
Function Get-slackHelp {
        Get fast help for most useful examples for every function
        Get fast help for most useful examples for every function
        Get-slackHelp help
        Get help on help
        gskh -list
        Get list of module commands
        gskh -alias
        Get list of aliases for the ps.slack module
        gskh message
        Get examples for all slackMessage commands
        gskh mess* -p zabbix -short
        Get examples for lackMessage look for string zabbix
        gskh -zverb get
        Get examples of all get commands
        gskh message set
        Get examples for Set-slackMessage
        gskh message -p set
        Get examples for *-slackMessage and look for "set""

    Param ($znoun,$zverb,[switch]$list,$pattern,[switch]$short,[switch]$alias)
    if ($list) {dir function:\*-slack* | select name | sort name }
    elseif ($alias) {gcm -Module ps.slack | %{gal -Definition $ -ea 0}}
    elseif (!$znoun -and $pattern -and $short) {gskh | %{foreach ($i in $_) {$i | Select-String -Pattern $pattern -AllMatches | Out-ColorMatchInfo -onlyShowMatches}}}
    elseif (!$znoun -and $pattern -and !$short) {gskh | out-string | Select-String -Pattern $pattern -AllMatches | Out-ColorMatchInfo -onlyShowMatches}
    elseif ($znoun -and $pattern -and !$short) {gskh $znoun | out-string | Select-String -Pattern $pattern -AllMatches | Out-ColorMatchInfo -onlyShowMatches}
    elseif ($znoun -and $pattern -and $short) {gskh $znoun | %{foreach ($i in $_) {$i | Select-String -Pattern $pattern -AllMatches | Out-ColorMatchInfo -onlyShowMatches}}}
    elseif ($zverb -and !$znoun) {dir function:\$zverb-slack* | %{write-host $_.Name -f yellow; get-help -ex $_.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines}}
    elseif ($znoun -and !$zverb) {dir function:\*slack$znoun | %{write-host $_.Name -f yellow; get-help -ex $_.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines}}
    elseif ($zverb -and $znoun) {dir function:\$zverb-slack$znoun | %{write-host $_.Name -f yellow; get-help -ex $_.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines}}
    else {dir function:\*slack* | %{write-host $_.Name -f yellow; get-help -ex $_.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines}}

function Remove-EmptyLines {
        Remove empty lines from file, string or variable
        Remove empty lines from file, string or variable
        Remove-EmptyLines -in (gc c:\file.txt)
        $var | Remove-EmptyLines
        help -ex Remove-EmptyLines | Remove-EmptyLines
        gc c:\*.txt | rmel
        Get-ClipBoard | rmel
        dir | oss | rmel

    param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=0,ValueFromPipeline=$true)][array]$in)
    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {
            help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines
        $in.split("`r`n") | ? {$_.trim() -ne ""}

function Set-slackAuthToken {
        Set slack authentication token
        Set slack authentication token
        Set slack authentication token

    if (!$global:slackToken) {$global:slackToken=read-host "Input the slack user authentication token"; write-verbose "Slack user token: $global:slackToken"} 
    else {write-host "`nSlack user token already exists." -f green; write-host "Want to set new one, use -force`n" -f yellow; write-verbose "Slack user token: $global:slackToken"}
    if (!$global:slackTokenIdentity) {$global:slackTokenIdentity=read-host "Input the slack identity scope authentication token"; write-verbose "Slack user token: $global:slackTokenIdentity"} 
    else {write-host "`nSlack identity scope token already exists." -f green; write-host "Want to set new one, use -force`n" -f yellow; write-verbose "Slack user token: $global:slackTokenIdentity"}
    # elseif (!$force) {write-host "`nSlack user token already exists." -f green; write-host "Want to set new one, use -force`n" -f yellow; write-verbose "Slack user token: $global:slackToken"}
    if ($force) {
        if ($global:slackToken) {$global:slackToken=read-host "Input the slack user authentication token"; write-verbose "Slack user token: $global:slackToken"}
        if ($global:slackTokenIdentity) {$global:slackTokenIdentity=read-host "Input the slack identity scope authentication token"; write-verbose "Slack user token: $global:slackTokenIdentity"}

function Test-slackAuthToken {
        Test slack authentication token with slack API endpoint
        Test slack authentication token with slack API endpoint
        Test slack token

    Param (
    if (!$psboundparameters.count -and !$global:slackToken) {write-host "`nSlack authentication token is not set!`n" -f red; return}

    $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
    write-verbose "($boundparams)"

    switch -wildcard ($scope) {
        user {$token=$global:slackToken}
        bot {$token=$global:slackToken}
        identity {$token=$global:slackTokenIdentity}

    $Body = @{
        token = $token
    write-verbose "Slack user token: $global:slackToken"
    write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
    $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post

function Show-slackAuthToken {
        Show slack authentication token
        Show slack authentication token
        Show slack authentication token

    Param ()

    if ($global:slackToken -or $global:slackTokenIdentity) {
        "token user scopes: $global:slackToken"
        "token identity scopes: $global:slackTokenIdentity"
    else {
        write-host "`nSlack authentication tokens are not set!`n" -f red; Set-slackAuthToken

function Revoke-slackAuthToken {
        Revoke slack authentication token from Slack API service. New token should be generated
        Revoke slack authentication token from Slack API service. New token should be generated
        Revoke slack authentication token from Slack API service. New token should be generated

    Param (
    if (Test-slackAuthToken) {
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        if ([bool]$WhatIfPreference.IsPresent) {}
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($token,"Revoke the authentication token, i.e. delete from Slack service! You'll need to generate the new token then.)")) {  
            $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post

function Test-slackAPI {
        Test slack API
        Test slack API
        Test slack API

    Param (
    if (Test-slackAuthToken) {
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post

function Disconnect-slack {
        Disconnect from slack, unset the local authentication token
        Disconnect from slack, unset the local authentication token
        Disconnect from slack, unset the local authentication token

