
Function Get-ParentFunction {
    Returns details of the calling function from a variable scope
    Returns the FunctionName and the ParameterSetName which was used to invoke another function
    .PARAMETER Scope
    The Scope number from which to return the calling functions details.
    Function Test-Parent {Test-Child}
    Function Test-Child {Get-ParentFunction}
    $example = Test-Parent
    $example.FunctionName #Returns Test-Parent
    Function Test-Example {
        param([parameter(ParameterSetName = "ExampleParamSet")][string]$Name)
    Function Test-Parent {Test-Child}
    Function Test-Child {Get-ParentFunction -Scope 3}
    $example = Test-Example -Name "test"
    $example.Function #Returns "Test-Example"
    $example.ParameterSetName #Returns "ExampleParamSet"

        # The scope number from which to retrieve the parent function name
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        $Scope = 2

        FunctionName     = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope $Scope).Value.MyCommand.Name
        ParameterSetName = (Get-Variable PSCmdlet -Scope $Scope -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Value.ParameterSetName
