
function Out-PASFile {
    Writes a Byte Array to a file
    Takes a Byte Array from a web response and writes it to a file.
    Suggested filename from Content-Disposition Header is used for naming.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
    Content and Header properties from a web response
    Output folder for the file.
    Defaults to $ENV:TEMP
    Out-PASFile -InputObject $result

            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true

            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true

    Begin { }

    Process {

        If (-not ($Path)) {

            #Default to TEMP if path not provided
            $Path = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Temp")


        #Get filename from Content-Disposition Header element.
        $FileName = ($InputObject.Headers["Content-Disposition"] -split "filename=")[1] -replace '"'

        #Define output path
        $OutputPath = Join-Path $Path $FileName

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($OutputPath, "Save File")) {

            try {

                #Command Parameters
                $output = @{
                    Path     = $OutputPath
                    Value    = $InputObject.Content
                    Encoding = "Byte"

                If (Test-IsCoreCLR) {

                    #amend parameters for splatting if we are in Core
                    $output.Add("AsByteStream", $true)


                #write file
                Set-Content @output -ErrorAction Stop

                #return file object
                Get-Item -Path $OutputPath

            } catch {

                #throw the error


                        "Error Saving $OutputPath",





    End { }