    Param ()
    if ($global:slackToken) {$global:slackToken=""} 

function Send-slackWebhook {
        Post messages to slack via webhook
        Post messages to slack via webhook
        Send-Webhook -url '' -channel '#test' -text ""
        Post URL
        Send-Webhook -url '' -channel '@username' -text "This is my hook" -emoji ":yum:" -username myBot
        Post message
        "NO", "YES" | %{send-webhook -text $_ -channel "#test" -URL ""}
        Post two messages
        Send-Webhook -url '' -channel '#smtp' -text ((Invoke-SSHCommand -ComputerName -ScriptBlock {tail -n500 /var/log/maillog | egrep -i "sent"} -Credential $cred) | select -ExpandProperty result) -emoji ":exclamation:" -username myBot
        Post from Postfix's maillog
        if ((($body=(Invoke-SSHCommand -ComputerName SMTPserver -ScriptBlock {tail -n100 /var/log/maillog | egrep -i "error|deferred|bounced|blocked"} -Credential $cred) | select -ExpandProperty result))) {send-webhook -url '' -channel '#smtperrors' -text $body -emoji ":exclamation:" -username myBot} else {write-host "$(get-date -f o)`: SMTP is OK" -f green}
        Post smtp errors grepped from Postfix email server logs
        (1..1000) | %{if ((($body=(Invoke-SSHCommand -ComputerName -ScriptBlock {tail -n200 /var/log/maillog | egrep -i "error|deferred|bounced|blocked"} -Credential $cred) | select -ExpandProperty result))) {send-webhook -url '' -channel '#smtp' -text $body -emoji ":exclamation:" -username myBot; sleep (10*60)} else {write-host "$_ - $(get-date -f o)`: SMTP is OK" -f green; sleep (30*60)}}
        Post smtp errors grepped from Postfix email server logs, if error will occur

    Param (
    process {
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        if ($text.contains("http")) {$text="<$text>"}
        $Body = @{
            channel = $channel
            username = $username
            text = $text
            icon_emoji = $emoji
            unfurl_links = "true"
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $BodyJSON = ConvertTo-Json $Body
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL" -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Body $BodyJSON -Method Post

function Send-slackMessage {
        Post messages to slack
        Post messages to slack
        Send-slackMessage -text "Post text to slack" -channel "#test" -Verbose
        Post slack message
        sskmsg -channel "#test" -text "Hello world"
        Post message
        sskmsg -channel "@name.lastname" -text "Hello!"
        Post message to user
        Get-slackUsers | ? presence -match active | select id,name,status,real_name,is_admin,is_bot,presence | ? name -match name | sskmsg -text "Hello"
        Post message to user
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match test | sskmsg -text "Hello world"
        Post message
        sskmsg -channel "#BlackFriday" -text (gc c:\errors.log | out-string)
        Post message
        Send-slackMessage -text "Alert!" -channel "#test" -as_user $false -emoji ":yum:" -username myBot
        Send message as a bot with custom emoji
        Get-Clipboard | out-string | Send-slackMessage -channel "#test"
        Paste and send the message
        Search-slack -query "powershell" | select -ExpandProperty messages | select -ExpandProperty matches | ? channel -match (Get-slackChannels | ? name -eq channelSource).id | Send-slackMessage -channel "#channelDestination"
        Copy messages from channel to channel
        Get-slackIM | select id,@{n="user";e={(gskusrs | ? id -eq $_.user).name}} | ? user -match user | Send-slackMessage -text "Direct IM message"
        Send direct IM message
        (get-vm | ? powerstate -match on | ? name -match centos | get-vmguest | select @{n="IPAddress";e={$_.IPAddress -like "10.10.20.*"}}).ipaddress | new-sshsession
        Get-SshSession | Invoke-SshCommand -command {hostname; df -h} | oss | Send-slackMessage -channel "#test"
        1. Connect to multiple Linux boxes, using VMware PowerCLI and SSH module
        2. Get disk information from all machines and post to slack
        3. Every machine info will be posted as separate message
        (get-vm | ? powerstate -match on | ? name -match centos | get-vmguest | select @{n="IPAddress";e={$_.IPAddress -like "10.10.20.*"}}).ipaddress | new-sshsession
        Get-SshSession | Invoke-SshCommand -command {hostname; df -h} | out-string | Send-slackMessage -channel "#test"
        Same as previous example, but all text will be posted as single message
        gskusrs | ? name -match name | startskim | sskmsg -text "text"
        Send private message
        Get-ZabbixAlert | ? sendto -match yubu | select @{n="Time(UTC+1)";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.clock).addhours(1)}},alertid,subject | Out-String | sskmsg -channel "#BlackFriday"
        Get Zabbix alerts for last 5 hours (default) and post to slack

    Param (
        # Set your bot's user name. Must be used in conjunction with as_user set to false, otherwise ignored.
        # Emoji to use as the icon for this message. Overrides icon_url. Must be used in conjunction with as_user set to false, otherwise ignored
        # Pass true to post the message as the authed user, instead of as a bot

    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"
        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $channel
            username = $username
            text = $text
            icon_emoji = $emoji
            unfurl_links = $unfurl_links
            unfurl_media = $unfurl_media
            as_user = $as_user
            parse = $parse
            attachments = $attachments
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post

function Send-slackMessageAsBot {
        Post messages as bot
        Post messages as a bot. All users in the chanel will get notification
        Send-slackMessageAsBot -text "Post text to slack" -channel "#test" -username alertBot -emoji ":thumbsup:"
        Post slack message as a bot, named alertBot
        sskmsgab -channel "#BlackFriday" -text (gc c:\errors.log | out-string) -username alertBot -emoji ":exclamation:"
        Post message as a bot
        Get-Clipboard | out-string | Send-slackMessageAsBot -channel "#test" -username systemAlertBot
        Paste and send the message as a bot, named systemAlertBot
        Search-slack -query "powershell" | select -ExpandProperty messages | select -ExpandProperty matches | ? channel -match (Get-slackChannels | ? name -eq channelSource).id | Send-slackMessageAsBot -channel "#channelDestination" -emoji :exclamation: -as_user $false
        Copy messages from channel to channel
        (get-vm | ? powerstate -match on | ? name -match centos | get-vmguest | select @{n="IPAddress";e={$_.IPAddress -like "10.10.20.*"}}).ipaddress | new-sshsession
        Get-SshSession | Invoke-SshCommand -command {hostname; df -h} | oss | Send-slackMessageAsBot -channel "#alerts" alertBot -emoji ":exclamation:"
        1. Connect to multiple Linux boxes, using VMware PowerCLI and SSH module
        2. Get disk information from all machines and post to slack
        3. Every machine info will be posted as separate message
        (get-vm | ? powerstate -match on | ? name -match centos | get-vmguest | select @{n="IPAddress";e={$_.IPAddress -like "10.10.20.*"}}).ipaddress | new-sshsession
        Get-SshSession | Invoke-SshCommand -command {hostname; dstat -lvn 1 2} | out-string | Send-slackMessageAsBot -channel "#BlackFriday" -user alertBot -emoji ":exclamation:"
        Same as previous example, but all text will be posted as single message
        Get-ZabbixAlert | ? sendto -match user | select @{n="Time(UTC+1)";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.clock).addhours(1)}},alertid,subject | Out-String | sskmsgab -channel "#BlackFriday" alertBot -emoji ":boom:"
        Get Zabbix alerts for last 5 hours (default) and post to slack
        Search-slack -query "powershell" | select -ExpandProperty messages | select -ExpandProperty matches | ? channel -match (Get-slackChannels | ? name -eq channelsource).id | Send-slackMessage -channel "#channeldest" -emoji :exclamation: -as_user $false -text {(($_.text).replace('<','').replace('>','')).split('|')[0]}
        Copy messages with URLs from channel to channel

