 3
        , ValueFromPipeline               = $false
        , ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

    ,    [Switch]

    ,    [Switch]


        $bk = 'B'

        # Common BEGIN:
        Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0
        $thisFunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
        $start            = Get-Date
        $indent           = ($Powdrgit.DebugIndentChar[0]+' ')*($PowdrgitCallDepth++)
        $PSDefaultParameterValues += @{ '*:Verbose' = $(If ($DebugPreference -notin 'Ignore','SilentlyContinue') { $DebugPreference } Else { $VerbosePreference }) } # turn on Verbose with Debug
        $warn             = $Powdrgit.ShowWarnings -and !($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WarningAction') -and $PSBoundParameters.WarningAction -eq 'Ignore') # because -WarningAction:Ignore is not implemented correctly
        Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Start: $($start.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff'))"

        # Function BEGIN:
        Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Storing current location"
        $startLocation = $PWD.Path

        $bk = 'P'

        # Use the current path if none was supplied
        If (!$Repo) { $Repo = $PWD.Path }

        ForEach ($_Repo in $Repo)
            # Validate Repo parameter
            Repo UseDefaultDir=True UseDefaultDir=False
            ---- ------------------ -------------------
            Absolute Warning;NoOp $Repo
            Relative DefaultDir+$Repo $PWD+$Repo
            NotPresent DefaultDir $PWD

            $repoPath = $null
            If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Repo'))
                If ($_Repo -like '[A-Z]:\*' -or $_Repo -like '\\*') # if absolute path
                    If ($UseDefaultDir)
                        If ($warn) { Write-Warning "[$thisFunctionName]The UseDefaultDir switch cannot be used with an absolute path for Repo: $_Repo." }
                        $repoPath = $_Repo
                    If ($UseDefaultDir)
                        If (Test-PowdrgitDefaultDir)
                            $repoPath = Join-Path -Path $Powdrgit.DefaultDir -ChildPath $_Repo
                        $repoPath = Join-Path -Path $PWD.Path -ChildPath $_Repo
                If ($UseDefaultDir)
                    If (Test-PowdrgitDefaultDir)
                        $repoPath = $Powdrgit.DefaultDir
                    $repoPath = $PWD.Path

            If ($repoPath)
                Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Repository path: $repoPath"

                # Construct git command
                $gitCommand = "git init"
                If ($Bare)
                    $gitCommand += ' --bare'
                    If ($repoPath -notlike '*.git') { $repoPath += '.git' }
                If ($InitialBranchName) { $gitCommand += " --initial-branch=`"$InitialBranchName`"" }
                If ($TemplateDir      ) { $gitCommand += " --template=`"$TemplateDir`"" }
                $gitCommand += " `"$repoPath`""

                # Determine procession
                $shouldText = ("Creating repository: $repoPath")
                If ($WhatIfPreference) { Write-Host }
                $shouldProcess = $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($shouldText,$null,$null)

                # Create the repo
                # If ($WhatIfPreference) { Write-Host "What if: $shouldText" } # handled by ShouldProcess
                If ($shouldProcess)
                    Write-Verbose "$(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]$shouldText"
                    $gitResults = Invoke-GitExpression -Command $gitCommand
                    If ($gitResults -like 'fatal:*')
                        If ($warn) { Write-Warning "[$thisFunctionName]$gitResults" }

                # Process remaining parameters and return the repository
                $shouldText = "Setting location: $repoPath"
                # If ($WhatIfPreference) { Write-Host "What if: $shouldText" } # moved to END block
                If ($shouldProcess)
                    Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]$shouldText"
                    Set-Location -Path $repoPath -ErrorAction Ignore
                If ($repoPath -eq $PWD.Path -or $WhatIfPreference)
                    If ($UseDefaultInitialCommit)
                        $InitialCommit = @($Powdrgit.DefaultInitialCommit)
                    If ($InitialCommit)
                        $commitSubject = "-m `"$($InitialCommit[0])`""
                        $commitBody    = ''
                        If ($InitialCommit.Count -gt 1)
                            $commitBody = "-m `"$($InitialCommit[1..($InitialCommit.Count-1)] -join "`r`n")`""

                        $shouldText = "Making initial commit: $($InitialCommit[0])"
                        If ($WhatIfPreference) { Write-Host "What if: $shouldText" }
                        If ($shouldProcess)
                            Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]$shouldText"
                            Invoke-GitExpression -Command 'git add .' -SuppressGitSuccessStream -SuppressGitErrorStream
                            Invoke-GitExpression -Command "git commit --allow-empty $commitSubject $commitBody" -SuppressGitSuccessStream -SuppressGitErrorStream

                    If ($AppendPowdrgitPath)
                        $shouldText = 'Adding path to `$Powdrgit.Path'
                        If ($WhatIfPreference) { Write-Host "What if: $shouldText" }
                        If ($shouldProcess)
                            Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]$shouldText"
                            Add-PowdrgitPath -Path $repoPath -WhatIf:$false -Confirm:$false

                        $shouldText = 'Returning [GitRepo]'
                        If ($WhatIfPreference) { Write-Host "What if: $shouldText" }
                        If ($shouldProcess)
                            Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]$shouldText"
                            Get-GitRepo -Repo $repoPath
                        $shouldText = 'Returning [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]'
                        If ($WhatIfPreference) { Write-Host "What if: $shouldText" }
                        If ($shouldProcess)
                            Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]$shouldText"
                            Get-Item -Path $repoPath
                ElseIf ($repoPath -and $shouldProcess)
                    If ($warn) { Write-Warning "[$thisFunctionName]Could not move to repository location: $repoPath. Check the repository has been created." }

        $bk = 'E'

        # Function END:
        If (!$SetLocation)
            Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Setting location to original directory"
            Set-Location -Path $startLocation
            $shouldText = "Setting location: $repoPath"
            If ($WhatIfPreference) { Write-Host; Write-Host "What if: $shouldText" }
        If ($WhatIfPreference) { Write-Host }

        # Common END:
        $end      = Get-Date
        $duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $start -End $end
        Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Finish: $($end.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff')) ($($duration.ToString('d\d\ hh\:mm\:ss\.fff')))"