
function Get-PASSession {
Returns information related to the authenticated session
For the current session, returns data from the module scope:
- Username relating to the session.
- BaseURI: URL value used for sending requests to the API.
- ExternalVersion: PAS version information.
- Websession: Contains Authorization Header, Cookie & Certificate data related to the current session.
The session information can be saved a variable accessible outside of the module scope for use in requests outside of psPAS.
Show current session related information
Save current session related information
$session = Get-PASSession
Use session information for Invoke-RestMethod command
$session = Get-PASSession
Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri "$session.BaseURI/SomePath" -WebSession $session.WebSession

    param( )

    BEGIN { }#begin


            User            = Get-PASLoggedOnUser -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Username
            BaseURI         = $Script:BaseURI
            ExternalVersion = $Script:ExternalVersion
            WebSession      = $Script:WebSession
        } | Add-ObjectDetail -typename psPAS.CyberArk.Vault.Session


    END { }#end