    Param (

    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"
        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $channel
            username = $username
            text = $text
            icon_emoji = $emoji
            unfurl_links = "true"
            unfurl_media = "true"
            as_user = "false"
            parse = "true"
            attachments = $attachments
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post

function Set-slackMessage {
        Edit slack messages
        Edit slack messages
        Search-slack -query "query" | select -ExpandProperty messages | select -ExpandProperty matches | Set-slackMessage -text "New message here" -channel {$}
        Will replace existing message text with new one, in every occurrence
        Search-slack -query "query" | select -ExpandProperty messages | select -ExpandProperty matches | ? channel -match test | Set-slackMessage -text "EDIT MESSAGE" -channel {$}
        Will replace messages by query and in channel by match
        Search-slack -query "query" | select -ExpandProperty messages | select -ExpandProperty matches | ? channel -match test | select -skip 1 | Set-slackMessage -text {"$($_.text) Additional text"} -channel {$}
        Will edit message by appending new text to existing one
        Search-slack -query "powershell" | select -ExpandProperty messages | select -ExpandProperty matches | ? channel -match (Get-slackChannels | ? name -eq powershell).id | sort ts -desc | ? text -match ":boy:" | Set-slackMessage -text {($_.text).replace(':boy:','')} -channel {$}
        Will remove ghost emoji from the message(s)
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match powershell -pv aa | Get-slackChannelsHistory | ? text -match ":boy:" | Set-slackMessage -text {($_.text).replace(':boy:','')} -channel {$}
        Will remove ghost emoji from the message(s)

    Param (

    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {

        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            # "channel": "@username".
            token = $token
            channel = $channel
            ts = $ts
            text = $text
            parse = $parse
            link_numbers = $link_numbers
            as_user = $as_user
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post

function Remove-slackMessage {
        Delete messages from slack
        Delete messages from slack
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match channelName -pv aa | gskchhist | select ts,@{n='id';e={$}} | rmskmsg
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match channelName -pv aa | gskchhist | select ts,@{n='channel';e={$}} | rmskmsg
        Delete all messages from the channel
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match channelName -pv aa | gskchhist | ? text -match "text" | select ts,@{n='channel';e={$}} | rmskmsg
        Delete message, by text match
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match test | Get-slackChannelsHistory | ? text -match hello | rmskmsg -id (Get-slackChannels | ? name -match test).id
        Delete messages from the channel by text match
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match test | delskmsg -ts (Get-slackChannels | ? name -match test | gskchhist | ? text -match "hello" | select -first 1).ts
        Delete messages from channel #test. Will delete only one message
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match powershell -pv aa | gskchhist | ? ts -gt "$(get-date -date '2/25/2019 12:00' | convertto-epoch)"| select ts,@{n='id';e={$}},text | sort ts -desc | rmskmsg
        Delete messages newer than 2/25/2019 12:00 (UTC time)
        Search-slack -query "powershell" | select -ExpandProperty messages | select -ExpandProperty matches | ? channel -match (Get-slackChannels | ? name -eq powershell).id | sort ts -desc | select -first 8 | delskmsg -channel {$}
        Delete messages
        Search-slack -query "powershell" | select -ExpandProperty messages | select -ExpandProperty matches | ? channel -match (Get-slackChannels | ? name -eq powershell).id | sort ts -desc | select -skiplast 2 | select ts,@{n='channel';e={$}} | delskmsg
        Delete messages

    Param (

    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}
    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $id
            ts = $ts
            as_user = "true"
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post

function Get-slackEmoji {
        Get emoji list from slack
        Get emoji list from slack
        Get slack emoji list
        chrome --incognito
        chrome --incognito
        Get emoji cheat sheet

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process { 
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post

function Search-slack {
        Search slack messages and files
        Search slack messages and files
        Search-slack -query "powershell"
        Search slack
        Search-slack -query "powershell" | select @{n="MsgTotal"; e={$}}, @{n="FilesTotal";e={$}},@{n="PostsTotal";e={$}}
        Get total messages, files and posts for query
        Search-slack -query "powershell" | select -ExpandProperty files | select -ExpandProperty matches | ft -a
        Search slack files
        Search-slack -query "powershell" | select -ExpandProperty messages | select -ExpandProperty matches | ft -a
        Search slack messages
        Search-slack -query "powershell" | select -ExpandProperty files | select -ExpandProperty matches | select @{n="created";e={convertfrom-epoch $_.created}},name,title,url_private_download
        Search slack files
        Search-slack -query "powershell" | select -ExpandProperty messages | select -ExpandProperty matches | select text,@{n='channel';e={(gskch | ? id -Match $}} | fl *
        search slack messages
        Search-slack -query "powershell" | select -ExpandProperty posts | select -ExpandProperty matches | ft -a
        Search posts
        Search-slack -query "powershell" | select -ExpandProperty messages | select -ExpandProperty matches | ? channel -match test | select text,@{n="PrevText";e={$_.previous.text}} | fl *
        View edited messages previous version, if exist

