
function Set-PSIntuneDeviceCategory {
        Batch update Intune device category assignment
        Batch update Intune device category assignment using
        an input file (csv or txt) to filter the computer names
    .PARAMETER InputFile
        Path and name of .CSV or .TXT input file
        CSV file must have a column named "Computer"
        TXT file must be computer names only, one per line
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Computer name(s) to process when InputFile is not used. Comma-delimited string)
    .PARAMETER CategoryName
        A valid category name. If the name does not exist in the
        Intune subscription, it will return an error
    .PARAMETER UserName
        UPN for user with credentials
        Set-PSIntuneDeviceCategory -InputFile ".\computers.txt" -CategoryName "Personal" -UserName ""
        Set-PSIntuneDeviceCategory -ComputerName "Computer1,Computer2" -CategoryName "Corporate" -UserName ""
        Requires an Azure AD app registration with Application permissions assigned:
        Device.Read / Read.All / ReadWrite.All
        DeviceManagementManagedDevice.Read.All / ReadWrite.All
        0.1 - 2021-02-03 - David Stein, Catapult Systems

    param (
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'File', Mandatory=$False)][string] $InputFile = "",
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ComputerName', Mandatory=$False)][string] $ComputerName = "",
        [parameter(Mandatory)][string] $CategoryName,
        [parameter(Mandatory)][string] $UserName
    try {
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($InputFile) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ComputerName)) {
            throw "Neither InputFile or ComputerName were provided."
        if (Get-Module AzureAD) {
            Remove-Module AzureAD -Force
        Import-Module AzureADPreview
        Get-psIntuneAuth -UserName $UserName
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($InputFile)) {
            if (-not(Test-Path $InputFile)) {
                throw "file not found: $InputFile"
            if ($InputFile.EndsWith(".csv")) {
                [array]$computers = Import-Csv -Path $InputFile | Select-Object Computer
            } elseif ($InputFile.EndsWith(".txt")) {
                [array]$computers = Get-Content -Path $InputFile | Where-Object {-not($($_).ToString().StartsWith(';'))}
            } else {
                throw "invalid file type (.csv or .txt only)"
        } else {
            $computers = @($ComputerName -split ',')

        if ($computers.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Host "processing $($computers.Count) computer names"
        } else {
            throw "no computers were imported from file"

# Write-Verbose "connecting to: azure ad"
# $azconn = Connect-AzureAD -Credential $Credential -ErrorAction Stop
# if (!$WhatIfPreference) { Write-Verbose "connected to $($azconn.TenantDomain)" }

        Write-Verbose "connecting to: msgraph"

        Update-MSGraphEnvironment -SchemaVersion 'beta' | Out-Null
        [string]$baseUrl = ""

        Write-Verbose "getting devices"
        [array]$devices = Get-PsIntuneDevice -UserName $UserName -Detail Summary
        #[array]$devices = Get-DeviceManagement_ManagedDevices
        Write-Verbose "returned $($devices.Count) devices"

        Write-Verbose "getting device categories"
        [array]$cats = Get-DeviceManagement_DeviceCategories
        Write-Verbose "returned $($cats.Count) categories"

        Write-Verbose "validating requested category: $CategoryName"
        $cat = $cats | Where-Object {$_.displayName -eq $CategoryName}
        if ($null -eq $cat) { throw "category not found: $CategoryName" }
        $DeviceCategory = $
        Write-Verbose "categoryId........ $DeviceCategory"

        foreach ($computer in $computers) {
            $device = $devices | Where-Object {$_.DeviceName -eq $computer}
            if ($null -eq $device) {
                Write-Warning "device not found: $computer"
            } else {
                $deviceid = $device.DeviceID
                Write-Verbose "deviceName........ $computer"
                Write-Verbose "deviceId.......... $deviceId"
                Write-Verbose "current-category.. $($device.deviceCategoryDisplayName)"
                Set-DeviceCategory -DeviceID $deviceid -category $DeviceCategory -BaseUrl $baseUrl
    catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message