
function Get-psIntuneDevicesWithApp {
        Returns Intune managed devices having a specified App installed
        Returns Intune managed devices having a specified App installed
    .PARAMETER AppDataSet
        Applications dataset returned from Get-DsIntuneDeviceApps().
        If not provided, Devices are queried automatically, which will incur additional time.
    .PARAMETER Application
        Name, or wildcard name, of App to search for
    .PARAMETER UserName
        UserPrincipalName for authentication request
    .PARAMETER ShowProgress
        Display progress during execution (default is silent / no progress shown)
        Get-psIntuneDevicesWithApp -Application "*Putty*" -UserName ""
        Returns list of Intune-managed devices which have any app name containing "Putty" installed
        Get-psIntuneDevicesWithApp -Application "*Putty*" -UserName "" -ShowProgress
        Returns list of Intune-managed devices which have any apps name containing "Putty" installed, and displays progress during execution
        NAME: Get-psIntuneDevicesWithApp
        This function was derived almost entirely from
        (Thanks to Matt Dowst)

    param (
        [parameter()] $AppDataSet,
        [parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $Application,
        [parameter()][string] $Version,
        [parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $Username,
        [parameter()][switch] $ShowProgress
    Write-Verbose "Getting authentication token"
    $AuthHeader = Get-AuthToken -User $Username

    Write-Verbose "getting all devices in Intune"
    $AllDevices = Get-MsGraphData "deviceManagement/managedDevices"

    # Get detected app for each device and check for app name
    [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]$FoundApp = @()
    $wp = 1
    Write-Verbose "querying devices for $Application $Version"
    foreach ($Device in $AllDevices) {
        if ($ShowProgress) { Write-Progress -Activity "Found $($FoundApp.count)" -Status "$wp of $($AllDevices.count)" -PercentComplete $(($wp/$($AllDevices.count))*100) -id 1 }
        $AppData = Get-MsGraphData "deviceManagement/managedDevices/$($`$expand=detectedApps"
        $DetectedApp = $AppData.detectedApps | Where-Object {$_.displayname -like $Application}
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Version)) {
            $DetectedApp = $DetectedApp | Where-Object { $_.ProductVersion -eq $Version }
        if ($DetectedApp) {
            $DetectedApp | 
                Select-Object @{l='DeviceName';e={$Device.DeviceName}}, @{l='Application';e={$_.displayname}}, Version, SizeInByte,
                @{l='LastSyncDateTime';e={$Device.lastSyncDateTime}}, @{l='DeviceId';e={$}} | 
                    Foreach-Object { $FoundApp.Add($_) }
    if ($ShowProgress) { Write-Progress -Activity "Done" -Id 1 -Completed }