    Param (
   begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

   process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            query = $query
            sort = "timestamp"
            sort_dir = $sort_dir
            count = $count
            highlight = "1"
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post

function Get-slackPins {
        Get pinned items for channel
        Get pinned items for channel
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match "" | Get-slackPins
        Get pinned messages for channels
        gskch | ? name -match "" | gskpins | select @{n="channel";e={(gskch | ? id -Match $}} -ExpandProperty message
        Get pinned messages for channels

    Param (

    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $ID
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.items} else {$a}

function Set-slackPins {
        Pin item to channel
        Pin item to channel
        Search-slack -query "Some text" | select -ExpandProperty messages | select -ExpandProperty matches | select -first 1 | Set-slackPins -channel {$}
        Pin message to channel
        gskch | ? name -match "" | gskpins | select @{n="channel";e={(gskch | ? id -Match $}} -ExpandProperty message
        Get pinned messages for channels

    Param (

    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $channel
            file = $file
            timestamp = $ts
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.items} else {$a}

function Remove-slackPins {
        Remove pin from item
        Remove pin from item
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match "" | Get-slackPins | select channel -ExpandProperty message | Remove-slackPins
        Unpin message

    Param (

    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}
    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $channel
            file = $file
            timestamp = $ts
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a}

function Get-slackChannels {
        Get slack channels
        Get slack channels
    .Parameter exclude_archived
        exclude_archived=1 is default, Set to 0, to include also archived in list
        Get-slackChannels | select id,name,num_members | sort num_members -desc
        Get list of channels and their members count
        gskch | select id,name,@{n="created";e={(convertFrom-epoch $_.created).addhours(-5)}},@{n="creator";e={(gskusrs | ? id -eq $_.creator).name}},num_members | sort created -desc | ft -a
        Get list of channels, display time in UTC-5
        gskch -exclude_archived 0 | ? is_archived | select id,name,@{n="created";e={(convertFrom-epoch $_.created).addhours(-5)}}
        Get archived channels
        Get-slackChannel | ? name -match chanelName
        Get channels by name match
        gskch | select id,name,num_members
        Get channels
        gskch | ? name -match channelName | gskpins
        Get pinned messages for channel

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process { 

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            exclude_archived = $exclude_archived
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.channels} else {$a}    

function Get-slackChannelsInfo {
        Get slack channel info
        Get slack channel info
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match "" | Get-slackChannelsInfo
        Get channel info
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match "" | Get-slackChannelsInfo | select id,name -ExpandProperty latest -ea silent
        Get latest post in channel
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match "channelName" | Get-slackChannelsInfo | select -ExpandProperty members | select @{n="Members";e={(gskusrs | ? id -match $_)}} | select -ExpandProperty members | select id,team_id,name,real_name,presence,is_admin,is_owner | sort name | ft -a
        Get channel members
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match "" | Get-slackChannelsInfo | select id,name,@{n='creator';e={(gskusrs | ? id -match $_.creator).name}},@{n="created";e={convertfrom-epoch $_.created}} | sort creator | ft -a
        Get channels creation info

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process { 
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $id
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$} else {$a}    

function New-slackChannels {
        Join slack channel. If the channel does not exist, it will be created
        Join slack channel. If the channel does not exist, it will be created
        New-slackChannels -name New-Channel
        Join slack channel. If the channel does not exist, it will be created
        joinskch -name channelName
        Join slack channel. If the channel does not exist, it will be created

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process { 
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            name = $name
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$} else {$a}     

function Rename-slackChannels {
        Rename slack channel
        Rename slack channel
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match "currentChannelName" | Rename-slackChannels -name "newChannelName"
        Rename slack channel

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process { 
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $id
            name = $name
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$} else {$a}    

function Set-slackChannelsArchive {
        Archive slack channels
        Archive slack channels
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match "currentChannelName" | Set-slackChannelsArchive
        Archive slack channels

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process { 
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $id
            name = $name
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a}    

function Set-slackChannelsUnArchive {
        Unarchive slack channels
        Unarchive slack channels
        Get-slackChannels -exclude_archived 0 | ? name -match "channelName" | UnArchive-slackChannels
        Unarchive slack channels

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process { 
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $id
            name = $name
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a}    

function Set-slackChannelsInvite {
        Invite user to channels
        Invite user to channels
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match channelName | Set-slackChannelsInvite -userid (Get-slackUsers | ? name -match username).id
        Set/Invite user to slack channel.

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process { 
       if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return} 
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $id
            user = $userid
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$} else {$a}   

function Get-slackChannelsHistory {
        Get channel history
        Get channel history
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match channelName | gskchhist
        Get channel history
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match channelName | gskchhist | ? text -match "text1|text2"
        Get messages for channel
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match channelName | gskchhist | select username,bot_id,type,text
        Get messages from the channel
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match "" | gskchhist -oldest (convertto-epoch (((get-date).AddDays(-5)).ToUniversalTime())) | ? type -Match "message" | ? subtype -NotMatch "channel_join|channel_leave" | select @{n='time';e={(convertfrom-epoch ($_.ts.split('.')[0])).addhours(+1)}},user,@{n="name";e={(gskusrs | ? id -match $_.user).name}},text | ? name -match ""
        Get messages, where oldest message was 5 hours ago. Display time UTC+1
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match channelName | gskchhist | select @{n='time';e={(convertfrom-epoch ($_.ts.split('.')[0])).addhours(+3)}},@{n="name";e={(gskusrs | ? id -match $_.user).name}},text | ft -a
        Get messages for the channel
        gskch | ? name -match channelName | gskchhist -oldest (convertto-epoch (((get-date).AddDays(-360)).ToUniversalTime())) | ? subtype -notmatch channel_join | ft -a @{n='time';e={(convertfrom-epoch ($_.ts.split('.')[0])).addhours(+1)}},@{n="name";e={(gskusrs | ? id -match $_.user).name}},text
        Get messages for channel from 360 days ago till now, sorted by time descending. Display time UTC+1

    Param (
        # [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][string]$channel,
   begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

   process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return} 

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            # channel = $channel
            channel = $id
            latest = $latest
            oldest = $oldest
            count = $MaximumAliasCount
            unreads    = $unreads
            inclusive = $inclusive
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.messages} else {$a} 

function Get-slackUsers {
        Get slack users
        Get slack users
        Get-slackUsers | select id,name,status,real_name,is_admin,is_bot,presence | ft -a
        Get users
        gskusrs | ? presence -match active | select id,name,status,real_name,is_admin,is_bot,presence | ft -a
        Get users, who are online
        gskusrs | select name -ExpandProperty profile
        Get user name and profile
        gskusrs | select id,name,status,real_name,is_admin,is_bot,presence,@{n="mail";e={$}} | ft -a
        Get users

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            presence = $presence
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.members} else {$a} 

function Get-slackTeamDND {
        Get DND status for users on a team
        Get DND status for users on a team
        Get-slackTeamDND | fl *
        Get DND status for users on a team

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {
        # if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            users = $id
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.users} else {$a} 

function Get-slackUserDND {
        Get user DND info
        Get user DND info
        Get-slackUsers | ? name -match userName | Get-slackUserDND
        Get user DND status
        Get-slackUserDND -id (gskusrs | ? name -match userName).id
        Get user DND status

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {

        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            user = $id
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post

function Get-slackUsersPresence {
        Get users presence
        Get users presence
        Get user presence
        Get-slackUsers | ? name -match user | Get-slackUsersPresence
        Get user presence
        gskusrs | select id,name,status,real_name,is_admin,is_bot,presence,@{n="mail";e={$}} | ft -a
        Get user presence

    Param (
   begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

   process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            user = $id
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a} 

function Get-slackUsersIdentity {
        Get users identity
        Get users identity
        Get user identity

    Param (
   begin {
       if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}
       elseif (!$global:slackTokenIdentity) {write-host "`nERROR: slackTokenIdentity not exist. You need token with identity.basic scope. Look here for details:`n" -f red; break} 

   process {
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        # $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Get -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        if ($a.ok) {$a.user} else {$a}

function Get-slackFiles {
        Get file list
        Get file list
        Get-slackFiles -types pdfs | select id,@{n="created";e={(convertFrom-epoch $_.created).addhours(+1)}},filetype,name | ft -a
        Get .pdf files (file creation time in UTC+1)
        Get-slackFiles | select id,@{n="created";e={(convertFrom-epoch $_.created).addhours(+1)}},name,title,filetype | ft -a
        Get files (file creation time in UTC+1)
        Get-slackFiles -channelid (Get-slackChannels | ? name -match channelName).id -count 3 -page 2 | select id,name,paging
        Get files (file creation time in UTC+1), from channel by channel name. Pull every 3 files and display page 2 (files from 4 to 6)
        Get-slackFiles | select id,@{n="created";e={(convertFrom-epoch $_.created).addhours(+1)}},@{n="createdBy";e={(gskusrs | ? id -eq $_.user).name}},@{n="inChanel";e={(gskch | ? id -eq $_.channels).name}},title,name,filetype,size | ft -a
        Get files (file creation time in UTC+1)
        gskfiles -channelid (Get-slackChannels | ? name -match channelName).id -ts_from (convertTo-epoch ((get-date).AddDays(-50))) -Verbose | select id,name,@{n="created";e={(convertFrom-epoch $_.created).addhours(+1)}},paging
        Get files from 50 days ago from the certain channel (file creation time in UTC+1)
        gskfiles | ? name -match errors | select preview | fl *
        Preview content of the files
        gskfiles | ? filetype -match "text" | ? name -match errors.log | select preview | fl *
        Preview content of the files

    Param (
        # all - All files; spaces - Posts; snippets - Snippets; images - Image files; gdocs - Google docs; zips - Zip files; pdfs - PDF files
   begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

   process {
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
        if ($userid) {$queryparams+="`&user=$userid"}
        if ($channelid) {$queryparams+="`&channel=$channelid"}
        if ($ts_from) {$queryparams+="`&ts_from=$ts_from"}
        if ($ts_to) {$queryparams+="`&ts_to=$ts_to"}
        if ($count) {$queryparams+="`&count=$count"}
        if ($types) {$queryparams+="`&types=$types"}
        if ($page) {$queryparams+="`&page=$page"}

        write-verbose "Body: $($body | ConvertTo-Json)"
        write-verbose "QueryParams: $queryparams"
        write-verbose "URL: $URL/$method$queryparams -Method Get"

        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method$queryparams" -Body $Body -Method Get -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        if ($a.ok) {$a | select paging -ExpandProperty files } else {$a}

function Get-slackFilesInfo {
        Get file list
        Get file list
        Get-slackFiles | ? name -match "txt" | select -first 3 | Get-slackFilesInfo | select id,created,name,title,filetype,size,lines,content,comments | ft -a
        Get files detailed info
        Get-slackFiles | ? filetype -match "pdf|txt" | select -first 3 | Get-slackFilesInfo | select id,@{n="created";e={(convertFrom-epoch $_.created).addhours(+1)}},name,title,filetype,size,lines,content,comments
        Get files detailed info, time in UTC+1
        Get-slackFiles | Get-slackFilesInfo | select id,@{n="created";e={(convertFrom-epoch $_.created).addhours(+1)}},name,content
        Get files detailed info, time in UTC+1

    Param (

    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            file = $id
            page = $page
            count = $count
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Get -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        if ($a.ok) {$a.file} else {$a}

function Send-slackFiles {
        Upload file content
        Upload file content
        Send-slackFiles -content (gc c:\errors.log | out-string) -channels "#test" -filename errors.log -filetype text -title Cluster1
        Send content of text file
        Get-slackChannels | ? name -match slackChannel | Send-slackFiles -content (gc C:\errors.log -Raw) -filename errors.log -filetype text -title Cluster1
        Send content of text file
        gskch | ? name -match "channel1|channel2" | Send-slackFiles -content (gc C:\errors.log -Raw) -filename errors.log -filetype text
        Send content of file to multiple channels
        Send-slackFiles -content (Get-Clipboard | out-string) -channels "#test" -filename errors.log -filetype text -title "URGENT"
        Send text from clipboard

    Param (
        # all - All files; spaces - Posts; snippets - Snippets; images - Image files; gdocs - Google docs; zips - Zip files; pdfs - PDF files
   begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

   process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        if (!$filePath) {
            $Body = @{
                token = $token
                content = $content
                file = $file
                filename = $filename
                filetype = $filetype
                title = $title
                initial_comment = $initial_comment
                channels = $channels
        elseif ($filePath) {
            if ($file) {$queryparams+="`&user=$file"}
            if ($channels) {$queryparams+="`&channels=$channels"}
            if ($filename) {$queryparams+="`&filename=$filename"}
            if ($filetype) {$queryparams+="`&filetype=$filetype"}
            if ($initial_comment) {$queryparams+="`&initial_comment=$initial_comment"}
            if ($title) {$queryparams+="`&title=$title"}
            # if ($page) {$queryparams+="`&page=$page"}
        if ($body) {write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)}

        if (!$filePath) {$a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
        elseif ($filePath) {$a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method$queryparams" -Method Post -ContentType "multipart/form-data" -InFile $filePath}
        if ($a.ok) {$a.file} else {$a}

function Send-slackFilesCurl {
        Upload files with curl.exe
        Upload files with curl.exe
        Send-slackFilesCurl -channels "#test" -file C:\graph-2222.png
        Send file, using curl.exe (
        Send-slackFilesCurl -channels "#test" -file C:\graph.png -filename graph.png -filetype auto -title Zabbix -verbose
        Send file, using curl.exe (
        dir C:\books\*.pdf | Send-slackFilesCurl -channels "#books" -filetype pdfs
        Upload .pdf files to slack
        Get-ZabbixHost | ? name -match "server" | Get-ZabbixGraph | ? name -match 'CPU utilization' | Save-ZabbixGraph -verbose -show
        Send-slackFilesCurl -channels "#BlackFriday" -file C:\graph-1111.png
        Save graph from Zabbix and post it to the slack

    Param (
        # all - All files; spaces - Posts; snippets - Snippets; images - Image files; gdocs - Google docs; zips - Zip files; pdfs - PDF files
   begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

   process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        if (!((gcm curl).name).contains("exe")) {write-host "`nCan't run the command. Need curl.exe in the path. Download from here:`n" -f red ; return}
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"
        $a = curl -F file=@$file -F channels=$channels -F token=$token  -F filename=$filename -F filetype=$filetype -F title=$title -F initial_comment=$initial_comment "$URL/$method" --insecure -s
        if (($a | ConvertFrom-Json).ok) {($a | ConvertFrom-Json).file} else {($a | ConvertFrom-Json)}

function Save-slackFiles {
       Download files
       Download files
       Save-slackFiles -url_private_download url_private_download -name c:\temp\file.pdf
       Download file
       Get-slackFiles -types pdfs | ? name -match name | Save-slackFiles
       Download files to the current dir

   Param (

   begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

   process {
       if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}
       if (!$name) {Write-Host "`nERROR: Missing parameters. Provide -name (filename/path to save the file)`n" -f red; return} 
       if (!((gcm curl).name).contains("exe")) {write-host "`nCan't run the command. Need curl.exe in the path. Download from here:`n" -f red ; return}
       $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
       write-verbose "($boundparams)"
       Invoke-WebRequest -Headers @{"Authorization"="Bearer $token"} -URI $url_private_download -OutFile $name

function Save-slackFilesCurl {
        Download files with curl.exe
        Download files with curl.exe
        Get-slackFilesCurl -url_private_download url_private_download
        Download file to current dir, using curl.exe (
        gskfiles -filetype pdfs | ? name -match fileName | Get-slackFilesCurl
        Download files to current dir, using curl.exe (

    Param (
        # [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][string]$URL="",
        # [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][string]$method="files.upload"

    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        if (!((gcm curl).name).contains("exe")) {write-host "`nCan't run the command. Need curl.exe in the path. Download from here:`n" -f red ; return}
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"
        curl.exe -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -L -C - -J -O "$url_private_download"

function Set-slackFilesPublic {
        Make files public
        Make files public
        Get-slackFiles | ? name -match name | select -first 2 | Set-slackFilesPublic
        Set file publicly available (permalink)
        gskfiles | ? name -match name | sskfilepub
        Make file publicly available (permalink)

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"
        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            file = $file
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.file | select name,public_url_shared,permalink_public} else {$a} 

function Set-slackFilesPrivate {
        Make files private
        Make files private
        Get-slackFiles | ? name -match errors.log | select -first 1 | Set-slackFilesPrivate
        Set public files private

    Param (

    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            file = $file
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.file | select name,public_url_shared,permalink_public} else {$a} 

function Remove-slackFiles {
        Remove files
        Remove files
        Get-slackFiles | ? name -match "-.txt" | Remove-slackFiles
        Delete files
        gskfiles | ? name -match "name" | delskfiles
        Delete files
        gskfiles -filetype pdfs | ? name -match name | Remove-slackFiles
        Delete files

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {

        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"
        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            file = $file
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)

        if ([bool]$WhatIfPreference.IsPresent) {}
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$file`: $name","Remove file(s)")) {     
            $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a}

function Get-slackReactionsFile {
        Get reactions for a file
        Get reactions for a file
        Get-slackFiles | get-slackReactionsFile | ? reactions | select @{n="fileName";e={$}},filetype,size -ExpandProperty reactions | ft -a
        Get reactions for the files
        gskfiles | ? name -match errors | get-slackReactionsFile | ? reactions | select @{n="fileName";e={$}},filetype,size -ExpandProperty reactions | ft -a
        Get reactions for the files

    Param (
        # [Alias("id")][Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][string]$channel,

    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"
        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            # channel = $channel
            file = $file
            full = $full
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.file} else {$a}  
        # if ($a.ok) {$} else {$a}

function Get-slackReactionsUser {
        Get reactions, created by user
        Get reactions, created by user
        Get-slackUsers | ? name -match user | Get-slackReactionsUser
        Get reactions
        Get-slackUsers | ? name -match user | Get-slackReactionsUser | select file -Unique | select -ExpandProperty file | select @{n="filename";e={$}},type,size -ExpandProperty reactions | ft -a
        Get reactions for files
        Get-slackUsers | ? name -match user | Get-slackReactionsUser | select message -Unique | select -ExpandProperty message
        Get user reactions for messages

    Param (

    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"
        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            user = $id
            count = $count
            full = $full
            page = $page
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.Items} else {$a}  

function Set-slackReactionsFile {
        Set reactions for the files
        Set reactions for the files
        Get-slackFiles | ? title -match cluster1 | Set-slackReactionsFile -emojiname "boom"
        Set reactions for the files

    Param (

   begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

   process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            file = $file
            name = $emojiName
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a}  

function Remove-slackReactionsFile {
        Remove reactions from the files
        Remove reactions from the files
        Get-slackFiles | ? title -match fileName | Remove-slackReactionsFile -emojiname "boom"
        Remove reactions from the files

    Param (

   begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

   process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     
        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            file = $file
            name = $emojiName
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a}  

function Get-slackBots {
        Get bots
        Get bots
        Test bots

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}
    process {

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Get -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

function Get-slackGroups {
        Get a list of all im channels that the user has
        Get a list of all im channels that the user has
        Get a list of all im channels that the user has

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Get -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        if ($a.ok) {$a.groups} else {$a}  

function New-slackGroups {
        Creates a new private channel
        Creates a new private channel
        New-slackGroups -name groupName
        Creates a new private channel

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {

        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            name = $name
            validate = $validate
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$} else {$a}  

function New-slackGroupsInvite {
        Invites a user to a private channel
        Invites a user to a private channel
        Get-slackUsers | ? name -match user | New-slackGroupsInvite -channel (Get-slackGroups | ? name -match groupName).id
        Invite user to private channel
        gskusrs | ? name -match user | New-slackGroupsInvite -channel (gskgrp | ? name -match groupName).id
        Invite user to private channel

    # [Alias("invskusr")]
    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {

        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $channel
            user = $id
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$} else {$a}  

function Get-slackGroupsInfo {
        Get information about a private channel
        Get information about a private channel
        Get-slackGroups | ? name -match groupName | Get-slackGroupsInfo
        Get information about a private channel

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {

        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $id
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$} else {$a}  

function Get-slackGroupsHistory {
        Get messages/events from the specified private channel
        Get messages/events from the specified private channel
        Get-slackGroups | ? name -match slackGroup | Get-slackGroupsHistory
        Get private channel history
        Get-slackGroups | ? name -match slackGroup | gskgrphist | ? text -match "text1|text2"
        Get group message history
        Get-slackGroups | ? name -match "" | gskgrphist -oldest (convertto-epoch (((get-date).AddDays(-5)).ToUniversalTime())) | ? type -Match "message" | ? subtype -NotMatch "channel_join|channel_leave" | select @{n='time';e={(convertfrom-epoch ($_.ts.split('.')[0])).addhours(+1)}},user,@{n="name";e={(gskusrs | ? id -match $_.user).name}},text | ? name -match ""
        Get messages for private channel, where oldest message was 5 hours ago, time in UTC+1
        Get-slackGroups | ? name -match slackGroup | gskgrphist | select @{n='time';e={(convertfrom-epoch ($_.ts.split('.')[0])).addhours(+3)}},@{n="name";e={(gskusrs | ? id -match $_.user).name}},text | ft -a
        Get messages for private channel
        gskgrp | ? name -match test | gskgrphist -oldest (convertto-epoch (((get-date).AddDays(-360)).ToUniversalTime())) | ? subtype -notmatch channel_join | ft -a @{n='time';e={(convertfrom-epoch ($_.ts.split('.')[0])).addhours(+1)}},@{n="name";e={(gskusrs | ? id -match $_.user).name}},text
        Get messages for group from 360 days ago till now, sorted by time descending, time in UTC+1

    Param (
   begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

   process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return} 

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $id
            latest = $latest
            oldest = $oldest
            count = $count
            unreads    = $unreads
            inclusive = $inclusive
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.messages} else {$a} 

function Get-slackGroupsReplies {
        Rename private channel
        Rename private channel
        Get-slackGroups | ? name -match group | Get-slackGroupsReplies -name newName
        Rename private channel

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {

        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $id
            name = $name
            thread_ts = $thread_ts
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$} else {$a}  

function Set-slackGroupsArchive {
        Archive/Disconnect private channel
        Archive/Disconnect private channel
        get-slackGroups | ? name -match group | Remove-slackGroups
        Archive private channel

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {

        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $id
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a}  

function Open-slackGroups {
        Open private channel
        Open private channel
        get-slackGroups | ? name -match group | Open-slackGroups
        Close private channel

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {

        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $id
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a}  

function Set-slackGroupsPurpose {
        Sets the purpose for a private channel
        Sets the purpose for a private channel
        Get-slackGroups | ? name -match group | Set-slackGroupsPurpose -purpose "The test private channel"
        Sets the purpose for a private channel

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {

        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $id
            purpose = $purpose
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.purpose} else {$a}  

function Set-slackGroupsTopic {
        Sets the topic for a private channel
        Sets the topic for a private channel
        Get-slackGroups | ? name -match group | Set-slackGroupsTopic -topic "The topic fot the test private channel"
        Sets the topic for a private channel

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {

        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $id
            topic = $topic
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.topic} else {$a}  

function Rename-slackGroups {
        Rename private channel
        Rename private channel
        Get-slackGroups | ? name -match group | Rename-slackGroups -name newName
        Rename private channel

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {

        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $id
            name = $name
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$} else {$a}  

function Disconnect-slackGroups {
        Leave a private channel
        Leave a private channel
        get-slackGroups | ? name -match group | Disconnect-slackGroups
        Leave a private channel

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {

        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $id
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a}  

function Remove-slackGroupsUser {
        Removes a user from a private channel
        Removes a user from a private channel
        Get-slackGroups | ? name -match group | Remove-slackGroups
        Removes a user from a private channel

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {

        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $channel
            user = $id
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)

        if ([bool]$WhatIfPreference.IsPresent) {}
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($id,"Remove user from private channel.")) { 
            $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post

        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a}  

function Set-slackGroupsArchive {
        Archive a private channel
        Archive a private channel
        Get-slackGroups | ? name -match group | Set-slackGroupsArchive
        Archive a private channel

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {

        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $id
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a}  

function Set-slackGroupsUnArchive {
        Unarchive a private channel
        Unarchive a private channel
        Get-slackGroups | ? name -match group | Set-slackGroupsUnArchive
        Unarchive a private channel

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

    process {

        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $id
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a}  

Function Start-slackIM {
        Opens a direct message channel with another member of Slack team
        Opens a direct message channel with another member of Slack team
        Get-slackUsers | ? name -match user | Start-slackIM
        Open direct IM channel

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}
    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            user = $user
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a}  

Function Get-slackIM {
        Get a direct message channels
        Get a direct message channels
        Get direct message channels
        Get-slackIM | select id,@{n="user";e={(gskusrs | ? id -eq $_.user).name}},@{n="created";e={(convertFrom-epoch $_.created).addhours(1)}}
        Get direct message channels, time in UTC+1
        Get-slackIM | select id,@{n="user";e={(gskusrs | ? id -eq $_.user).name}} | ? user -match user | Send-slackMessage -text "Direct IM message"
        Send direct IM message

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}
    process {
        # if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.ims} else {$a}  

Function Stop-slackIM {
        Close a direct message channel with another member of Slack team
        Close a direct message channel with another member of Slack team
        Get-slackIM | Stop-slackIM
        Close all IM channels

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}
    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $channel
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a}  

function Get-slackIMHistory {
        Get messages/events from the direct channel
        Get messages/events from direct channel
        Get-slackIM | ? name -match slackGroup | Get-slackIMHistory
        Get direct channel history
        Get-slackIM | select id,@{n="user";e={(gskusrs | ? id -eq $_.user).name}} | Get-slackIMHistory | select type,@{n="user";e={(gskusrs | ? id -eq $_.user).name}},bot_id,@{n='time';e={(convertfrom-epoch ($_.ts).split(".")[0]).addhours(3)}},text | ft -a
        Get direct message history
        Get-slackIM | select id,@{n="user";e={(gskusrs | ? id -eq $_.user).name}} | ? user -match user | Get-slackIMHistory | select type,@{n="user";e={(gskusrs | ? id -eq $_.user).name}},bot_id,@{n='time';e={(convertfrom-epoch ($_.ts).split(".")[0]).addhours(1)}},text | ft -a
        Get direct messages for the user, time in UTC+1
        Get-slackIM | select id,@{n="user";e={(gskusrs | ? id -eq $_.user).name}} | Get-slackIMHistory | select type,@{n="user";e={(gskusrs | ? id -eq $_.user).name}},bot_id,@{n='time';e={(convertfrom-epoch ($_.ts).split(".")[0]).addhours(1)}},text | ? text -match "string1|string2"
        Get direct messages for the user, time in UTC+1

    Param (
   begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}

   process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return} 

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            channel = $id
            latest = $latest
            oldest = $oldest
            count = $count
            unreads    = $unreads
            inclusive = $inclusive
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.messages} else {$a} 

Function Add-slackReminders {
        Add reminders
        Add reminders
        Add-slackReminders -text "Eat banana" -time (convertto-epoch ((get-date).AddMinutes(25)).ToUniversalTime())
        Create reminder, time in UTC
        Add-slackReminders -text "Eat banana" -time ((get-date -date "10/15/2016 15:48").ToUniversalTime() | convertTo-epoch)
        Add reminder, time in UTC
        Get-slackUsers | ? name -match user | Add-slackReminders -text "Eat banana" -time (convertto-epoch ((get-date).AddHours(12)).ToUniversalTime())
        Create reminder for user, time in UTC

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}
    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            text = $text
            time = $time
            user = $user
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.reminder} else {$a}  

Function Get-slackReminders {
        Get reminders
        Get reminders
        Get-slackReminders | ft -a
        Get all reminders
        Get-slackReminders | ? text -match text | ft -a
        Get reminders
        Get-slackReminders | select id,@{n="creator";e={(gskusrs | ? id -eq $_.creator).name}},@{n="user";e={(gskusrs | ? id -eq $_.user).name}},recurring,@{n="time";e={(convertFrom-epoch $_.time).addhours(-5)}},@{n="complete";e={(convertFrom-epoch $_.complete_ts).addhours(-5)}},complete_ts,text | ft -a
        Get reminders, time in UTC-5

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}
    process {
        # if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.reminders} else {$a}  

Function Get-slackRemindersInfo {
        Get reminders information
        Get reminders information
        Get-slackReminders | Get-slackRemindersInfo
        Get reminders information
        Get-slackReminders | ? text -match banana | Get-slackRemindersInfo
        Get reminders information reminders

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}
    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            reminder = $reminder
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.reminder} else {$a}  

Function Remove-slackReminders {
        Delete reminders
        Delete reminders
        Get-slackReminders | Remove-slackReminders
        Delete all reminders
        Get-slackReminders | ? text -match banana | select -first 1 | Remove-slackReminders
        Delete reminders

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}
    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            reminder = $reminder
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a}  

Function Complete-slackReminders {
        Complete reminders
        Complete reminders
        Get-slackReminders | Complete-slackReminders
        Complete all reminders
        Get-slackReminders | ? text -match banana | select -first 1 | Complete-slackReminders
        Complete reminders

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}
    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            reminder = $reminder
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a}  

Function Get-slackTeamInfo {
        Get team info
        Get team info
        Get team info

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}
    process {
        # if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$} else {$a}  

Function Get-slackTeamBillableInfo {
        Get team billable info
        Get team billable info
        Get team billable info
        Get-slackUsers | ? name -match user | Get-slackTeamBillableInfo
        Get user billable info

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}
    process {
        # if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            user = $user
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.billable_info} else {$a}  

Function Get-slackTeamAccessLogs {
        Get team access logs
        Get team access logs
        Get team access logs

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}
    process {
        # if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            user = $user
            page = $page
            count = $count
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a}  

Function Get-slackTeamIntegrationLogs {
        Get the integration logs for the current team
        Get the integration logs for the current team
        Get the integration logs for the current team
        Get-slackUsers | ? name -match user | Get-slackTeamIntegrationLogs
        Filter logs generated by this user's actions

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}
    process {
        if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}     

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            service_id = $service_id
            app_id = $app_id
            user = $user
            page = $page
            count = $count
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a} else {$a}  

Function Get-slackTeamProfile {
        Get team's profile
        Get team's profile
        Get team's profile
        Get team's profile

    Param (
    begin {if (!(Test-slackAuthToken)) {break}}
    process {
        # if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines; return}

        $boundparams=$PSBoundParameters | out-string
        write-verbose "($boundparams)"

        $Body = @{
            token = $token
            visibility = $visibility
        write-verbose ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        $a = Invoke-RestMethod "$URL/$method" -Body $Body -Method Post
        if ($a.ok) {$a.profile.fields} else {$a}  